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Tags: leftism (CLICK HERE FOR MORE LEFTIST 8CHAN BOARDS), politics, activism, news

File: fb023f2336bac7f⋯.png (144.89 KB, 449x401, 449:401, LMAO.png)

File: 406b5143bd64889⋯.jpg (72.33 KB, 749x659, 749:659, Bitter Profits.JPG)


The new film "Bitter Harvest" shows the Ukrainian "famine" aka "Holodomor" and has heavy Anti-Communist and Anti-Russian rhetoric.

The Film Got 9% On Rotten Tomatoes

Biggest Anti-Communist film flop this year!

Stalin is up in heaven laughing his ass off.


I guess you can say it was a Bitter Harvest.


85% liked it tho



>the Ukrainian "famine"

There was a famine. The dispute is whether it was the evil Russians genociding the Ukrainians or not.

Also, all the normies who watched it evidently liked it.



>Users rated


Mate, its only been out for a few days, mostly in Ukraine itself. Its not even worlwide premiered.



What I wanted to say with this number is that like with all movies, the first reviews of the movie are either paid for the by makers or made by people who haven't seen it, but like the idea of the movie.



Read the reviews yourself. Most don't know what they are talking about.


The film will not be remembered like Schindler's List (this is what the right was hopeing for).



>the movie doesn't do a good enough job exposing the true horror of communism

kill me



it was 4D horror


So the Communist critics hated it and the common working people who watched it liked it.

Tards call it a flop.


File: a06469f22c3b741⋯.gif (358.38 KB, 154x150, 77:75, 95f20c9cfaaa4b0aaea8935f78….gif)


>Simplistic, sloppy and mostly unconvincing.

>Hard to sit through, but sadly for the wrong reasons.

>Kitsch romance amid Uncle Joe Stalin's pogroms.

Oh boy, here we go!


File: 64607a47e41d56a⋯.jpg (13.8 KB, 255x213, 85:71, d7e15b38ee111357dbf0fa892c….jpg)

Taken from one of the audience rewievs:

… . Well done! To those reviewers who claim this tragic death by starvation genocide of War krainian people, never too place, you must be also a Holcaust denier and a Stalin sympathizer spouting fake news.

She gave the movie 5/5 stars



>it is another everybody i don't like are communist episode



Did you see the film anon?


Should had made a review like "10/10 would starve again."



>Has it been overtaken by redditors? Hmmmmm

The answer is yes.

But that doesnt stop me from laughing at the movie and its reviews.



>This board wasn't always like this. Has it been overtaken by redditors?



Stop that. Redditors do this.



No, but it does seem to get the attention of your kind more than usual.



>its a 'cultural marxism' conspiracy theorist who thinks all academia and intellectuals are communists post

hello brainlet



Have you seen it?

All I said was that the people who did see it ranked it up to 85% The common working person who saw it liked it.



No, not all of them.

The are well represented though.







I know, but I need a little light in my life.


File: f9a580189b19047⋯.jpg (56.36 KB, 289x385, 289:385, REMOVE FASCIST.jpg)



No one cares about your feelings Fritz.

Now go to the wall.



>ate, its only been out for a few days, mostly in Ukraine itself. Its not even worlwide premier

It's a small sample size. But I'm not wrong, the common working people who saw it liked it and rated it to 85%




>Paying to see an Anti-Communist propaganda film

Nice try porky.



If you haven't seen it, how do you know it's an anti-communist propaganda film?

You just take other peoples word for it?



It's a small sample size in a country that's now a de facto fascist state where neo-Nazi gangs roam the street and have infiltrated the state all paid for generously by the USA thank you Vicky Nuland the fact they could only get 700 Ukrainian or Ukrainian trollbots to astroturf to shill for it is funny in itself



Aren't you curious at all as to what they are saying about Communism?



I saw the tralier, watch it yourself >>1419665

I might try to find a free stream of the film.


File: 510f76f95d9f9b8⋯.jpg (48.6 KB, 1084x247, 1084:247, clipboard.jpg)

I made this.

If you haven't given a negative review of this film posing as a Russian shill/tankie then you are not my comrade.


File: 7292fc34c5314fb⋯.jpg (17.19 KB, 400x278, 200:139, 3366136.jpg)


File: 5555902646b4dfb⋯.jpg (53.51 KB, 372x527, 12:17, morning routine.jpg)


>Ivans review of bitter harvast

10/10 shitpost



>Rotten tomatoes is corrupt. As is Yelp and other similar services. As are professional reviewers in general.

Nobody's denying that ITT. The funny part is that capital's corrupt PR wing couldn't confidently shill an anti-communist movie to the consumer, presumably because it was just so bad.

Think of it from your perspective, what if jew-controlled Hollywood gave a holocaust film a crateload of bad reviews?


File: 536b6f7f9ffca78⋯.png (784.47 KB, 1990x762, 995:381, cdb92d32c7273e1e2c6e7a5eb5….png)


>Not to mention that many people were hoarding grain

Fucking lost


File: 2c4a3d47b0ab7b6⋯.webm (3.74 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, comrade.webm)




Leave a 1/5 star rating saying "Stalin did nothing wrong, kulaks deserved it" and downvote the trailer.



It's an american "movie". America only produces garbage "movies".That's all i need to know.

Do all the characters speak in perfect english? Does it have a sequence with a very sad piano song telling people they should cry on that particular scene?

Americans don't know how to make films kek, they only make movies.



It's because of capitalism. In the future when we have communism, America won't be a joke anymore and will have real culture and art.


File: 83b5f1b0e4ea3f5⋯.png (30.07 KB, 372x232, 93:58, Proyectshill.png)

Wow, look who showed up to apologize for this piece of porky propaganda.



Oh man, that is fucking hilarious I'm going to do one.


File: 46869c1d9046719⋯.png (15.46 KB, 741x70, 741:70, bitterharvest.png)




Copy and paste into the address bar. Do not click. That is how porky tracks you came from here.



Fuuuuuck I did that. Thanks for the heads up though pirate poster.



They'll track you either way. Don't be silly.



Hopefully it'll be a smoldering wasteland.


even if you accept everything the movie has to say about Stalin and Communism as 100% fact, turning this movie into a fucking romance story doomed it from the start.

That would be like doing a movie about the native american genocide and awkwardly shoehorning Pocahontas into the narrative.



You don't understand nationalistist propaganda, and the film was made by ukranian neo-nazis. It shouldn't be like they suffered, but heroically fought to not sound "defeatist". They needed "breed more whites" message too. So they ended up creating this clusterfuck.


As a descendant of Jews who escaped the Ukrainian pogroms this really pisses me off.





But yeah the Ukrainians are so oppressed lol. Every Jewish person I know doesn't trust the Ukrainians and that's not even a joke.



I wonder why that is.



Fun fact: Ukraine means the fringe and Ukrainians are people living on the fringe.

It's not a name Russians gave them, but it was the Poles. Poles always disdained the fringe people.

Also kulak is the Russian word for fist. I wonder why they got called that way.


File: 62f46c6378ac6df⋯.jpg (25.17 KB, 600x512, 75:64, nick-young-confused-face-3….jpg)


>Stalin sympathisers are Holocaust deniers

U wot m8



who's that kid in the webm











Guys, you're saying that this is some bit of propaganda, and saying it's supposed to slay communism. It's not and it doesn't.

First, the movie is a low budget indie film.

Second, it's made by people who are the children of those experienced Stalins oppression directly. These things happened to their families.

Third, all these families have ever experienced is authoritarian socialism, not libertarian socialism. When then only socialism you know of is authoritarian socialism that your family directly experienced, then it makes sense that you would think of it this way. If these film makers were the children of people who fought the fascists in revolutionary Spain, then this film would be about how evil the fascists were and the bertayal of the communists and how great libertarian socialism was.

This thread is full of people missing the point entirely and asspained tankies who aren't missing anything at all but get trigged by any bad words thrown in Daddy Joes direction.



The Holodomor never happened bro



No shit, the audience scores are by the retards the movie is pandering to.

Similarly: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/gods_not_dead_2/



We need to bring down this number



>Second, it's made by people who are the children of those experienced Stalins oppression directly. These things happened to their families.

The producer freely admits, however, that he believes most people with left wing opinions are evil and should be ostracized on this basis alone.

Tragedies do not excuse intellectual dishonesty. Ever.


>the holodomer never happened

>lol it was bad weather

>it was bad weather

>bad weather


>kulaks aren't humans

>they were filthy capitalist collaborators

>they were going to try to overthrow the USSR

>Comrade Stalin didn't know about the food confiscations/withholding

>it had to be done to protect the USSR during a difficult time

>they deserved it

>we didn't do it on purpose, but we're glad it happened

>we did it on purpose and we would do it again

t. psychopath




the Quora post that agrees with me is the best one, trust me guys there's no evidence that the NKVD and Red Army withheld food from the Ukrainians and were mass murdering Kulaks and conservatives. The millions that died in gulags and shallow mass graves during the holodomer, the millions of peasants who were murdered, it was an accident. Trust me, this guy with the Eastern Euro name will clarify it for you. If i keep posting sources that agree with me I win. It was an accident and not a sign of complete evil levels of incompetence if it was an accident. The state should sieze huge amounts of food resources. The same thing didn't happen in China, where Mao on purpose took food away from dissident communities and sent in death squads to cull them. Nope its not a pattern of behavior that rulers have done for millenia. Read teh quora post that agrees with what I believe which has only changed in the general historical discussion because Marxist intellectuals have completely colonized Academia. Trust me, its all propaganda. the hundreds of thousands of survivors who say it was on purpose and report the NKVD and Red Army mass murdering whole villages, that's all fake. Those people are lying. I believe these people over the ones who actually lived through it. I also believe racial statistics over lived experiences inside of all-black ghettos and the reports of black people (oh wait whoops I'm not pol, sorry I better isolate that understanding. Set up a little cog diss if you know what i'm saying) Can't have my double think being exposed wew



the posts there are all lolworthy

"kulaks asked for it"

"it was an accident"

"peasants refused large scale foreiture of their ancestral farm lands to the bug people in the cities"

"he had no choice"

"well yeah quite a few people died because their parents were wealthier farmers, a lot actually, but it wasn't ethnic"

"stalin wasn't russian so it wasn't ethnic"

"it had nothing to do with the reactionary tendencies of the Ukrainian rural folk"

you people are as bad as pol, and half the people posting on there are biased pro-soviet supporters and leftist intellectuals. Only unbiased historians should be weighing in and actual death stats should be used in correlation with arguments about the motivations for the genocide. Which it was, a genocide of christians and farmers and conservatives. Which was the point. You disingenuous scum fuck



Hi /pol/


File: 7c45b0cfd12af2d⋯.png (39.99 KB, 721x271, 721:271, butthurtreviewer.PNG)



reverse Holocaust denial is truly weird



>Which it was, a genocide of christians and farmers and conservatives.

It wasn't though. It was mismanagement and your precious conservatives doing the hoarding. I mean they do that today which is why people are fucking hungry in America.


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>a subtle kulaks deserved it line



Except there is legitimately zero evidence the famine was man made it that Ukrainians were specifically targeted


>Duranty's coverage led directly to Franklin Roosevelt officially recognizing the Soviet Union in 1933 and thus revoked the United States' official recognition of an independent Ukraine.[14] A similar position was taken by the French Prime Minister Edouard Herriot, who toured the territory of Ukraine during his stay in the Soviet Union.


So was this like the genocide in Aleppo and Srebrenica or what?

It's hard to believe that Russians did not harvest enough food, so what do Holodmorists say is the reason russians decided to not hand out enough?



They withheld food and targeted Kulaks for mass terror campaigns and disappeared thousands of farmers, merchants, community leaders and religious figures. IT was a genocide the only people who deny it are leftists, left leaning intellectuals sympathetic to the USSR and NazBols/Tankies (because they want to do it again). Just admit it happened, the USSR killed 16 million people in the post war years. The idea that they didn't purposefully starve 4 million is absolutely unbelievable in light of Mao and Pol Pot doing the exact same things (on purpose)



>leftists are so sensitive about USSR's blood soaked history they have to manufacture history

>criticizes pol for doing this

>does it

>third party says, "you guys are denying a genocide and an act of mass terror by the State against its population, that's not right"

>"hurr hi pol"

this is unsettling. This board is in denial about a genocide that is one of the chief reason people mistrust the left. There is evidence that communist regimes confiscate food as a weapon against dissidents and this is seen in China and Vietnam and Cambodia.



LOL Mao did not start the famine on purpose he was just a retard. Pol Pot wasn't even a Commie and he was a US shill try harder



Yes he did and so did Stalin and only leftists believe he didn't. they were trying to control peasants thousands of miles away. its not as if this is unprecedented for dictators. Every major commie regime has used starvation as a weapon.



We're fighting against lies and misinformation. The arguments in favor of Stalin orchestrating a genocide do not stand up to thorough historical scrutinity. The Holocaust is far, far more air-tight then the "Holodomor" which isn't even believed by the academic primarily responsible for spreading it in American academia–Robert Conquest of MI5.

In Nazi Germany's case their own words and documents show that they planned to kill Jews, Slavs and other perceived enemies. In the case of the "Holodomor" no evidence has been found that the Soviets deliberately orchestrated a famine for the lulz. Belief in the "Holodomor" always comes down to a conspiracy theory that the Soviets were able to hush it up for decades and nobody except the fascists and right-wing press really knew the truth. No evidence can be found of Stalin's intentions to kill Ukrainians but in the bizarro world of Holodomor believers that's proof he really did mean to kill Ukrainians as he kept his intentions secret. So secret he never left any record of it…



>Every major commie regime has used starvation as a weapon.

as a weapon against whom, exactly, and for what reason?

see >>1421713 where are da proofs?

Or is this like the babies that saddam stole out of hospitals?



>where are da proofs

there's multiple well reputed books on the subject matter i'm sure you can find them with a quick google shop search. i'm not humoring you because even a cursory wikipedia search yields half a dozen well reputed publications that detail the atrocity.

>as a weapon against whom

individualists, dissidents, religious people, the poor, "lumpens", unfavored ethnic groups, wrongthinkers, people who refuse collecivization, people who refuse relocation

>for what reason

obedience, submission,domination of all of one's territories. The reasons the state does everything it does anon…

>Or is this like the babies that saddam stole out of hospitals?

are you one of those retarded people that thinks because the neo-cons took out Saddam that he didn't gas the kurds to death or mass murder his own people?



i'm not gonna buy a fucking book you moronic troll.

>individualists, dissidents, religious people, the poor, "lumpens", unfavored ethnic groups, wrongthinkers, people who refuse collecivization, people who refuse relocation

how did they target those? i thought all the ukrainians in rural areas were suffering? doesn't that create more dissidents?

please elaborate.

>are you one of those retarded people that thinks because the neo-cons took out Saddam that he didn't gas the kurds to death or mass murder his own people?

i have no idea what you are talking about.

if you are talking about the gas attacks on iranians, those happened with CIA approval. says the CIA. they declassify docs after 30 years, remember?

so from your non-answer i suppose that holodomor is indeed as real as the story about baby-snatcher saddam?


>famine of 1933 that claimed millions of lives in Ukraine,[2][better source needed]

>[2] "MEPs recognize Ukraine's famine as crime against humanity". Russian News & Information Agency. 23 October 2008. Retrieved 28 December 2015.


Surely nobody doubts the decision of our democratically elected European representatives.


Huh you know what i really don't get?

>Lastly, the resolution "calls on the countries which emerged following the break-up of the Soviet Union to open up their archives on the Holodomor in Ukraine of 1932-1933 to comprehensive scrutiny so that all the causes and consequences can be revealed and fully investigated".


Why would "those countries" (i guess we're talking about Ukraine?) not open up their Archives about this?



>i'm not gonna buy a fucking book you moronic troll.


>how did they target those? i thought all the ukrainians in rural areas were suffering? doesn't that create more dissidents?

please elaborate.

Arguing in bad faith. I will respond however because I know there are prospective leftists reading this and I don't want them to think anti-intellectual behavior is acceptable. Individualists as in people who insulted the party, Stalin, the revolution, the way things were done. People who didn't want to be relocated or told what to think or say. I have no idea why you would say "all ukrainians were suffering" out of context unless it was to straw man my argument. Specifically dissident farmers and villagers were targeted because they had resources Stalin wanted, either for war or otherwise. They were also a threat to the possession of Ukraine, with nationalism being very popular in the countryside at that time. There's dozens of reasons why a bloodthirsty absolute dictatorship would violently crush political and economic dissent.

> have no idea what you are talking about.

if you are talking about the gas attacks on iranians, those happened with CIA approval. says the CIA. they declassify docs after 30 years, remember?

Yeah I'm not CIA. I don't know what vested interest I would have in believing or not believing the story. I'm almost 100% positive they happened considering all empirical evidence and deductive logic about Saddam's motives and prior behavior patterns. It happened and was done to suppress a dissident ethnic group, just like Stalin's actions. I don't know why you keep denying this or trying to say it didn't happen (especially if the CIA did want it to happen). It seems like you're purposefully changing the intent, direction and flow of your logic to prevent me from responding directly to you.

You haven't even remotely cast doubt on the intent of the holodomer much less the gas attacks on the kurds (which happened, along with tens of thousands of people being murdered over the decades by him, with CIA approval).



You still did not explain how they managed to target dissidents without creating more dissidents with their famine.

I told you i don't deny the gas attacks.

Nor are the gas attacks related to the story about saddam stealing babies.

Stop shitposting. If you are a shill i recommend they fire you and hire someone less retarded.




Kek at the fake ideology.

Listen cuck, nobody called themselves an "individualist" in the first half of the 20th century.

I'd argue that what you know as a the dichotomy of individualism vs collectivism only took form well into the cold war.

Implying that Ukrainian farmers would describe themselves as "individualists" is pure ideology!



I should've read the answers properly. Reading it for a second time it's obvious that he is biased.

But still, your first post was a load of bs.



russian shills do not say that russia "retook crimea", as unlike western shills they do respect the people's decision in that referendum.


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there is absolutely no BS. with a backdrop of mass arrests, surveillance, torture, disappearances, summary exectuions, ethnic cleansing the idea that the Soviets, who were already behaving like savages, wouldn't starve the right wing peasants to grind them into submission is beyond implausible. Its a Christfag tier attempt at wishing away obvious implications from the evidence available. If there is smoke, there's likely fire. Without a doubt there was complicity from Soviet Officials, Red Army Generals and NKVD officers in the mass deaths of nearly 2.5 million peasants in the Ukraine. I really can't fucking believe you guys think the 2 or 3 incredible left wing academics who've "debunked" the holodomer constitutes an open and shut revision of history.




underrated post



File: 14552540996c452⋯.jpg (131.95 KB, 941x960, 941:960, 1fad66bcd241f52fb0480916d7….jpg)



File: eee6e4a1c1bb429⋯.jpg (416.27 KB, 1125x765, 25:17, jewish_laughter.jpg)


But Stalin persecuted the Jews, goy!

>inb4 /pol/

Hey, not my fault when a actual rabbi (Rabbi Benjamin Blech) says that.




well at least the parliament does get elected in what we call a democratic process.

sadly they're not the ones making the laws so they have to spend their time crafting resolutions to convince countries to join the EU so they can do austerity too.


File: 26c653e7ff44e78⋯.jpg (77.9 KB, 620x1000, 31:50, 26c653e7ff44e782ab273c2dd2….jpg)


Casting the Soviet's retarded-ass agricultural policy as a deliberate attempt to exterminate Ukrainians is just falsification of the fact. Not even Robert Conquest - an American conservative anti-communist writer who previously wrote a book condemning the famine as genocide - was forced to admit that it could not possibly be considered genocide after gaining access to the Soviet archives. All your bitching about "authoritarian socialism" and acknowledgement of all bourgeois propaganda does is make it harder for us to overcome decades of conditioning and bring socialism back into the mainstream.



File: 2fc4db34e0d607c⋯.webm (798.5 KB, 640x360, 16:9, robert conquest.webm)



>These things happened to their families.


>plz don't forget this sad event.jpg


File: b985e1bcc267846⋯.jpg (47.6 KB, 422x288, 211:144, tankie.jpg)

Is this thread just the same tankie poster replying to themself about Holdromor Don't Real!11 over and over?

is the film actually anti-communist or just anti-tankie bullshit? Because the latter could be very important and good to watch!



Tsarist russia = a land where anything was possible.

What do you think.



>who did nothing wrong

Fucking LEL.


File: f21f9ef5bdc2ec0⋯.jpg (110.68 KB, 1317x960, 439:320, a1ce1e59c81e9b1f756a46fac7….jpg)


"Life in the Russian Empire was perfect… "

"Until the fire nation Bolsheviks attacked!"



Not even a tankie, but holodomor is such bullshit. Zero evidence of it being a planned genocide despite the access to Soviet archives. Stalin was incredibly brutal and making up shit doesn't help at all in criticizing him. It's on the same level as inflating his kill count.



>Is this thread just the same tankie poster replying to themself about Holdromor Don't Real!11 over and over?

no, on the contrary see here >>1421896

should say "irrefutable proof" tho



Anybody knows if the few socialist parties in the EP were against the resolution?


File: 915b4cad80ba91b⋯.jpg (197.41 KB, 800x635, 160:127, 0aabd343586767eb8b83745b4b….jpg)



File: 5ebddfe5866ba79⋯.jpg (25.92 KB, 540x481, 540:481, 5ebddfe5866ba79a08b80b42b1….jpg)



So Jews didn't like it then..



Is this unironic?







No Ukie Nats were pissed.


ITT: Tankie scum unironically defending the Holodomor as some "historical necessity".

You will never gain power by defending one of histories worst atrocities.

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