Paul Ryan claims that congressional Russia probes have to be done by intel committees, but select committees can handle classified info too.
When they say intel committees must do these investigations because only they handle classified info, ask them about the Benghazi Committee.
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@Evan_McMullin Ryan is dirty on this Russia scandal. He should not be trusted. -
@TBrianMalone@Evan_McMullin Have any reason to say that? Or just because it's twitter & you can...? -
@_political_p@Evan_McMullin Start by looking at his behavior during campaign. Watch for when he shifts on Trump.
@Evan_McMullin The heck with that. We need independent investigation. Congress is too tangled in this for impartiality. -
@Evan_McMullin They're asking for it then. They're asking for IC to keep leaking, drip by drip until Cong. does something. -
@Evan_McMullin party before -
@Evan_McMullin Sessions was a Senator & was many times on the other side of the questioning. Why are GOP members acting like he didn't know -
@Evan_McMullin We don't need Classified Information leaked to the public which Democrats have done a lot of lately. So keeping it safe. -
@Evan_McMullin@Susan_Hennessey I wonder what secret off-shore banks could tell us about our leaders...#PanamaPapers -
@Evan_McMullin@jasoninthehouse@SenOrrinHatch hey you two! Ever heard of@Evan_McMullin? WATCH OUT! #2018 he will replace one of you! -
@Evan_McMullin how are any of these people still in charge of making ANY of these decisions? -
@Evan_McMullin Do you feel that Speaker Ryan's integrity has been compromised? - さらに表示
@Evan_McMullin Even that's not working for them.