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File: 1486556342321.jpg (67.41 KB, 1080x1080, tumblr_ojae39AppA1vn37q4o1….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

ID: d6171cb68b No.33109[Reply]

pretty sure this is another fake blog, but I was wondering if anyone had more pictures of the girl? The current blog is lesliemoore17 but all her pictures were deleted. She also had a blog called lesliemoore15.
29 posts and 27 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

ID: e70e212d4f No.33830

Lots of her on chewedupclick tumblr


ID: b271e9ebd4 No.33852

File: 1487487796490-0.png (315.32 KB, 500x500, tumblr_nxhz17LwRS1ul7ncwo1….png) ImgOps Google

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ID: b271e9ebd4 No.33854

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ID: b02750d5e8 No.34057

Bump bump bumpy bump

ID: 53649cded9 No.34079

All i managed to save from the dropbox was this bate vid 🙈🙈👌

Link: solidfiles.ml/36pg8dV
Pass: anonib

File: 1487301691237.jpg (82.24 KB, 574x671, tumblr_nqemje8sIb1tlqzc8o1….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

ID: 959d040d06 No.33655[Reply]

anyone got wins

ID: 959d040d06 No.33739

File: 1487394068516.jpg (134.85 KB, 640x1136, tumblr_no9m1xByuv1tlqzc8o1….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

Bump please

ID: 959d040d06 No.33973

Bump this hottie

ID: 51d98b996e No.34029

Here is her tumblr: constants–and–variables.tumblr.com/tagged/me

ID: 959d040d06 No.34034

Yes we all know it's in the title.. I'm asking for wins

ID: 63c3497ece No.34078

Here's one of the videos from the drive that I saved:

It's an "about me" video with a slutty twist.

File: 1485317924518-0.jpeg (55.1 KB, 333x610, image.jpeg) ImgOps Google

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ID: 2bf84e983f No.32302[Reply]

Booty is perfection and she used to snap it constantly and seems to have moved on so does anyone have any earlier stuff that's this:

25 posts and 9 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

ID: 24594ae55f No.33949


ID: 24594ae55f No.34020


ID: 56270b3cd7 No.34023


ID: 24594ae55f No.34066


ID: aa1c319377 No.34077

All i managed to save from the dropbox was this bate vid 🙈🙈👌

Link: solidfiles.ml/36pg8dV
Pass: anonib

did anyone get the sex vid?

File: 1486868519788.jpg (184.95 KB, 1280x1280, c5a34e17-5610-4dbe-8d18-45….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

ID: 02cf0dca45 No.33317[Reply]

Anybody have any of her old nudes or body positivity stuff??
1 post omitted. Click reply to view.

ID: 1f476b3cd3 No.34067

File: 1487732341509-0.jpg (61.48 KB, 640x853, IMG_3106.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

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ID: 1f476b3cd3 No.34068

File: 1487732551554-0.jpg (328.47 KB, 1280x1280, IMG_3778.JPG) ImgOps Exif Google

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ID: 1f476b3cd3 No.34069

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ID: 1f476b3cd3 No.34071

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ID: 69253cfb4a No.34076


If there's one vid, there's got to me more out there

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ID: 7601a44fcc No.33073[Reply]

Has anyone purchased her Blowjob video? If you have could you share please?
83 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

ID: ff9b8c2962 No.34046

As the owner and creator and video in question, I give a shit. I am aware and will take it very seriously if my video is posted. This is something I make money from. Nobody has permission to upload it anywhere.

ID: 88f090b058 No.34047

do you want to upload it ?

ID: ea47374679 No.34056


No one gives a fuck.

ID: 3d897a4e2e No.34063

She's asked for it not to be uploaded, just don't do it. Simple.

ID: 69c616469b No.34075

You posted on Tumblr that you aren't making any more videos, so if you are retired, you aren't making any more money.

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ID: e7accc3a1a No.3045[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

her thread disappeared. bringing it back.
202 posts and 160 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

ID: ff7d024f0c No.32819


ID: ff7d024f0c No.33403


ID: 80ba4298a7 No.33771

File: 1487428315500.jpg (285.45 KB, 1200x900, C45bG5CVcAAJcPV.jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

ID: 7613964b18 No.34037

she's a walking red flag, but fuck, she's the sexiest bitch i've ever seen

bump for more

ID: fe7433b4f6 No.34074


can anybody rip the video?

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ID: 52bb3d6a2a No.33948[Reply]

anybody have anything on this fine piece of ass, she has a premium snap. willing to trade if you show proof.

ID: 5fa77dec76 No.34021


ID: 6e9f851710 No.34042


ID: 1de9193e89 No.34062


ID: 52bb3d6a2a No.34073

im looking for her premium stuff from snap

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ID: c593b2079b No.29950[Reply]

This old fat guy has been duping/paying hot models for years for "massage" shoots and somehow gotten a very high percentage to jerk him off or have full sex.
Weirdly, his stuff is insanely hot and a shocking amount of the women seem totally ok as he rubs himself, gropes them and shoots his load lol.
He used to post in various places (tumblr, dev art, Vimeo etc) but now sells for insanely high prices at:


The site is relatively small and new, can anyone get into any of these boxes?
It seems the only boxes worth a damn are the overly priced ones
There are literally gigs and gigs worth and heres what I've gotten to give you an idea of his stuff:

39 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

ID: 43c4769d20 No.33482

File: 1487046529301-0.jpeg (75.87 KB, 640x581, image.jpeg) ImgOps Google

File: 1487046529301-1.jpeg (65.32 KB, 534x607, image.jpeg) ImgOps Google

This link has an 18 yr old Seattle redhead who apparently had no idea he was gonna cram his dick between her cheeks and blow his load on her back and I'm dying to see it lol

ID: c593b2079b No.33594

File: 1487217690055-0.jpeg (68.83 KB, 640x576, image.jpeg) ImgOps Google

File: 1487217690055-1.jpeg (124.88 KB, 640x640, image.jpeg) ImgOps Google

This is that model Awwwwwwd, way fckin hot and she's in a few of his boxes

ID: 9167692242 No.33673

File: 1487318975641.jpeg (73.59 KB, 640x397, image.jpeg) ImgOps Google

So much hotter than it should be lmao

ID: 637820bb33 No.33769


ID: c593b2079b No.34072


File: 1487107539741.jpg (160.42 KB, 500x694, tumblr_ndtfyvZ2S31t7e5bto1….jpg) ImgOps Exif Google

ID: b23e9a7a54 No.33517[Reply]

New thread, old one was deleted. Post wins if you have any
28 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

ID: 5742be837d No.33990

Still friends with ivy, confirming the last several pictures are her. they have to be pretty recent because she hasn't had green hair for too long, 4-6 months max.

ID: 84f0771b50 No.33991

friends irl or social media?

ID: 5742be837d No.33999

follow her fb, see her occasionally

ID: 06af9eeaea No.34003

I think she got her green hair in August or so. Anyway, everything I have has been posted on here. Anything new out there?

ID: 5de9bb86bc No.34070

Not that I've seen. Bump for visibility

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ID: ce9285db7d No.34065[Reply]

Any rare stuff?

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