@Amy_Siskind Chaffetz & McConnell too..Chaffetz refusing 2 Investigate Trumps conflicts & McConnell refusing 2 inform public during election -
@battletested5@Amy_Siskind And refusing to allow a vote on Garland - さらに表示
@Amy_Siskind Devos. Amway's #2 market is Russia. -
@stevenLholder@Amy_Siskind The more important DeVos connection is her brother, Erik Prince. Close Trump associate, big player with Russia.
@Amy_Siskind Every republican that voted not to investigate should be investigated. -
@SonyaBaker2@susanbrandon96@Amy_Siskind What I've been saying! Assume their complicity in cover up.
@Amy_Siskind CNN is only talking about recusal. We want resignation AND investigation. - さらに表示
Certainly nothing to see here folks, move along.
@Amy_Siskind#TrumpRussiapic.twitter.com/VEb5xo6qaN -
@Amy_Siskind@MattAsherS Add Wilbur Ross, the guy who gets the money through his bank in Cyprus -
@blinkblinkstare@ethomas3915@Amy_Siskind@MattAsherS the president of which is from Deutsche Bank who bailed out gump
@Amy_Siskind@jonrosenberg also: Trump. -
@Tam_Resist@Amy_Siskind@nextPOTUS45 Who is the guy in the middle? I know the guy on the right. -
@teeheeheemcfee@Amy_Siskind@nextPOTUS45 Manafort, Stone, and Atwater for those who don't recognize these people.
@Amy_Siskind Kushner -
@stylistkavin@Amy_Siskind Forsure Kushner he has loans with Russia he &@IvankaTrump went to Russia 8/2016 - さらに表示