Fellow users of /r/PussyPass,
The introduction of this new project started out with a sore leg, and for this we apologize. As you all know, the entire world is going through a strange shift in balance; there are many forces of power acting upon our reality at any given time. At the end of the day the only thing a free being can hope for is a place to speak one’s mind, in accordance with rational thought.
Pussy Pass has always centered around the blatant double standards between the sexes, and rest assured this content is still welcome. With this expansion, we hope to not only broaden the type of content that points out these misgivings, we wish to also narrow down exactly where these problems arise. There is a systemic effort across the top levels of government around the world to undermine the basic nature of humanity. There is an agenda to dehumanize and decentralize the Family Unit.
Users of Pussy Pass have always leaned towards a certain rationality : realism. We have noticed the uprising of anti-male rhetoric, and we realize the harm it is doing. Traditional, realistic viewpoints are being overridden in favor of an egalitarian ideology that attempts in one generation to completely wipe out and replace tens of thousands of years of genetic memory. The most obvious of these attacks is the sudden disregard for Sex Realism.
While I will not be focusing on gender politics in this post, I will be calling attention to a bit of basic biology. Men and Women are fundamentally different, both sexually and mentally. We serve different biological functions. This is being ignored today. We have been put into a system that seeks to ignore our sexual hierarchy, trying ever so hard to make a square peg fit into a round hole. Feminism would have us believe that Men and Women are exactly alike, that we are capable of the same physical feats, that we should not be bogged down with traditional views. Moreover, feminism would teach that Men are the dogs of war, the senseless mutts who rape and pillage without mercy. Men are the misogynists, the oppressors, the evildoers. Men are the racists, the pedophiles, the murderers, the scoundrels. Men are the problem, the ones to get rid of. This is the way mainstream thought would have us believe. We would be castrated if they had their way. It is assumed that most of the subscribers to Pussy Pass are males, and for the women who are here we applaud you, for the only way you would have been here in the first place is if you had seen the truth yourself. Something is not right in the way we conduct our day to day interactions.
We at Pussy Pass have always known these notions to be false, and we have pointed them out. The Family Unit is a key part to a functioning, harmonious society. Numerous studies have shown the effects of good and bad parenting, the needs of children as they develop through emotional maturity. There is a basic biological algorithm for raising successful humans in this world : The Father, The Mother, and the obedient Children. This institution is under siege. There is a disruption in our society.
Disruption in society, what does that mean? Let us first examine what a society is, what it is comprised of. Traditional European Culture is rooted in mythology, not just the metaphors of old gods but the actual essence of their symbolism. There is a pattern that our people have adhered to for millennia, embedded in our subconscious. We are not created equal, there are differences inherent in us all. There is a natural hierarchy that has been established. We must take this conversation to the base level, the genetic level. Speaking biologically, Males and Females are different. This is obvious but overlooked. Too often are we bombarded by the notions that there is gender equality when we all know that this is a blatant ignorance of the truth. There is a completely different chemical makeup between the two, and this is natural.
Men have historically been known to be the warriors. Women have historically been known to be the nurturers. These roles are spurred by the chemicals Testosterone and Estrogen, respectively. There is a biological need to fulfill the functions we were born to do, and if we do not fulfill them then a complex is developed inside the psychology. Our bodies are telling us to do one thing while modern society is telling us to do something else. This is the source of the disruption.
Current thought places guilt on a Man for being masculine, instills rebellious spirits in Women, and casts the Children out to the wolves to have their consciousness be flooded with counter-intuitive propaganda. There is a growing trend to destroy the sanctity of marriage between a Man and a Woman, to teach that it is honorable for a Woman to abandon her natural role as Mother, and that it is acceptable for a Father to not tend to his household. If left unchecked this type of thinking will soon have us living in a disconnected reality, where Daddy is always gone, Mommy is always unhappy, and the Children are force fed bullshit by the State and the Mainstream Media.
Another topic of rational thought being suppressed is that of Race Realism. There is a distinction between people of all races. Simply by sight alone can one identify the separation in the races. This is the first step, to see a difference. The second step is to take into consideration the average known tendencies of the races. We all behave differently and in accordance to the race we stem from. Immediately one is branded a “racist, bigoted coward” if this topic is approached. This is ignorance, and a knee-jerk reaction by people too afraid or too dumb to see the truth. Racial Hatred has no place in a functioning society, indeed I find the hatred of anything to be especially demanding and difficult to procure. Racial Realism, on the other hand, is merely the scientific observation of all the peoples of the world. Why is it so wrong to point out empirical data? Each race has its own traditional culture, IQ Bell Curves, likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. We here at Pussy Pass are not the racist bigots that others would think us to be. We only advocate for the truth, there is no assumption of supremacy. No one race is held in higher regard to others. We are all still human, we just act differently from each other. It is not racist to acknowledge this.
While this sub has mainly focused on one aspect of the problems I have listed, the new expansion project being carried out seeks to pinpoint the underlying mechanisms being used to illicit these problems. As stated before, all original PP content is still welcome. We know many users here have become outraged at this transition, and we sincerely apologize for the lack of communication. It is our hope to continue serving the reddit community, and we wish to actively engage each one of you in heartfelt, in-depth conversation about these issues. We invite you to stay and see where this project leads to, and even to contribute.
Thank You,
/r/PussyPass mod team
[–]smookykins [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]thepathelesstraveled [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Altrightisalright [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]FashyDash[S,M] [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]IBreakCellPhones [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]FashyDash[S] [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]JohnnyTruthSeed2 [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]tridentgum [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
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[–]The-Chronichttps://archive.is/LRe05 [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]6000000_DOLLAR_DICK [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]tridentgum [スコア非表示] (4子コメント)
[–]The-Chronichttps://archive.is/LRe05 [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]tridentgum [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]FashyDash[S] [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]dsquard [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]FashyDash[S] [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)