The rules of Trumpology - discovered from long and painful experience - state that Donald Trump makes a seemingly random, baseless, and absurd accusation only because he is currently doing what he accuses others of doing or intends to do it soon. His compulsive projection is almost like a perverse kind of prophecy or exhibitionism.
His recent unhinged accusation that the Obama administration wiretapped him therefore means, very likely, that he has illegally ordered surveillance on Barack Obama and probably on any number of other political enemies of his regime.
Frankly, given his paranoid personality and criminal inability to respect even the most basic laws, this was likely anyway. But his psychopathic need to advertise his malice with a preemptive accusation against his targets has given us a clear signal that he is actively doing so.
Let us all hope that loyal Americans in the intelligence community will actively sabotage, root out, and disclose any any such activities on his part and on the part of his Kremlin accomplices.
[–]hotpotate 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)