+Кейли Тамирианская
As much as I love FFIII and agree that this game sets a standard for what a fantasy-setting (To explain: Final Fantasies 1-6, 9, 11, 12, 14. Unsure of 10 since I haven't played it) Final Fantasy should attain and want to be, I think people criticize XIII for going in a different direction a bit too much. True, the game imho doesn't stand up to the likes of III, IV, VI, VII, and IX, but if I remember correctly XIII's development had a younger team that wanted to take the series in a new direction-one with a modern approach and feel, yet retained one or two fantastical qualities (Each character's summon, for example, though those are series staples so idk).
Make no mistake I'm not defending XIII, just curious about why they changed FF with XIII.