@BraddJaffy @NBCFirstRead Surely it's only a matter of time before impeachment comes a callin'...
@grahamlithgow@BraddJaffy@NBCFirstRead it's taking too long
@BraddJaffy@NBCFirstRead Perhaps he should be reminded the "total witch hunt" was the Russia/Trump attack on Hillary's campaign... -
@BraddJaffy@mmurraypolitics@NBCFirstRead like hunting witches in a barrel -
@BraddJaffy@NBCFirstRead Preibus and Pence="There has never been any contact with Russia!" -
@BraddJaffy@NBCFirstRead Russian's told him to say that. Pretty bold to use the exact words -
@BraddJaffy@NBCFirstRead What's a term for many witches? Coven? -
@BraddJaffy@benjaminmoser@NBCFirstRead It's not a witch hunt. We're just trying to see who floats. -
@BraddJaffy@NBCFirstRead Well, at least the devil we know is back. -
@BraddJaffy@NBCFirstRead An Ambassador visited TTower & DT didn't even shake hands w him? Show him gold leaf samples? Give him a hat? -
@BraddJaffy@NBCFirstRead#Clean the Swamp", "Crooked Hilary", "Lock her Up" - who'd have thought wd apply so soon to new Administration? -
@BraddJaffy Yes, but there really are witches. -
@BraddJaffy@NBCFirstRead The media is just listening... -
@BraddJaffy@NBCFirstRead White House season 1 is like a never ending bad acid trip straight out of the 70's