Author: Arjan van IJzendoorn ( )
This document gives an informal overview of the Haskell syntax. A formal syntax can be found at the Haskell homepage. I've made this document because the book we use for teaching here (Haskell School of Expression, Paul Hudak) introduces language constructs by example and the reader may not get a feel for for the language as a whole. For example, to find out what things may serve as a pattern you would have to look through many chapters.
In the informal syntax rules I use a "..."-notation and subscripts. For example
name pattern1 pattern2 ... patternn = expression (n>=0)
This means that there can be zero or more parameters. Valid instantiations are:
pi = 3.14159265 nextChar c = chr (ord c + 1) simple x y z = x * (y + z)
Types are printed in italic.
Lines printed in bold are not valid Haskell, but show what the language construct looks like in general.
Most examples are Prelude functions which means that if you try to load them the Haskell interpreter or compiler will complain about functions being multiply defined. If you want to try them, you would have to rename them. I chose to use mostly Prelude functions because they are familiar.
Topics that are not discussed: monads, do-notation, class and instance declarations.Index:
A simple function definition is formed by the name of the functions followed by zero or more parameters, an equals sign and then an expression. Example:
simple x y z = x * (y + z)
In general the parameters can be arbitrary patterns:
name pattern1 pattern2 ... patternn = expression (n>=0)
Note that there are no parentheses around or commas between the parameters. It is good practice to write a type signature above the definition. In function definitions you can use guards and pattern-matching to make choices.
You can also bind a pattern to an expression.
Instead of simply binding an expression to a variable you can bind a pattern to it. It is wise to choose patterns that always succeed in this case:
(xs, ys) = unzip listOfPairs
(x:y:z:rest) = [1..]
In general,
pattern = expression
For another example, see the let-expression.
It is a good idea to always write a type signature above a definition. It tells the reader what types of parameters to provide, serves as documentation and type errors are detected closer to their origin. A type signature is formed by the name of the function, two colons and then a type:
simple :: Int -> Int -> Int
In general:
name :: type
If the function is an operator, parentheses are used around the name:
(++) :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
The type signature does not have to placed directly above the definition but it is customary to do so. One signature can declare the type of several functions if you use commas to separate them:
take, drop :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
Guards can be used to make choices in functions based on boolean expressions:
-- max x y returns the largest of the two max :: Ord a => a -> a -> a max x y | x > y = x | otherwise = y
In general:
name pattern1 pattern2 ... patternn | guard1 = expression1 | guard2 = expression2 ... | guardm = expressionn (n>=0, m>=1)
Instead of an equals sign directly after the parameters you write several guarded expressions. A guarded expression consists of a vertical bar followed by a boolean expression, an equals sign and then an expression. The guards are tried in textual order until one of them results True. The corresponding expression is then evaluated. otherwise is a guard that always results True. There is nothing special about it; in the Prelude it is defined as:
otherwise :: Bool otherwise = True
If none of the guards succeeds a program error is raised and evaluation stops.
sign :: Int -> String sign x | x > 0 = "+" | x < 0 = "-"
In Hugs:
Main> sign 0 " Program error: {sign 0}
Guards can be combined with pattern-matching.
In a function definition you can match arguments against patterns:
fst :: (a, b) -> a fst (x, y) = x
This pattern will always succeed, but there are patterns that may fail. In that case you write several clauses. Each clause looks like a function definition and together they form the complete function definition:
length :: [a] -> Int length [ ] = 0 length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs
The clauses are tried in textual order until one is found that matches. You can perform pattern-matching on several parameters at the same time:
zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a, b)] zip [] ys = [] zip xs [] = [] zip (x:xs) (y:ys) = (x, y) : zip xs ys
If none of the clauses match, a program error is raised:
head :: [a] -> a head (x:xs) = x
In Hugs:
Main> head [] Program error: {head []}
Pattern matching can be combined with guards.
In a function you can use a combination of guards and pattern matching:
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] filter p [] = [] filter p (x:xs) | p x = x : filter p xs | otherwise = filter p xs
The patterns are tried in textual order. If a match found there may be guards that have to be tested; the expression behind the first guard that evaluates to True is then evaluated. If no guard holds then the next clause is tried (if there is any). This fact is used in the following function:
allToUpper :: [Char] -> [Char] allToUpper (x:xs) | isLower x = toUpper x : allToUpper xs allToUpper (x:xs) = x : allToUpper xs allToUpper [] = []
Even though it is allowed, I personally find this code confusing.
The table below shows the things that can appear as patterns. Pattern is abbreviated to pat and constructor to Con. As you can see, patterns can be arbitrarely nested.
Pattern in general | Examples | Description |
[ ] |
[ ] |
Matches an empty list. |
pat1:pat2 |
x:xs |
Matches a non-empty list if the head matches pattern1 and the tail matches pattern2. |
(pat1, pat2 ... , patn) (n>=2) |
(x, y) (x:xs, 3, y) |
Matches a tuple provided that the components match the corresponding patterns. |
name |
x ys list |
Matches always. Binds the variable to the expression it is matched against. |
_ |
_ |
Matches always. No bindings are made. |
name@pat |
l@(x:xs) database@(name, fields, records) |
Matches when the pattern matches. Additionally binds the name to the whole expression. |
"string" |
"abc" |
Matches the given string. |
constant |
0 'b' 3.14 |
Matches when the parameter evaluates to the constant |
Con pat1, pat2 ... , patn (n>=0) |
Branch value left right True Just 3 |
Matches if the expression evaluates to the constructor and the parameters match the corresponding patterns. |
[pat1, pat2 ... , patn] |
[1,2,3] [(x,y),(3,'a')] |
Matches a list if the elements match the corresponding patterns. |
Expression is abbreviated to expr. In the table, some forms of expressions are listed. Other forms are discussed elsewhere: let, if-then-else, case, lists, tuples, list comprehensions, lambda.
In general | Example | Description |
name |
x xs map foldl' |
variable, function |
constant |
0 'b' 3.14 |
constant |
expr expr1 expr2 ... exprn |
map f xs foldr (:) [] xs plus 3 4 (fst funs) 5 |
function application |
expr1 operator expr2 |
3+4 3 : list x ^^ 2 |
operator application |
List comprehensions can often be used instead of map, filter and concat to produce nicer results:
[ x*x | x <- [1..3] ] [ (x, y) | x <- [1..3], y <- "ab"]
The expression to the left of the vertical bar is computed for each combination of values from the generators on the right. The right-most generator changes more quickly, i.e. in the 2nd example first all possibilities of y are tried before we look at the next x. The expressions above have the following results:
[1,4,9] [(1,'a'),(1,'b'),(2,'a'),(2,'b'),(3,'a'),(3,'b')]
It is also possible to filter elements in a list comprehension. This is done by writing a expression of type Bool among the generators. The expression can only refer to earlier generators:
[ (x,y) | x <- [1..4], even x, y <- "ab" ]
results in
You can use list comprehensions to write elegant definitions for the Prelude functions map and filter:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map f xs = [ f x | x <- xs ]
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] filter p xs = [ x | x <- xs, p x ]
Anonymous function can be made using lambda expressions. For example
\x -> x + 1
is a function with one parameter which it will add one to. Lambda expressions prove useful as arguments to for example map:
map (\xs -> zip xs [1..]) list
In general:
\pattern1 pattern2 ... patternn -> expression (n>=1)
You can use the .. notation as a short-hand to write down lists:
Expression | Result | Note |
[1..10] |
[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] |
[1,4..20] |
[1,4,7,10,13,16,19] |
Specify second element to change distance between elements |
[10, 9.. 1] |
[10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] |
Step size may be negative |
[2..] |
[2,3,4,5... |
You can build infinite lists, too |
[1,3..] |
[1,3,5,7... |
['a'..'z'] |
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" |
It works for all types in the class Enum |
Lists are ordered collections of elements of the same type:
[3,1,4,1,59,265] ['a', 'b'] [(3,'a'), (4,'m')]
The type of the above expressions are:
[Int] [Char] [(Int, Char)]
Lists are viewed by Haskell as being empty or having a head (the first element) and a tail (the rest of the elements). Using pattern-matching you can find out whether the list is empty or not and if not continue pattern-matching on the head and the tail:
length :: [a] -> Int length [] = 0 length (_:xs) = 1 + length xs
The constructors [] and : can not only be used as patterns but also to construct lists:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] map f [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
Actually, [1,2,3] is a short-hand for 1:2:3:[].
There are several special notations for lists; see String, list comprehensions and the dot dot notation.
With tuples you can combine values of (possibly) different types:
(10, 20) ('a', 10) ([1..3], "a string", True, 'c')
The type of a tuple mentions the types of the components. Above expressions have the following types:
(Int, Int) (Char, Int) ([Int], String, Bool, Char)
Tuples can be used if you want to return multiple results from a function:
headAndTail :: [a] -> (a, [a]) headAndTail (x:xs) = (x, xs)
With a case expression you can perform pattern matching at the expression level (as opposed to at the function definition level):
length :: [a] -> Int length xs = case xs of [] -> 0 (x:xs) -> 1 + length xs
You can match one expression against several patterns.
Using let you can define local functions:
sum :: Num a => [a] -> a sum ys = let sum' [] total = total sum' (x:xs) total = sum' xs (total+x) in sum' ys 0
It also comes in handy when you define a recursive function that returns a tuple. You can unwrap the tuple immediately:
unzip :: [(a, b)] -> ([a], [b]) unzip [] = ([], []) unzip ((a, b):rest) = let (as, bs) = unzip rest in (a:as, b:bs)
In general a let-expression looks like this:
let functionDefinition1 functionDefinition2 ... functionDefinitionn in expression (n>=1)
The scope of the local functions is the expression to the right of the keyword "in". The "where"-construct is another way to define local functions. The two differ only in scoping.
Using where you can define local functions:
sum :: Num a => [a] -> a sum ys = sum' ys 0 where sum' [] total = total sum' (x:xs) total = sum' xs (total+x)
The functions defined in a where can be seen only in the clause it is next to:
sum :: Num a => [a] -> a sum [] = sum' [] 0 -- wrong, sum' can not be seen here! sum ys = sum' ys 0 where sum' [] total = total sum' (x:xs) total = sum' xs (total+x)
In general, the where construct looks like this:
clauseOfFunctionDefinition where functionDefinition1 functionDefinition2 ... functionDefinitionn (n>=1)
The let-expression is another way to define local functions. The two differ only in scoping.
At the expression level you can make choices using the if-then-else construct. Here is an alternative definition of filter (see also Combining guards and pattern matching):
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] filter p [] = [] filter p (x:xs) = if p x then x : filter p xs else filter p xs
In general:
if expression1 then expression2 else expression3
The first expression must be of type Bool. The other two expressions must be of the same type. If the first expression evaluates to True the second expression is returned, otherwise the third.
When many choices have to made guards can come in handy. Instead of:
kindOfChar :: Char -> String kindOfChar c = if isLower c then "lower" else if isUpper c then "upper" else if isDigit c then "digit" else "other"
you can write:
kindOfChar :: Char -> String kindOfChar c | isLower c = "lower" | isUpper c = "upper" | isDigit c = "digit" | otherwise = "other"
A type can be any of the following:
The -> in types associates to the right.
A type can also be overloaded which means that a polymorphic type variable is restricted in which types are acceptable:
max :: Ord a => a -> -> a -> aOnly types that are in the Ord class can be used when calling max. For more than one restriction the tuple notation is used:
showLargest :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> a -> String showLargest x y = show (max x y)
You can make new types in Haskell:
data Piece = Pawn | Rook | Knight | Bishop | Queen | King
Pawn, Rook and so on are called constructors of the type Piece. Constructors are valid patterns in function definitions and valid expressions:
promotesTo :: Piece -> [Piece] promotesTo Pawn = [ Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen ] promotesTo piece = [ piece]
Constructors can have parameters:
data Shape = Ellipse Float Float | Square Float | Polygon [(Float, Float)]
Ellipse is now a constructor function of type Float -> Float -> Shape, so Ellipse 3.0 4.5 is a valid expression of type Shape.
Data types can be parametrised:
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
Nothing is of type Maybe a, Just is of type a -> Maybe a, so Just 'a' is of type Maybe Char.
safeDivision :: Float -> Float -> Maybe Float safeDivision x y = if y == 0 then Nothing else Just (x/y)
Finally, data types may be recursive:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Node (Tree a) (Tree a)
And here is a function that computes the sum of all the elements of a tree containing Ints:
sumTree :: Tree Int -> Int sumTree (Leaf value) = value sumTree (Node left right) = sumTree left + sumTree right
In general, a data type looks like this:
data TypeName typeVariable1 typeVariable2 ... typeVariablen = Constructor1 type1,1 type1,2 ... type1,m1 | Constructor2 type2,1 type2,2 ... type2,m2 ... | Constructorp typep,1 typep,2 ... typep,mp (n>=0, p>=1, >=0)
Using type synonyms you can give a new name to an existing type. String is a good example of this:
type String = [Char]
Type synonyms may also be parametrised with type variables:
type Pair a b = (a, b)
Now Pair Int Char is the same as (Int, Char).
In general a type synonym looks like this:
type Name parameter1 parameter2 ... parametern = type (n>=0)
Values of the built-in type Char are characters. You write them between single quotes:
'a' '\n' (newline) ' ' '7'
Values of the built-in type Int are whole numbers. They are limited in size (32 bits):
Main> 100 * (100::Int) 10000 Main> 10000000 * (10000000 :: Int) 276447232
The type annotation is necessary. Otherwise, Hugs will chose Integer as the type of the numbers. If you want to compute with really big numbers you should use the Integer type.
You can convert an Int to a floating-point number (Float or Double) using fromInt.
Values of the built-in type Integer are whole numbers. They are unlimited in size (apart from memory limitations):
Main> 100 * (100::Integer) 10000 Main> 10000000 * (10000000 :: Integer) 100000000000000
Compare this to the behaviour of Int.
You can convert an Integer to a floating-point number (Float or Double) using fromInteger.
Values of the built-in type Float are floating-point numbers:
Main> 10 / 2.4 4.16667
You can convert a floating-point number to an Int or Integer using truncate and round.
See Float. Doubles offer more precision.
Booleans are built-in but they can easily be defined using a data type definition:
data Bool = True | False
Expressions of type Bool can be used as the condition in an if-then-else or as a guard.
The type String is simply a type synonym for a list of characters (Char):
type String = [Char]
There is a convenient notation for strings. Instead of writing
['h','e','l','l','o',' ','w','o','r','l','d']
you can write
"hello world"
You can also use this notation in patterns.
You can annotate an expression with its type:
length [] = 0 :: Int length (x:xs) = 1 + length xs
You may want to use this if you don't want a constant to be overloaded, like in the example.
Operators are functions with a special name. Their name may consist of the following symbols !#$%&*+./<=>?@\^|-~ . The name of a constructor operator must start with a colon (:). When you write down the type of an operator you have to put the name between parentheses:
(+++) :: (a, b) -> (b, c) -> (a, b, c) (x, y) +++ (y, z) = (x, y, z)
Putting an operator between parentheses in expressions allows you to use it as a prefix function:
(+) 3 4 (:) 3 [1,4]
On the other hand, you can write a function between back quotes and treat it as an operator:
10 `mod` 3 4 `elem` listOfNumbers
See also quotes.
In Haskell you don't need parenthesis around and commas between parameters. You can write them but it means something different:
plus :: (Int, Int) -> Int plus (x, y) = x + y
This is a function with one parameter, namely a pair of values. Normally, you would define it like this:
plus :: Int -> Int -> Int plus x y = x + y
This allows you to partially parametrise the function:
map (plus 3) [1..10]
In function application you need parentheses only if Haskell would misinterpret it. The rules are that application binds stronger than anything else and associates to the left:
map f filter g xs
This is seen as map receiving four arguments which would be a type error. Probably, this is meant:
map f (filter g xs)
A simple rule of thumb is to write parentheses when you pass something 'complex'. Simple things are constants, variables and things that have brackets of their own (tuples, lists, list comprehensions).
Here is an overview of all the uses of quotes in Haskell and their meaning:
'a' |
a value of type Char |
"yada" |
a value of type String |
`mod` |
function mod used as an operator, e.g. 12 `mod` 5 |
foldl' |
a single quote as part of the name of a function |
One-line comments start with two minus signs and end at the end of the line. Multi-line comments start with {- and end with -}.
{- Filter selects those elements for which the given predicate returns True -} filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] -- filter is polymorphic! filter p [] = [] filter p (x:xs) = if p x then x : filter p xs else filter p xs
Normal names (as opposed to operator names) may contain letters, digits and the two symbols ' and _. Names of functions, parameters, variables and type variables must start with a small letter or a _. Names of types and constructors must start with an upper case letter.
Valid names:
x foldl' long_name unzip3 concatMap _yada Bool Cons TreeNode Int
See also operators for rules about their names.