20 Feb 2017 – Trump’s first month of travel expenses cost taxpayers just less than what Obama spent in a year

On Monday, President Trump will return to Washington, D.C. from his private Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, where he’s spent the last three weekends.

The Washington Post reports that those three trips “probably cost the federal treasury about $10 million, based on figures used in an October government report analyzing White House travel, including money for Coast Guard units to patrol the exposed shoreline and other military, security and staffing expenses associated with moving the apparatus of the presidency.”

The three Mar-a-Lago getaways, combined with the hundreds of thousands of public dollars spent on Secret Service protection during two international trips Trump’s adult sons have taken to promote their father’s business, cost taxpayers about $11.3 million over the first month’s of Trump’s presidency, according to the UK-based Independent. President Obama, by contrast, spent an average of $12.1 million on travel each year.

It wasn’t even a year ago that Trump was complaining about taxpayers “paying a fortune for the use of Air Force One.” And then another tweet dating even further back:

Trump’s decision to spend three consecutive weekends at his “southern White House” stands in contrast to what he promised during the campaign, when he said he’d “rarely leave the White House.”

“I would rarely leave the White House because there’s so much work to be done,” Trump told a reporter in 2015. “I would not be a president who took vacations. I would not be a president that takes time off… You don’t have time to take time off.”

While in Florida on Sunday, Trump, who repeatedly criticized Obama for playing golf while president, enjoyed his sixth golf outing during his first month as president. On Monday, the White House admitted to misleading reporters about the amount of golf Trump played during his 18-hole excursion with pro golfer Rory McIlroy.

Think Progress


20 Feb 2017 – President Trump Names Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster New National Security Adviser

President Trump has announced that Army Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster will be his new national security adviser. McMaster will replace retired Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, who was forced to resign after revelations that he had misled top White House officials about his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S.

The president made the announcement in a brief appearance before reporters at Mar-a-Lago, his resort estate in Florida on Monday. He spent part of the weekend interviewing generals after his first choice — retired vice admiral and former Navy SEAL Robert Harward — turned down the job.



Site Opinion #1 – 20 Feb 2017

     There are too many half-truths and purposefully misleading information in news right now. A few posts have been removed from this site due to those reasons, and there are three that I would like to use as examples.

13 Feb 2017 – Trump turns Mar-a-Lago Club terrace into open-air situation room

    This story broke when North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile and Trump was at his Mar-a-Lago club with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. The article from Washington Post stated the following:

What was happening … was an extraordinary moment, as Trump and Abe turned their dinner table into an open-air situation room. Aides and translators surrounded the two leaders as other diners chatted and gawked around them, with staffers using the flashlights on their cellphones to illuminate documents on the darkened outdoor terrace.

As Weitzman and other patrons watched Saturday evening, Trump and Abe remained at the table and discussed their response to a ballistic missile test by North Korea. While waiters came and went — and while one club member snapped photos — the two leaders reviewed documents by the light of an aide’s cellphone.

That strange scene — in which Trump turned his table into an al fresco situation room — astounded White House veterans, who were used to presidents retiring to private, secured settings to hash out such an event.

DeAgazio told The Post that after Trump and Abe had spoken for a few minutes, they left the open terrace and spent about 10 minutes in private before conducting a joint news conference at about 10:30 p.m.”

    The last paragraph comes at the very end of a rather large article. Now, all the information is there for those who sit down a read the entire story, but we all know it’s the headline that gets spread and seen the most while many people who click only skim the first few snippets.

    No one but the few who were at the table with Trump know what those documents were, nor does anyone else know if those documents were classified or not. I also have not seen any source on what exactly was said between the two world leaders, so it seems that they were not overheard.

    However, the way this story is framed makes it sound like Trump was blasting state secrets from the terrace, and that’s what people are going to take away from this story.

    Should he have stayed out on the terrace? Probably not, but then again, we don’t know what was said or what he was looking at. Only at the end of the article does the Washington Post mention that “they left the open terrace and spent about 10 minutes in private”.

    This whole article blew up about Trump’s incompetence, but, if you read the entire article, it boils down that he got the news about the test-fire, had relevant info presented to him, and left to a more secure spot.

    This story was removed for misleading information. Moving on to a story that seemed to be flat-out lying.

    18 Feb 2017 – Leaked tape reveals Trump invited club guests to ‘come along’ during cabinet interviews

We’re doing a lot of interviews tomorrow — generals, dictators, we have everything,” Trump says in the tape, obtained by Politico and published Saturday. “You may wanna come around. It’ll be fun. We’re really working tomorrow. We have meetings every 15, 20 minutes with different people that will form our government.

    Link to the leaked tape

    The hot thing right now is to hate on Trump. I can understand why people can find joy in that, but nowhere in that tape does he say the bolded part above. If you want to hate him, do so based on facts. The tape itself is cut in many places. Could he have said the general/dictator line? Possibly, but where can we hear it? It’s not in the tape. Who is the person saying that those words came out of his mouth?

Yes, he told the club members, “You are the special people.” That’s not great, but if you listen to the tape, he’s not saying they are now a sect who is above the law, but expressing thanks to them for being there from the very beginning. Also, the way he extends the offer join in on staff interviews was done so at the end in an off-the-cuff, Trump-styled brag.

Trump needs to make grand efforts to further himself from his prior businesses, and this tape is not helping his situation. But the tape is also not as damning as many sources portray it to be. Politico, The Hill, and Mirror.uk all have the general/dictator line, but none have the audio of it.


    17 Feb 2017 – Trump tweets: The media is the ‘enemy of the American people’


The FAKE NEWS media (failing @nytimes, @NBCNews, @ABC, @CBS, @CNN) is not my enemy, it is the enemy of the American People!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2017


   I have changed the title on this website to: 17 Feb 2017 – Trump tweets: The ‘FAKE NEWS media’ is the ‘enemy of the American people’

    There’s a great number of worrisome things surrounding this tweet, you don’t need to intentionally tweak the title to make it even worse.

    This headline is simply misleading. Using The Hill as the foundation for this story (although many other outlets reported it the same way), you can see that the headline is only half-true. Sure, it sticks out that Trump never criticizes right-leaning sources, and attacks those who are critical of him. And that the president shouldn’t try to destroy an entire block of news networks. But, again, the way this story was reported makes it seem like he wants to destroy the entire news/media conglomerate, which is not true.

    Like I said, if you want to hate on Trump, do so. But do so using truths and not on sensationalized/misleading headlines.

    To lightly touch on the “FAKE NEWS!” buzz-phrase going around. People color an entire news agency at the hint of misleading/false information. Yeah, it would be great to have a purely honest, straight-forward news agency that didn’t have to rely on a subscriber base to succeed, I wish you the best of luck in finding that. Meanwhile, the news sources we do have should be lambasted for rushing an article that’s only half-correct, covered in spelling errors, and full of click-bait.

    But it’s important not to shove your fingers in you ears and refuse to even listen to a story because it’s from somewhere you’ve had a bad experience with. Use critical thinking at any site you look at. To close your mind from any news source (from CNN to Fox) solely based on personal bias means you’ve already lost.

    One last thing before I get too preachy or my soap-box gets too high. I’ve interacted with a great many people since this site’s inception 11 days ago. Within those days, this site has seen more than 39,500 unique visitors and over 1,100,000 hits. Many have offered help from web development, source-checking, and encouragement. I’m thankful for all the help.

    Many also have called me a shill, tried hacking my password, and called me a “Fake News spreader”.

    To each his own of course, but I bring this up because I want to mention a particular interaction I had with someone who wasn’t a fan of this site.

    It started with him attacking the site and saying I was just trying to spread more misinformation when I was just getting the word out about what I was trying to do.

    It is so easy to attack on the net, and I was about send a snarky, retaliatory reply when I stopped and rewrote what I was about to say. I ended up talking to him, discussing certain aspects of posts that could be misleading. We reached a middle ground and he ended up encouraging me to write this opinion piece, and I thank him for it.

    What if I sent that snarky response? What if I matched aggression with aggression? This site would not have grown. I’d have one less reader. I would not be pursuing this avenue to connect with those who visit this site.

     The insensitivity behind anonymous internet posts is bleeding more and more into real-life. I feel no one should be purely democratic and no one should be purely republican. To restrict yourself to one of two camps severely limits possibilities to come together and be stronger. To discount someone’s entire view because they are on the “opposite team” will hurt you just as much it will hurt the cause the other person holds close to them.

     There’s lot going on right now that’s getting everyone angry and more divisive than ever.

     But there’s a lot of good that can come from this. A spotlight has been focused on our government and DNC like never before. More people are getting involved in politics because they want to see less corruption. People are taking the time to learn voting dates and procedures. Protest/marches are coming to the forefront, with the Women Protest garnering more than 4.5 million people around the world. Not one reported act of violence. Of course not, what with everyone’s mother being there…

     Right now, the scab that has been covering the US government has been scratched off and the nastiness that lied beneath for so long is exposed to the world. Do we let other countries/ourselves rub dirt in it, letting it scab up again? Or do we try to take care of it right this time and have it heal correctly?



P.S.- Let me know if you want to see more of this kind of post by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. I’ve never written anything like this before and if you think this helps or brings down the site, let me know. Even one or two words like “Neat” or “stop it” would be helpful.  

19 Feb 2017 – Senior Trump appointee fired after critical comments, anonymous sources say.

A senior Trump administration official was fired following criticism in a private speech of President Donald Trump’s policies and his inner circle of advisers.

Craig Deare, whom Trump appointed a month ago to head the National Security Council’s Western Hemisphere division, was on Friday escorted out of the Executive Office Building, where he worked in Washington.

A senior White House official confirmed that Deare is no longer working at the NSC and has returned to the position he previously held at the National Defense University. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss an incident not otherwise made public, and provided no further details.

But current and former administration officials say Deare’s termination was linked to remarks he made Thursday at a private talk at the Wilson Center, a Washington think tank. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter.

According to one person who attended the discussion, Deare slammed the Trump administration for its policies on Latin America, specifically its rocky start to relations with Mexico. That person spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss a private event.

The person who attended the Wilson Center talk also noted that Deare made several remarks about how attractive Mr. Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, appeared, remarks that person described as “awkward.” Mr. Trump has also made several remarks in the past about how attractive his eldest daughter is, once commenting on a television talk show, that “if Ivanka weren’t my daughter, perhaps I would be dating her.”

CBS News



19 Feb 2017 – Trump clarifies ‘Sweden’ remark, says he was referring to Fox News report

President Trump on Sunday attempted to clarify his remark at a weekend rally that suggested a terror attack had taken place Friday night in Sweden.

“My statement as to what’s happening in Sweden was in reference to a story that was broadcast on @FoxNews concerning immigrants & Sweden,” the president tweeted.

Friday night’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” featured an interview with documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz about a surge in violent crime in Sweden.

Fox News



News of Mr Horowitz’s documentary made headlines last year when he told conservative outlets such as Breitbart News, that there were Muslim “no-go zones” in Europe.

“Over the last two years, they’ve taken in over 350,000 Syrian refugees,” he said. “The reason why I went there was to investigate why Sweden has become the rape capital of Europe. Rape was not unknown, but relatively minor. There were few incidents of rape, let’s say about ten years ago. And rape has absolutely skyrocketed in Europe.”

The New York Times said that Swedish officials had said that their statistics did not justify the kind of assertions made by Mr Horowitz, and that the country had a high number of sexual assault reports, relative to other European countries, because more victims come forward, not because there was more violence.

The Independent


18 Feb 2017 – Angela Merkel and European leaders resist Donald Trump’s ultimatum to increase defense spending or risk losing US commitment to Nato

European leaders have pushed back at Donald Trump’s ultimatum that they increase defence spending or risk America scaling back its commitment to Transatlantic protection.

Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, said her country would not accelerate existing, long-term plans to ramp up the military budget by 2024 despite a demand by the US this week that countries increase spending by the end of the year.

The president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, also said countries must not cave in to US demands.

James Mattis, US defence secretary, earlier this week warned Nato that a new “political reality” after the election of Donald Trump meant it was no longer possible for allies to shirk their share of the defence burden.

Unless nations began spending more, Mr Mattis said Washington could “moderate” its commitment to them.

The Telegraph


18 Feb 2017 – Trump cites a nonexistent incident in Sweden during his rally on Saturday

President Donald Trump cited a nonexistent incident in Sweden while talking about the relationship between terror attacks and refugees around the world during a rally in Melbourne, Florida, on Saturday.

“You look at what’s happening in Germany. You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden … Sweden … who would believe this? Sweden, they took in large numbers, they are having problems like they never thought possible. You look at what’s happening Brussels, you look at what’s happening all over the world,” Trump said.

No incident occurred in Sweden on Friday night.

Business Insider


Update: Sweden asks the U.S. to explain Trump comment on Sweden

“We have asked the question today to the state department. We are trying to get clarity,” said Swedish foreign ministry spokeswoman Catarina Axelsson.

*As of now, it is unclear if Trump was talking about a specific event or describing a trend.



17 Feb 2017 – Trump tweets: The ‘FAKE NEWS media’ is the ‘enemy of the American people’

The Hill



17 Feb 2017 – Donald Trump overturns law preventing companies dumping coal mining debris in streams and rivers

The Senate’s 54-45 vote sends the measure to President Donald Trump.

Republicans and some Democrats say the rule could eliminate thousands of coal-related jobs and ignores dozens of federal, state and local regulations already in place.

The Interior Department said in announcing the rule in December that it would protect 6,000 miles of streams and 52,000 acres of forests, preventing coal mining debris from being dumped into nearby waters.

The vote was the first in a series of actions Republicans are taking in coming weeks to reverse years of what they call excessive regulation during Obama’s presidency.



16 Feb 2017 – Flynn in FBI interview denied discussing sanctions with Russian ambassador

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn denied to FBI agents in an interview last month that he had discussed U.S. sanctions against Russia with that country’s ambassador to the United States before President Trump took office, contradicting the contents of intercepted communications collected by intelligence agencies, current and former U.S. officials said.

The Jan. 24 interview potentially puts Flynn in legal jeopardy. Lying to the FBI is a felony offense. But several officials said it is unclear whether prosecutors would attempt to bring a case, in part because Flynn may parse the definition of the word “sanctions.” He also followed his denial to the FBI by saying he couldn’t recall all of the conversation, officials said.

Any decision to prosecute would ultimately lie with the Justice Department.


16 Feb 2017 – Trump’s pick to replace Flynn turns down offer

President Trump’s pick to replace his former national security adviser Michael Flynn told the president he could not accept the position, according to reports Thursday.

Retired Vice Adm. Robert Harward cited “financial and family issues that would have been challenging in this position” in explaining his decision to decline the offer.

“Like all service members understand, and live, this job requires 24 hours a day, 7 days a week focus and commitment to do it right. I currently could not make that commitment,” Harward said in a statement reported by CNN’s Jake Tapper.

Trump was reportedly “a bit surprised when Harward responded by saying he needed a couple of days to think it over,” according to Foreign Policy.

The Hill


15 Feb 2017 – ‘I’d Like To See You Hold Back On Settlements,’ Trump Tells Netanyahu

“So I’m looking at two-state and one-state — and I like the one that both parties like,” Trump said when asked about the subject alongside Netanyahu at the formal news conference around midday Wednesday.

“I’m very happy with the one that both parties like. I can live with either one,” Trump continued. “I thought for a while the two-state looked like it may be the easier of the two, but honestly if Bibi and if the Palestinians — if Israel and the Palestinians are happy, I’m happy with the one they like the best.”

In the Israeli leader’s response to the same question, Netanyahu said he was concerned with substance, not labels. And he said his two main requirements for a peace deal haven’t changed.

“First, the Palestinians must recognize the Jewish state. They have to stop calling for Israel’s destruction,” Netanyahu said.

Secondly, he added, “in any peace agreement, Israel must retain the overriding security control over the entire area west of the Jordan River.”



14 Feb 2017 – Trump Campaign Aides Had Repeated Contacts With Russian Intelligence

WASHINGTON — Phone records and intercepted calls show that members of Donald J. Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign and other Trump associates had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election, according to four current and former American officials.

… Mr. Manafort added, “It’s not like these people wear badges that say, ‘I’m a Russian intelligence officer.’”

New York Times


14 Feb 2017 – Trump signs repeal of transparency rule for oil companies

President Trump signed legislation Tuesday to repeal a controversial regulation that would have required energy companies to disclose their payments to foreign governments.

The legislation is the first time in 16 years that the Congressional Review Act (CRA) has been used to repeal a regulation, and only the second time in the two decades that act has been law. It is the third piece of legislation Trump has signed since taking office three weeks ago.

The Hill


13 Feb 2017 – Flynn Resigns Amid Russia Controversy

11:04 p.m.
National security adviser Michael Flynn has resigned after reports he misled Trump administration officials about his contacts with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S.
Flynn’s departure less than one month into the Trump administration marks an extraordinarily early shakeup in the president’s senior team of advisers. Flynn was a loyal Trump supporter throughout the campaign, but his ties to Russia caused concern among other senior aides.
Flynn initially told Trump advisers that he did not discuss sanctions with the Russian envoy during the transition. Vice President Mike Pence, apparently relying on information from Flynn, publicly vouched for the national security adviser.
Flynn later told White House officials that he may have discussed sanctions with the ambassador.

13 Feb 2017 – Senior Advisor Stephen Miller declares: Trump’s national security actions ‘will not be questioned’

DICKERSON: When I talked to Republicans on the Hill, they wonder, what in the White House — what have you all learned from this experience with the executive order?

MILLER: Well, I think that it’s been an important reminder to all Americans that we have a judiciary that has taken far too much power and become, in many cases, a supreme branch of government. One unelected judge in Seattle cannot remake laws for the entire country. I mean this is just crazy, John, the idea that you have a judge in Seattle say that a foreign national living in Libya has an effective right to enter the United States is — is — is beyond anything we’ve ever seen before.

The end result of this, though, is that our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.

Washington Post


13 Feb 2017 – Trump is ‘evaluating situation’ about Flynn, spokesman says

The White House official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive personnel matter, said Flynn now says he may have discussed sanctions, but cannot be 100% certain.

Despite the intense speculation about Flynn’s future, no questions about Flynn were asked during the news conference Monday between Trump and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Trump took two questions from U.S. reporters; both were from conservative-leaving media outlets. Flynn sat in the front row at the news conference with other administration officials.

USA Today


09 Feb 2017 – Federal appeals court rules 3 to 0 against Trump on travel ban

Trump’s response:


Washington Post


09 Feb 2017 – Trump paused a call with Putin to make an aide explain a nuclear arms treaty

Trump paused to ask his aides in an aside what the treaty was. Trump then told Putin the treaty was one of several bad deals negotiated by the Obama administration. Trump also talked about his own popularity.



09 Feb 2017 – Kellyanne Conway encourages Americans to ‘go buy Ivanka’s stuff,’ potentially violating ethics rules

§ 2635.702 Use of public office for private gain.

An employee shall not use his public office for his own private gain, for the endorsement of any product, service or enterprise, or for the private gain of friends, relatives, or persons with whom the employee is affiliated in a nongovernmental capacity, including nonprofit organizations of which the employee is an officer or member, and persons with whom the employee has or seeks employment or business relations. The specific prohibitions set forth in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section apply this general standard, but are not intended to be exclusive or to limit the application of this section.

Peter Schweizer, who has worked closely with Trump aide Stephen K. Bannon and wrote the book “Clinton Cash,” which was critical of donations to the Clinton Foundation: “They’ve crossed a very, very important bright line, and it’s not good. To encourage Americans to buy goods from companies owned by the first family is totally out of bounds and needs to stop.

“Clearly, the Trumps feel some of this is related to politics. But whether that’s true or not, these marketing battles need to be fought by Ivanka and her company. They cannot and should not be fought by government employees and the White House,” Schweizer said. “It’s time to move beyond the mind-set and the role of a businessman and assume the mantle of commander of chief.”

Washington Post


However, while frowned upon, the president and vice president are exempt from the law barring use of public office for private gain.

Business Insider


08 Feb 2017 – Spicer: Nordstrom Dropping Ivanka Trump’s Line Is ‘Direct Attack’ On President

When asked why Nordstrom’s decision would be an attack on the President’s daughter after she supposedly removed herself from her company, Spicer said that the attack affects Ivanka Trump because the brand still bears her name.

Talking Points


08 Feb 2017 – Sean Spicer Mistakenly Adds Atlanta Islamist Attack to List of Other Attacks.

White House press secretary Sean Soicer has repeatedly pointed to Atlanta, along with San Bernardino and Boston, as one of three U.S. cities that have been attacked by Islamist terrorists to argue that the Trump administration needed to act quickly to prevent another attack in the future.

While the Boston bombing and shootings in San Bernadino were both carried out by Islamist terrorists, neither involved foreign nationals from the seven countries in Trump’s executive order. There has never been an Islamist terror attack in Atlanta.

The Daily Beast


07 Feb 2017 – Betsy DeVos Confirmed as Education Secretary; Pence Breaks Tie

“These are the Senators who voted for DeVos and their term ends in 2018:

•Flake – Arizona
•Wicker – Mississippi
•Fischer – Nebraska
•Heller – Nevada
•Corker – Tennessee
•Cruz – Texas
•Hatch – Utah
•Barrasso – Wyoming”

The ultimate goal here was to create a new “value school” model in the state, delivering schooling at a per-student cost of roughly $5000, over $2000 less than the average reimbursement provided by the state for each child enrolled in a district’s schools–with “edupreneurs” pocketing the balance. For Snyder and DeVos, the purpose of education is not to help develop a more informed and educated citizenry, or to help children to become more fully human by providing a comprehensive, high quality curriculum, including music, art, and physical education in addition to the rest of the disciplines. The purpose of education under Snyder and DeVos is to turn the state’s once excellent system of public schools into an educational WalMart, boasting “low, low prices” in place of quality instruction.

New York Times




06 Feb 2017 – President Trump is now speculating that the media is covering up terrorist attacks

“You’ve seen what happened in Paris, and Nice. All over Europe, it’s happening,” he said to the assembled military leaders. “It’s gotten to a point where it’s not even being reported. And in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn’t want to report it. They have their reasons, and you understand that.”

Washington Post


06 Feb 2017 – Donald Trump may not be allowed to address Parliament on UK state visit, Speaker says

John Bercow, the Speaker, said he was “strongly opposed” to Mr Trump speaking in the Commons and that being invited was “not an automatic right” but “an earned honour”.

“Before the imposition of the migrant ban I would myself have been strongly opposed to an address by president trump in Westminster Hall,” he told MPs in response to a point of order by an MP.

“After the imposition of the Migrant ban by President Trump I am even more strongly opposed to an address by President Trump in Westminster Hall.”

Parts of the Commons erupted into rare spontaneous applause in support of Mr Bercow’s statement.



06 Feb 2017 – Donald Trump says ‘any negative polls are fake news’



Washington Times


06 Feb 2017 – Trump Is Attacking Any Institution That Challenges Him

Having lost a series of decisions that blunted, at least temporarily, the impact of his immigration order, he lashed out at a federal judge in Washington state who ordered a nationwide suspension, tweeting on Saturday:”The opinion of this so-called judge, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country, is ridiculous and will be overturned!”
He followed that up Sunday, with a tweet that laid a predicate for blaming not just the judge but the American judicial system for a future terrorist attack:“Just cannot believe a judge would put our country in such peril. If something happens blame him and our court system. People pouring in. Bad!”-

The Atlantic


03 Feb 2017 – Kellyanne Conway Appears to Invent Fake Bowling Green Massacre

What Conway was likely referring to was an incident in 2011 in which two Iraqi nationals were indicted for allegedly having ties to IED (Improvised Explosive Device) attacks against U.S. troops in Iraq. According to a 2013 release from the Department of Justice pertaining to their sentencing for terrorist activities, “Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, 25, a former resident of Iraq, was sentenced to life in federal prison, and Waad Ramadan Alwan, 31, a former resident of Iraq, was sentenced to 40 years in federal prison.” The two men lived in Bowling Green, Kentucky and according to the release “admitted using improvised explosive devices (IEDs) against U.S. soldiers in Iraq and who attempted to send weapons and money to Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) for the purpose of killing U.S. soldiers.”

There is no information about the men having committed violent offenses in Bowling Green, Kentucky.

The Daily Beast


02 Feb 2017 – Leaked Draft Of Trump’s Religious Freedom Order Reveals Sweeping Plans to Legalize Discrimination

“It would permit organizations receiving federal grants or contracts to provide child welfare services not only to refuse necessary care but to refuse even to “refer the child to another agency or setting that would be protective and affirming and instead place the child in an environment that is aggressively hostile to who that child is, on religious grounds.”

The Nation


02 Feb 2017 – Donald Trump threatens to withdraw federal funds from Berkeley University after Breitbart editor talk cancelled

Around 1,500 people gathered to peacefully protest Mr Yiannopoulos’ visit before a smaller group of people dressed in black started a wave of vandalism. “This was a group of agitators who were masked up, throwing rocks, commercial grade fireworks and Molotov cocktails at officers,” said UC Berkeley Police Chief Margo Bennet.



31 Jan 2017 – After meeting with pharma lobbyists, Trump drops promise to negotiate drug prices

“Today, after a meeting with pharmaceutical industry lobbyists and executives, he abandoned that pledge, referring to an idea he supported as recently as three weeks ago as a form of “price fixing” that would hurt “smaller, younger companies.” Instead of getting tough, Trump’s new plan is that he’s “going to be lowering taxes” and “getting rid of regulations.”



30 Jan 2017 – Trump pledges to ‘do a big number’ on Dodd-Frank Wall Street reform

“There is nobody better to tell me about Dodd-Frank than [JP Morgan C.E.O.] Jamie [Dimon]. So he has to tell me about it, but we expect to be cutting a lot from Dodd-Frank because, frankly, I have so many people, friends of mine, that have nice businesses, they can’t borrow money,” Trump said Friday morning, shortly before signing the executive orders. “They just can’t get any money because the banks just won’t let them borrow because of the rules and regulations in Dodd-Frank.”

Money CNN


30 Jan 2017 – Trump Fires Acting Attorney General Who Defied Him

President Trump fired his acting attorney general on Monday night, removing her as the nation’s top law enforcement officer after she defiantly refused to defend his executive order closing the nation’s borders to refugees and people from predominantly Muslim countries.

New York Times


30 Jan 2017 – Donald Trump’s first US military raid ‘kills 30 civilians, including 10 women and children

“The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. When they say they don’t care about their lives, you have to take out their families” – Donald Trump


New York Times


28 Jan 2017 – President Trump’s Muslim ban excludes countries linked to his sprawling business empire

During a campaign rally in Alabama last year, Trump expressed his admiration for the Saudis. “They buy apartment from me,” he said. “They spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much.” Those comments could cock a few eyebrows, since most of the 9/11 attackers were from Saudi Arabia.

New York Daily News


27 Jan 2017 – Trump closes the White House comment line so people are calling his hotels.

“They claim that, “by not divesting himself from his businesses, he’s actually creating satellite White Houses all over the world.” 

Since entering office, Donald Trump has yet to re-open the comments line, which was shut down during the transition process according to ThinkProgress (https://archive.is/iXQqE). Now, callers are greeted with a recording that instructs them to instead Facebook message the White House— a feature that doesn’t exist, or, leave comments in the online web form.



23 Jan 2017 – Trump Abandons Trans-Pacific Partnership, Obama’s Signature Trade Deal

President Trump upended America’s traditional, bipartisan trade policy on Monday as he formally abandoned the ambitious, 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership brokered by his predecessor and declared an end to the era of multinational trade agreements that defined global economics for decades.

New York Times


26 Jan 2017 – The State Department’s entire senior management team resigns.

‘Assistant Secretary of State for Administration Joyce Anne Barr, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michele Bond and Ambassador Gentry O. Smith, director of the Office of Foreign Missions, followed him (undersecretary for management Patrick Kennedy) out the door. All are career foreign service officers who have served under both Republican and Democratic administrations’.

*Conflicting reports, a minority of sources state they were fired.

Washington Post


24 Jan 2017 – A Rogue National Park Is Tweeting Out Climate Change Facts in Defiance of Donald Trump

Badlands National Park posted several facts about climate change on its official Twitter account Tuesday afternoon, sharing statistics that might contradict the beliefs of President Donald Trump’s new administration.

“Today, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 650,000 years. #climate,” the park tweeted on Tuesday.



23 Jan 2017 – Trump issues executive order freezing hiring for federal workforce

In 1982, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) examined hiring freezes imposed by former presidents Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan and determined that was not an effective strategy.

Hiring freezes have “little effect on Federal employment levels,” the GAO said. The report said the freezes “disrupted agency operations, and in some cases, increased costs to the Government.”

Washington Post



23 Jan 2017 – After ethics review, Senate postpones committee vote for Betsy DeVos

“Here’s some bullet points and a basic timeline:

•Each senator present was given 5 minutes to address DeVos. (there were maybe 20 senators present, I didn’t count).

•Democrats realized immediately they would not have enough time to ask all their questions and began asking about the committee leader about the opportunity of a second round of questions. Committee chair Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN) stated that no second round of questions would be allowed because it would be “unfair treatment because Obama’s 2 picks before didn’t have a second round of questions”.

•Multiple Democratic senators then cited that all previous committee reviews were given the option of a second round of questions. I believe it was Warren that quoted Committee chair Alexander from previous sessions on the record directly asking if anyone wanted a second round of questions, then she provided counts of the number of senators that had stayed to participate in a second round of questions in multiple previous occurrences. Alexander dismissed that sticking by his statement that having a second round of questions for DeVos would be unprecedented, would be unfair, and would not be allowed.

•Democrats pointed out that all previous appointees had submitted their ethics review documents prior to the hearing so that the senators could review it in advance, and that DeVos had not done that. They wanted to wait until she had provided those documents before asking more questions, and chair Alexander basically said it doesn’t matter, its not a law that she has to do the ethics survey, and she won’t be required to if she doesn’t want to.

•Democrats had a litany of really eye-opening facts and questions that she either flatly denied, refused to answer, or evaded. When presented with a question like “do you think all schools that get federal funding, whether they are public/private/charter, should be subject to the same accountability and performance requirements, she said “I’d leave that to the states” and when repeated the question making emphasis on “federal” she just said “i support accountability” and then refused to say anything else.

•Franken (D-MN) asked specific questions about her thoughts on rating schools and students based on progress/improvement versus arbitrary proficiency standards, and she didn’t understand the difference.

•DeVos’s whole campaign stance is that “parents need to have options to send their kids to the school that is right for their student”. However there was no mention of distance, cost, funding, ability, performance, etc. It was a very similar attitude as “states rights”, basically that the federal government obviously can’t run public schools properly, so as the public schools are shown to be failing, strip their funding so that other forms of school (charter/private) obviously need to be strengthened, and that the states would know what’s best for their schools. It was then pointed out that Michigan charter schools (where she was republican chairwoman) have 17% proficiency rates, so how could she be trusted with the whole nation? she evaded and blamed poverty in Detroit as the reason.

•DeVos has never attended a public school, and none of her kids of family has either. She has never worked at a public school either. She has never led or been involved with an entity with even 1/1000th the budget of the education department.

•Republicans of course praised her, didn’t really ask any questions, except a few generic slow pitch questions like “are you a good pick?” or “do you support equal education opportunities for all students?” of which she of course thanked them for the question, smiled, and said yes. It was oddly creepy, the circlejerking the republicans were doing.

•DeVos never ONCE mentioned anything about what she would do for public schools, other than ensure they were held to accountability standards so that if they fail, they are closed/stripped of funding. ”  ——/u/elislider

Washington Post


20 Jan 2017 – All References to Climate Change Have Been Deleted From the White House Website

“President Trump is committed to eliminating harmful and unnecessary policies such as the Climate Action Plan and the Waters of the U.S. rule.”

White House


16 Jan 2017 – Trump’s cabinet pick invested in company, then introduced a bill to help it

Rep. Tom Price last year purchased shares in a medical device manufacturer days before introducing legislation that would have directly benefited the company, raising new ethics concerns for President-elect Donald Trump’s nominee for Health and Human Services secretary.

After Price offered his bill to provide Zimmer Biomet and other companies relief from the CMS regulation, the company’s political action committee donated to the congressman’s reelection campaign, records show.



15 Jan 2017 – Trump’s first foreign trip as president will be to meet Putin

“The U.K. newspaper said Trump and his team told British officials that their first foreign trip would be a summit in Iceland with Putin within weeks of his inauguration.

Iceland has not been formally contacted about such an event”

The Hill



14 Jan 2017 – Donald Trump kicks off MLK weekend by slandering Civil Rights hero John Lewis

@realDonaldTrump: Congressman John Lewis should spend more time on fixing and helping his district, which is in horrible shape and falling apart…

John Lewis represents Georgia’s 5th district, which includes 3/4 of Atlanta. While I don’t have statistics for the 5th district exclusively, the Atlanta metro area is America’s 8th largest economy, and contains America’s third largest concentration of Fortune 500 companies.

@realDonaldTrump: …not to mention crime infection…

While crime in Atlanta is a problem, between 2001 and 2009, Atlanta’s crime rate dropped 40%, with homicides down 57%, rape down 72%, and violent crime overall down 55%.

@realDonaldTrump: All talk, talk, talk – no action or results.

Lewis’ civil rights activism during the 60’s resulted in him being beaten multiple times and even had his group’s bus fire-bombed by the KKK. He was quoted as saying, “We were determined not to let any act of violence keep us from our goal. We knew our lives could be threatened, but we had made up our minds not to turn back.”

Share Blue


13 Jan 2017 – Trump aide in frequent contact with Russian envoy

1.Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign manager, was one of the operatives working in Ukraine to install a pro-Russian government.


2.Paul Manafort and Roger stone worked close together for years, and ran a “pro-torture” lobby in DC. They own a mutual lobbying firm – one of the most powerful in Washington.


3.Manafort went missing for several weeks in 2010 (as well as 2014)


– same year the documents allege that Trump began to be cultivated by Moscow. – Roger Stone openly joked he was kidnapped by the Russians.


4.Trump began birthirism in 2011.


5.Cory Lewandowski was fired from Trump’s campaign and Paul Manafort put in.


6.Immediately, Trump’s stance on Russia changed –


pledged to remove sanctions on Russia full-stop.


7.Manafort was found to receive an off-the-books 12-million dollar payment in Ukraine.


8.Manafort’s ties were discovered and resigned,


but continued to live in Trump Tower and advise Trump.


9.Simultaneously – DNC is hacked by Russia.


10.Mysteriously, Roger Stone tweets that he knows of Podesta leaks before any information about them is released.


11.Trump hires Steve Bannon – also known well by Roger Stone.


12.General Flynn and Carter Page – two men with deep ties to Russia –


also join the campaign.


13.Russians accused of Podesta and DNC hacks formally in October –


Trump denies.


14.Trump wins – continues to be soft on Russia

– Intel Community formally declares it was Russia.


15.Russian spies and spy agencies inside US shut down, people kicked … out.


16.General Michael Flynn found to be illegally contacting the Russian ambassador before-and-during this time. He contacted the same day as sanctions from Obama for hacking.


17.Trump appoints an extremely pro-Russian SoS Rex Tillerson.


18.Trump is briefed on 35-page dossier.


19.Trump mocks the intelligence agencies in the United States, and then proceeds to praised Wikileaks and Julian Assange


20.Trump admits it was Russia,


but promises better relations and that Putin will “not hack the US again with him there.”



Associated Press
