As you embark upon going your own way, it is perfectly reasonable to focus on yourself. Get your degree, your certification, and focus on your career. Save, invest, and eliminate debt and become financially independent. Follow your dreams, learn new skills, research, discover, and explore the world.
But what’s next? You’ve succeeded in creating your own domain. You are now self-sufficient, financially independent, traveled, experienced and wise. Is it time to give something back? Are you ready to share your success, experience, and wisdom with your younger MGTOW brothers? What does that look like? What ideas can you come up with that, not only help your younger brothers, but might just change society too?
Here are some ideas that I came up with:
MGTOW Scholarship – a scholarship for men just entering college or for older men who want to go to college after being divorce-raped.
MGTOW dormitories – low rent shared housing for likeminded men to get their start or pick themselves up after a divorce-rape to focus on their education/skills development/career and save money.
Pro Bono work for other MGTOW – professionals able to help other MGTOW with things like divorce (lawyer), taxes (accountant), physical fitness (trainer)
Mentor – Skilled professionals who would be willin to take on a MGTOW apprentice to teach them your trade.
Employment – business owners who offer jobs to MGTOW.
Preparatory school for boys – public schools have altered their teaching style over the year to be girlcentric, which have left boys frustrated, bored, and performing poorly. We need schools that cater to a boy’s way of learning to help them succeed.
Those are just a few off the top of my head. What do you think and what ideas do you have to grow and assist men going their own way?