‘You’re White’: Black Sports Columnist Calls Out Shaun King in Series of Brutal Tweets, Causing the Activist to Lose It

Sports columnist and commentator Jason Whitlock wrote a column defending Broncos quarterback and NFL all star, Peyton Manning after New York Daily News columnist and activist Shaun King wrote a piece attacking Manning’s “squeaky-clean” character. The article alleges that Manning sexually assaulted a young woman while attending college at University of Tennessee.

In the wake of that article, Whitlock’s column aimed to redeem Manning’s reputation and attacking King, a controversial Black Lives Matter activist.

“The guy that wrote this story for the New York Daily News, he’s not a journalist,” Whitlock said on the Dan Patrick Show Monday. “He’s a race hustler from Twitter, from the Black Lives Matter movement who stirs racial controversy to elevate himself. Listen, the guy’s been busted. First of all, he’s white and presenting himself as black. He said that as a child in high school he was allegedly attacked by a group of white people because he was black. Well, he wasn’t black and there were people saying that wasn’t why he was attacked and there’s no proof of it.”

But the real brawl began when both men took to Twitter, slinging insults, including one by Whitlock alleging that King isn’t even black. Caution: strong language.

The fight, of course, couldn’t end there. King proceeded to defend his “blackness.”

And King went to great lengths to back his claims:

At the end of the tweetstorm, King admitted that though his skin is actually white, he is biracial and has never been accepted by the white community:

This was followed by a few more tweets targeted specifically at Whitlock and the comments he made regarding King’s race:

After the lengthy rant, here’s what Whitlock had to say:

And apparently this was a satisfactory response. One Twitter user even called it the “mother of all mic drops.”

This isn’t the first time someone has called King’s race into question. Last August, a website published a copy of King’s birth certificate, which lists that both of his parents are white, despite King’s claims that he was born to a white mother and a black father. TheBlaze reported that MSNBC correspondent Joy Reid defended King, stating that his father was in fact black, but that his biological father is not the same man who is listed on his birth certificate.