"We never spoke to anyone from Russia about our plan to change US foreign policy to pursue an alliance with Moscow" is a weird line.
It's convenient for mainstream GOP to think Trump didn't advocating for a new pro-Russian tilt to US foreign policy but he clearly did.
This was happening at the RNC while Sessions and Kislyak were at the RNC not discussing the campaign. http://www.npr.org/2016/08/06/488876597/how-the-trump-campaign-weakened-the-republican-platform-on-aid-to-ukraine …pic.twitter.com/CcBlkoVt5U
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@mattyglesias Isn't the problem now, the lying under oath thing? -
@mattyglesias Not necessarily. The Kremlin has always made its position on the US providing "lethal aid" to Ukraine extremely clear: Against -
@mattyglesias Lost in all this - what did Putin/Russia do to deserve this fresh start. Unanswerable. -
@mattyglesias There are multiple innocent explanations, but his lying and trying to cover up the conversations throws doubt all over them. -
@mattyglesias I remember when Trump said he didn't now why that platform change on Ukraine was added. Maybe he was lying. -
@mattyglesias Sure, but why lie??? - さらに表示
@mattyglesias Clearly a conference needs to be held between the Powers. In Munich. In 1938 -
@mattyglesias why revise it? -
@mattyglesias I agree. I also believe this is reprehensible: https://youtu.be/sSmGQp6y9us I think the GOP has a spectrum of Russia/Ukraine issues