Catlike Coding

Catlike Coding

Unity C# Tutorials

C# Scripting Tutorials

for the Unity Engine

  • Unity, C#, logic, mathematics.
  • Insight, control, results.

These tutorials teach you about C# scripting for Unity. The tutorials build on one another, introducing new programming concepts, math, algorithms, and Unity features. They will be useful to you, whether you're brand new to scripting or an experienced developer.

The tutorials are all written, not videos. They are enhanced with plenty of screenshots and diagrams. Recent tutorials also contain short animations.

The tutorials are written by me, Jasper Flick from Catlike Coding.



These tutorials provide an introduction to working with C# in Unity.

Mesh Basics

An introduction to procedural meshes. From a simple grid to deformable balls.


A series about understanding Unity's rendering pipeline. How a mesh turns into pixels that look like real objects.

Hex Map

A series about hexagon maps. Lots of strategy games use them.


Procedural noise is useful for lots of things. The series shows how to make your own.

Marching Squares

A series about drawing and reconstructing shapes using a 2D grid. Why not Marching Cubes? Because the concepts are the same for both 2D and 3D, and dealing with two dimensions is already complex enough.


Tutorials that can be considered small games.

Older Tutorials

These tutorials are old. They work for Unity 4. I won't update them to Unity 5. They still have value, but you'll likely have to make adjustments yourself.

Questions & Answers

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