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- This is the list of all Pokémon that can call for help. The greater the call rate is, the more often the Pokémon calls for help. Every Pokémon not listed below have a call rate of 0, and so cannot call for help.
- Pokémon with a call rate of 3
- - Slowbro
- - Marowak
- - Kangaskhan
- - Scyther
- - Pinsir
- - Tauros
- - Gyarados
- - Lapras
- - Miltank
- - Sharpedo
- - Absol
- - Glalie
- - Relicanth
- - Lycanroc
- - Lurantis
- - Turtonator
- - Drampa
- - Dhelmise
- Pokémon with a call rate of 6
- - Raticate
- - Fearow
- - Pikachu
- - Clefairy
- - Jigglypuff
- - Parasect
- - Dugtrio
- - Persian
- - Golduck
- - Primeape
- - Poliwhirl
- - Kadabra
- - Machoke
- - Tentacruel
- - Graveler
- - Magneton
- - Muk
- - Haunter
- - Hypno
- - Seaking
- - Electabuzz
- - Magmar
- - Dragonair
- - Ledian
- - Ariados
- - Lanturn
- - Granbull
- - Skarmory
- - Porygon2
- - Pelipper
- - Masquerain
- - Hariyama
- - Wailord
- - Torkoal
- - Spinda
- - Vibrava
- - Whiscash
- - Luvdisc
- - Shelgon
- - Metang
- - Gastrodon
- - Drifblim
- - Munchlax
- - Lumineon
- - Herdier
- - Boldore
- - Krokorok
- - Garbodor
- - Alomomola
- - Braviary
- - Mandibuzz
- - Fletchinder
- - Klefki
- - Gumshoos
- - Oricorio
- - Ribombee
- - Mudsdale
- - Araquanid
- - Shiinotic
- - Bewear
- - Steenee
- - Palossand
- - Pyukumuku
- - Bruxish
- - Hakamo-o
- Pokémon with a call rate of 9
- - Rattata
- - Spearow
- - Sandshrew
- - Vulpix
- - Golbat
- - Paras
- - Diglett
- - Meowth
- - Mankey
- - Growlithe
- - Poliwag
- - Abra
- - Machop
- - Geodude
- - Slowpoke
- - Magnemite
- - Grimer
- - Shellder
- - Gastly
- - Drowzee
- - Goldeen
- - Staryu
- - Magikarp
- - Ditto
- - Eevee
- - Porygon
- - Dratini
- - Ledyba
- - Spinarak
- - Chinchou
- - Murkrow
- - Misdreavus
- - Snubbull
- - Sneasel
- - Corsola
- - Delibird
- - Smeargle
- - Wingull
- - Surskit
- - Makuhita
- - Nosepass
- - Carvanha
- - Wailmer
- - Trapinch
- - Barboach
- - Feebas
- - Snorunt
- - Bagon
- - Beldum
- - Shellos
- - Drifloon
- - Finneon
- - Lillipup
- - Roggenrola
- - Cottonee
- - Petilil
- - Sandile
- - Trubbish
- - Emolga
- - Rufflet
- - Vullaby
- - Fletchling
- - Pancham
- - Carbink
- - Phantump
- - Trumbeak
- - Yungoos
- - Grubbin
- - Crabrawler
- - Cutiefly
- - Rockruff
- - Wishiwashi
- - Mudbray
- - Dewpider
- - Fomantis
- - Morelull
- - Salandit
- - Stufful
- - Bounsweet
- - Comfey
- - Sandygast
- - Togedemaru
- - Mimikyu
- - Jangmo-o
- Pokémon with a call rate of 15
- - Caterpie
- - Metapod
- - Zubat
- - Psyduck
- - Tentacool
- - Exeggcute
- - Cubone
- - Pichu
- - Cleffa
- - Igglybuff
- - Elekid
- - Magby
- - Bonsly
- - Riolu
- - Pikipek
- - Charjabug
- - Salazzle
- - Oranguru
- - Passimian
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