@mattyglesias @jbarro hope we all like paying $10 for a head of lettuce
@sarahscriberson@jbarro The evidence pretty strongly suggests that we will switch production to lower-quality, still-cheap lettuce.
@mattyglesias per capita GDP /income grows through productivity gains and automation and not through low paid workers. That LOWERS income -
@hrnext@mattyglesias OK, but how can we automate home health aide work & general home care for elderly? Robots? I don't think so.#aging -
@Hoyaejax@mattyglesias elder care maybe not as per current tech but industrial production will be
@mattyglesias@jbarro total GDP growth rate is unimportant. What's important is how fast is per capita GDP growing long term - さらに表示
@mattyglesias It's going to be funny 30 yrs from now when the US is desperate for immigrants to come here to support its aged population. -
@mrlv426@mattyglesias Try 10 yrs. number of family caregivers will increase 50% in next 8-10 yrs.
@mattyglesias Don't forget erecting self-defeating trade barriers, disrupting the EU and alienating traditional economic partners. -
@mattyglesias Don't worry, I am sure someone will find a way to blame Obama. -
@mattyglesias - It will also give the gov. an 'excuse' to start messing with us#boomers &#seniors retirement money. -
@mattyglesias@lil_fierce1 This will of course be impossible. But POTUS will always have a scandal to divert attention to Fake News -
@mattyglesias You're forgetting all those coal miner jobs. -
@mattyglesias You and your pesky reality-based math. -
@mattyglesias yeah GDP growth is the problem with racist detaination. -
@Hog_of_Rva@mattyglesias I think Yggy is just referencing GOP/trump stated goals
@mattyglesias An aging population who needs home health care aides who are, mostly...immigrants. -
@mattyglesias not when you can just make up numbers! -
@mattyglesias Dude said he wanted 4% GDP growth, so he'll just set the GDP Growth dial to 4%. How challenging could it be? It's just a dial. - さらに表示