Myth Busting the Pay Gap

Surely it can't be true. President Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act in 1963. The very next year Congress passed Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned sex discrimination at work. Yet nearly fifty years later, women still make less than men.

We live today in a world where women run Fortune 500 companies, sit on the Supreme Court, and push back the frontiers of knowledge. We live during a time when more young women than men hold bachelor's degrees, and when women make up almost half of all new law school graduates. Given all our progress, there must be some explanation behind the fact that women still lag behind men when it comes to pay equity.

Earlier this week, the Paycheck Fairness Act failed to advance in the Senate, triggering a new round of conversation about the pay gap and what the numbers really mean. Research shows that even though equal pay for women is a legal right, it is not yet a reality. Despite the evidence, myths that women's choices or other legitimate factors are the "real" cause of the pay gap persist. So does confusion about how to measure the gap and what figures to use. That’s why today, we are going to bust a few myths.

MYTH: Saying women only earn 77 cents on the dollar is a huge exaggeration – the “real” pay gap is much smaller than that (if it even exists).

REALITY: The size of the pay gap depends on how you measure it. The most common estimate is based on differences in annual earnings (currently about 23 cents difference per dollar). Another approach uses weekly earnings data (closer to an 18- or 19-cent difference). Analyzing the weekly figures can be more precise in certain ways, like accounting for work hours that vary over the course of the year, and less accurate in others, like certain forms of compensation that don’t get paid as weekly wages. No matter which number you start with, the differences in pay for women and men really add up. According to one analysis by the Department of Labor's Chief Economist, a typical 25-year-old woman working full time would have already earned $5,000 less over the course of her working career than a typical 25-year old man. If that earnings gap is not corrected, by age 65, she will have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars over her working lifetime. We also know that women earn less than men in every state and region of the country, and that once you factor in race, the pay gap for women of color is even larger.

MYTH: There is no such thing as the gender pay gap – legitimate differences between men and women cause the gap in pay, not discrimination.

REALITY: Decades of research shows a gender gap in pay even after factors like the kind of work performed and qualifications (education and experience) are taken into account. These studies consistently conclude that discrimination is the best explanation of the remaining difference in pay. Economists generally attribute about 40% of the pay gap to discrimination – making about 60% explained by differences between workers or their jobs. However, even the “explained” differences between men and women might be more complicated. For example: If high school girls are discouraged from taking the math and science classes that lead to high-paying STEM jobs, shouldn’t we in some way count that as a lost equal earnings opportunity? As one commentator put it recently, “I don’t think that simply saying we have 9 cents of discrimination and then 14 cents of life choices is very satisfying.” In other words, no matter how you slice the data, pay discrimination is a real and persistent problem that continues to shortchange American women and their families.

MYTH: But the pay gap is not my problem. Once you account for the jobs that require specialized skills or education it goes away.

REALITY: The pay gap for women with advanced degrees, corporate positions, and high paying, high skill jobs is just as real as the gap for workers overall. In a recent study of newly trained doctors, even after considering the effects of specialty, practice setting, work hours and other factors, the gender pay gap was nearly $17,000 in 2008. Catalyst reviewed 2011 government data showing a gender pay gap for women lawyers, and that data confirms that the gap exists for a range of professional and technical occupations. In fact, according to a study by the Institute for Women's Policy Research that used information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women earn less than men even within the same occupations. Despite differences in the types of jobs women and men typically perform, women earn less than men in male dominated occupations (such as managers, software developers and CEO's) and in those jobs commonly filled by women (like teachers, nurses and receptionists). In a recent review of 2010 Census data, Bloomberg found only one of 285 major occupations where women's median pay was higher than that of men – personal care and service workers. Because the data showed a particularly large pay gap in the financial sector, Bloomberg suggested that for women on Wall Street, shining shoes was the best way to earn more than the men.

MYTH: Women are responsible for the pay gap because they seek out flexible jobs or choose to work fewer hours. Putting family above work is why women earn less.

REALITY: Putting aside whether it's right to ask women (or men) to sacrifice financially in order to work and have a family, those kinds of choices aren't enough to explain away the gender pay gap. The gender gap in pay exists for women working full time. Taking time off for children also doesn't explain gaps at the start of a career. And although researchers have addressed various ways that work hours or schedule might or might not explain some portion of the wage gap, there may be a "motherhood penalty." This is based on nothing more than the expectation that mothers will work less. Researchers have found that merely the status of being a mother can lead to perceptions of lowered competence and commitment and lower salary offers.

MYTH: We don't need to do anything, the gender pay gap will eventually go away by itself.

REALITY: It has been nearly fifty years since Congress mandated equal pay for women, and we still have a pay gap. There is evidence that our initial progress in closing the gap has slowed. We can't sit back and wait decades more. Just this year the Department of Labor launched an app challenge, working to give women the tools they need to know their worth. My office continues to increase its enforcement of requirements that federal contractors pay workers without discriminating on the basis of race or gender. And we are teaming up with other members of the National Equal Pay Task Force to ensure a coordinated federal response to equal pay enforcement. You can read more about our work on equal pay here.

The pay gap isn't a myth, it's a reality – and it's our job to fix it.

Editor's Note: The author, Dr. Pamela Coukos is a Senior Program Advisor at the Department of Labor's Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs.



I think that is fair

Nice post.I like the post.Thanks.........

Currently reading a book, The Information Diet: A Case for Conscious Consumption: one of its points is the concept of "epistemic closure": "whatever conflicts with [your] reality can be dismissed out of hand because it comes from the liberal media, and is therefore ipso facto not to be trusted." To extrapolate further, you can take a list like the above which is truthful, logical, correct etc. and no matter what you do, people who already believe the myth are going to continue to believe the myth.

This is crazy, this issue is moving too slow. Women have to keep fighting.

Let's handpick some studies that fit our conclusions and ignore the mountains of contradicting evidence!

A-Men. No one ever answers the obvious question: If women really perform the same job for less pay, why would companies hire men?

The main reason why women are paid less is because they are considered to be doing a worse job/be less dedicated, so on. When something happens due to discrimination it is not rational. Nobody wants to hire more people that they deem less competent. There's many other factors too. Women tend to "fight less" for a raise. That won't work if everyone is a woman because then the employer will be obviously underpaying his whole workforce, not just a few individuals the employer can explain away.

Hahaha, oh my.

A woman working the same hours, in the same position, doing the same work earns EXACTLY the SAME as a man.

That women statistically will gravitate towards lesser paying jobs does not mean there is a wage gap. A female firefighter earns the exact same as a male. Same for a female factory worker. Female lumberjack. Female pilot. Female office worker. Female IT professional. Female steel mill worker. Female police officer.

This REFUTES the gender gap myth. In order for there to BE a gender pay gap, you need to have one gender being paid more than another for the same thing.

It is illegal to deny women jobs because they are a woman. It's illegal to deny them the same pay rate. It's illegal to not give them minimum wage.

If people statistically not physically capable or, for whichever reason, aren't socially wanting to take a certain job (such as, oh, firefighter) is NOT a magical cultural construct. It's the fact that people not physically capable and not motivated don't tend to become firefighters REGARDLESS of GENDER.

I don't believe any of this.

You honestly don't believe that men get paid more than women? Pretty crazy isn't it. I think if you don't believe this you need to do some research before you go opening your mouth.

Why not

The wage gap has always been a myth, easily debunked too. Next time ask your female coworkers how much they make per hour, then you will see that the wage gape is a myth. You have got to be a complete moron to do it any other way. Any idiot cold tell you things will change depending on the employee not just the gender. Looking and any two people paycheck will not be evidence at all! You must look at the hourly wages duh!!!!!! How do you think that people would get away with shorting you on your check? do you think in this day and age it would be hard to look at the hours you work and deduce that you employer are robbed you? duh!!!!! there is no way employers would ever get away with that. how exactly you suppose and employer would pay a women less then a man and get away with it? Are you suggesting that both the man and the women make different per hour amounts or that the employers cheat women out of their paychecks? If Employers where cheating women then we wouldn't need to study statistics to see the truth, we could study actual cases, and real substantial evidence. Do we ever see substantial evidence like this?? No! Never!!! We keep records of employment my friends! If there was any substantial evidence at all to prove the wage gape exists, then it would have surfaced long ago!! We find the opposite is true, women make the same dollar about per hour as men, which means there is no gap.

Further more, women today dominate the job market and make 8% more then men, so you have no clue what your talking about, stop writing articles on things you dont know about.

"As one commentator put it recently, “I don’t think that simply saying we have 9 cents of discrimination and then 14 cents of life choices is very satisfying.”"

You might not find it satisfying, but it is correct to do so. Why? Because when you can set aside all of the myths and exaggerations, you can actually focus on REAL causes of discrimination. Continuing to focus on mythical causes and exaggerated numbers does nothing to address the problem - however slight - of discrimination. If anything, it does your cause more harm then good. Unfortunately, you are taking the position of activist...who generally believe that the truth can take the backseat to activism if it suits.

For example, take the “motherhood penalty." What - pray tell - is illegal (or should ever be illegal) about paying someone less who is on the job less? It should never be illegal to pay for productivity. Saying otherwise is asinine. Ok then, how do we address this problem? You could continue to lambast employers for something they have no control over, or you could actually work to encourage equal parenthood and to discourage single parenthood. How do we do that as a society? Discontinue our attack on fatherhood (and men in general) and treat fathers as equals and work to encourage them as much - if not more - then we already work to encourage mothers. In divorce, make rebuttable presumption of equal shared parental responsibility standard across the country. Encourage women to look at men as equals - not as ATMs. And on and on...

Unfortunately, most of this article is just more partisan non-sense that is low on facts, is high on interpretation, and will do little to actually bring about change.

"Putting aside whether it’s right to ask women (or men) to sacrifice financially in order to work and have a family, those kinds of choices aren’t enough to explain away the gender pay gap"

I will reiterate "FactsNotFallacies" point "And yes, employees will pay mothers less due to absenteeism."

But I will add something important in terms of this:

You expect that women should be able to work more flexible jobs or less hours, and still get payed the same as that full-time, difficult-hours male, who's essential working much harder? And you think that's right?
Then why should that man bother? Why should he try hard at all at his job, if the mother-coworker can work in a less demanding setting or less hours, and still get that same pay? it's pointless for him.

I'm not gonna argue the legitimacy of the other issues. I'm not fit to (definitively) say that the wage gap is a myth, I just haven't done that reasearch. But from the issues opposing, that have put some strain on your assertion, I'd say you don't have enough research either, or at least the correct research to disprove those points.. I'll just say, read FactsNotFallacies's comment. I think this wage gap issue needs MUCH more evidence, rather than assertions. I'll take the side of disbelief of the wage gap until it's properly researched.

[By "working much harder", I mean at work, and only in the context of productivity in the workplace, which is the only thing the person's boss should be concerned with. Don't argue about "Mothers deserve more money, cuz that work at home is so much harder than the males". It's not in a place for comparison.]

When I left my "cushy" job as an Equipment Engineer for Pacific T&T, my husband, who was also an employee, took over that position and was immediately given a raise. When I taught in a Catholic school, I was told that I made less than the less-qualified male who had not been teaching as long as I because he was the head of his household and needed the extra money. Tell these "points" to all the women who wanted to be firefighters and police officers, but were denied because they were women. Tell me why I could only be a secretary if I wanted to work for the FBI, not an agent. Scoff if you will, male respondents with only one exception (thank you, Michael Belk), but you've never had to prove you can be a valuable employee, raise a family, and still do the cooking, cleaning, and laundry for neanderthals like yourselves. I was lucky enough to have married someone who valued my brain more than my domesticity.

I respectfully ask the author to respond to this study, in which the Depart of Labor's very own Chaeles E James Sr, Deputy Assistant Secretary, concludes

"In principle, more of the raw wage gap could be explained by including some additional variables within a single comprehensive analysis that considers all of the factors simultaneously; however, such an analysis is not feasible to conduct with available data bases. Factors, such as work experience and job tenure, require data that describe the behavior of individual workers over extended time periods. The longitudinal data bases that contain such information include too few workers, however, to support adequate analysis of factors like occupation and industry. Cross-sectional data bases that include enough workers to enable analysis of factors like occupation and industry do not collect data on individual workers over long enough periods to support adequate analysis of factors like work experience and job tenure.
Although additional research in this area is clearly needed, this study leads to the unambiguous conclusion that the differences in the compensation of men and women are the result of a multitude of factors and that the raw wage gap should not be used as the basis to justify corrective action. Indeed, there may be nothing to correct. The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers."

So if it is possible to hire women and pay them less, why would a free market economy business ever hire any male?

If you believe the rantings of the Madcow, start any business and hire only women. Your women only business will have a HUGE margin advantage against all others. Cuntgratulations you're now RICH RICH RICH. Just remember to thank me.

If employers are able to pay women a significant amount less money for doing the same job then why aren't employers only hiring women? If they did that they would have higher profits as long as women could do the same amount of work as men...

Marius and FactsNotFallacies-
I doubt you will come back and read my response to your comments, but hopefully someone reading the comments for the first time will read this.
You both claim that differences in work hours and chosen profession account for the differences in earning between men and women, yet that myth is listed and debunked in the article. Myths 2 and 3 cite ample evidence that even when accounting for these factors, there is still an unexplained gender pay gap.
Further, there is a valid argument that because many companies provide for maternity leave and not for paternity leave, there is a systemic discrimination forcing mothers to take more time off to care for their children by not allowing fathers the same option.
I agree that women are clustered in careers that don’t pay as well as male-dominated careers. However, I argue that these careers are undervalued because they are considered traditionally female professions. I recall hearing of a study (which unfortunately I have no link for) that found a correlation over time between professions becoming female-dominated, and a decrease in average wages for that profession.
FactsNotFallacies- you write that the author of this article needs to cite more evidence, when the article provides about a dozen links to research supporting its conclusion. However, you present a list of 20 premises for your conclusion with no evidence. The requirement you set for believing in a gender wage gap, which is a study to control specifically for the 20 variables of your choice, is an unreasonable requirement.
How do you explain away the recent double-blind study done at Yale showing that in controlled conditions, both male and female scientists are less likely to hire or mentor women and would offer women a starting salary averaging ~86% of what they would offer men? This is a controlled study where the only difference between the applicants is their gender, so none of the confounding variables you list are relevant. I linked to the article if you click on my name above.
FactsNotFallacies- Regarding your last comment, implying that we should be able to use common sense to see that gender discrimination is illogical, I offer this anecdote: My sister-in-law sat in on a hiring meeting during which a manager argued for hiring a woman because they could pay her less. This happened fewer than 20 years ago.
I find it disturbing how vehemently some people will argue that bias and discrimination no longer exist. It is no longer publically acceptable to argue that women or minorities deserve less pay. However, it is still acceptable to argue that they are already receiving fair pay and promotions when they are not, and in that way attempt to halt any further progress in civil rights.

Ummm how did this 'blog' manage to absolutely mangle the truth that was known as little as 3 years ago? Did the dept. of labor all of a sudden have a hiring blitz taking in applicants from Jezzabel?

From the US Dept. of Labor 2009
"An Analysis of Reasons for the Disparity in Wages Between Men and Women" prepared, under contract, for the U.S. Department of Labor in 1/09:

"This study leads to the unambiguous conclusion that the differences in the compensation of men and women are the result of a multitude of factors and that the raw wage gap should not be used as the basis to justify corrective action. Indeed, there may be nothing to correct. The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers."

What has changed in the 3 years since then for you to challenge the finding of that study and conclusion? Peyote? Acid? Irritable Bowel Syndrome and estrogen poisoning from eating too much soy?

Really.. i even question whether this is an actual government blog or a feminist sick joke.

to FactsNotFallacies last question: Most of the time it isn't "their money" managers are using to hire (exception being a small start-up perhaps) anyways. In my belief, when a woman, especially a mother, shows up for the interview men automatically assume that she will be absent and not work as hard as man, which you seem to believe based on your comment about absenteeism. Thus they hire the man. But it's discrimination to make those assumptions without seeing the worker in action. Or to make those assumptions about an entire group of people at all. That would be like thinking a particular racial group is lazy and not hard workers and thus not hiring them. Clearly discrimination.

Being unaware of a pay gap is one thing, but flaunting your willful ignorance in a myth-busting thread pretty sad, gentlemen (Marius, FrankyV, FactsNotFallacies).

The calculations to determine gaps look at collections of individuals with comparable qualifications, and then slice the data in assorted ways, including by gender, race, age, family status, etc. If breakdowns of the data on factors other than qualifications have significantly different incomes--like gender shows in many, many professions, then they consider it a discriminatory wage gap. And yes, there are enough women in "male" professions like technology and finance where they can make comparisons just about everywhere.

And it's not just an issue for women. Assuming you plan to marry and procreate one day, odds are your spouse will be contributing to your household income, so wouldn't you like them to bring home their fair share? And that money your daughters will get shortchanged might be the difference between a decent or crappy rest home.

Entirely misleading.
If you start to look into specialty jobs (not just "lawyer" but "Tax Lawyer") you'd notice more men take Tax lawyer position, whereas women take "family lawyer position." It's not because most tax lawyers are male that they get paid more.

To get a truly unbiased discrimination study, you would have to account people doing the exact same jobs with very similar education/experience backgrounds. Else you can always claim that the everymale CEO is keeping the everygirl single mom down.

Besides, nobody's keeping women from doing the more dangerous/dirty/morally-blackening-and-thus-higher-paying-jobs.

I'm not denying that the discrimination gender gap doesn't exist. It probably does.

It's just that the ACTUAL discrimination between 2 very similar workers of different genders is probably much much greater than 78 cents per dollar. I'd wager .9 per dollar.

I am a woman, a liberal, and I think the pay gap (as commonly described) is a myth.

In 39 large fields women have a 5% to 43% earnings advantage (US Bureau of Labor, 2003). US Census data from 2001 compared earnings of never-married men and women, without children but with college educations, working full-time and aged 40 to 64: median earnings of women were $47k and men were $40k. Census Bureau data from 2004 showed that a part-time working women earned $1.10 (median) for every dollar of part-time men. (There is even census data prior to the Equal Pay Act of '63 showing a less than 2% pay gap.) Do men earn more than women, overall? Sure. Do women get paid less than men for certain "same jobs"? Yes. (One of the potential reasons is companies feeling pressured to promote women faster, so they end up in the same job but with less experience and therefore lower pay.)

If several laws have already made it a legal offence to discriminate...and we think the discrimination still exists...throwing more legislation at the problem is going to finally fix it? Or perhaps we misunderstand the problem AND the solution. And maybe the problem makes for such a good rallying cry that it virtually guarantees votes, and accuracy is not as good a soundbite. Based on surveys, both men and women prefer male bosses. Think you can legislate "thou shalt love your female boss as much as your male boss"? Human psychology doesn't work that way.

As for the Paycheck Fairness Act, "[employers] would be required to show that any wage discrepancies are based on genuine business requirements and are related to specific characteristics of the position that are not based on gender." But how often is a compensation decision so cut and dry? Say Jane and Joe get the standard job offer from a major tech company for the same position. Jane accepts -- it's a fantastic offer at her dream company. Joe says "sorry, but this other company offered me a lot more". Major tech company doesn't like to lose great talent, and matches the other offer, which Joe now accepts. Is that wage discrepancy allowed under this Act?

This blog seems to strongly contradict the foreword, written by a DOL Federal Contract Compliance employee, in CONSAD's 2009 research report "An Analysis of the Reasons for the Disparity in Wages Between Men and Women," which ended by saying the following:
"Although additional research in this area is clearly needed, this study leads to the unambiguous conclusion that the differences in the compensation of men and women are the result of a multitude of factors and that the raw wage gap should not be used as the basis to justify corrective action. Indeed, there may be nothing to correct. The differences in raw wages may be almost entirely the result of the individual choices being made by both male and female workers."

Why is the DOL making a different argument about the wage gap now?

High school girls are discouraged from math and science? Where and how? If anything, all the teachers and administrators in my school were constantly trying to encourage them, and only a few ever showed any interest.

How far the DOL has fallen under Obama. It has become nothing more than a propaganda machine, pushing economic nonsense such as the minimum wage and the pay gap. Here's a radical idea for you radicals in the DOL: Abolish the minimum wage. Gasp! "Without government protecting the masses from themselves, people would die of starvation within weeks as they mindlessly accepted jobs paying 50 cents an hour and couldn't feed their families." The US Government has done many ridiculous things in 200+ years, but the most absurd of all - the grand champion - is the minimum wage. What a bunch of nonsense.

In the non-union world it is more prevalent because I worked in it and was paid less than the male counterparts.
In the unionized building trades, I was finally paid equally.
In the federal government, I am paid equally but never evaluated fairly for the work I do. So in this case, the gap is there. Since the article appeared in DOL's newsletter, they should do some more research within the ranks. Oh, BTW... has the diversity plan gone by the wayside? No one hears about this anymore. Tired of just being strung along so this is a job now, starting to lose pride for the unrecognized work.

No one has shown me a specifica example where a woman - working side-by-side with a man doing the exact same job with the same senirotiy and skillset for the same company is actually earning less that her male counterpart.

Neither the CONSAD report nor independent, honest economists say any part of the unexplained gap which is between 4 and 7 %, is down to discrimination.

They cannot honestly make that claim, because they just don't know.

Note the tricks in article: the question talks about FEWER HOURS and they post the link to BLS on NUMBER OF FULLTIME WORKERS.

This is obviously to conceal what jumps out from other BLS data: that women work 70% of hrs that men do on the job (80% if you exclude the military).

In France fulltime workweek is 35 hrs per week, in other countries 40 hrs, in US it seems not to even be regulated so whatever comes out as total average is fulltime, but that does not include the variance and difference in avgs for men and women for instance.

The "reality" answer does not answer the question at all, it answers another question. If you substituted "myth" for "reality" and "reality" for "myth" in this article, you'd get pretty close to actual, factual reality.

Businesses intentionally hire men so they can pay them more than a woman who is equally capable? Square that circle folks.

It bears repeating from a poster above:

If an employer can get the same production from female workers as males at about a 25% discount (which the 77 cents per dollar roughly works out to), why the heck do businesses even hire men at all?

The market would incentivize the hiring of women only and any business competing that would still hire men and pay them more would be put out of business because they could not keep competitive with those that hired only women.
Since businesses exist to make profit, this supposed fact of the pay gap would not be a secret and would have changed the workforce already.

But it hasn't.

Here's a thought: When all factors are accounted for, why must we assume that discrimination is the only reason left for any type of supposed gap?

Those who believe the nonsense of this original post. Please re-think this through.

My wife and I work completely different occupations; as different as fish and pineapples. She makes more money than I do on an hourly basis as well as yearly. She's offered better benefits than I am. According to the logic used in the article, I should be whining about pay inequity. Fortunately, I know the meaning of the words disingenuous and political pandering.

Here is a fact:

Women's median pay is about 77 cents to men's median.

Here is a myth and a lie perpetuated almost daily for years by most ideological Democrats and liberals:

Women earn 77 cents to men's dollar for the same work.


Re: The above statement "Women’s median pay is about 77 cents to men’s median"

It should be: Women’s median pay is about 77 percent of men’s median.

How can a Government Website tell complete lies?

Oh, wait they do it all the time...

But women do frequently come out better in divorce!

To the idiots asking why men are still hired if women are paid less:

They tried that. Look up the "Market Revolution" that occurred between the late 19th and 20th Centuries. Women were hired in textile factories, coal mines, and other places of work PRECISELY because they could be paid less than a man. You know what happened? Men bitched about it. A LOT. They formed unions to get their jobs back.

So yeah, the whole "if women are really paid less, why hire men at all" question is bulls**t. If companies thought they could get away with it, they would. They tried it before, and it backfired.

Learn your damn history.

One idea that comes to mind for fixing the "pay" (really earnings) gap of men and women is that women could start working as many hours as men. I think that could help a lot. And no, I'm not talking about unpaid housework.

Another would be women starting to choose better paying fields of work than they do currently.

Men could also quit their high-paying jobs and "downshift".

OK people, go ahead and fix that pay gap!

I really enjoyed the quality information you offer to your visitors from this blog. but i think pay gap is a myth. Thanks for sharing this informative post.

Great post.

This is beyond dishonest. I love how the White House has all their bureaucratic departments feeding their same talking points of their agenda. This gender pay gap is a myth. When they say above it all depends how you measure it, that should tell you all you need to know. They choose to cherry-pick numbers to fulfill their talking points. You can look up "gender pay gap myth" on youtube and find several well laid out explanations of why this is nothing more than a lie that is used by liberals to sway support from women.

Dear Author/ Writer of this Article,

I do not agree with every thing you say in this article. Yes, it may be true that women may own very high and wealthy businesses but that does not mean that is true in every work place they enter or every job opportunity they receive. In many different work places the men are usually the ones who get the first offer asking if they would accept a higher position. Or in some cases their boss could just hand them a new job even if sometimes they may not be ready for it. Partially in this example a higher and particularly more educated woman didn't get offers.

Could you please link a list of sources used for this article because ,personally, its hard to distinguish fact from fiction when the only established evidence is your word instead of data tables and surveys that establish hard facts. I would also like to state that I am completely for women's rights and the advancement of women in the workforce, its just every website I check all evidence is vague and there is never any clear documentation direct pay inequality. Thank you!

Without tracking differences in overtime and performance based bonuses there is too large a gap in the data to determine if the work is equal.

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