This happened a couple years ago, before I even heard of MGTOW. The commute in the evening rush is so fucked trains get jammed for hours while passengers roast in the blistering heat in the subway. No A/C. Train was packed as shit, no space. I tried to get on, my only mistake was trying to stand and hold on to the some untaken overhead rail space. Next I hear some bitch sounding off to me "That's my daughter. I'm her mother. You better not be trying anything". Making a scene. Apparent I was trying hit on her fucking daughter by entering the train, standing up in available space, while trying to hold on. That's the fucking proper subway etiquette, to not lean on other people. Yea, I was harrased and shamed for standing beside her daughter. Now I avoid packed public transport, stand like 15' behind women on escalators, and avoid teenagers and kids.