@owillis @Richard_Schiff Ooooouch.
@owillis@ericgarland Al Franken [encountering Sessions in the hallway]: Hi, chum. -
@owillis@ericgarland old Russian proverb: When in shark infested waters, swim towards the shore. -
@owillis Got my fingers crossed. -
@owillis@ericgarland Not enough blood. -
@owillis I wish. -
@owillis@BillinPortland#POTUS#Trump gonna need a bigger boat -
@owillis I wish they were circling 45 along with Sessions! -
@owillis@Richard_Schiff jeez. the Potomac is wider than I remember. Same colour though. -
@owillis@Richard_Schiff I see what you did there -
@pennyflames@owillis Dextrous display
@owillis Said the very same thing to my husband today.