@Nate_Cohn Tom Brady?
@AlecMacGillis@Nate_Cohn Robert Davi? -
@_cingraham@KFILE@AlecMacGillis@Nate_Cohn i want that FSB file
@Nate_Cohn Alex Jones. Of course no one would accuse him of having any ties with reality, let alone Russia. -
@mitchellvango@Nate_Cohn He has been on Russian tv lately and has been celebrated by them as a herohttp://mediamatters.org/blog/2017/01/10/alex-jones-brags-about-praise-top-putin-advisers-russian-tv-his-pro-trump-coverage/214959 …
@Nate_Cohn David duke -
@drewrandolph@Nate_Cohn David Duke lived in Russia and has ties to white nationalists there. http://archive.adl.org/anti_semitism/duke_russia.html …
@Nate_Cohn Van Jones... too soon? - さらに表示
@Nate_Cohn Kind of looks like a bunch of guys went in together on a McDonald's franchise, doesn't it. -
@Nate_Cohn@ccotenj Ben Carson? Or did he just 'Uhhh... ' his way out of it? -
@CodeAnimal@Nate_Cohn nah, they didn't want to wake ben up.
@Nate_Cohn Van Jones? - さらに表示
@Nate_Cohn Quoting@BillCurryct : Marla Maples. -
@Nate_Cohn Maybe Alex Jones? -
@micahlef@Nate_Cohn Jones has been on Russian tv lately and has been celebrated by them as a herohttp://mediamatters.org/blog/2017/01/10/alex-jones-brags-about-praise-top-putin-advisers-russian-tv-his-pro-trump-coverage/214959 … -
@jenfries@textifyer59@micahlef@Nate_Cohn Of course, Dugin, again.
@Nate_Cohn Ted Cruz :) - さらに表示