Ex-Sessions staffer: 'No-brainer' for him to recuse himself

Ex-Sessions staffer: 'No-brainer' for him to recuse himself
© Greg Nash

A ex-staffer to Attorney General Jeff SessionsJeff SessionsEx-Sessions staffer: 'No-brainer' for him to recuse himself Dems demand FBI perjury probe of Sessions The Hill's 12:30 Report MORE said it should be a “no-brainer” for the former Alabama senator recuse himself from any probes related to Russian involvement in President Trump’s campaign.

The day after revelations that Sessions may have given false testimony on his contact with Russian officials, W. Hunter Walton, a former aide who also worked for Mitt Romney, pointed to his past work of trying to get Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan to recuse herself from an Affordable Care Act case since she worked in the administration while the law was being written.

“I spent countless hours working on argument for Kagen [sic] to recuse from ACA cases for Sessions. Recusal should be no brainer for him,” Walton tweeted on Thursday.

In Walton’s Twitter bio, he describes himself as “Never Trump,” despite his former boss being an early backer of the president who frequently served as a surrogate for the campaign.

Sessions said early Thursday morning that he’d be willing to recuse himself from any investigation related to Russian involvement in President Trump’s campaign if it’s “appropriate.”

The attorney general’s comments were sparked by reports late Wednesday that he spoke twice with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during the 2016 election, despite testifying under oath that he “did not have communications with the Russians.”

Sessions clarified in an NBC News interview that he did not discuss the presidential campaign with any Russian officials.

“Well, I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaigns,” Sessions said in the interview. "Those remarks are unbelievable to me and are false. I don’t have anything else to say about that.”

There has been mounting calls from Republicans calling on Sessions to step aside so that an independent probe can be conducted.

Democrats have also been calling for a recusal, while others — including House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck SchumerCharles SchumerEx-Sessions staffer: 'No-brainer' for him to recuse himself Liberal groups want Manchin removed from Dem leadership Impact, incidence of Chinese currency controls largely overblown MORE (N.Y.) — have called on Sessions to resign.