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Handcrafted Polyhedral and Six Sided Dice made from 6 Different Metal Alloys and nearly 100 Species of Exotic Woods.
Handcrafted Polyhedral and Six Sided Dice made from 6 Different Metal Alloys and nearly 100 Species of Exotic Woods.
1,174 backers pledged $291,920 to help bring this project to life.

About this project



The Story:

So you want to know a little background on Artisan Dice? Check out this video interview I did with the awesome folks at BBG.CON last year.

Ok so if you're in a hurry and don't want to watch the video, here's the short version. My name is Charlie Brumfield. I'm fat. I'm bald. I have an unhealthy obsession with dice. Oh, and I like pie, which is one of the reasons I'm fat. I run a small outfit called Artisan Dice that was started as a happy accident right here on Kickstarter 1 year ago. Myself and the rest of the Artisan Dice crew are located in Dallas, Texas where we spend our days handcrafting dice from exotic woods and metals. We're  basically a bunch of gaming nerds with a penchant for making the best dice on the planet. 

Nothing about our dice is subcontracted to anyone. Every step of the process is done right here in house by our craftsmen, unlike a lot of other Kickstarter projects that outsource to a fulfillment company, job shop, or machine shop. Every dollar you spend goes to keep gamers like you making the dice you love. This is our job. This is our craft. This is what we do. We make dice. We make Artisan Dice. 

Backer Levels Explained:

We have a ton of them in the project. With over 100 different woods and nearly 20 different options for metal dice it can get a bit confusing. So here's what the backer levels are in a nut shell.

All of our dice sets come in a Solid red Oak dice box at no extra charge.
All of our dice sets come in a Solid red Oak dice box at no extra charge.

Dice Boxes:

For starters all of our dice sets come in a solid Red Oak dice box at no extra charge. Ok that's not exactly true. Anything from the Gaea's Preserve list comes in a Wenge Dice box. And if you select a Grove, Horde, or the Luggage, all dice contained in that level will come inside your Ray Jones dice box. Any addons will still come in their own Red Oak dice box. Each of our dice boxes are crafted from a single solid piece of wood. There are no joints to fail and it will last as long as you own your dice.

From left to right: Macadamia Nut w/ Copper Hardware, Bloodwood w/ Chrome Hardware, Desert Ironwood Burl w/ Gold Hardware, and Blue Mahoe w/ Satin Chrome Hardware.
From left to right: Macadamia Nut w/ Copper Hardware, Bloodwood w/ Chrome Hardware, Desert Ironwood Burl w/ Gold Hardware, and Blue Mahoe w/ Satin Chrome Hardware.

The Scribe:

With the $100K Stretch Goal we've unlocked The Scribe so you can now Get a matching pen and pencil with your dice! If you add on The Scribe to a set of dice we will expand your dice box to hold The Scribe as well. Like the set pictured below.

Prototype Scribe crafted from Bethlehem Olivewood in a Black Walnut Box.
Prototype Scribe crafted from Bethlehem Olivewood in a Black Walnut Box.

Like everything else we make, The Scribe is available in a myriad of options. To start with you can choose to have your Scribe crafted from any wood on the Druid's wood list, or you can choose from the Archdruid and Gaea's Preserve lists by adding on $15 or $30 dollars to you pledge. You also get to select the hardware that best matches your wood of choice from The Scribe's List Below.

The Scribe's List:

  • Copper
  • Chrome
  • Gold
  • Satin Chrome

You can read more about The Scribe in Update #20.

Prototype Stainless Steel Dice. All metal dice will use this font.
Prototype Stainless Steel Dice. All metal dice will use this font.

Metal Dice:

  • Dragon - A full polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) or a set of 10d10s crafted from your choice of Aluminum  Brass, Bronze, Copper, Stainless Steel, or Titanium.
  • Dragon's Breath - The same as the Dragon backer levels but your dice will be flame polished by our artisans to reveal a dazzling display of colors. Flame polishing results in a different rainbow of colors for each metal.
  • Chromatic Dragon - The same as the Dragon backer levels but available only in 6061 Aluminum and anodized to your choice of 10 different colors from the Chromatic Dragon list.
  • Armored Dragon - The same as the Dragon backer levels but available only in 6061 Aluminum and electroplated in either Chrome or Black Nickel.
  • Prismatic Dragon - The same as the Chromatic Dragon but includes each die anodized a different color. The Prismatic Dragon will include ALL colors from the Chromatic Dragon's list.
  • Drake - Single Metal d10s and d20s along with pairs of d6s. If you add-on enough Drake level dice to total 4 or more dice your order will come with a wooden dice box just like our full sets do.
  • Drake's Breath - The same as the Drake backer levels but your dice will be flame polished by our artisans to reveal dazzling display of colors.

From Left to Right: Stainless Steel, Brass, Copper, Aluminum, Bronze
From Left to Right: Stainless Steel, Brass, Copper, Aluminum, Bronze

These are the types of metal you can choose from at the Drake and Dragon backer levels.

  • Aluminum Dragon: crafted from Aluminum 6061 (~180 grains)
  • Brass Dragon: crafted from Brass 360 (~558 grains)
  • Bronze Dragon: crafted from Bronze 932 (~510 grains)
  • Copper Dragon: crafted from Copper 145 (~554 grains)
  • Steel Dragon: crafted from Stainless Steel 303 (~476 grains)
  • Titanium Dragon: crafted from Grade 2 Titanium

What are Dragon Dice? They are solid metal dice that are individually crafted for the gamer that demands the best dice on the planet. These are not cast zinc dice that are plated to look like other metals. These dice are machined from solid metal billets using the specific alloy listed. 

Note: Very early prototype d20s repurposed for use in flame polishing study. Final dice will be of much higher quality.
Note: Very early prototype d20s repurposed for use in flame polishing study. Final dice will be of much higher quality.

What about these Dragons Breath Dice? Well you can read more about them in Updates #4 and Update #5. In short we use a intense controlled flame to develop a crystaline oxide layer on the surface of the dice. By varying how hot and how long we flame polish the dice we are able to coax different colors from each of the different metals.

Titanium Dragon's Breath flame polishing test.
Titanium Dragon's Breath flame polishing test.
Early Aluminum prototype dice pressed in to service for anodizing development. Final dice will be of much better quality. You can read more about the anodizing tests in Update #12.
Early Aluminum prototype dice pressed in to service for anodizing development. Final dice will be of much better quality. You can read more about the anodizing tests in Update #12.

Aluminum cannot be flame polished so we had to come up with a different way do give our Aluminum Dragons some character all there own. To that end we took a vat of acid, bit of lightening in a bottle, mixed it together with just a spot of alchemy and developed out Chromatic Dragon line of Anodized Aluminum dice. Our Chromatic Dragon backers can choose to have their dice anodized with any of the following colors.

You can read more about the Chromatic Dragons and the Prismatic Dragon in Update #10
You can read more about the Chromatic Dragons and the Prismatic Dragon in Update #10
The First Sets of Prototype Exotic Wooden Dice.
The First Sets of Prototype Exotic Wooden Dice.

Exotic Wooden Dice:

  • Druid - A full polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) or a set of 10d10s made from your choice of over 70 different exotic woods on the Druid's wood list.
  • Archdruid - A full polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) or a set of 10d10s made from your choice of nearly 30 different exotic woods on the Archdruid's wood list.
  • Gaea's Preserve - A full polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) or a set of 10d10s made from your choice of finest exotic woods Mother Nature has to offer on the Gaea's Preserve wood list.
  • Dryad - Assorted wooden dice. We have levels that include a single d6, dF, d10, or d20, as well as a set of 5 assorted d6s or dFs and a set of 36 d6s perfect for you wargamers out there. All Dryad backer levels are made from a random selection of the over 100 species of woods we have available.
  • Nixie - sets of six sided dice made from your choice of exotic woods from the Druid's wood list.
  • Pixie - sets of six sided dice made from your choice of exotic woods from the Archdruid's wood list.
  • Nymph - sets of six sided dice made from your choice of exotic woods from the Gaea's wood list.
  • Ent - A full polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) or a set of 10d10s made from a specific type of burl wood (tree cancer.) Most of these are limited levels and will sell out super fast. 

In addition to our brand spanking new line of Dragon and Dragon's Breath Dice, we are expanding our line of wooden dice found in the above backer levels. Our Druid's and Gaea's dice are painstakingly handcrafted from exotic woods found all over the world. 

Our new Druid Dice will include over 60 new species of wood, in addition to roughly half of the 44 types of wood we launched our original Kickstarter with. That adds up to a metric ton of exotic woods for you to choose from at our Druid and Nixie backer levels.

Druid's Wood List 

Mark Sweetman's Montage of the Druid's Wood List
Mark Sweetman's Montage of the Druid's Wood List

And becuse that is nowhere near enough woods to choose from we added the Archdruid and Pixie backer levels for the $20K stretch goal. These levels can select from an even nicer, if a bit shorter list of woods of absolutely gorgeous woods to have the dice crafted from.

Archdruid's Wood List

Mark Sweetman's Archdruid Montage
Mark Sweetman's Archdruid Montage

Now that we've surpassed the $50K mark we've unlocked Gaea's Preserve. Which is a short list of the worlds finest woods. To make this cut, a wood must not only be stunning in it's own right, it must have a certain je ne sais quoi. An element and pure awesome that other woods just don't have.

Gaea's Preserve

  • Pink Ivory
  • Snake Wood
  • Ancient Bog Wood
  • Ancient Kauri
  • Ko'u
  • Khamphi Rosewood
  • Blue Mahoe
  • Bristle Cone Pine
  • Waterfall Bubinga
  • Mpingo (African Black Wood)
  • Narra
  • Desert Ironwood
  • Macadamia Nut

You can see and read more about these woods in Update #8, Update #16, Update #17, and Update #23.

Assorted Dryad d20's in a custom  "The Luggage" Dice Box by Ray Jones.
Assorted Dryad d20's in a custom "The Luggage" Dice Box by Ray Jones.

Groves, Hordes, and The Luggage:

  • The Luggage - The Luggage comes with your choice of a full polyhedral set of dice or 10d10s made from the exotic wood of your choice from the Druid's wood list. Instead of our standard Red Oak dice box that holds a single set of dice, The Luggage comes with a super swanky Ray Jones chest style box that will hold your entire Artisan Dice collection.
  • A Grove - is a collector's set of 5 polyhedral or 10d10 sets of dice made from the appropriate wood list as noted is it's description. A Grove come in a The Luggage sized Ray Jones dice box.
  •  A Horde - is a collector's set of 5 polyhedral or 10d10 sets of dice made from the list of metals in its description. All of your dice will be nestled in their very own laser cut foam insert inside a Ray Jones dice box that is slightly larger than The Luggage.

Our Hands on Approach to Crafting:

Each one of our dice are painstakingly crafted by the Artisan Dice crew from a solid piece of metal or wood. Once the rough dice are removed from the CNC machine our craftsmen finalize the shape and polish each facet of every die by hand in a labor intensive and time consuming process. Our dice never see a vibratory or rotary polisher. This handcrafted approach gives Artisan Dice wonderful crisp edges and a finish that can't be matched by automated methods. 

Every die is polished to bring out the material's true beauty. Most woodworkers stop sanding at around 400 grit. That's where we're just getting started. Most of our dice are sanded to a minimum of 800 grit and some woods are polished to 2000 grit. We actually have to buy our sanding disc from an auto body supplier as no woodshop carries fine enough sanding discs for our needs.

We're gamers and we pride ourselves on making functional pieces of gaming art. So unlike some other premium lines of dice, our dice are not shelf queens and are meant to be played with. If any of our Druid or Dragon dice should they ever become damaged we will repair or replace them for free. So by all means, role them like you stole them. 

Stretch Goals:

$15,000 - Red Oak Dice Box Upgrade: Unlocked

$20,000 - Archdruid Backer Levels: Unlocked

$30,000 - Dragon's Breath: Unlocked

$40,000 - Titanium Dragon: Unlocked

$50,000 - Gaia's  Preserve: Unlocked 

$60,000 - Chromatic Dragons: Unlocked

$70,000 - Prismatic Dragon: Unlocked

$75,000 - Kickstarter Exclusive Lime Green Chromatic Dragon: Unlocked

$80,000 - Druid Expanded: Unlocked 

$85,000 - Archdruid Expanded : Unlocked

$90,000 - Gaea's Preserve Expanded: Unlocked

$91,542 - Breaking Old Records: Unocked

$95,000 - The Dice Monster: Unlocked 

$100,000 - The Scribe: Unlocked

$110,000 - The Drunken Druid: Unlocked

$120,000 - Crunchy Nuts: Unlocked

$125,000 - Dragon's Scribe: Unlocked

$130,000 - Dragon's Breath Scribe: Unlocked

$135,000 - Scribe in a Box: Unlocked

$145,000 - The Nymph: Unlocked

$150,000 - Gaea's New Clothes: Unlocked

$155,000 - Gaea's Collector's Set: Unlocked

$160,000 - Gaea's Bounty: Unlocked

$165,000 - Graphite Dragon: Unlocked

$170,000 - Taste the Rainbow: Unlocked

$175,000 - Nickle Dragon: Unlocked

$180,000 - Armored Dragon: Unlocked

$183,084 - Double Down: Unlocked

$185,000 - Damascus  Dragon: Unlocked

$190,000 - Iron Dragon : Unlocked

$200,000 - Mega Scribe : Unlocked

$210,000 - Tungsten Dragon: Unlocked

$220,000 - Armor Up : Unlocked

$230,000 - Noble Dragon: Unlocked

$240,000 - Drake's Horde : Unlocked

$250,000 - Bahamut's Horde: Unlocked

$274,626 - Triple Play: Unlocked

Risks and challenges

Risks: I launched my first Kickstarter project a year ago, hoping to raise a whole whopping $300 and make a few sets of exotic wooden dice as a side project. To my surprise, the goal was met on the very first day and the project went on to receive over $90,000 in pledges. Needless to say I wasn't at all prepared to meet this demand, and ended up spending a ton of time and money on buying the right equipment and a developing the process to handcraft dice at a pace at which we can keep up with demand.

The experience gained from the first Kickstarter project means that we now have an excellent grasp of how much materials, shipping, and labor will cost. We have produced numerous prototype polyhedral sets developing the Druid and Dragon Dice lines we are now offering though Kickstarter. I am confident that they can be reliably produced at the highest quality and are something you'll be proud to own.

With that said we are facing one big problem. The small 4 axis desktop CNC machine and a low end laser cutter we purchased worked fine for developing the process of creating polyhedral dice. However now we find ourselves in a position where we need to upgrade our equipment as our current gear was never intended for the production environment. Added to that, the fact that some species of wood just can not be worked on our machine due to low spindle speeds and weak stepper motors. It has became obvious that we are in need of an upgrade. Especially to handle the Dragon Dice line as metal dice will require a larger machine to produce them on any kind of scale.

To that end we are using this Kickstarter project to raise funds to upgrade our gear to better withstand the rigors of the production environment. If we hit our funding goal we will be able to upgrade our current equipment and as our project grows we will be able to add better, faster, and more capable machines with each stretch goal to handle the increase in number of backer rewards we have to fill.

By setting up our project to scale with the number of backers we receive, it will allow us to tailor our work shop to fit demand without the need for unwarranted and potentially astronomical start up costs. Which gives our project a high probability of success.

Challenges: During our first Kickstarter we had a steep learning curve. First and foremost we were not prepared for the amount of backers we received. Unlike other gaming projects which tend to be produced in large overseas factories and shipped out all at once, we handcraft our dice right here in Dallas, Texas. Since we do everything under one roof, it can get a bit hectic. So to help facilitate the quick shipping and tracking of backer rewards throughout the crafting process we have created a new position.

Please allow me to introduce the High Master of the Books to the Grand Craftsman of Wooden Randomness, Slayer of Numbers, Bringer of Order, and Maestro of Shipping; David McLeod. He is solely responsible for ensuring that all of our backers receive their rewards as ordered and in a timely fashion, as well as facilitating prompt responses to all of your questions.

Since David was promoted to High Master of the Books to the Grand Craftsman of Wooden Randomness, Slayer of Numbers, Bringer of Order, and Maestro of Shipping our ability to track and process orders has gotten infinitely better, this combined with our better understanding of production techniques and the scaleable project model, will allow us to deliver all of our backer rewards in a timely fashion, no matter how many backers we receive.

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  1. Select this reward

    Pledge $7 or more About $7

    Dryad: A single laser engraved d6 or dF made from a random selection of nearly 100 exotic species of wood.

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    25 backers
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  2. Select this reward

    Pledge $12 or more About $12

    Aluminum Drake: Two laser engraved solid metal d6s or dFs crafted from 6061 Aluminum in your choice of 1/2" or 3/4" sizes. If you add on a second pair of dice, all 4 dice will come in our wooden dice box.

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  3. Select this reward

    Pledge $12 or more About $12

    Chromatic Drake: Two laser engraved solid metal d6s or dFs crafted from 6061 Aluminum in your choice 1/2" and 3/4" sizes. Then anodized to your choice of colors from the Chromatic Dragons list. If you add on a second pair of dice, all 4 dice will come in our wooden dice box.

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  4. Select this reward

    Pledge $18 or more About $18

    Dryad: A single d10 made from a random selection of nearly 100 exotic species of wood.

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  5. Select this reward

    Pledge $21 or more About $21

    Dryad: A single d20 made from a random selection of nearly 100 exotic species of wood.

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  6. Select this reward

    Pledge $22 or more About $22

    Armored Drake: Two laser engraved solid metal d6s or dFs crafted from 6061 Aluminum in your choice 1/2" and 3/4" sizes. Then Electroplated with your choice of Chrome or Black Nickel. You can read more about the Armored Drake in Update #27

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    4 backers
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  7. Select this reward

    Pledge $26 or more About $26

    Drake: Two laser engraved solid metal d6s or dFs crafted from your choice of Brass 360, Bearing Bronze 392, Tellurium Copper 145, or Stainless Steel 303 in your choice of 1/2" or 3/4" sizes. If you add on a second pair of dice, all 4 dice will come in our wooden dice box.

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  8. Select this reward

    Pledge $28 or more About $28

    Drake: A single solid metal d10 crafted from your choice of Aluminum 6061, Brass 360, Bearing Bronze 392, Tellurium Copper 145, or Stainless Steel 303.

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  9. Select this reward

    Pledge $28 or more About $28

    Chromatic Drake: A single solid metal d10 crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and anodized the color of your choice from the Chromatic Dragons list.

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    2 backers
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  10. Select this reward

    Pledge $29 or more About $29

    Nixie: A set of 5 laser engraved d6s or dF crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Druid's wood list. Perfect for table top games.

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  11. Select this reward

    Pledge $29 or more About $29

    Assorted Dryad: A set of 5 laser engraved d6 or dF made from a random selection of nearly 100 exotic species of wood. Each of the 5 dice will be made from a different wood. This is a great way to get a variety of dice.

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  12. Select this reward

    Pledge $31 or more About $31

    Drake: A single solid metal d20 crafted from your choice of Aluminum 6061, Brass 360, Bearing Bronze 392, Tellurium Copper 145, or Stainless Steel 303.

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  13. Select this reward

    Pledge $31 or more About $31

    Chromatic Drake: A single solid metal d20 crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and anodized the color of your choice from the Chromatic Dragons list.

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  14. Select this reward

    Pledge $36 or more About $36

    Drake's Breath: Two laser engraved and flame polished solid metal d6s or dFs crafted from your choice of Brass 360, Bearing Bronze 392, Tellurium Copper 145, or Stainless Steel 303 in your choice of 1/2" or 3/4" sizes. If you add on a second pair of dice, all 4 dice will come in our wooden dice box.

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  15. Select this reward

    Pledge $38 or more About $38

    Drake's Breath: A single flame polished solid metal d10 crafted from your choice of Aluminum 6061, Brass 360, Bearing Bronze 392, Tellurium Copper 145, or Stainless Steel 303.

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  16. Select this reward

    Pledge $38 or more About $38

    Armored Drake: A single solid metal d10 crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and Electroplated with your choice of Chrome or Black Nickel. You can read more about the Armored Drake in Update #27

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  17. Select this reward

    Pledge $41 or more About $41

    Drake's Breath: A single flame polished solid metal d20 crafted from your choice of Aluminum 6061, Brass 360, Bearing Bronze 392, Tellurium Copper 145, or Stainless Steel 303.

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  18. Select this reward

    Pledge $41 or more About $41

    Armored Drake: A single solid metal d20 crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and Electroplated with your choice of Chrome or Black Nickel. You can read more about the Armored Drake in Update #27

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  19. Select this reward

    Pledge $42 or more About $42

    Titanium Drake: Two laser engraved solid metal d6s or dFs crafted from Grade 2 Titanium in your choice of 1/2" or 3/4" sizes. If you add on a second pair of dice, all 4 dice will come in our wooden dice box.

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  20. Select this reward

    Pledge $43 or more About $43

    Pixie: A set of 5 laser engraved d6s or dF crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Archdruid's wood list. Perfect for table top games.

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    17 backers
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  21. Select this reward

    Pledge $45 or more About $45

    Titanium Drake: A single solid metal d10 crafted from Grade 2 Titanium.

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  22. Select this reward

    Pledge $47 or more About $47

    Noble Drake: Two laser engraved solid metal d6s or dFs crafted from 6061 Aluminum in your choice 1/2" and 3/4" sizes. Then Electroplated with your choice of Silver, Gold, and Platinum. You can read more about the Noble Drake in Update #37

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  23. Select this reward

    Pledge $48 or more About $48

    Titanium Drake: A single solid metal d20 crafted from Grade 2 Titanium.

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  24. Select this reward

    Pledge $52 or more About $52

    Titanium Drake's Breath: Two laser engraved solid metal d6s or dFs crafted from Grade 2 Titanium in your choice of 1/2" or 3/4" sizes. Then flame polished to a vibrant rainbow of colors. These dice are the most colorful of all the Dragon's Breath Dice. If you add on a second pair of dice, all 4 dice will come in our wooden dice box.

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  25. Select this reward

    Pledge $55 or more About $55

    Titanium Drake's Breath: A single solid metal d10 crafted from Grade 2 Titanium and flame polished to a vibrant rainbow of colors. These dice are the most colorful of all the Dragon's Breath Dice.

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  26. Select this reward

    Pledge $57 or more About $57

    The Scribe: A matching Mechanical Pencil and Twist Lock Pen crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Druid's wood list, with your choice of hardware from The Scribe's list. You can upgrade your choice of wood to the Archdruid or Gaea's Preserve wood lists by adding on $15 or $30 respectively. If you add on The Scribe to a set of dice we will expand your Red Oak dice box to hold The Scribe as well.

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  27. Select this reward

    Pledge $58 or more About $58

    Titanium Drake's Breath: A single solid metal d20 crafted from Grade 2 Titanium and flame polished to a vibrant rainbow of colors. These dice are the most colorful of all the Dragon's Breath Dice.

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  28. Select this reward

    Pledge $63 or more About $63

    Damascus Drake: Two laser engraved solid metal d6s or dFs crafted from Damascus Steel in your choice of 1/2" or 3/4" sizes. If you add on a second pair of dice, all 4 dice will come in our wooden dice box.

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  29. Select this reward

    Pledge $63 or more About $63

    Noble Drake: A single solid metal d10 crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and then Electroplated with your choice of Silver, Gold, and Platinum. You can read more about the Armored Drake in Update #37

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  30. Select this reward

    Pledge $66 or more About $66

    Noble Drake: A single solid metal d20 crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and then Electroplated with your choice of Silver, Gold, and Platinum. You can read more about the Noble Drake in Update #37

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  31. Select this reward

    Pledge $68 or more About $68

    Damascus Drake: A single solid metal d10 crafted from Damascus Steel.

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  32. Select this reward

    Pledge $71 or more About $71

    Damascus Drake: A single solid metal d20 crafted from Damascus Steel.

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  33. Select this reward

    Pledge $77 or more About $77

    The Dice Monster: Get our massive dice tower and roll your dice in style! You can read more about the Dice Monster in Update #23 and Update #18. The latter has a video of The Dice Monster in action.

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  34. Select this reward

    Pledge $82 or more About $82

    Nymph: A set of 5 laser engraved d6s or dF crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Gaea's Preserve wood list. Perfect for table top games.

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  35. Select this reward

    Pledge $87 or more About $87

    Dragon's Scribe: A matching Mechanical Pencil and Twist Lock Pen crafted from your choice of Aluminum 6061, Brass 360, Bearing Bronze 392, Tellurium Copper 145, or Stainless Steel 303. If you add on the Dragon's Scribe to a set of dice we will expand your Red Oak dice box to hold The Scribe as well.

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  36. Select this reward

    Pledge $87 or more About $87

    Chromatic Dragon's Scribe: A matching Mechanical Pencil and Twist Lock Pen crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and anodized the color of your choice from the Chromatic Dragon list. If you add on the Chromatic Dragon's Scribe to a set of dice we will expand your Red Oak dice box to hold The Scribe as well.

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  37. Select this reward

    Pledge $97 or more About $97

    Dragon's Breath Scribe: A matching flame polished Mechanical Pencil and Twist Lock Pen crafted from your choice of Brass 360, Bearing Bronze 392, Tellurium Copper 145, or Stainless Steel 303. If you add on the Dragon's Breath Scribe to a set of dice we will expand your Red Oak dice box to hold The Scribe as well.

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  38. Select this reward

    Pledge $97 or more About $97

    Armored Dragon's Scribe: A matching Mechanical Pencil and Twist Lock Pen crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and Electroplated in your choice of Chrome or Black Nickel. If you add on the Armored Dragon's Scribe to a set of dice we will expand your Red Oak dice box to hold The Scribe as well.

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  39. Select this reward

    Pledge $100 or more About $100

    Druid: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Druid's wood list. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  40. Select this reward

    Pledge $102 or more About $102

    Nickel Drake: A single solid metal d10 crafted from Nickel 200.

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  41. Select this reward

    Pledge $102 or more About $102

    Nickel Drake: A single solid metal d20 crafted from Nickel 200.

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  42. Select this reward

    Pledge $112 or more About $112

    Nickel Drake's Breath: A single solid metal d20 crafted from Nickel 200 and flame polished to a ghostly shimmering blue.

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  43. Select this reward

    Pledge $112 or more About $112

    Nickel Drake's Breath: A single solid metal d10 crafted from Nickel 200 and flame polished to a ghostly shimmering blue.

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  44. Select this reward

    Pledge $119 or more About $119

    Aluminum Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  45. Select this reward

    Pledge $119 or more About $119

    Chromatic Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and anodized the color of your choice from the Chromatic Dragon list. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  46. Select this reward

    Pledge $122 or more About $122

    Noble Dragon's Scribe: A matching Mechanical Pencil and Twist Lock Pen crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and Electroplated in your choice of Silver, Gold, and Platinum. If you add on the Noble Dragon's Scribe to a set of dice we will expand your Red Oak dice box to hold The Scribe as well.

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  47. Select this reward

    Pledge $124 or more About $124

    Drunken Druid: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from a barrel lid used to age the worlds finest Tennessee Whiskey or Kentucky Burbon. You'll receive a Certificate of Authenticity letting you know which distillery your dice came from. You can read more about these dice in Update #21.

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  48. Select this reward

    Pledge $125 or more About $125

    Assorted Dryad: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) dice crafted a random assortment of over 100 different species of wood.

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  49. Select this reward

    Pledge $127 or more About $127

    Ent: Big Leaf Maple Burl - This complete set of Polyhedral dice (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) are handcrafted from absolutely gorgeous Big Leaf Maple Burls grown in the Pacific Northwest. You can read more about them in Update #7.

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  50. Select this reward

    Pledge $141 or more About $141

    Titanium Dragon's Scribe: A matching Mechanical Pencil and Twist Lock Pen crafted from Grade 2 Titanium. If you add on the Titanium Dragon's Scribe to a set of dice we will expand your Red Oak dice box to hold The Scribe as well.

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  51. Select this reward

    Pledge $142 or more About $142

    Iron Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from Cast Iron. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  52. Select this reward

    Pledge $142 or more About $142

    Tungesten Drake: A single solid metal d10 crafted from Tungesten.

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  53. Select this reward

    Pledge $142 or more About $142

    Tungesten Drake: A single solid metal d20 crafted from Tungesten.

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  54. Select this reward

    Pledge $143 or more About $143

    Bronze Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from Bearing Bronze (392). Perfect for most RPGs.

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  55. Select this reward

    Pledge $144 or more About $144

    Prismatic Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum. This set will include all 10 anodized colors from Chromatic Dragon list. If we unlock the last 2 colors on the Chromatic Dragon list each Prismatic Dragon set will be upgraded to include 2 bonus dice (2d20s for the Polyhedral sets and 2d10s for the 10d10 sets) for a total of 12 dice anodized 12 different colors.

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  56. Select this reward

    Pledge $146 or more About $146

    Steel Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from 303 Stainless Steel. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  57. Select this reward

    Pledge $147 or more About $147

    Ent: Texas Mesquite Crotch Wood Burl - This complete set of Polyhedral dice (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) is handcrafted from the amazingly gnarly Mesquite Burl. It has a warm honey golden glow with dark sinister markings. You can read more about these dice in Update #19.

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  58. Select this reward

    Pledge $150 or more About $150

    Archdruid: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Archdruid's wood list. Perfect for most RPGs.

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    23 backers
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  59. Select this reward

    Pledge $151 or more About $151

    Titanium Dragon's Breath Scribe: A matching flame polished Mechanical Pencil and Twist Lock Pen crafted from Grade 2 Titanium. Flame polished Titanium is the most beautiful of all the flame polished metals. If you add on the Dragon's Breath Scribe to a set of dice we will expand your Red Oak dice box to hold The Scribe as well.

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  60. Select this reward

    Pledge $154 or more About $154

    Armored Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and Electroplated with your choice of Chrome or Black Nickel. You can read more about the Armored Dragon in Update #27

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  61. Reward no longer available

    Pledge $161 or more About $161

    Signature Series #0012: The Yellow Rose of Texas is made from all Native Texas woods. The shimmer of the Bois D'Arc core and Texas Ebony edges is quite stunning and not eaisly photographed. From certain angles the Bois d'Arc seems to glow. The Texas Ebony was layered with the Bois d'Arc in such a way as to shimmer when turned in the opposite angle. The Yellow Rose of Texas will ship in a Texas Mesquite dice box

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    Reward no longer available 1 backer
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  62. Select this reward

    Pledge $162 or more About $162

    The Subscribe: Get a pair of d6 dice shipped to your door every month for a full year. Each month you will receive a pair of dice crafted from two different woods. The dice will come in a laser cut Red Oak box along with a certificate detailing the woods you received that month. You can read more about the Subscribe in Update #23.

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  63. Select this reward

    Pledge $167 or more About $167

    Brass Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from 360 Brass. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  64. Select this reward

    Pledge $178 or more About $178

    Bronze Dragon's Breath: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from Bearing Bronze (392) and flame polished to a rainbow of colors. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  65. Select this reward

    Pledge $181 or more About $181

    Steel Dragon's Breath: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from 303 Stainless Steel and flame polished to a royal purple and deep blue finish. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  66. Select this reward

    Pledge $187 or more About $187

    Tungesten Drake: Two laser engraved solid metal d6s or dFs crafted from Tungesten in your choice of 1/2" or 3/4" sizes. If you add on a second pair of dice, all 4 dice will come in our wooden dice box.

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  67. Select this reward

    Pledge $193 or more About $193

    Copper Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) dice crafted from Tellurium Copper (145). Perfect for most RPGs.

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  68. Select this reward

    Pledge $196 or more About $196

    Dryad's Army: A Wargamer's Cube packed with 36 laser engraved d6s crafted from a random selection of nearly 100 exotic species of wood. These dice are half inch scale and a great way to get a wide sampling of the woods we offer. Comes in a custom laser cut cube shaped box.

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  69. Select this reward

    Pledge $202 or more About $202

    Brass Dragon's Breath: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from 360 Brass and flame polished to a golden glow. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  70. Select this reward

    Pledge $208 or more About $208

    Nixie's Army: A Wargamer's Cube packed with 36 laser engraved d6s crafted from up to 3 different woods of your choice from the Druid's wood list. These dice are half inch scale so as not to take up to much real estate in your war gaming bag. Comes in a custom laser cut cube shaped box.

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  71. Select this reward

    Pledge $212 or more About $212

    Damascus Dragon's Scribe: A matching Mechanical Pencil and Twist Lock Pen crafted from Damascus Steel. If you add on the Damascus Dragon's Scribe to a set of dice we will expand your Red Oak dice box to hold The Scribe as well.

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  72. Select this reward

    Pledge $216 or more About $216

    Graphite Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from Graphite. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  73. Select this reward

    Pledge $225 or more About $225

    Gaea's Preserve: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Gaea's Preserve wood list. Perfect for most RPGs.

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    49 backers
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  74. Select this reward

    Pledge $228 or more About $228

    Copper Dragon's Breath: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) dice crafted from Tellurium Copper (145) and flame polished to a vibrant magenta and a rainbow of pale yellows and blues. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  75. Select this reward

    Pledge $265 or more About $265

    The Luggage: Get a Ray Jones Dice Box. The same dice box I use to hold my dice. Each one of these boxes is a one of a kind work of art specially made for our backers. Inside you'll find a set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Druid's wood list.

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    Limited 46 backers
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  76. Select this reward

    Pledge $266 or more About $266

    Noble Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from 6061 Aircraft Grade Aluminum and Electroplated with your choice of Silver, Gold, and Platinum. You can read more about the Noble Dragon in Update #37

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  77. Reward no longer available

    Pledge $267 or more About $267

    Ent: Laotian Black and White Ebony Burl - This complete set of Polyhedral dice (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) is handcrafted from a one of a kind Laotian Black and White Ebony Burl. You can read more about these dice in Update #22.

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    Reward no longer available 24 backers
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  78. Reward no longer available

    Pledge $281 or more About $281

    Ent: Redwood Lace Burl - This complete set of Polyhedral dice (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) are handcrafted from a rare form of lacy Redwood Burl that was reclaimed from the Big River after 150 years. You can read more about these dice in Update #6.

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    Reward no longer available 4 backers
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  79. Select this reward

    Pledge $296 or more About $296

    Pixie's Army: A Wargamer's Cube packed with 36 laser engraved d6s crafted from up to 3 different woods of your choice from the Archdruid's wood list. These dice are half inch scale so as not to take up to much real estate in your war gaming bag. Comes in a custom laser cut cube shaped box.

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    1 backer
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  80. Select this reward

    Pledge $297 or more About $297

    Titanium Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from Grade 2 Titanium. Perfect for most RPGs.

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  81. Reward no longer available

    Pledge $319 or more About $319

    Ent: Amboyna Burl - This complete set of Polyhedral dice (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) is handcrafted from an absolutely stunning Amboyna Burl. You can read more about these dice in Update #16.

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    Reward no longer available 4 backers
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  82. Reward no longer available

    Pledge $326 or more About $326

    Signature Series #006: hydrox looks like a wooden Oreo cookie. Hydrox was crafted from Ziricote and Figured Asian Satin Wood. The Dark Ziricote sandwiches the warm highly figured Asian Satin Wood core giving a wonderful contrast between Ziricote's dark swirls, and FASW's cream warm shimmer. hydrox has a matching dice box crafted from Figured Asian Satin Wood. You can read more about hydrox in Update #32

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    Pledge $332 or more About $332

    Titanium Dragon's Breath: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) dice crafted from Grade 2 Titanium and flame polished to a vibrant rainbow of colors. These dice are the most colorful of all the Dragon's Breath Dice.

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    Pledge $368 or more About $368

    Niobium Drake: A single solid metal d10 crafted from Niobium. You can choose to have your Niobium Drake anodized any of the colors located in the chart on Update #37

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    Pledge $368 or more About $368

    Niobium Drake: A single solid metal d20 crafted from Niobium. You can choose have your Niobium Drake anodized any of the colors located in the chart on Update #37

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    Signature Series #002: Curor Vitae - The second in our Signature Series is a laminated set of Bloodwood and Argentinean Lignum Vitae, two of the top ten heaviest woods in the world. Once fully aged Curor Vitae will be an alternating iridescent red and forest green. You can read more about Curor Vitae in Update #26

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    Pledge $382 or more About $382

    Gaea's Collector Set: A single die from each of the 13 Gaea's Preserve woods in your choice of d10's or d20's. (The entire set must be the same type of dice.) This set will come in a laser cut Peruvian Walnut dice box.

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    Pledge $447 or more About $447

    Damascus Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from Damascus Steel. Perfect for most RPGs.

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    Pledge $476 or more About $476

    Ent: Desert Ironwood Burl - This complete set of Polyhedral dice (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) is handcrafted from an exceedingly rare and beautiful Desert Ironwood Burl. You can read more about these dice in Update #11.

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    Signature Series #017: Chakte is currently awaiting it's turn to be laminated in to a solid dice blank made from Chakte Viga and Chakte Koh, to butter smooth woods that are an absolute pleasure to work with. I can't wait to see how the thin laminate layers will look once shaped into dice. This is the most laminate layers of any Signature Series set yet. You can read more about this set in Update #40.

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    Pledge $492 or more About $492

    Nymph's Army: A Wargamer's Cube packed with 36 laser engraved d6s crafted from up to 3 different woods of your choice from the Gaea's Preserve wood list. These dice are half inch scale so as not to take up to much real estate in your war gaming bag. Comes in a custom laser cut cube shaped box.

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    Signature Series #003: The Black Widow. This sinister was crafte from Royal Ebony and Bloodwood. Royal Ebony was chosen for it's deep black coloration, but unlike Gabon Ebony or Mpingo, it's not truly black. There is a hint of violet browns buried deep in the highly polished surface that lend a holographic effect to the dice. This contrasted with the highly iridescent Bloodwood, gives The Black Widow a signature look not matched by ordinary dice. You can read more about The Black Widow in Update #27.

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    Signature Series #013: The Royal We is crafted from Kingwood and Queenwood and comes in Royal Ebony box. The interplay between the layers of King and Queen wood give the appearance of the layers intermingling due to the grain patterns, or that they turn 90 degrees.

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    Signature Series #005: Flores Rosea is a set crafted from figured Pink Ivory taken from the sap wood fade of the tree, and extremely deep burgundy Bois de Rose. The stock used in this set is atypical of their respective species making this set very special. The Pink Ivory is full of shimmering orange sherbet tones that reflect light with a metallic brilliance thanks to this figured stocks' inherent chaytoancy. And The Bois de Rose has an extremely deep coloration that is far from typical of the stock we work with. This coloration makes for a striking contrast with the Pink Ivory used in Flores Rosea. Flores Rosea comes in a matching Pink Ivory box with Bois de Rose lid. You can read more about Flores Rosea in Update #28.

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    Signature Series #008: The Monarch is an emulation of the intricacies and coloration of a the Monarch Butterfly. Cocobolo and Tinswin were chosen for not only the color, but the large grain structure lends itself to a visual similarity to the intricate patterns seen in the Monarch's wing. You can read more about The Monarch in Update #34.

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    Signature Series #014: Coco Rose is currently ready for the first rough shaping stage. It's being crafted from some insanely beautiful Cocobolo and East Indian Rosewood. Once finished Coco Rose will have deep orange and blacks from the Cocobolo along with almost black violets from the East Indian Rosewood. Coco Rose is going to be a strikingly beautiful work of art when finished. You can read more about this set in Update #40.

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    Signature Series #009: Puniceus was crafted from Figured Purple Heart and Pink Ivory. The overall effect of the Barbie Pink color sandwich the rich shimmering purple tones of the purple heart core is quite striking. Puniceus will come in a Purple Heart dice box. You can read more about Puniceus in Update #36 .

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  98. Reward no longer available

    Pledge $582 or more About $582

    Druid's Grove: Five sets of 10d10 or Polyhedral dice crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Druid's wood list. The Druid's Grove comes in a custom Ray Jones dice box with room enough to grow your Artisan Dice collection in the future.

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  99. Reward no longer available

    Pledge $673 or more About $673

    Bois De Rose - I get asked all the time what my favorite wood is. The answer is Bois de Rose. This complete set of Polyhedral dice (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) is handcrafted from Bois de Rose, the rarest and most beautiful wood we work with. Boise de Rose is one of the most coveted rosewoods in the world for not only it's beautiful deep burgundy color, but its absolutely amazing tap tone. Nothing sounds quite like a set of Boise de Rose dice rolling across a hard wood table. You can read more about Bois de Rose on our website.

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    Signature Series #001: Bois De Kauri, like all Signature Series sets, is a one off work of gaming art.Crafted from layers of 50,000 year old Ancient Kauri, and the oh so rare Bois de Rose which have been laminated together similar to the way a traditional bowyer creates a recurve bow. Bois de Kauri was then polished well beyond what our normal dice sets are, and taken to the truly glass like finish. You can read more about Bois De Kauri in Update #25.

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    Signature Series #007: Black Rose is my new favorite set of dice. It's by far the most beautiful set to ever come out of my shop. The photo does not do Black Rose justice. The subtle change in tone from the burgandy of the Bois de Rose core to the blacks and creams of the Mpingo shell are really stunning. Both of these woods polish to an amazing shine giving Black Rose as a depth of character unseen in other dice. And the sound when you roll them is heaven, they ring with a clear bright tone proving that there is a reason Mpingo and Bois de Rose are both used in the finest instruments. You can read more about Black Rose in Update #32

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  102. Reward no longer available

    Pledge $732 or more About $732

    Sacred Grove: Five sets of 10d10 or Polyhedral dice crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Druid's and Archdruid's wood list. The Sacred Grove comes in a custom Ray Jones dice box with room enough to grow your Artisan Dice collection in the future.

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    Signature Series #011 - Jail Bird gets it's name from its signature black and white striped created by contrasting Laotian Black and White Ebony Burl and Mipingo. Both woods polish to a deep rich luster not seen outside of the ebony family. Jail Bird will come in a matching Laotian Black and White Ebony Box. You can read more about Jail Bird in Update #36.

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    Pledge $982 or more About $982

    Gaea's Grove: Five sets of 10d10 or Polyhedral dice crafted from the exotic wood of your choice from the Druid's Archdruid's, and Gaea's Preserve wood list. The Sacred Grove comes in a custom Ray Jones dice box with room enough to grow your Artisan Dice collection in the future.

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    Pledge $1,080 or more About $1,080

    Dragon's Horde: Five sets of 10d10 or Polyhedral dice crafted from each of the following Aluminum 6061, Brass 360, Bearing Bronze 392, Tellurium Copper 145, Stainless Steel 303, and Grade 2 Titanium. The Dragon's Horde comes in a custom Ray Jones dice box with laser cut foam inlay to cradle your dice in the opulence they deserve.

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    Pledge $1,271 or more About $1,271

    Nickel Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) crafted from Nickel 200. Perfect for most RPGs.

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    Pledge $1,290 or more About $1,290

    Great Wrym's Horde: Six sets of Dragon's Dice in 10d10 or Polyhedral form. One set in each of the following: Brass Dragon's Breath, Bronze Dragon's Breath, Copper Dragon's Breath, Steel Dragon's Breath and Titanium Dragon's Breath along with your choice of either the Prismatic Dragon or the Chromatic Dragon. The Great Wrym's Horde comes in a custom Ray Jones dice box with laser cut foam inlay to cradle your flame polished dice in the opulence they deserve.

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    Pledge $1,306 or more About $1,306

    Nickel Dragon's Breath: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) dice crafted from Nickel 200 and flame polished to a ghostly shimmering blue.

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    Pledge $1,423 or more About $1,423

    The Megascribe: Get a complete set of Polyhedral dice (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) shipped to your door every month for a full year. Each month you will receive a full set of dice crafted from over 100 different species of wood. The dice will come in a laser cut Red Oak box along with a certificate detailing the which woods you received that month. You can read more about the Megascribe in Update #34.

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    Pledge $1,531 or more About $1,531

    Drake's Horde: A single d10 or d20 crafted from each of the metals we offer for a total of 29 dice. This set will include one Aluminum Drake, Brass Drake, Bronze Drake, Copper Drake, Damascus Drake, Graphite Drake, Iron Drake, Stainless Steel Drake, Titanium Drake, All 12 Chromatic Drakes, Chrome Armored Drake, Black Nickel Armored Drake, Silver Noble Drake, Gold Noble Drake, Platinum Noble Drake, Tungsten Drake, Niobium Drake, and one Nickel Drake. You may upgrade all of eligible Drakes to Drake's Breath by adding on $73. Like all other Hordes, the Drake's Horde comes in a Ray Jones Dice Box nestled in a laser cut foam insert.

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    Pledge $1,679 or more About $1,679

    Tungesten Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) dice crafted from Tungesten. Perfect for your favorite RPG.

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    Pledge $2,291 or more About $2,291

    Tiamat's Horde: Twelve sets of Dragon's Dice in 10d10 or Polyhedral form. One set crafted from each of the following Aluminum 6061, Brass 360, Bearing Bronze 392, Tellurium Copper 145, Stainless Steel 303, and Grade 2 Titanium. Then one of each of our flame polished sets; Brass Dragon's Breath, Bronze Dragon's Breath, Copper Dragon's Breath, Steel Dragon's Breath and Titanium Dragon's Breath along with your choice of either the Prismatic Dragon or the Chromatic Dragon. Tiamat's Horde comes in a custom Ray Jones dice box with laser cut foam inlay to cradle your flame polished dice in the opulence they deserve.

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    Pledge $2,337 or more About $2,337

    Gaea's Bounty: All 13 Gaea's Preserve Woods (Pink Ivory, Snake Wood, Ancient Bog Wood, Ancient Kauri, Ko'u, Khamphi Rosewood, Blue Mahoe, Bristle Cone Pine, Waterfall Bubinga, Mpingo, Narra, Desert Ironwood, and Macadamia Nut) in your choice of 10d10 or Polyhedral form nestled in a Ray Jones Dice box.

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    Pledge $3,489 or more About $3,489

    Signature Series #004: Icing Drake will be crafted from an insanely expensive material called Timascus. Which is created in a similar process to Damascus Steel. Icing Drake will be hand buffed to an extraordinary shine and then flame polished to the ice and royal blue pattern you see in Update #28. Icing Drake will come in a machined aluminum box with a magnetic lid and nestled in laser cut foam. You can Read more about the process in which Timacus is made, as well as see the exact billet we will be using to make Icing Drake in Update #28.

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    Pledge $3,718 or more About $3,718

    Niobium Dragon: A set of 10d10 or a full 10 dice Polyhedral set (1d20, 1d12, 1d10, 1d00, 1d8, 4d6, 1d4) dice crafted from Niobium. Perfect for your favorite RPG. You can choose to have your Niobium dice anodized any color on the chart in Update #37

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    Pledge $9,653 or more About $9,653

    Bahamut's Horde: Thirteen sets of Dragon's Dice in 10d10 or Polyhedral form. One set of each of the following; Damascus Dragon, Graphite Dragon, Iron Dragon, Chrome Armored Dragon, Black Nickel Armored Dragon, Zinc Armored Dragon, Silver Noble Dragon, Gold Noble Dragon, Platinum Noble Dragon, Tungsten Dragon, Niobium Dragon, Nickel Dragon, Nickel Dragon's Breath. Bahamut's Horde comes in a custom Ray Jone's dice box with laser cut foam inlay to cradle your flame polished dice in the opulence they deserve.

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