1) UNPRECEDENTED: Here’s a list of Trump nominees/cabinet members who’ve made false claims to Congress under oath, in confirmation hearings
4) Now EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt: Falsehood about not using private email for official government businesshttps://thinkprogress.org/pruitt-lie-senate-epa-emails-3c750d5527ef#.1kyyqkfna …
5) Now Health Secretary Tom Price: Falsehood on whether he got a sweetheart deal from a healthcare companyhttp://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/two-nominees-who-said-false-things-to-congress-are-on-the-verge-of-being-confirmed_us_5893da08e4b09bd304ba9602 …
6) Now Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin: Falsehood on the topic of robosigning in predatory foreclosureshttps://twitter.com/SenBobCasey/status/826451966377103361 …
7) Now Education Secretary Betsy DeVos: Falsehood on her association with her mother’s Foundationhttps://theintercept.com/2017/01/18/trump-education-nominee-betsy-devos-lied-to-the-senate/ …
@yottapoint@theintercept for clarification, falsehood means lied - さらに表示
@yottapoint@evilsax oh now they was alternative facts