Communism VS Socialism VS Fascism VS Capitalism Table / Chart

There are a lot of different isms in this day and age. Most people seem to think each one is distinct and that some are better than others. I wanted to create a table to show that while there are some differences between all these isms, there are also a lot of similarities. Have a look.

by Quinton Figueroa on February 27th, 2010

Please understand that this table can't be 100% accurate. There are just too many variables. But what it will do is give you a pretty good understanding of what to expect from each one. This obviously leans towards my opinion but I'm not pulling this opinion out of a magic hat. This is gathered from reading many history books and talking with educated people.

Communism Socialism Fascism Capitalism
Historically Soviet Union Western Europe Nazi Germany, Italy, Rome 1800 - 1900's America
Present Day - Western Civilization America None
Notable Architects Illuminati Fabian Society, Round Table, CFR, RIIA Vatican, Rome Francis Bacon, Adam Smith, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin
Front Men Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin Franklin D. Roosevelt, Barack Obama Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, George H.W. Bush George Washington, Thomas Jefferson
Economics State Ownership Hybrid State/Private Ownership Corporate Ownership Free Market, All Private
Religion Humanism Humanism State sponsored Any
Level of Self-Responsibility Low Low Low High
Personal Growth Low Low Low High
Centralized Control Yes Yes Yes No
Centralized Bank Yes Yes Yes No
Difficulty of Living in Society Easy but hard Easy but hard Easy but hard Hard but easy
Level of Intelligence Required None/Low None/Low Low High
Government Ran By Dictator Low/Middle Class Upper Class/Corporations Elected Congressional Members
Level of Freedom Low Low Low High
Ability to Legally Overthrow Leaders No Somewhat If you want your head cut off Yes
Individuality / Creativity? No Somewhat No Yes
Your God The State The State Technology / Science / State Universe, Jesus, Nature
Level of Moral Required Low Low Low High
Ruled By Dictator Elite / people Caesar / The Axe Constitution / Law
Means of formation Revolution/Offensive Military Propaganda Offensive Military/The Axe Revolution/Defensive Military
Size of Government Large Large Large Small
Welfare Spending High High High Low/None
Turns into Totalitarian Control Totalitarian Control Totalitarian Control Socialism/Fascism if not careful
Quick Summary Fascist Socialism Uneducated/Vice Rule Axe Rule Constitutional Rule
In other words... Very similar to socialism but ran more on military/fascist lines. Not as deceptive as socialism as it is the predecessor. The uneducated and wordly are led with propaganda to fulfill their master's whims while being rewarded with debauchery and vice. Individual growth is stunted and usually reversed. Anyone in disagreement with the king is dead meat. Law built upon universal principles is practiced by decent, well-educated individuals working on the path of growth. Lesser humans are helped, not enslaved.
Associated American Parties Democrats Democrats Republicans No Party

I hope it is beginning to become clear what is going on here. Communism, Socialism and Fascism ARE ALL THE SAME. The subtle differences between them are minor things that make hardly any difference. It's like me asking you whether you would like to die by lethal injection or by having your head cut off. Either way you're dead. Don't let the process towards dictatorial, totalitarian tyranny fool you. In the end it is tyranny.

Capitalism is the best form of government we have experienced on earth so far because it is in the closest alignment with the laws of the universe and truth. It mirrors openness and freedom. It advocates responsibility and integrity. We should never forget just how important such virtues are.

So next time you hear that capitalism has failed you may want to recheck the facts. Capitalism doesn't exist. Capitalism hasn't existed for at least 100 years. If anything has failed it is clearly socialism and we're just getting warmed up. The more socialism fails the more power we lose until finally our new dictator will come in and seize our property, rights and freedoms. This is basic history. All it takes is one generation to forget and they will experience it.

 Filed under: Politics / Government, Capitalism, Communism, Socialism, Fascism

About The Author

Quinton Figueroa

Quinton Figueroa

Los Angeles, CA

I am an entrepreneur at heart. Throughout my whole life I have enjoyed building real businesses by solving real problems. Business is life itself. My goal with businesses is to help move the human ...



Concerned for Liberty: Reply to Communism vs Socialism vs Fascism vs Capitalism

First, I hope it was okay to post my homepage for my blog on here Quinton, and if not please delete it and I will refrain from doing so in the future.

Your post on the types of governments is excellent and one worth posting. I merely refer to all of them as Totalitarianism and our founding fathers typically called it despotism. Basically, either of the two will suffice when conveying a dictatorial style of government in which one individual, family, or state rules all. The political spectrum, which can be seen on my blog reveals both ends of government and the course in which it grows. At one end of the spectrum we have anarchy, which represents 100% freedom and 0% government, and on the other end we have totalitarianism, which represents 100% government and 0% freedom. The spectrum depicts government growth on a consistent basis which begins as anarchy and continues to grow until it ultimately reaches totalitarianism. The fact is once any amount of government is established it does not stop growing and will inevitably reach total government. Both the left (Democrats) and right (Republicans) are statists that advocate large government but on different extremes.

Another way to look at it is that there is individualism and collectivism. The collectivists are winning the war currently, and if it keeps up we are doomed to totalitarianism. The collective elite has taken over our education system where they indoctrinate the students by use of propaganda from an overwhelming majority of leftist professors and teachers. This is a powerful weapon for the collectivists, and one which may or may not be overcome. However, the field of economics is one way in which we may be able to overcome the collectivists. This will be done by more students learning the Austrian School of Economics, made famous by such men as Hayek, Mises, Rothbard and Hazelitt. The Austrian school is growing in popularity and rightfully so. I suggest those not familiar with it to study it. The best place to do this is at which is the school for Austrian Economics with its main campus located at Auburn University.

The best form of government is the Republican form that our founding fathers gave us, yet is proved to not be perfect as it has already been hijacked to cater to the statist left and right. We are now referred to as a democracy which is far from what the founders had in mind, as a matter of fact they said democracy is one of the most dangerous forms of government, where the majority rules with no regard for individual or minority rights. Therefore, 51% will always take away the rights of 49%, which results in a loss of liberty for all. This is no different than mobocracy where the only dissenting vote is the person at the end of the rope.

Our country was meant to be a representative Republic with our constitution installed as a safeguard for our rights. Well, in my opinion one major flaw with our constitution is the fact that it can be amended. However, if it could not be amended then that would be saying it was perfect, which is absurd. I believe it does not really matter what type of government a country has because it will eventually become a dictatorial style of government over time. The only feasible means of preserving our liberty is to vote for candidates who favor smaller government and hope they follow through. This will prolong the end of our freedom by several decades if done on a consistent basis, however eventually the small government leader will be replaced by a large government leader such as we have now. If the large government leader does more damage than the small government leader did good, then we have a problem, and that is what has happened over the last couple centuries. History has shown that governments typically last about 200 years, thus our government is approaching its end.

I don't really see any way to stop the big machine from growing, but only to slow it down. Personally, the only person I think could buy us some more time is Ron Paul. He advocates smaller government more than any other politician I know of. However, I doubt he will have the chance to be elected since he is unpopular with the Republican party, and I would argue it is because he supports limited government.

Quinton Figueroa: Thanks for the great
@Concerned for Liberty (view comment)

Thanks for the great response :)

The article you posted is right on. That diagram sums it up nicely. I agree that governments always move towards control, that's how it has always been. I am pretty much convinced that we will never get it right here on this planet. And if we ever do for a short period of time it will be taken away immediately. That seems to be the dynamics behind this planet.

It will be interesting to see how this thing plays out.

Tyler: Actually this chart is DEAD

Actually this chart is DEAD WRONG. It is bias and only outlines the benifets of capitalism. Btw of course government moves toward control. That's the idea, because EVERYONE thinks they know what is best for everyone. It's natural for people to push their ideals on others. Well not everyone, but the majority. Control can be a good thing when it's conrolled by the right people. When the people control the controller it's pretty rare for things to wrong. This has little to do with the article though. People should study the idea of putting a capitalist twist on socialism. qyte7r

michael: capitalist brainwashing

sorry am sure i proved your points wrong with figures far below. Only stupid americans could write all thiss stuff, and you wonder why your the laughing stock fo the world. Go focus on improving your education system, you need it.

Anonymous: Yeah... Americans need to
@michael (view comment)

Yeah... Americans need to focus on their education system. No offense but who is anyone to try and tell America how to be better than the best? They run the world, and will for some time. You say they are the laughing stock of the world? Well, that is until something happens to you where your government cant do anything about it... Then who do you cry to? Oh yeah, that's right.... The most powerful, wealthiest, most prospering, AAA credit rating nation in the world. America. But yeah we should increase our education... or just let other countries pay for that and take their scientists by being able to offer them more money than your country.

Anonymous: Not AAA nemore bro.
@Anonymous (view comment)

Not AAA nemore bro.

matt: first of all you need to
@michael (view comment)

first of all you need to learn to spell your the only one thats acting stupid

Anonymous: Says the guy who doesn't know
@matt (view comment)

Says the guy who doesn't know the difference between your and you're. I know... spelling lessons all around!

Anonymous : He also missed a much needed
@Anonymous (view comment)

He also missed a much needed comma (,) after spell, and an apostrophe in thats (that's). Or was he really implying that someone needs to learn how to spell: your the only one that[']s acting stupid? At least that's what can be inferred by the comment.

Anonymous: *you're, *that's
@matt (view comment)

*you're, *that's

karlmarxsux: We have not seen free market
@michael (view comment)

We have not seen free market Capitalism in 100 yrs.We have gotten a taste of it,but Michael here, who can’t tell the difference between your and you’re has no reference point.We have been under a Communist - Fascist government for DECADES ! I was warned by a teacher of mine in the in the early 70’s about how miserable most Americans will be under Communism .Americans are certainly miserable these days and that’s an understatement.Let’s see the the look on his face and the reaction we get when Michael is FORCED to relinquish his iPhone to someone he does not know."Communism Mage”? "Yes Gladys" you’re soaking in it “!

comrade benjamin: i really hope your not old enough to have been in the 70's...
@karlmarxsux (view comment)

America would be one of the best places to ever live in if it was communist, fascist is what it has become due to capitalism, lets see communism hmmm free education, housing, health care, well it seems were definitely not living in a communist society doesn't it... USSR wasn't a bad place to live and it was MUCH poorer resource wise than the US.

Kate: Oh yes; Communism was wonderful, you bet.
@comrade benjamin (view comment)

Oh, the bliss of communism, that Utopian worker's paradise; a form of government so great that the state had to force its citizens to like it.

Mike: Nazis

Although there are some people who claim the Nazi party was Fascists, I believe they were actually socialists (National Socialists) and would be better placed in the socialism column.

There are probably plenty of socialists who would like to distance themselves from the Nazi association and disaster, but in truth the Nazis differed from the communists only because of disagreement about their idealolgy of indoctrination - the Nazis believed the German brand of Socialism was superior.

Under the Nazis, economics was also a hybrid - it would be impossible to believe the Nazi government would not have kept tight reins on business with such a brutal central government controlling everyone's lives. The Nazis, like the socialists, implemented lots of welfare programs. And like any socialist government, the Nazis used price controls to attempt to rein in the economic disasters the were quickly being realized and still maintain bureaucratic control.

The state and the Fuhrer (the "Father" or "Leader") was "God" - sort of like the Romans version of "Pater Patriae" and Mao Tse Tung (Father of the Revolution). All of these imply that a central government leader is to replace a belief in God (or a god(s)) and ultimately an appreciate of a common law and rights to personal property.

I think your table is on the right track, but you may want to look a little more into economics and understand price controls and find another historical source other than Wikipedia or something like it.

If the Nazis weren't socialists, why then did they call themselves the National Socialist party?
Why not something like NFP?

Quinton Figueroa: I totally agree with
@Mike (view comment)

I totally agree with everything you stated. As I said, there are lots of ways to look at it and at the end of the day all 3 are pretty much the same thing. Excellent input :).

Steelhorse35: Response to Mike
@Mike (view comment)

Here's why you're wrong: Nazis (Fascists) are backed by the church and big business. Socialists prefer state-owned business, and are typically secular (anti-organized religion). And in reality, Nazis (Fascists) are capitalists, spawning many billionaires from their wars. Much like the US. Only a derp would say "National socialsts must be socialists... it's in their title!" Well, genius, so is "nationalist", the majority of the word "Nazi", and it's the FIRST part of the term, indicating seniority over the "socialist" part.

Goliath: I agree with everything

I agree with everything except Republicans as TRUE CONSERVATIVES are NOT FACISTS! What we see today in America are neoCON Liberals which are Democrats mascarading as Conservatives. There is not difference.

The REAL Republicans of today are the Libertarians

Quinton Figueroa: That's a good way to put it.
@Goliath (view comment)

That's a good way to put it. Thanks :)

karlmarxsux: I love what you wrote.However
@Goliath (view comment)

I love what you wrote.However I think the party is split into oblivion.The cultural Marxists have a stronghold on the minds of the majority of the country.I’m on your side,but I think we are slightly out numbered.Note : I love this site it does not require Fascist Book to sign in...... and the 4th # thing brilliant !!!!

Anonymous: Capitalism a form of government?

Total horseshit. What an ass-capitalism is not a form of government. Pea brain.

Anonymous: Spiritual Foundations

This fellow did some good work on this chart.

I note the presence of "Jesus" on only the Capitalist column. Glad he gave Him at least an honorable mention. This is probably consistent with the overwhelming presence of Christianity during the formation of our nation. And so, I note that this “change” that we are seeing in our government is first of all “spiritual” and secondly it is economic, social, and political. This is why the Capitalism column has all of the good stuff while the other three columns are replete with strife, misery, and man’s godless attempts to create some kind of utopia without the inclusion of godly precepts.

It is therefore useful to note that "Jesus" is conspicuous by His absence as we descend into a totalitarian New World Order (NOW) where all of the other "isms" on the left side are beginning to dominate. We increasingly ignore our both our U.S. Constitution and our God. Millions of us now realize that the current occupant of the oval office is not even constitutionally qualified to be there. But who cares? Nobody looks at the Constitution anymore, and only a few of us pay any attention to The Creator of the universe anymore.


Anonymous: The Nazi party was not just

The Nazi party was not just Fascism !

It was the Nationalist Socialist Party ...

Notice the word: Socialist.

Democrats are being made out to be Communists.
Republicans are being made out to be Nazi Fascists.

Neither are what they are being made out to be by
an unelected group of elitist who own most of the
television, media and etc.. Without most of us knowing
abiut it!

We will get through this if we pull together and stop
believing lies and use "common sense".
Hum ... Thomas Paine wrote a book on that subject ...

Anonymous: nice chart

Too bad the chart is right.

Anonymous: I hope your kidding. cause
@Anonymous (view comment)

I hope your kidding. cause in case you cant tell who ever produced this piece of shit doesnt even know the defintions of these categories

AntiSpin: Disagreements.

Well first of all it's great you took the time to produce this. =)

There are problems with it though. First of all, I don't think it's subjective. It is very clear to me that this table was made with a preset opinion in mind, and hence it is slanted a certain way. By that I mean, there is some obvious bias in some of the more opionated sub-headings.

Secondly, it is unclear whether you are describing an ideal state of each idealogy or a state that exists or has existed. By that I mean, are you describing what each idealogy is meant to be in principle or what actually exists. If you are describing in principle, then socialism doesn't restrict your religion, communism does, where as if you are describing the actual reality, then Capitalism you'll see there is no such a free market and the economics are controlled by corporations and financial markets, similar to facism. It seems to me that for communism-socialism-facism you described what had happened in the past (which were failures admittedly), where as with capitalism you described a perfect ideal situation ignoring the very obvious failings of capitalism as it actually exists, which again ties in with my first point.

Third, I'm going to have to point out some of the areas where I disagree with this analysis, and why.

Economics -> There is no such thing as the free market in capitalism. This is one of the fundamental contradictions of capitalism. First let's establish what a free market is. A free market should allow you to consume what you wish to consume, to produce what you wish to produce and to trade what you wish to trade.

This doesn't exist. The capital required to produce EVERYTHING is controlled by a small number of people, thus entry to the market is severely restricted. Therefore it isn't free. You can't just make a product you have an idea for and sell it. Not in ideal capitalism, not neo-capitalism, not in ANY form of capitalism. There is no such thing as free market and there never will be as long as there is any form of economic and societal organisation.

Personal Growth -> This is very objective. First of all, there is no definition for "personal growth" given. If you mean "financial growth" then yes, under socialism there is no potential to amass the riches that capitalism tempts you with, under communism in the past, the richest would enrich themselves, and of course in fascism, the corporations can enrich themselves at the expense of poorer people. In Capitalism, there is potential to get very rich, but on the proviso you already have money. Therefore that potential is limited to a select number of people, much like communism and fascism. And like facism, the richest get richer at the expense of poorer people. Most people can only realistically expect a certain amount, that amount being what modern socialists and communists plegdge to offer.

If you mean personal growth as in "social development", yes, under fascism you would be, and historically under socialist and communist regimes, restrictions were placed. But social development under capitalism is curtailed too as we constantly work to please financial markets rather than improving society. Personal growth such as getting an education is limited in capitalism as it requires capital to obtain.

Difficulty of Living in Society -> This category honestly baffles me.

Level of Intelligence Required -> Again, I feel this is bias coming through. First of all, what do you require the intelligence for? The level of intelligence required to live a life and articulate yourself will be the same regardless of socio-economic system. This category is very unclear and vague. I could argue you require no intelligence to get rich in capitalism if you already have capital. Surely that should make "intelligence required" low for that category too.

Level of Freedom -> This is where communism and capitalism come closest. In communism it would seem most decisions are made by a small group of democratically elected representatives. In capitalism it would seem that most decisions are made by a small group of undemocractically elected corporate leaders. They control the way the economy works, and practically have a stranglehold on government. Either way control is in the hands of a small number of people. Socialism is the closest to true freedom in that regard as capital and hence information and decision-making is in the hands of the workers.

Turns into -> You can add "Totalitarian Control" to Capitalism too. Every political idealogy has the potential to become that.

Finally your description of "capitalism"

Law built upon universal principles is practiced by decent, well-educated individuals working on the path of growth. Lesser humans are helped, not enslaved.

I think you'll find socialists, communists, marxists etc. would ALL use that description! I'm afraid that is incorrect. Capitalism is about making money and doesn't care who gets hurt. That is why Africa is still in poverty despite being the most materially rich continent, that is why America has one of the highest poverty rates in the developed world.

Thanks for producing this, it certainly is a useful platform for debate, even though I'd would seriously disagree with parts of it.

Anonymous: I totally agree with your
@AntiSpin (view comment)

I totally agree with your points Antispin. It's right wing propaganda like this that makes it difficult to find legitimate information about these political systems.

As for the ideal of personal growth if you are to look at the coat of an education in America(5000-20,000/year) vs. a semi-socialist country like Canada (3,000-8,000) vs. a (modern) socialist country like Sweden or Denmark (free)then you would be surprised how much more the country seems to value a well educated citizenship

I have not heard any recent plans about Canada or Sweden throwing away their democratic systems to adopt a totalitarian dictatorship, in fact the push towards a more Capitalist economic system in Canada is actually causing more harm than good

More Research and less Bias should have gone into this table

AntiSpin: Lesser Humans?
@Anonymous (view comment)

I agree with your points, and while I wouldn't go as far as to call Sweden or Denmark socialism, as they are social democrats, certainly their more successful models are closer to Christian socialism than America's capitalist model is.

I also noticed something disturbing under the (incorrect) summary by the original contributor of capitalism as;

"Law built upon universal principles is practiced by decent, well-educated individuals working on the path of growth. Lesser humans are helped, not enslaved."

I object strongly to the term "lesser humans". How do you define "lesser humans", and surely if you chose to define this, this goes against the word of God as he stated that all men are created equal.

Somewhat amusingly, this is actually a fascist term (untermensch), that Hitler used to describe Jews, Slavs and other non-Germanic races including a considerable amount of Americans. I find it strange that someone who claims to be so staunchly anti-fascist would happily use a key fascist principle as a positive element in their description of capitalism.

Quinton Figueroa: I am glad you asked about
@AntiSpin (view comment)

I am glad you asked about this as I find it to be quite important. Lesser humans could simply mean children being taught by their parents and teachers. They are inferior to their parents. But I'll go ahead and take it a step further because I am not so shallow as to think there is no such thing as adults that are childish and inferior.

I am of the opinion that there are indeed lesser humans and people who are inferior to others. This could be looked at a number of ways and taken a number of ways. I am obviously not talking about the BS Nazi or Vatican world domination/slavery/war type of lesser humans BS. They obviously used this view in a perverted way for an attempt at world domination and mass murder, but this is entirely incorrect.

I am talking about superior cultures helping inferior cultures. I am talking about the educated helping the uneducated. I am talking about the experts teaching the students. I am NOT talking about the superior ruling over the inferior with a rod of iron. This is not the mission and a complete perversion of power.

But it is too obvious that certain cultures and people are better than others. This is why America grew and became popular. The culture was far superior to other inferior cultures. Don't believe me? Why then did everybody immigrate to the new American culture and away from their former culture? When people came to America they adopted a new way of living as framed by the Founding Fathers. These guys were superior humans. They are better than most people. I know it sounds a bit Hitlerish or Fascist, but it is a completely different mission than Hitler and all the dictators. They set out to control. The Founding Fathers set out to free up. After all, George Washington was appalled that many of the colonists would be so inclined to render him the title King George I. The Founding Fathers were smarter, they were more moral and they set out to improve the whole world with one small idea of freedom. Nobody in the world had ever thought of turning on Britain and going against them, but these "rebel" Americans decided it was time to uplift the inferior world with a superior way of living. It's called evolution and progress. And it is usually much more fun being with people of understanding and direction than those of confusion and slumber.

This is exactly what America has done and it is one of the main reasons on why so many other cultures have come to this nation and IMPROVED their standard and quality of life by adopting these superior ways of life. If America and these inferior people were really such bad guys and bad examples why did people of their own volition pour in year after year? How could people wanting to be part of something not infer that something is going on here that is right? These people got it right and have something to offer. The same way the college professor has got it right and has something to offer his students. Good teachers attract many students, and good teacher nations attract many student nations.

Of course everyone is equal in that we all have a right to live our lives freely and as we so desire, within reason. Of course it is incorrect to manipulate somebody if you are smarter than them. BUT IT IS ALSO NOT INCORRECT TO HELP THEM IF YOU ARE BETTER THAN THEM. If you know how to fish and they don't, teaching them to fish is not only not a bad thing to do, it is actually the correct thing to do.

I'm not taking about the ADD, weak-minded, surface kind of an approach to the issue. I am digging a bit deeper and past the propaganda. I am doing something completely crazy and off the wall and going against the whole little socialist game. I am forming my own opinion based off the facts and not the facts based off the opinion that was chosen by my manipulators.

We are certainly not equal in many aspects. Some people are just plain stupid. Some people are geniuses. Some people are better at some things and worse at others. Some people are better at more things than other people. Some people just happen to be worse than others at most things. There are varying degrees at every level and to say that there is no such thing as inferior and superior is complete BS and a weak attempt at approaching life honestly or rationally. It makes no sense and never could make any sense to somebody who can just look around and see what's going on. But I could see why people would fall for it, and I could see why the Nazis would use this exact line of thinking in a perverted way to discredit it.

Michael Jordan is a better basketball player than I am. Is he better than me? Possibly, he obviously is at basketball. Isaac Newton is smarter than most people. Could I ever reach his level? Sure, however, the odd are HIGHLY NOT in my favor. I can deal with that. He was better than me when it comes to intelligence. Jesus was better than me in dealing with other people. He was genuine and compassionate. Can I reach his level? I have my doubts, however, I can almost guarantee he could help an inferior person like myself create a better lifestyle for myself by adopting his lifestyle.

I could really go on with a huge multi-layered post on this one topic, but I suppose I will take the advice of that "equal" master who was by no means superior to us because we are all equal, Jesus:

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

I have a strange suspicion that the dogs are already going to be on me for this one...

AntiSpin: Humans are humans. "Lesser" is a human construct.

I'm afraid all your post has done is validated mine.

Your opinion of what is a "superior" culture is completely subjective. You have decided to impose your own judgement on what is a "superior" culture in your view and call those who follow that culture "superior" to others. This is no different from what Hitler did, no matter how you may choose to rationalise it. He believed that his race was the "superior" culture, and one could argue they were, they were technologically advanced, built great infrastructure, brought great gains to the economy (all at the expense of society of course).

The fact is, whether you be from a poor or a rich background, whether you are educated or not, whether you are black or white, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, gay, straight, etc. we are all HUMAN. And the bible explicitly states that all humans are born equal.

You have placed your own arbitrary divides and judgements on people, and called those who do not live the American way of life "inferior". Now I don't mind if you do this, you are perfectly entitled to. But please don't use Christianity to justify this, because Christianity does not justify your principles as much as you would like it to.

You have some good ideas, but regardless of intention, to classify one human as superior over another is a fascist principle. Feel free to window-dress it or rationalise it however you like, but that is what you are doing whether you realise it or not.

People should help others. If I can't fish and someone teaches me to help? What does that make them? Well it makes them better at fishing. Does it make them a superior human? Well in your view it does, in your view, their life is worth more than mine, in your view, God values that person more than he values me. Now it is fine if you have that view, but good luck finding anything in the Bible backing up the idea that's it's okay for you to impose arbitrary judgements on others and pass them off in the name of the Lord.

Quinton Figueroa: The fact that people came to
@AntiSpin (view comment)

The fact that people came to America for some unknown reason is not subjective. This is a historical fact. People came to America. If it was worse why did people come to America? Why would you choose to do something that is inferior by your own choice? Why come to America if it is a lesser nation with lesser people?

Of course we are all equal as humans. We are all the same in that we are all part of the human family and growing towards truth. But we simply can't throw an umbrella term over everyone and say it stops there. Some people choose to be assholes and screw people. Some people choose to do something with their lives. There are tons of variables. I mean, are you saying that Hitler is equal to Jesus? Would you rather follow Hitler or Jesus? Which one would make a better parent? Which one offered more value to the world? If they were both equal, they both would have left the world with the same equal value. These elementary debates are nonsensical and something one would find on the idiot box.

Is not a parent superior to their child? Is this even taking it too far? Is it completely racist and sexist to say that your child is a fool compared to you? You have to draw the line somewhere. We are not all equal. Grow up and read a book. I get the feeling that I'm talking to myself most of the time.

AntiSpin: Finding points I never said.

Yes I agree, some people do choose to be assholes and screw people over, like the corporations you happily support by supporting capitalism.

I never said or even implied Hitler was equal to Jesus. No one is equal to Jesus - "the arrogance of man to place their face on the face of the creator" - Descartes, Christian Philosopher. This is a complete non-point that you have brought up to distract from the true issue I have highlighted.

Your initial statement said "lesser humans". You then went on to verify exactly what you meant by claiming that one group of humans is better than another one for arbitrary reasons. This is a fascist principle. It doesn't matter if you don't intend to rule with an iron fist or gas people to death. It's still a fascist ideal, viewing one group of humans as better than another based on culture or race.

Yes, people moved to America. Yes some people believed it was a land of opportunity. Doesn't mean it was. A lot of immigrants were poorly treated, there was racism. It wasn't some golden wonderland as people like to paint it. You are allowed to think it is better, heck, you are even allowed to think the American people are better than others. But don't get offended when I liken it to fascism, because it is the uncomfortable truth.

I could argue that child is "superior" to a parent in that they are more honest, and pure and uncorrupted by the world they find themselves in. Why would one suggest it's racist and sexist to call ANYONE a fool, based on their *age*. It's non-points like this that make your argument seem vacuous and poorly-thought out.

Your argument seems somewhat analogous to that of the famous George Orwell quote from "Animal Farm" that "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others". Obviously, given that you were unable to even see the basic point of my post, I doubt you will be able to see the fundamental contradiction in that statement. But it is the same contradiction that is evident in every single post you make.

Telling me to "grow up and read a book" is very immature, given that you have never met me and do not know how much research I have done or literature I have read. I find personal insults to be the hallmark of someone who doesn't have strong arguments to back up their opinion. Do you not like people pointing out basic flaws in your argument? I suppose you consider yourself "superor" to me in this regard. That you are "enlightened" and I am not.

Well I openly admit I don't know everything. My opinion is not absolute, and I do not pass off my subjective view as an objective truth. I considered your views and did not write them off as something you'd find in the "idiot box".

May I suggest good sir if you feel you are talking to yourself, then the only reason is because you actually are, and yours is the only opinion you want to hear. You weren't going to convince me with an argument that has obvious glaring flaws in it. ; )


Looking forward to your respectful reponse,


Quinton Figueroa: I could go on for hours
@AntiSpin (view comment)

I could go on for hours about capitalism. We DO NOT have capitalism in America right now. Having the government bailout companies and regulate industries is not capitalism. So if you're mad about these fascist companies controlling our lives you have socialism and big government to blame for that. Free market economics eliminates government enforced monopolies. GM, Chase, B of A, Citi, etc, etc should all be bankrupt right now. We have socialism to thank for keeping these "too big to fails" around.

I figured you wouldn't like the Jesus response and would call him analogous to the creator so let's replace him with George Washington. Is Adolf Hitler equal to George Washington?

With your response to the child you are starting to get it. Of course a child is more moral, honest, true and less corrupted. They haven't been perverted by the world. But they are also stupid and naive. Parents on the other hand are usually the opposite. They are a bit more street smart and have been burned a few times. They have wised up to the way things work down here and developed their intelligence. But in so doing they have also become corrupted and lost many of the virtues children possess. Does this make them equal with children? I don't think so. If this were the case children wouldn't need parents. Children would take care of themselves as parents take care of themselves (unless of course they LOVE the government to take care of them). But children do need parents. Parents do not need children to survive. But they are still equal? On a spiritual level I could go with it. But on a physical level here on earth I don't think so.

I honestly fail to see how you are unable to make the connection that some people are superior than others. I would much rather have a world of George Washingtons, Thomas Jeffersons, Platos, Einsteins, Newtons, Lincolns, da Vincis, Beethovens and so on than the majority of junk we have right now. I don't mean it in a bad way. I love and respect all people. I just know that they are not of the caliber of the aforementioned names. I'm not of the quality either. I have the potential to be, we all do. But until we refine ourselves and evolve to a superior level we will still be inferior to them. But if we could help everyone become like these people, yet still let them keep their unique personalities, maybe then we would rid the world of useless wars, useless handouts, useless laws, useless jobs, useless waste and all the other problems we face due to being and having people who are inferior than these people.

We could even dive into Biblical examples if you would like, but I usually avoid the Bible as most people hate it and call it fiction (I for one DO NOT). There are many examples of the Israelites going in and destroying those evil, wicked Canaanites. We don't need these Canaanites right? Let the greater be victorious over the lesser. Clearly Israel is God's chosen people, right? Canaanites have inferior Gods to the Israelites. The Israelites are obviously better than the Canaanites and all these other "pagan" tribes who worship their idols and inferior Gods, right? The Bible is difficult to use because you can find a quote or section to argue any point you want to argue.

Perhaps it may be worth writing a full new post on this topic to really detail all the subtle points and drive my main argument home. I appreciate your response and take on things, but I just can not find any way to take such a stance. And believe me, I used to take your exact position.

michael: education,health, gun ownership,war for oil, jail without trial?

The fact you try to persuade that U.S.A is not capitalist and more importantly refer to a bank bailout as an example is alarming as clearly you havn't got the basic grasp of economics or definition.
You may aswell stand on your head and poo out your mouth such is the backward warped view

Quinton Figueroa: And it's a good thing you
@michael (view comment)

And it's a good thing you presented an actual point and argument as opposed to just attacking a person via an ad hominem attack, oh wait...

mark: I find it hard to believe
@michael (view comment)

I find it hard to believe that anyone would see these bailouts (especially NOW, in hind-sight) as anything LESS than socialistic. Anyone truly capitalistic would let these companies go down. It's socialistic to help the larger 'companies' stay around to implement their ideology. Don't be surprised if BofA is the 'world bank of the USA'. Or that Freddy and Fanny was the only means to secure a loan. Bailouts are : UN-CAPITALISTIC!!!

Anonymous: I have to say AntiSpin is a
@AntiSpin (view comment)

I have to say AntiSpin is a smart fish. His argument is logical and respectful.

Try not to get stuck in your perspective; he is just pointing out that the construct of superior/inferior beings is based upon subjective judgment - yours in this case. I agree in general, but I avoid adopting a hierarchical perspective like superior-inferior thinking because that's not how I see the world.
Just a pointer to you, which I hope you will appreciate as it should help you in your pursuit of personal growth.

Quinton Figueroa: Everything is subjective. I
@Anonymous (view comment)

Everything is subjective. I have my perspective, he has his, you have yours. And I clearly disagree with both of you. Could I be wrong? Sure. Could both of you be wrong? Sure. You not seeing the world in a hierarchical perspective is you being "subjective". Using a broad safety net of calling something subjective and disregarding it based solely on that point is a terrible way to go about things. Something should be discredited not because it's subjective but because it's incorrect. I appreciate you trying to help me but fail to see how you offered any value whatsoever.

MM: "The fact that people came to

"The fact that people came to America for some unknown reason is not subjective. This is a historical fact. People came to America. If it was worse why did people come to America? Why would you choose to do something that is inferior by your own choice? Why come to America if it is a lesser nation with lesser people?"

Saying that "everybody immigrate[d] to the new American culture" and therefore American "culture was far superior to other inferior cultures" is wrong. It is actually a minority of people who emigrated to the US. Therefore, since most people did not actually go to America, then we may safely state that America must be inferior to other nations.

Very analytical : Makes more sense
@AntiSpin (view comment)

In a couple of your views I've noticed you've been more open-minded instead of secular minded. Which is a good thing. I would also have to agree with your opinion on how you view each one. But you also have to understand each one system only works for a certain amount of time depending on population, and growth rate of the state ,and fairness and equality........ The list goes on forever there's a lot of variables. But i wanted to say that capitalism is a great way to start the economy and make people become more innovative and work harder. only downside it can only last for so long and that it would eventually lead to corporations and other big businesses owning the government with their lobbyist (which are retired senators) and what not. This isn't the problem though its mostly the people who neglect their government. This is why America is starting to become more of a socialist so that it can give the people a right to work, while experiencing freedom at the cost of certain freedoms. Good-side to corporations they create jobs but are so limited once inventions replace manpower. So we get into the problem of jobs, retirement, education, and once more the fucking list goes on......and on. Socialism would work only that it would fail like the rest would. I could agree with slayer on a few things but how you put one as superior to the other is a wrong way of doing it. Another way of saying it is "every tea has a different effect and each one has a strong or lighter taste it all depends upon the drinker and his taste. You can't say one culture is superior to the other. Reasons why people go to the USA is cause of war and a safe opportunity well the list goes on...and on. Vietnam war is an example US promised to back south Vietnam up they left them to die. So their alternative was to go to the US not cause it was a superior culture but because they had to survive. Next Time before stating that your culture is superior at least read into other history/humanities. Every race and culture is unique in its own way and if you've been looking at our culture lately it's not doing so great mate we have a lot of obese people and if were lucky there's barely any morals to behold in this country.

mark: So brilliant!
@AntiSpin (view comment)

when or where does God say all men were created equal? Are you serious? Only but an idiot would assert that the sayings of Thomas Jefferson in the 'Declaration of Independence' were the voice of God. A more formidable example of 'God' states (ummm, in the Bible), that their are vessels of clay and vessels of silver. Their are vessels created for every need, some important, some not. Fact is, The impact of persons such as Steve Jobs (tech), Bill Gates (philanthropy), Albert Einstein (theory and invention), Thomas Gram (invention), etc... have contributions that exceed the 25 year oil-lamp lighter back in the 1800's.... what was his name again????

Mike: Where or when does God say
@mark (view comment)

Where or when does God say all men are not created equal?

Edgar: That would be 2 Timothy 2:20
@Mike (view comment)

That would be 2 Timothy 2:20-21

20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for special purposes and some for common use. 21 Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

Nothing you couldn't have googled yourself, btw.
You could always argue people aren't *born* clay and silver, but that too would be besides the point. His point is not how people are at birth, but how they become.

Marcus K: Excellent humour but is of no educational use...

The author of that chart obviously knows very little about politics. Go and read text books regarding the above. This chart is no where near accurate, nor does it represent the Democrats and Republicans of the United States.

Steve: Corporations = Evil ?

I love how people complain about bias in the chart and then blame everything on the "evil" corporations.

This is a ridiculously stupid argument made by the left wing every chance they get. Because societal ills must be the fault of someone or something, and corporations are far enough beyond the understanding of the worker sheep that keep the left-wing in power, regular complaints about the "Evil Corporations" are sufficient to keep ignorant voters in line. The end result is more left wing socialism, which is precisely the source of the very societal ills blamed on the corporations. I call this "self perpetuating idiocy."

Corporations aren't evil. They aren't a "thing" or a "person" or a "being" and, from the perspective of the government, only exist for tax purposes. Corporations must be taxed before profits are distributed to the workers in the form of payroll, which is then also taxed. And then the workers spend their money and pay sales tax. The remainder goes to fill the coffers of yet more corporations, where the money is taxed yet again for both the new corporation and its workers. The result is a never-ending flurry of taxation on the same money and is exactly equal to inflation unless we find ways to bring wealth in from other nations. Taxation causes inflation.

Corporations are owned by the workers. The vast majority of the ownership of corporations is in the hands of the very workers who have been taught to think that the corporations are evil. Ownership is via the 401Ks that the workers are hoping to see mature (because the left-wing Ponzi scheme known as Social Security is completely incapable of providing a return on the investment). If the workers choose, en masse, to replace the directors of a corporation they certainly can do that. They all have a vote and have the power to do so; but they typically are not capable of thinking for themselves anyway -- look who they voted for!

Corporations are simply a paperwork vehicle by which workers pool their money and put it in the hands of managers that they elect, with the hope that the corporation can use the money to turn a profit and return the worker some gain on his investment.

The bottom line is that without large corporations those workers will never be able to enjoy retirement in their golden years or rest from a lifetime of labor. Corporations are not evil. They are the source of America's success.

People who rail against corporations are either morons or are disingenuous. If they really believe corporations are evil, let them sell their 401Ks and IRAs, donate the money to the poor, and live off the Social Security system that they have created.

Anyone who owns a 401K or IRA and complains about evil corporations is a buffoon, at best.

Quinton Figueroa: Excellent point. Thanks for
@Steve (view comment)

Excellent point. Thanks for you contribution :)

Meanerbeaner: corperations are people, and people can be evil :P
@Steve (view comment)

corperations in america in the 40's, 50s, 60s, and 70's were well known for being owned by workers. do you seriously think that now? i think the common form of corporations have changed very much since then.

that was like 50 years ago, and the natural progression of globalism/capitalism is the centralization of wealth and power (i'm not debating whether it's good or bad) when you move from private citizens or a group of people owning their own collective business, to multinational mega-corperations. corperations get bought out and bigger ones move in and monopolize an industry. Your thoughts on capitalism are outdated, ones that i have heard before and seem to be the idealist concepts originally penned.

and btw, they ARE considered a 'person.' legally they are a private entity, allowed to function in society like they were Daryl McKenzie that lives a couple doors down the road that you owe a few brewskies to.

p.s. and to me, workers owning their companies collectively seems pretty 'socialist' to me.

p.p.s. i think if people like you tried to teach people the truth about social security, in america and all over the world, left and right alike would take note. politicians in the hands of bankers established it, not the common man, left nor right. so why hate on lefty.

comrade benjamin: actually...
@Steve (view comment)

corporations have been given the same rights as humans in America due to decades of lobbing, and soon if they already are not will be considered humans for all legal purposes
taxation is not the cause of inflation, all inflation really is, is a hidden tax on everyone using the currency the FCC explains a lot of this not in those terms ofc in "modern money mechanics" please read it...
corporations are the cause of america's success no argument there, because they rape the third world of its resources, with no concern for the people in such places
most companies are NOT owned by their employees, if they were how would 5% of the country control around 90% of the wealth?
corporations have no agenda outside of profit, if a person had the same agenda we would most likely consider them evil

Mike: Sorry to beat a dead horse,

Sorry to beat a dead horse, but haven't been online in a while.

Nazism was inspired by Italian Fascism, an invention of hardline Communist Benito Mussolini. During World War I, Mussolini recognized that conventional socialism wasn't working. He saw that nationalism exerted a stronger pull on the working class than proletarian brotherhood. He also saw that the ferocious opposition of large corporations made socialist revolution difficult. So in 1919, Mussolini came up with an alternative strategy. He called it Fascism. Mussolini described his new movement as a "Third Way" between capitalism and communism. As under communism, the state would exercise dictatorial control over the economy. But as under capitalism, the corporations would be left in private hands.

Hitler followed the same game plan. He openly acknowledged that the Nazi party was "socialist" and that its enemies were the "bourgeoisie" and the "plutocrats" (the rich). Like Lenin and Stalin, Hitler eliminated trade unions, and replaced them with his own state-run labor organizations. Like Lenin and Stalin, Hitler hunted down and exterminated rival leftist factions (such as the Communists). Like Lenin and Stalin, Hitler waged unrelenting war against small business.

Hitler regarded capitalism as an evil scheme of the Jews and said so in speech after speech. Karl Marx believed likewise. In his essay, "On the Jewish Question," Marx theorized that eliminating Judaism would strike a crippling blow to capitalist exploitation. Hitler put Marx's theory to work in the death camps.

I've posted below what sums up the Nazis' party campaign. It is a good summary of the basic lines of Nazi propaganda. This widely distributed Nazi pamphlet first appeared in 1929. The booklet included five cartoons by Mjölnir, Goebbels’ cartoonist. Mjölnir also produced some of the most familiar Nazi posters.


Why Are We Socialists?
The source: Joseph Goebbels and Mjölnir, Die verfluchten Hakenkreuzler. Etwas zum Nachdenken (Munich: Verlag Frz. Eher, 1932).

We are socialists because we see in socialism, that is the union of all citizens, the only chance to maintain our racial inheritance and to regain our political freedom and renew our German state.

Socialism is the doctrine of liberation for the working class. It promotes the rise of the fourth class and its incorporation in the political organism of our Fatherland, and is inextricably bound to breaking the present slavery and regaining German freedom. Socialism, therefore, is not merely a matter of the oppressed class, but a matter for everyone, for freeing the German people from slavery is the goal of contemporary policy. Socialism gains its true form only through a total fighting brotherhood with the forward-striving energies of a newly awakened nationalism. Without nationalism it is nothing, a phantom, a mere theory, a castle in the sky, a book. With it it is everything, the future, freedom, the fatherland!

The sin of liberal thinking was to overlook socialism’s nation-building strengths, thereby allowing its energies to go in anti-national directions. The sin of Marxism was to degrade socialism into a question of wages and the stomach, putting it in conflict with the state and its national existence. An understanding of both these facts leads us to a new sense of socialism, which sees its nature as nationalistic, state-building, liberating and constructive.

The bourgeois is about to leave the historical stage. In its place will come the class of productive workers, the working class, that has been up until today oppressed. It is beginning to fulfill its political mission. It is involved in a hard and bitter struggle for political power as it seeks to become part of the national organism. The battle began in the economic realm; it will finish in the political. It is not merely a matter of wages, not only a matter of the number of hours worked in a day — though we may never forget that these are an essential, perhaps even the most significant part of the socialist platform — but it is much more a matter of incorporating a powerful and responsible class in the state, perhaps even to make it the dominant force in the future politics of the fatherland. The bourgeoisie does not want to recognize the strength of the working class. Marxism has forced it into a straitjacket that will ruin it. While the working class gradually disintegrates in the Marxist front, bleeding itself dry, the bourgeoisie and Marxism have agreed on the general lines of capitalism, and see their task now to protect and defend it in various ways, often concealed.

We are socialists because we see the social question as a matter of necessity and justice for the very existence of a state for our people, not a question of cheap pity or insulting sentimentality. The worker has a claim to a living standard that corresponds to what he produces. We have no intention of begging for that right. Incorporating him in the state organism is not only a critical matter for him, but for the whole nation. The question is larger than the eight-hour day. It is a matter of forming a new state consciousness that includes every productive citizen. Since the political powers of the day are neither willing nor able to create such a situation, socialism must be fought for. It is a fighting slogan both inwardly and outwardly. It is aimed domestically at the bourgeois parties and Marxism at the same time, because both are sworn enemies of the coming workers’ state. It is directed abroad at all powers that threaten our national existence and thereby the possibility of the coming socialist national state.

Socialism is possible only in a state that is united domestically and free internationally. The bourgeoisie and Marxism are responsible for failing to reach both goals, domestic unity and international freedom. No matter how national and social these two forces present themselves, they are the sworn enemies of a socialist national state.

We must therefore break both groups politically. The lines of German socialism are sharp, and our path is clear.

We are against the political bourgeoisie, and for genuine nationalism!

We are against Marxism, but for true socialism!

We are for the first German national state of a socialist nature!

We are for the National Socialist German Workers Party!

antispinjunior: american weapons

Why does a superior country have to sell weapons? I hear weapon trafficking is how american capitalists are trying to hold on.In most parts of the world, both the terrorist and the army (in gulf countries) and government and the rebels(in countries having civil wars) have the weapons made in the USA.Is this the capitalist way to create peace in the world????

Anonymous: Your chart

Dude, you are seriously misinformed. And I respect that it took some time to create that chart but your bias and lack of foundation knowledge is obvious. Your concept of capitalism is similar to what a child understands about Santa from his parents.

Anonymous: Damn I was hoping to get an

Damn I was hoping to get an intelligent view of all these systems but what I got was a Capitalism propaganda piece that is similar to anything where the powerful only want you to think in one way. Please don't waste our time putting crap like this out again we all have had enough of this type of one sided garbage coming from all sides.

PJDVarley: Capitalism is not a form of

Capitalism is not a form of government. It is a term used to characterize an economic system. In a Capitalist system private enterprize is the prized. Pure Capitalism isn't possible because there is no set definitions of terms and, most important, concentration of assets soon warps Capitalism into kleptocism or some other form of plutocratic system. This is something John Galt never told anybody!!!!

Anonymous: I just have to say, this

I just have to say, this column is a pathetic analysis based entirely in opinion with no understanding of the philosophy of ethics and displaying a sever deficit in the way of analysis. I was hoping for something worthwhile when I found this site, but it really means nothing at all and is more than just biased; it's purely wrong. There is virtually no critical thought being used here, nor any being generated by the readership.

Quinton Figueroa: Your well thought out
@Anonymous (view comment)

Your well thought out counter has completely changed my opinion on the topic. I liked the part where you presented facts that actually brought something to the table as opposed to simply disagreeing. Oh wait...

Anonymous: last time i checked, America

last time i checked, America wasn't with the whole FASCISM idea......

Anonymous: lmao exactly these people
@Anonymous (view comment)

lmao exactly these people are idiots. I dont think they know what a fascism is.

Anonymous: I agree with the chart.

I agree with the chart. I have been thinking exactly the same thing for some time now and I am surprised that someone came up with the same conclusions that I have. I have felt for quite a while now that we are no longer a republic, but we are a fascist state now. The changes were very slow over many decades. Most people have not been paying enough attention to what is happening and don't know enough about history to "connect all the dots".

Tyler M: ummmmmmmmmmmmm please
@Anonymous (view comment)

ummmmmmmmmmmmm please explain how we are a fascism. Because from my understanding we elect our leaders. We Influence the decisions the government has. We have our freedom of press, and in most states to bare arms. This chart is a bias close minded half ass inaccurate piece of shit. Sorry to be rude but I'm sick of people bitching about government when they dont understand every perspective. It's not like everything thats different is wrong. Open up your mind bro.

Jim Profit: Pretty good chart

As someone who wants to run an rpg making points between the different ideologies, and how they'd react to it to see how they TRULY feel the best political policy is... this is good at exposing the subtle differences, but how ultimately they all collapse and change into one form or another. I myself am not afraid to say that I'm willing to take the risks of socialism, communism, or even fascism. My only concern is the revenge against the rights "I've" lost do to private capital preventing me from achieving my dreams, or even daring to have any. Against many assholes who suppressed my opinion, when they were no more vulgar or hateful then what I'm writing right now, just because "it was their forum, and I'm but a guest", and against gays and women. Who I feel are responsible for the vast majority of our social ills.

We're tired, we're depressed, we work so many hours, we're sick and dying because we can't get healthcare, we're unappreciated, and people wonder why some of us wake up, and are mad as hell, and willing to risk it all, just for a little revenge, for a little revolution. Statism works, because it truly expresses the human will to power. Red symbolizing the blood shed, black symbolizing the radical views and passion... We're just mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore. We shouldn't have too. That's why people are rioting in the streets, thats why people are shooting each other up, and there's violent crimes. People are not bad. They're just cooped up in their little cages like animals, and then you wonder why they start acting like animals. I don't need to tell you things are bad, you know things are bad. But really, would it hurt that much to just do something crazy, just to insure it doesn't get worse? Nothing makes sense. It's just an insane hamster wheel of debt, hopelessness, and alienation. No one feels like they have anything. They have no ambition, they have no vision, they have no family or friends. All they had is their stupid Xbox, or enough money to get a blow job from some skanky prostitute. This is why I disagree with communists and socialists, they wouldn't do enough to undermine women and gays so mankind has purpose and direction, and I don't trust fascists either, as their interests lie in accumulating power and control, not in the greater good. I'll be publishing a book about this soon.

As far as the rpg goes. Basically it's Dungeons&Dragons. If you ever played D&D, it's like World of Warcraft with books and other materials to construct a character. You got fantasy classes and races to combine, abilities, etc. Real life is not that controllable. Instead, the only control you'd have to not make you completely turned off by this game, is what race and class you are. But there's no guarantee you'll get the abilities you want, or even abilities at all. You may have piss poor stats and unable to properly use them. There'd be tokens for everything. Stat tokens, weapon and items tokens, spell tokens, feat tokens, etc. And classes only offer the probability of higher token ratio in some category. But in reality, it's a lie. It depends on the system I plan to throw at my group.

Capitalism: Everyone gets tokens randomly. Someone could kill the same exact monster, with the same exact race/class, and still get different tokens for it. Oh sure, people can be "charitable", they can "trade" their tokens, they can try and cooperate. Or they can get greedy, they can get powerful, they become so successful that basically they make all the rules, and everyone has to follow along with the one guy's plans or he can easily take on all of them. No "taxes" either. Pure Ayn Rand bullshit. Probably if a character dies, he plans to take his tokens with him.

Socialism: It's still random. But there's more taxation and regulation. Minimum wages, that way you can at least get one token, maximum wages, taxation against those with more tokens and the taxed tokens are distributed according to a voting process or randomly determined who gets the new tax rebate. All in all. It's still basically capitalism. Just capitalism with more arguments at the table as the majority is elves and votes that all taxed tokens go to elves, in real life it'd be reversed where the "minority" gets the tokens. But if they were really the minority, they wouldn't get shit... and usually they don't... It's just more "class warfare", but on a whole new level as people can exploit how they feel fighters are getting more stuff then wizards or whatever.

Fascism: Pretty much like socialism, only every so often, I'll "elect" someone to pick where the tokens go. Much like the corruption in America, we cannot rely on the benevolence of our leaders, and they will more then likely "pocket" the taxed character tokens. Instead of "free trade" people will begin to beg the leader for mercy on a rebate by trading with them specifically, "lobbying". It becomes less about having the best character, and more about convincing the sheep you can make THEM the best character if they just cooperate and do what you tell them. Making every player feel like the DM at some point, and most likely they'll kill each other faster then any other version of this game because they'll get selfish.

Communism: Poverty is created purposely. Every time tokens would be given, they are split as evenly as possible, and they'll like what they get, or be encouraged to turn on those who question the authenticity and purity of this egalitarian token distribution... They can work within this game frame to play variants of communism. Such as Trotskyism, where they CAN trade with each other, but on very limited basis. If there's too much trading going on between two candidates and it is seen as a conspiracy, they will both be punished. Where as Stalinism would tell them to suck it up, and use the tokens they have. Maoism wouldn't even give you your sliver of token all at once. But rather, with the glorified promises of more tokens for all, the first player A gets tokens, then player B gets tokens, and so on and so fourth. More jealously, more discontent, but little they can do about it. Except maybe conspire to kill a team mate and hope his death rewards them with more tokens.

My cheesy one-liner for such a game would be "there ain't no war, but class war". If it wasn't for copyright shit, I'd publish this as a D&D manual. I might be able to use the system reference document of D&D 3.5, which would do just fine.

Anonymous: wish you didnt bring d&d in
@Jim Profit (view comment)

wish you didnt bring d&d in to it or you would have written a very good piece. Yes it is class..hardly a war..class domination

WorkingClassHero: This chart is hilarious,

This chart is hilarious, kids under ten really shouldnt be allowed to use the internet rtfl

Anonymous: tell me about it this is the
@WorkingClassHero (view comment)

tell me about it this is the most bias inaccurate bullshit I've seen in awhile. They dont even understand that a communism is run by a single party not a dictator. This is just pathetic

Anonymous: anybody who agrees with this chart

i didn't take the time to read the comments but let me say this Communism and Fascism and Socialism ARE NOT THE SAME THING and CAPATALISM is not a form of government its an economic principle that you seem to associate with democracy. Your chart displays the 3 idoelogies that you disagree with in their imperfect corrupted states, and then Deomocracy and capatalism are displayed in a way that is neer the epitemy of thir idoelogies. Anyways back to thedifferences between them
Communism is not ruled by a dictator as a rule, in real communism as is proffessed in the communist manifesto everything is ruled by a collectivist proletariet and no one person is above anyone else. And descision are made collectively and even if not made collectively under communism that is as close to perfect as your dillusions about capatalism individual descisions can be made because the individual does things in the rational interest of the group. Also a centralized bank would not exist as there is no need for currency in sucha society because things of no tangible value are worthless. And there would also be no religon what so ever not even a state religon as it does not produce anything and only corrupts society...
to bored to finish gonna go to sleep but i could go on all day
and no i'm not a communist i'm an anarchist / objectivist so you can't denounce ma as a communist bastard as i to find the idea of communism fundementaly flawed but i have to correct your idiocy slayerment.
Fascism and Socailism/Communsim are close to polar opposites just because america demonizes them doesn't make them similar

Quinton Figueroa: Great information. Thank you
@Anonymous (view comment)

Great information. Thank you for sharing :)

Tyler Miller: THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
@Anonymous (view comment)

I took the time to read the comments and I was shocked at how many people sides with the chart. For one thank you for being the only other person who agrees that a communism is NOT run by a dictator. There is close to nothing accurate about this chart.Your comment took the words right out of my mouth. I really hope it wasn't an adult who produced this insanely bias chart. Because i'm a sophomore in high school, but can still recognize that a fascim has little to nothing to do with capitalism or socialism for that matter. They cant be compared. People need to learn the definition of what a fascism is or any of the categories in this chart. I mean this has to be a joke.

Anonymous: You textbook clowns! :D
@Tyler Miller (view comment)

This Chart is totally accurate if you understand what it's trying to convey. It's merely stating what will come to pass. Things evolve including isms, but don't be so foolish to say that communism isn't run by a dictator. Just because some history textbook told you a party runs it doesn't mean it will actually be run by a party! Please provide evidence that supports your claims when making a post, because I can't think of one communist run system that didn't end close to or exactly the way this table suggested it would. And by stating that there is nothing accurate about this chart simply confirms an older post "Sad State of Affairs" that ignorant people can't formulate educated opinions, and require theoretical interpretations to guide them.

TKW: table of 4 social ideologies

The key problem i see with all 4 of these philosophies is that they are all run by man. Because of that, the philosophy that allows the most freedom is abviously the best, since man is a free entity-or he should be. It's a hard sell to see the U.S. as a facist society right now. We have been, and are quickly moving toward a socialist society. Interesting table you have though. This is something we as a country need to discuss more as we try to embrace this Hope And Change thing.

Anonymous: ummm please explain why the

ummm please explain why the hell you think we are a facism????? You are correct that we are evolving into a socialist nation but you do realize we are a capitalism right?

Anonymous: lol this made me laugh

lol this made me laugh

Anonymous: not fascism, socialism

U.S. is not becoming a fasciest state. it really i becoming a socialist state. democrats are mainly libretarians, which want bigger government and more government controlled things. sinc democrats and libritarians are in main control we will most likely become a socialist state. (if anyhtiing). for example, as of riht now, the gov. wants to controll healthcare and it already controlls a lot of power, water, oil, etc. this is how i see it. libritarianism is like a smaller version of socialism. if it keeps up, it will becom socialism. socialism is like a smaller version of communism. once in a socialiastic state, it can esily becom communistic (and vise-versa) i fear that if this libritarian veiw keeps up, we could quickly become soccialist and eventually communist. wich last time i checked, the U.S, was trying to stop. fascism is a whole differert ballpark. as of right now, we are not warlike or highly punishing as a countryy. if you fear a fasciest state then you should probably think about it again. also, though communism has good principals it doesnt work. everybody is equall so nobody wants to work because they still get food clothes etc. (only problem iis that highups are "more equall" then everyone else.) so,communism = broken country. (low wages, very little workers working hard) and dont go all china on me . i personnalyy dont think china is very much communist, i feel it is closer to socialist.

Anonymous: It's a sad state of affairs.

It's a sad state of affairs. I don't believe that America is totally fascist. But, it's definitely not a capitalist state. I used to think capitalism brought nothing but hardship until I took a step out of America for a year. Through my studying, I realized that we are not the capitalist society that Adam Smith described. Adam Smith never preached massive Multi-national corporations. Rather, he preached small business. For small business we need to revert back to small communities. But now, everything is so Globalized. It's ironic, really. Through our Globalization, we have been able to witness its effects on the world and how devastating it has been but the same pattern continues anyway. It's insanity! We have gained so much luxury from corporations that we don't want to sacrifice our comfort for the sake of the others who struggle to give us that comfort for less that $2 a day. We're pigs. We're quasi-fascist/socialist pigs.

Tyler: agree and disagree
@Anonymous (view comment)

I agree we arent an IDAEL capitalism anymore, and it's because of how the world is today. A capitalist country wont cut it anymore. You need to open up your mind though.I dont think you know what a true ideal socialism is. It CAN be run by a changing people selected government whom controls the wealth of our multi billion dollar corporations. Besides a true capitalist country is a foolish idea when large companies such as google hold a monoply.Your last sentence makes no sense. A capitalist sysetm is more "dog eat dog" and an IDEAL communism is to good to be true to ever work, BUT perhaps just maybe a socialism would work.

Anonymous: I like how everything that

I like how everything that is seen as good is put in the column for capitalism and their are no pros for any of the other columns. What people fail to understand is that there must be a balance of what some call "government" and then the privacy or free will of its people. Just like good and evil, there cannot be a completely good human or a destructive all powerful evil human being.

Tyler M: You don't get it

First off this chart has to be a joke. Do you realize how bias this is. I get the point that you dont understand the potential of improved ideas. Do you even know what a socialism is? Also a facsism has to do more with the ruler not the economy. Holy shit you said a communism is ruled by a dictator! Just fyi a communism is ruled by a singe elite party. A socialism can be run by anything I say. A capitalism is ruled by numerous parties. As far as religious freedoms that has absolutley nothing to do with socialism, capitalism, or communism. I was hoping i'd find something interesting not some bullshit bias half ass chart. In case you are wondering I am not a communist or any of the above. What we all should do is take the qualities of Communism and capitalism to put together something better. Like a socialism, except with a capitalist twist. I hope you aren't an adult cause I'm a sophomore in high school and the little I know about these subjects is still more than you. hilarious

Anonymous: lol.. your a sophomore and
@Tyler M (view comment)

lol.. your a sophomore and ima freshman in high school.

Anonymous: How the fuck is Obama a

How the fuck is Obama a socailist.

mark: Are you serious? Or just
@Anonymous (view comment)

Are you serious? Or just being funny?

Del: mmm not exactly

Only an American can put up a diagram like this :-)
No is not accurate at all. Unfortunately you lack the basic knowledge of the four systems you try to analyse. To a left wing communist or socialist the Democrats in the US are pretty right wing. It is funny what you guys call left wing or communist. If you only knew. If I'd draw the left-wing, centre, right wing spectrum and compare it between Europe and USA I'd draw it like this:

Europe: Extreme Left----------------------------C----------------------------Extreme Right
USA: Democr.--------Repub.

Anonymous: Cheerleader for Capitalism

Totally bias only claims that capitalism is perfect - it is not ! Thomas Jefferson and George Washington would be socialists today, they predated the system. Western Europe had hundreds of near constant warfare under capitalism. Now under socialism they have had peace. There is little difference between fascism and capitalism, both are the evilness of militarism.

Moses Anderson: Communism is alright if it is to be tweaked

i think that communist is perfect but it dose need a few tweaks like freedom and any rights but the idea of being equal in other terms like finance etc is a positive of communism

Anonymous: communism is not possible
@Moses Anderson (view comment)

communism is not possible because nations rely on global trade in today's globalism, this trade is not possible with a communist country as it does not value currency. Human society and it's people have not evolved to the extent yet where it would be possible to succeed...maybe in a hundred years or so.

Angela: the chart

I think you are a bitter person. Things are not as bad as you are making them out to be.
Sure, Obama leans toward Socialism, but he's learning. Sure Bush was a Fascist, but that doesn't make the entire country Fascist. Sure America has gone through some weird times since Bush became president, but I think we are growing out of that. I think Capitalism still exists in limited ways, and people like me are all for it. Don't be down about it, things will get better.
I have a lot of faith in the future generations because of their access to information through the Internet and the Social Networks. Things are changing already, can't you tell? If we all pitch in and do our part, telling our reps what we want, if we all work towards freedom, we can do it. Don't give up.

Quinton Figueroa: All valid points. Thank you
@Angela (view comment)

All valid points. Thank you for sharing :)

pezza: ?
@Angela (view comment)

uhh you want capitalism? Why would you want a vein, greedy all self society? Leads to the worst corruption ever. Economically is so stupidly flawed, there's a financial meltdown every decade or so. Such a hidius cut throat society.
The worlds only super power doesn't have health care for all, how immoral is that, so greedy they will let somebody die if they are poor. But money is everything, right?

Quinton Figueroa: Not one thing you said is
@pezza (view comment)

Not one thing you said is true. All types of governments have greedy people with self-interest -- socialism, fascism, capitalism, it doesn't matter.

Capitalism doesn't lead to corruption any more than any other form of government.

Economically capitalism is the best. That is why capitalists fund socialism, communism and fascism. But most people don't know this because they don't want to know the history of socialism or even where it came from. Capitalism is without a doubt the best economically. The financial meltdowns are a result of everything but capitalism. Central banking creates meltdowns -- communism. Fake money creates meltdowns. Fake loans create meltdowns. Government intervention creates meltdowns.

The world's super power does have health care for all. It's called a good diet and exercise. If you get sick the ER has to take you in. And moreover -- our health care system is socialistic! It's completely overseen and administered by the government, almost more than any other industry. So if you're mad about the American system of health care once again you have socialism to thank.

But let's explore this more because socialists are so confused about this. Is giving something to somebody really what's best for them? Is it really better to give somebody a fish or to teach them to fish? Is it really better to give somebody healthcare or to teach them to take care of themselves? Where do you draw the line? Why not give them everything they need? Why not give them a free car? Why not give them free food? After all, it's immoral for poor people not to have food, right? But then you have the problem of resources. We live in a resource intensive world. We only have so many resources. So who provides the resources to give these free things to people? Resources don't come out of nowhere. They take work. And I don't see socialists giving, I only see them taking. The whole socialist facade is elementary at best. It has no basis in reality, logic or historical fact.

Let me make it really simple for you:

Children will always choose socialism -- they are slaves.
Adults will always choose capitalism -- they are free.

Are you a slave or are you free?

Anonymous: ''All types of governments

''All types of governments have greedy people with self-interest'' There is a differance between a corrupt soul that is in self interest to a person who stands for a political ideology that is inherently self interest.

''Capitalism doesn't lead to corruption any more than any other form of government.'' Through capitalism, private corporations get more powerful and resourceful than anywhere else, and therefore use this in their media influences and most importantly, sponsorship/political party donations which without a political candidate in america cannot even run for a position without such financing.

''Economically capitalism is the best. That is why capitalists fund socialism, communism and fascism'' Talking out your bottom here frankly, there is no factual basis for this what so ever, the only way i could see you reach this conclusion is through americas role as a superpower on the financial market, with the value fo the dollar so strong. Americas role on the world market is simply through natural resources of the vast land and nothing to do with ideology. If anything evidence points towards the opposite for your belief. America is now financially dependant on China buying their goods. It even resorts to raiding other coutnries for oil to keep it's own economy afloat.

''Capitalism is without a doubt the best economically''

''financial meltdowns are a result of everything but capitalism. Central banking creates meltdowns -- communism. Fake money creates meltdowns. Fake loans create meltdowns. Government intervention creates meltdowns.''
fake this fake that what are you talking about, i can't help feel your replacing the word fake with denial, they were anything but fake, they were evry much reality. oH right, the meltdown just happened to come from the most capitalist nation on earth but that nation isn't hardly capitalism apparently. How did communism create the meltdown? the things you say are completely made up stuff. Yes you keep mentioning the great republican period, ever heard of the great depression? the greatest financial hardship ever co incides with your great period.

''the world's super power does have health care for all. It's called a good diet and exercise.'' Erm no thats called a good healthy life style, completely irrevelant to the point made.

If you get sick the ER has to take you in. And moreover -- our health care system is socialistic! It's completely overseen and administered by the government, almost more than any other industry. So if you're mad about the American system of health care once again you have socialism to thank.''
Once again your deluding yourself, healthcare in america is ran by private companys inthe private sector.'16.7% of the population were uninsured in 2009' 2001 study in five states found that medical debt contributed to 46.2% of all personal bankruptcies'"only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not ensure that all citizens have coverage" For uninsured 'When charity or "uncompensated" care is not available, they sometimes simply go without needed medical treatment.'
These are all quotes that show the extent of the situation in america which you are all so ignorant toward.

Your final paragraph is also nonsense, teach to fish? what the hell has quotes from the bible got to do with this, and the point of it is completely irrevelant.

So basically you mean, teach them to get a job and take care of themself so they don't die without medical care. I belive you call this being a slave to industry. Some people are born less fortunate and live less fortunate lives also, so should they just die? Also having a job is completely a economic issue and not a persons fault, it is 15% unemployment in america right now, so should they just die?

'problem of resources' o please every supermarket throws tons of food out in waste every single day, they do not even give it to homeless starving people. So spare me the propoganda. You mention resources yet mention a car, how ironic,a car is the most inneficient resource around. 'resources don't come out of nowhere' yes they come from crops in the ground..or from the GDP, or corporate/goverment income. It is amazing how nations with over a buillion such as india manage to feed population, yet the supposedly richest in the world thinks there isn't enough food for their own, complete drivel. Reminds of me reading about the great depression, when america had to throw milions of milk down the drain when people were malnurished. But better than than to undermine an ideological stance. eh? All for profit and damned with morality. capitalism is the devil

Quinton Figueroa: Re: ''All types of governments
@Anonymous (view comment)

''All types of governments have greedy people with self-interest'' There is a differance between a corrupt soul that is in self interest to a person who stands for a political ideology that is inherently self interest.

And which political ideology isn't inherently motivated by self interest? In many ways the collectivist ideologies are MORE in favor of self interest than capitalism. They make others do the work so they can get the resources for free. They don't want to do the work themselves. THAT IS SELF INTEREST. If collectivists weren't in it for themselves they wouldn't demand handouts -- they would take on their challenges and misfortunes. If collectivists weren't self interested they would be capitalists! Collectivists are always interested in an easier lifestyle without doing any of the work themselves, that is why they support it. Are you going self interested on me?

And how is self interest bad? What if my self interest makes other people's lives better? What if my lack of self interest makes other people's lives worse? It can go either way. Just because capitalism allows self interest doesn't mean it's bad. If you want to help other people in capitalism you can. You can do whatever you want. Are you afraid of freedom?

''Capitalism doesn't lead to corruption any more than any other form of government.'' Through capitalism, private corporations get more powerful and resourceful than anywhere else, and therefore use this in their media influences and most importantly, sponsorship/political party donations which without a political candidate in america cannot even run for a position without such financing.

So? This doesn't happen in socialism? This doesn't happen in communism? Lol. There is always corruption. Capitalism prevents corruption the best. If the corrupt capitalists aren't providing value and keeping the people happy they go bankrupt and say bye bye to their money.

If a capitalist takes control of the political system that is the people's fault. The people hold the cards. They can stop supporting that business. They can stop buying those products or services. They can choose not the be represented by the morons they put into office. This is called freedom 101.

''Economically capitalism is the best. That is why capitalists fund socialism, communism and fascism'' Talking out your bottom here frankly, there is no factual basis for this what so ever, the only way i could see you reach this conclusion is through americas role as a superpower on the financial market, with the value fo the dollar so strong. Americas role on the world market is simply through natural resources of the vast land and nothing to do with ideology. If anything evidence points towards the opposite for your belief. America is now financially dependant on China buying their goods. It even resorts to raiding other coutnries for oil to keep it's own economy afloat.

I am definitely talking out of my bottom here. But these people aren't:

[...] the Bolshevik Revolution having been engineered and financed out of England and the United States is mostly portrayed as an independent movement. That was not the case, as Lenin admitted in March 1922.

At the Eleventh Party Congress of the Communist Party Lenin was foolish to admit that the party was being directed by "a huge bureaucratic machine." He died a few months later from what was suspected as a poison that mimics paresis (syphilis,) which substance shall not be named here. The so-called Bolshevik Revolution was financed entirely with money from Lord Alfred Milner and Kuhn Loeb acting as a conduit for the Rockefellers through their puppet, President Woodrow Wilson.
Dr. John Coleman; The Committee of 300

The Capitalists of the world and their governments, in pursuit of conquest of the Soviet market, will close their eyes to the indicated higher reality and thus will turn into deaf mute blind men. They will extend credits, which will strengthen for us the Communist Party in their countries, and giving us the materials and technology we lack, they will restore our military industry, indispensable for our future victorious attacks on our suppliers. In other words, they will labor for the preparation for their own suicide.
Vladimir Lenin; as quoted by Antony Sutton in Revolution

U.S., British, and German wolves soon found a bonanza of profit in selling to the new Soviet regime. Standard Oil and General Electric supplied $37 million worth of machinery from 1921 to 1925, and that was just the beginning. Junkers Aircraft in Germany literally created Soviet air power.
G. Edward Griffin; The Creature From Jekyll Island

It was about this time [1920] that the Wilson Administration sent 700,000 tons of food to the Soviet Union which, not only saved the regime from certain collapse, but gave Lenin the power to consolidate his control over all of Russia.
G. Edward Griffin; The Creature From Jekyll Island

In 1922, the Soviets formed their first international bank. It was not owned and run by the state as would be dictated by Communist theory, but was put together by a syndicate of private bankers. These included, not only former Tsarists bankers, but representatives of German, Swedish, and American banks. Most of the foreign capital came from England, including the British government itself. The man appointed as Director of the Foreign Division of the new bank was Max May, Vice President of Morgan's Guaranty Trust Company in New York.
G. Edward Griffin; The Creature From Jekyll Island

The public believed that the United States leadership was opposed to the Soviet Union because one was capitalist and one was communist. Not true. They are different kinds of cartels, that’s all, and controlled, ultimately, by the same people. Communism was created by Wall Street and the City of London to generate enormous fear and conflict which was used to great effect to advance the Agenda. As always, it was planned long before it became public.
David Icke; The Biggest Secret

Oops, didn't learn about this in history class did you? Maybe it's because history class has been taken over by the same people who funded communism...naaaaah... that's crazy talk.

This is just the Bolshevik Revolution. I could go on all day with all the other movements these people are involved in. But it doesn't matter. You are going to believe what you want to believe. People don't WANT the truth. They want entertainment, sex, drugs and sports.

In fact, here is a quick translation for you:

^ Oh shit! IT BOUNCED! It did it again! Did you see that!?! There it goes again! This never gets boring! I could watch this all day :) Bounce #5.

2nd translation:

Now are you starting to see all the dynamics behind the Bolshevik Revolution and the private banking interests? The guy dribbles the ball. The guy runs with the ball. The guy puts the ball through the ring. OH SNAP!!! DID YOU SEE THAT! SO COOL! THERE HE GOES AGAIN! 2 POINTS! OMFG!!! HOLLA!

Still too confused? Hmmm... Maybe another language:

Okay! Now we're hitting with something a bit closer to home :) You see, the boobs represent America and England. They are both different but still part of the same body. Then you have the pretty face that they use to conceal communism with. Communism looks really good at face value... then you get a bit closer and BAM! BANKRUPTCY!!! Good! Now we're making progress :) Forget all those quotes I gave you above. What was I thinking?

''Capitalism is without a doubt the best economically''
How is basing an ecomony on consumerism logical? it leads to consumption of resources than end up depleted and the starvation of the land. It is a battle to survive 'competition' and fails to recognise the amount that die of like they are invisible, this is not progress.

You got me. Basing an economy on consumerism isn't logical at all. So please explain to me why collectivists like yourself support it. I'm over here trying to support capitalism which increases production and improves efficiency and here you are telling me that consumerism is logical. Totally ludicrous if you ask me.

''financial meltdowns are a result of everything but capitalism. Central banking creates meltdowns -- communism. Fake money creates meltdowns. Fake loans create meltdowns. Government intervention creates meltdowns.''
fake this fake that what are you talking about, i can't help feel your replacing the word fake with denial, they were anything but fake, they were evry much reality. oH right, the meltdown just happened to come from the most capitalist nation on earth but that nation isn't hardly capitalism apparently. How did communism create the meltdown? the things you say are completely made up stuff. Yes you keep mentioning the great republican period, ever heard of the great depression? the greatest financial hardship ever co incides with your great period.

This type of discussion is obviously way over your head but I will dumb it down for you. Our money, the Federal Reserve Note, is not backed by anything. It used to be. That changed in 1971. We now are not limited by how much money we print. We have a central bank (Communist Plank #5) that was set up in 1913 and is owned by foreign and domestic interests. They control how much money we have in circulation. They have virtually no oversight by congress. They have never been audited. They increase the money supply to create bubbles. Prices rise because more people have money to spend on items. Prices aren't really rising, it is just taking more money to buy items and more people have money which creates bidding wars. Once reality catches up and people are brought back to the reality that they're really poor slaves and not rich sovereigns things collapse. At this point the people who control the government buy up all the assets at discount through the government. They gain more control and the people lose more. This has been going on for a long time now. That is how it works. If we didn't have all the socialist government monopolies this would be prevented much, much better by a free market.


''the world's super power does have health care for all. It's called a good diet and exercise.'' Erm no thats called a good healthy life style, completely irrevelant to the point made.

Well good, because this next point is entirely relevant...

If you get sick the ER has to take you in. And moreover -- our health care system is socialistic! It's completely overseen and administered by the government, almost more than any other industry. So if you're mad about the American system of health care once again you have socialism to thank.''
Once again your deluding yourself, healthcare in america is ran by private companys inthe private sector.'16.7% of the population were uninsured in 2009' 2001 study in five states found that medical debt contributed to 46.2% of all personal bankruptcies'"only wealthy, industrialized nation that does not ensure that all citizens have coverage" For uninsured 'When charity or "uncompensated" care is not available, they sometimes simply go without needed medical treatment.'
These are all quotes that show the extent of the situation in america which you are all so ignorant toward.

Why you've totally got me confused now. If things really are that bad maybe I should enter the medical industry with cheap prices. Oh yeah I forgot! I CAN'T! I can't enter the medical industry without a license and without adhering to regulations. Wait, what? Why do I have to follow this ever growing list of regulations in order to practice medicine? Why can't I just help people because I am educated and know how? Why does the government need to approve what I do? Why do I have a socialist-government monopoly that won't allow me to enter the market? Oh yeah, because it's not a free market. It's not capitalistic.

HINT: In a capitalistic society prices go down and quality goes up. Just look at the UNREGULATED technology industry. Why does medicine go up in price? GOVERNMENT. GOVERNMENT. GOVERNMENT. If the medical field was treated like the technology field prices would be lower now than ever. But we can't practice capitalism in America. Are you crazy? People can't handle the freedom of which medicine to take. That's more crazy talk.

Your final paragraph is also nonsense, teach to fish? what the hell has quotes from the bible got to do with this, and the point of it is completely irrevelant.

It's actually probably the largest point and worthy of much philosophical consideration. Is it better to give something to somebody or to teach them how to get it / do it themselves? Do you want people to be dependent or independent? Are most children dependent or independent? You obviously love your dependency and servitude, but most slaves do.

So basically you mean, teach them to get a job and take care of themself so they don't die without medical care. I belive you call this being a slave to industry. Some people are born less fortunate and live less fortunate lives also, so should they just die? Also having a job is completely a economic issue and not a persons fault, it is 15% unemployment in america right now, so should they just die?

No shit people are born less fortunate. So? Some people are born more fortunate. Who cares? Who's to say it is better to be born "more fortunate"? Who's to say it is worse to be born "less fortunate"? This obviously has a lot of spiritual considerations tied to it as well, but most collectivists want nothing to do with spirituality.

Further, historically and logically speaking capitalism is much better at improving the quality of life of those who are born poor and less fortunate. Collectivism not only keeps them there, but brings the rich down there with them. Again, I know you don't understand this concept. Here is a concept you do understand:

'problem of resources' o please every supermarket throws tons of food out in waste every single day, they do not even give it to homeless starving people. So spare me the propoganda. You mention resources yet mention a car, how ironic,a car is the most inneficient resource around. 'resources don't come out of nowhere' yes they come from crops in the ground..or from the GDP, or corporate/goverment income. It is amazing how nations with over a buillion such as india manage to feed population, yet the supposedly richest in the world thinks there isn't enough food for their own, complete drivel. Reminds of me reading about the great depression, when america had to throw milions of milk down the drain when people were malnurished. But better than than to undermine an ideological stance. eh? All for profit and damned with morality. capitalism is the devil

All your hatred for capitalism stems from a lack of understanding of REAL capitalism. All of the things you complain about are made better from capitalism. Again, capitalism raises the standard of living better than any of the collectivist ideals. But then again, I'm just stating history. Go argue with your history book.

Anonymous: i Honestly know for sure i

i Honestly know for sure i would be wasting my time having a debate with you such is the extent of radical capitalist belief. Borders extremism. Clearly it is all you have been taught with the propoganda machine and as a result believe it to such an extent you cannot even question it or critically analyse.

'In a capitalistic society prices go down and quality goes up.'
'More money per person is spent on health care in the USA than in any other nation in the world'(wiki) Oh is that why 17% go uninsured and 46% of bankrupsy are because of costs?

Do you realise the highly bias extremist flawed extent them quotes are derived from also? i may aswell go get a quote from hitler. I touhght you would have read author millers death of a salesman, after all i had to read it in school and it's american. No doubt anything a tad against apitalism is forbidden.
All i can say is you bias is so profound it is jawdropping, capitalism is the be all end all, solution to perfection and everything else is bad, all i can say is, self interest is selfish, vanity and materialistic, choose your morality and virtues in life above all else, including money and ideology

that girl is prettayyy bang tidy though

Anonymous: I can give examples in every
@Anonymous (view comment)

I can give examples in every walk of life, for example, they are privatising the british NHS, to reduce costs, how? (This is despite it being one of the lowest costing insitutions in the world) by private companys competing, theyd ecide who gets the contract by who can run the operation the cheapest, this leads to reduction of quality and serious safety issues. I can also point out the disgusting lies republicans made in response to obamas health plans, saying the NHS had 'death panals' This is the sort of country you live in. Not only do these leaders make up offensive lies, they do not do it out of ideological policy, they do it out of self interest because of the amount of money the pharmeceutical companies et al.

michAEL: kid you are unreal :)
@Anonymous (view comment)

kid you are unreal :)

Anonymous: explain

can you explain hoe capitalism is noy in the world today? Every single EU country is capitalist?

Quinton Figueroa: Everything is a hybrid
@Anonymous (view comment)

Everything is a hybrid between capitalism, socialism, fascism and other collectivist regimes to various degrees. Pure capitalism wouldn't require a central bank. Pure capitalism would allow you to buy goods and services with gold or whatever else you wanted to use. Pure capitalism would allow you to fly without having to go through toddler security lines. Pure capitalism wouldn't militarily force you to pay welfare for other people. Pure capitalism would allow me to offer medical services without a license. Pure capitalism wouldn't have the government involved in businesses that can be done better in the private sector. Everything around us is a hybrid. Some countries have more elements of capitalism and others less. But there are no pure capitalist countries, and there never have been.

Deft: Generally agree with the chart

I generally agree with the chart. With our government schools, transportation, healthcare, military empire, and central bank with it's currency monopoly, there's no way modern day American should be considered Capitalist. The money was the big step. Once the bankers got the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 passed, that was the end of the Old Republic. Government has grown bigger ever since.

Anonymous: halleriously stupid chart,

halleriously stupid chart, recommend you look up definitions of words in your chart as its completely wrong, don't blame you though, iknow USA education is dreadful, arrogant retards

Anonymous: God, foreigners are such
@Anonymous (view comment)

God, foreigners are such smug assholes

Anonymous: Historically the soviet

Historically the soviet union under stallin was slightly fascist, It is worth pointing out you obviously have no idea what communism is, it is an equal society with no class based on meritocracy, everybody is equal working for the common good and decisions are made by the populations will, look up marxism. Communism in today's society isn't possible because the human race hasn't evolved enough as a society and it's people, we have witnessed altered and failed versions.

Nazi germany was socialist, Hitler was elected and favoured a national run economy. Only in the final month when the war was to be lost, could you even attempt to suggest it was fascist.

Amused your comment praising capitalism includes the death penalty, america and china have the highest by miles in the world, and most the world don't have it, china can eb excused to a large extent, having over a billion habitants though.

religion- 'humanism' 'state sponsored'mamde me laugh that one did. humanism???, pretty sure they all allow ANY religion, fascist varying depending on views.
'level of self responsibility' How are they all low and USA is high? makes no sense, as everybody besides communism requires money to survive at a decent standard.
Soviet union had rediculous personal growth i.e roman abromovich. UK has some of the leading business entrepreneurs.
'Inteligence' Hate to burst your bubble but as somebody who has studied education, america has one of the lowest educations in the developed world, obviously excluding the elite.
'ran by' you have communism as, dictator showing you completely have no clue once again. The reality is socialists in reality all come from wealthy upper class do capitalists.
'freedom' made from no basis what so ever to make america look good, same applies to 'creativity' god' USA were the last to stop slaves, and would sterilise 'stupid' or disabled people as recent as the 50's woo amazing freedom, also the only country to nuke...civilians.

'moral' is the completely wrong way round as capitalism reduces it with the self ambition/interest of greed and wealth.

You have known about your errors for some time now so correct your chart?

On a personal level, I believe capitalism is complete evil, no logic on running an economy based on consumer goods as it leads to wasted resources. Capitalism is dog eat dog cut throat, stepping on each other to reach the top as the ones below stump to poverty and die, with no help, ironic seing as america is supposed to be cristian. Private business leads to giant corporations that corrupt every piec eof society, USA goverment has been corrupt since Kennedys assasination if you ask me. Admittedly this also happens in today's ssocialism but this is a result of the capitalist market. Unofrtunately the fox news and american culture have them so patriotised it's scary with so much propoganda, stay away from fox news. USA is ran by fat cats, unbelievably corrupt, are an empire in denial, why does the rest fo the world hate them, are they really ignorant stupid fat and arrogant? No, but some are!

Quinton Figueroa: Thank you for your response
@Anonymous (view comment)

Historically the soviet union under stallin was slightly fascist, It is worth pointing out you obviously have no idea what communism is, it is an equal society with no class based on meritocracy, everybody is equal working for the common good and decisions are made by the populations will, look up marxism. Communism in today's society isn't possible because the human race hasn't evolved enough as a society and it's people, we have witnessed altered and failed versions.

You are totally looking at the surface level. Of course it looks like that on the surface level. But in reality everything is controlled: education, production and everything else, just like in most civilizations, including present day America. If communism is such a good model why was America financing it? Why was a capitalistic country financing communism? Why wasn't communism financing America? If communism is such a good model why isn't the Soviet Union still around today? To even think that communism is a self-sustaining model is absolutely ridiculous. You're right, everybody is equal in communism: they're all slaves. And I don't want to be owned by the state. You talk about how slavery is wrong but then support a communist government. But this time you're not racist against skin color, but rather intelligence and integrity. Way to go racist!

Nazi germany was socialist, Hitler was elected and favoured a national run economy. Only in the final month when the war was to be lost, could you even attempt to suggest it was fascist.

As I said, Socialism, Communism and Fascism are almost the exact same -- they are all collectivists that champion security over freedom.

Amused your comment praising capitalism includes the death penalty, america and china have the highest by miles in the world, and most the world don't have it, china can eb excused to a large extent, having over a billion habitants though.

It's good to know them Socialist/Fascist Nazis didn't have a death penalty. It's good to know they weren't about killing other people. The way they handled it was very fair and balanced. Oh wait. I really don't even know what point you are trying to prove here, but then again neither do you.

religion- 'humanism' 'state sponsored'mamde me laugh that one did. humanism???, pretty sure they all allow ANY religion, fascist varying depending on views.

Bullshit. On the surface it may appear this way but by actions it's not true. Religion is deeper than simply a label. A Christian in this day and age isn't like a Christian in 1800 America. Christians these days are pussies. They won't fight or stand for anything. What am I getting at?

It doesn't matter what religion you are. As long as you are practicing Humanistic principles, which communism/socialism and fascism are all very closely based it doesn't matter what religion you are. C/S/F as a whole all champion you being better than God. They say that you can do anything you want. They all say anything goes.

But it is all much deeper than this. The rulers of C/S/F determine what people will believe. Let's see what Albert Pike has to say on this issue. Since you don't know who Albert Pike is you won't realize how big of a deal this very quote really is:

We shall unleash the Nihilists and Atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will be from that moment without compass (direction), anxious for an ideal, but with out knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view, a manifestation which will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
Albert Pike, 1871

^ This is Humanism. This is what C/S/F are all working towards bringing in.

'level of self responsibility' How are they all low and USA is high? makes no sense, as everybody besides communism requires money to survive at a decent standard.
Soviet union had rediculous personal growth i.e roman abromovich. UK has some of the leading business entrepreneurs.

They are all low because Socialists, Communists and somewhat Fascists aren't self-responsible. They can't take care of themselves. That's why they have the state, lol. They can't handle freedom. They're slaves. They need somebody to hold their hand. They need somebody else to do the innovation and work so they can take it. But what happens when nobody wants to work anymore? Oops, didn't think of that. But that's okay, basketball is on. Slaves love sports.

'Inteligence' Hate to burst your bubble but as somebody who has studied education, america has one of the lowest educations in the developed world, obviously excluding the elite.

Lol, no shit. That's because America has been taken over and isn't a capitalistic country. Does a federal/state ran school system sound capitalistic? Were American schools ran by the Federal government in the 1800s? Hmmmmmm. So if you're mad about the American school system that is a socialist model. You're mad about socialism. And so am I.

'ran by' you have communism as, dictator showing you completely have no clue once again. The reality is socialists in reality all come from wealthy upper class do capitalists.

Oh please. C/S/F are all ran by dictators at the end of the day. It may be a group of front men like Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and so on, but they're all heavily controlled and influenced by the real power. These people don't come to power by chance. People put them in power. Just like all the other dictators around the world.

'freedom' made from no basis what so ever to make america look good, same applies to 'creativity' god' USA were the last to stop slaves, and would sterilise 'stupid' or disabled people as recent as the 50's woo amazing freedom, also the only country to nuke...civilians.

You can poke holes in anything. Nothing is ever perfect. Nazis killed Jews for fun. So? As a whole America from 1800 - 1900 completely crushes any other civilization ever when it comes to freedom and quality of living. People CAME TO AMERICA. They wanted to live in America, why? Because it sucked?

'moral' is the completely wrong way round as capitalism reduces it with the self ambition/interest of greed and wealth.

You want to talk greed and self-interest, let's talk socialists and communists. They actually use the government to legally enforce the stealing of money from one person to another. If we were to steal money from somebody on the streets it is called crime. If we do it under socialism or communism it is called fair. Fair to who? It's illogical, irrational and immoral. There is going to be greedy people anywhere. Rich people are greedy, poor people are greedy, smart people are greedy, stupid people are greedy and Communists like yourself are especially greedy.

You have known about your errors for some time now so correct your chart?

I said from the start the chart isn't perfect. But it is closer than most of the stuff you will find online. But you don't have to believe it. Choose not to. Live a poor life with poor information. I'm not forcing it on you. If you want to imprison yourself knock yourself out.

On a personal level, I believe capitalism is complete evil, no logic on running an economy based on consumer goods as it leads to wasted resources. Capitalism is dog eat dog cut throat, stepping on each other to reach the top as the ones below stump to poverty and die, with no help, ironic seing as america is supposed to be cristian. Private business leads to giant corporations that corrupt every piec eof society, USA goverment has been corrupt since Kennedys assasination if you ask me. Admittedly this also happens in today's ssocialism but this is a result of the capitalist market. Unofrtunately the fox news and american culture have them so patriotised it's scary with so much propoganda, stay away from fox news. USA is ran by fat cats, unbelievably corrupt, are an empire in denial, why does the rest fo the world hate them, are they really ignorant stupid fat and arrogant? No, but some are!

You're right, USA is one of the most corrupt countries around. But here's a free lesson. The same people who have completely gutted, immoralized, dumbed-down and taken over America ARE THE EXACT SAME PEOPLE BEHIND SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM AND FASCISM. These people who turned America into the piece of shit it is are planning to do the same thing on a global level and you're on their team. So go ahead and stand against freedom, go ahead and stand against ethics, go ahead and support ignorance. That is exactly what they want. And that is exactly what they are getting. And here I am standing with very few people trying to keep our Republic afloat. Here I am trying to keep freedom, liberty and God in the world and here you are trying to take it away. But go ahead man. People get what they deserve. The truth has never been a glamorous, fun thing. Ignorance is always championed. Poor people are always the norm. Reading books isn't as cool as sex or sports. But in the end the truth does prevail.

Anonymous: Thanks for the

Thanks for the reply.
surface level. It was ruled by a dictator, one body which in sheer definition is fascist and the complete opposite to communist. How was america financing communism? America was at war with the supposed communism and as i have expressed, communism has not occured yet. The soviet Union not being around is irrevelant since it was not communist. The soviet union broke by by it's own political will, as inevetiby all things come to an end. How is communism against integrity and inteligence? i think you have been reading to much american propoganda still fed from the cold war.

''As I said, Socialism, Communism and Fascism are almost the exact same -- they are all collectivists that champion security over freedom.''
How you brand these completely differant models together and some how leave capitalism out is so bias it is untrue. How is fascsism collectivist!!!

Security over freedom is completely a personal issue of what ever goverment and is not attached to any of these policies. I am sure america hold people in alcatraz without trial for 7 years in the need of 'security' As are numerous terrorism laws introduced in your sopposed free goverment, such hypocracy here it is untrue. This is infact not policy in the majority of socialist goverments.

''It's good to know them Socialist/Fascist Nazis didn't have a death penalty. It's good to know they weren't about killing other people. The way they handled it was very fair and balanced. Oh wait. I really don't even know what point you are trying to prove here, but then again neither do you.''
Categorising something correctly does not mean i support means categorise it correctly! rather than some ignorant wilt of throwing it in one pile.

''C/S/F as a whole all champion you being better than God. They say that you can do anything you want. They all say anything goes.'' being better than god? never heard that in my life, who is to say a person even believes in god? you are refering to havin aspirations not being unfairly stopped nothing more. I also hear the phrase ' the american dream' 'rags to riches'

''This is Humanism. This is what C/S/F are all working towards bringing in.'' sounds like some secret conspiracy theory, please let me in on this gem of a secret? lol
Do not know where you get your information but every country on earth nearly, allows complete freedom of religion, besides minimal extremist islamic regions. I could also point out. That quote is from a strange offensive person, so odd, how can you sayathists will bring destruction etc and persecution, once again, GOOGLE THE DEFINITION. Saying something not understood that is differant to you. i.e faith, religion of catholics and athiests seems to lead to fear and percecution from you for no apparent reason. You may aswell suggest catholics are out to destroy athiests.

They are all low because Socialists, Communists and somewhat Fascists aren't self-responsible. They can't take care of themselves. That's why they have the state, lol. They can't handle freedom. They're slaves. They need somebody to hold their hand. They need somebody else to do the innovation and work so they can take it. But what happens when nobody wants to work anymore? Oops, didn't think of that. But that's okay, basketball is on. Slaves love sports.
you have no basis to have the opinion that anybody is self responsible, The 6 million people on this planet take care of themself, or they would be dead, it is about specialisation of tasks, some farm, some do office task and they use money to trade and get an efficient means of living. Nesrly everybody in every country works so your argument here falls on it's feet, infact in america unemloyment is at an extreme 15% ironic!
In regards to welfare, that is there to support those without a job, which is not their fault but a fault of the nations economy to provide these positions in abundance. It is also a question of morality as it is only right to support those who cannot support themself. I.E the good samaritan (assume your catholic) If a person does not want to work then they are doomed for poverty, as they have no money, you only get welfare if you want to work and prove this weekly. Ironicly welfare only provides on average £50 a week anyway which is not enough for a decent standard of living anyway! you try live on that... i could equally infact argue that capitalists are infact slaves, slaves of corporation and the economic situation they are placed in, having to work for money. What happened to the days a person could grow their own food and live how they wish?

''So if you're mad about the American school system that is a socialist model. You're mad about socialism. And so am I.''
America is the biggest capitalist state ever to exist so i'm rather puzzled here. Wow where to begin here. Education should be a state run process to adress the collective will and need of the nations economy,values and desires. Making them private in nature results in class division, poor standard of schools on a ever dwindling spiral. To say educational success is a result of socialist/capitalist wim is so simplistic it is scary, obviously it involves many differant values for success. What place does capitalism have in schools anyway, capitalism is a model for ecomonic growth and business, nothing to do with raising children or inteligence, besides focusing on vocational aspects.

''Oh please. C/S/F are all ran by dictators at the end of the day. It may be a group of front men like Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and so on, but they're all heavily controlled and influenced by the real power. These people don't come to power by chance. People put them in power. Just like all the other dictators around the world.'' The real power, you mean like the president being a poster boy for the real congress and corporations who fund their presidential election. So does america not have dictators? seing as it is impossible to be president without mass wealth and sponsorship, traded by political policy?
Socialism is a collective group oF MP's for each city by proportion of population who make decisions in line with a leader. of which ever political party elected, in which the population agree with. Dictator? no. Basically the same applies in theory with capitalism. communism is not either.

''Nazis killed Jews for fun. So? As a whole America from 1800 - 1900 completely crushes any other civilization ever when it comes to freedom and quality of living. People CAME TO AMERICA. '' hence nazis are badd lol, america are still invading countries for fun and taking oil so why stop at 1990? People came to america for economic prosperity which was due to the inherant natural resources the land possesses. They came to flee their own economic poverty.i.e irish, the potato famine. They also came for a new start in life AND the chance to own their own free plot of land such was it's size.

''You want to talk greed and self-interest, let's talk socialists and communists. They actually use the government to legally enforce the stealing of money from one person to another. If we were to steal money from somebody on the streets it is called crime. If we do it under socialism or communism it is called fair. Fair to who? It's illogical, irrational and immoral. There is going to be greedy people anywhere. Rich people are greedy, poor people are greedy, smart people are greedy, stupid people are greedy and Communists like yourself are especially greedy.''
Stealing? how is it stealing, its distribution of people on such land for equal benefit, a person is free to leave if they do not agree with this way or vote for differant political process. It is a process of goverment regulation, and not a crime. fair to who you say,fair to everybod!
Greed you must admit stems from capitalist philosophy, and the way a person is raised. A person of true communist nature doesn't even believe in the value of currency.

''So go ahead and stand against freedom, go ahead and stand against ethics, go ahead and support ignorance. That is exactly what they want. And that is exactly what they are getting. And here I am standing with very few people trying to keep our Republic afloat. Here I am trying to keep freedom, liberty and God in the world and here you are trying to take it away. But go ahead man. People get what they deserve. The truth has never been a glamorous, fun thing. Ignorance is always championed. Poor people are always the norm. Reading books isn't as cool as sex or sports. But in the end the truth does prevail.''

ROFL sorry but the team america song came in my head then, 'america fu* yeah gunna save the motha f*n world yeah!'
Again just ebcause you do not undersand a persons view does not make them a polar opposite, you know i stand for freedom and ethics yet you percieve this 'enemy'

Republican? so do you agree gay people should be declassified as subhuman and not be married, do you disagree with abortion? do you realise republicans represent the rich few against the poor majority? This is the same as the socialist conservatives. Both have rediculously sleasy links with private companys who fund their objectives. Mate America at the moment is the most capitalist it has ever been, how many national run corporations currently even exist there? none i suspect. They invade countries for oil and personal wealth, undermine their own presidents aims and policy of free personal health care and have the power to keep it privatised. They are resonsible for the majority fo the carbon footprint on the planet for global warming and are the only nation who oppose UN resolutions for deals to decease it. They are the only nation to use nukes on another country yet demand other countries do not have the right to have them. Not believing in God does not mean a person is against god, it is a differant perception of life, an athiest has never started a war like other religions, aperson of no religion has never started a 2000 year old bloody crusande. A person of no religion still has faith (in science),still uses the principles within religion i.e morality

Anonymous: It seems to me like
@Anonymous (view comment)

It seems to me like americans have lived through this raping the resourches of the planet, destroying other nations, taking their oil, nuking countries, almost single handedly creating global warming, all this in ignorance. The american goverment is very good with propoganda it seems, as often is with the case of poorly educated nations. This whole capitalism is the way forward, because you can come from 'rags to riches' 'the american dream' or a popular new term that amused me 'get rich or die trying' The reality is the masses starve and crime runs wild. A good book to read on this is Author Millers life of a salesman. Bush done some dreadful deeds, but what are americans most annoyed by, his actions, or his stupidity. The world was angered by actions not his stupidity. America then falls for the change pitch, the most obvious stupid ploy ever and everything is golden again, when the reality is only the poster boy changed to keep the masses at bay and happy. Now it appears that amidst the current hardship, they somehow have the american people blaming socialism for their current plight, even though they are the most capitalist country on earth, yet they are convinced it is socialsm at fault and capitalism is the way forward. A very interesting ploy indeed.

Anonymous: here is the communist
@Anonymous (view comment)

here is the communist manifesto so there is no confusion. Try to establish the differance between what your american rulers have told you.(does not mean i support communism)

Anonymous: Quite eerie how spot on the
@Anonymous (view comment)

Quite eerie how spot on the first section is of communist manifesto. It could have easily been a report written in the past month as opposed to when it was actually written (1850s?)...I highly suggest it to anyone who has any doubts where our county is headed...or where it has landed.sigh.

Anna Kelly: Though it took me several

Though it took me several hours to read through the posts above, I want to thank the participants for the lively discussion, and from a more objective point of view than perhaps those arguing back and forth, what i notice is that the notion of developmental hierarchy (vs dominator) is at play here. First of all the table is very helpful, and though I disagree with some of the categorization, it is obviously not set in stone and simply serves as a framework for hopefully respectful discussion. In a developmental hierarchy, though we humans are all created equal with inalienable human rights endowed by the Creator, we must acknowledge that some behaviors are more wholesome than others and lead to wholly positive change and a less divided state (internally as reflected in our actions and words and externally as reflected in culture. And from a developmental point of view, Slayerment rises to the top of the developmental hierarchy here, as he cares to be respectful to others, even in the face of extreme rudeness and name-calling, he cares to write with proper grammar, spelling and punctuation, and his ideas are progressive and clearly based on much study of the subject. I have never met any of the participants and do not know them in any 7nt3eway, but I thought the the distinction between developmental and dominator hierarchy (based on Clare Graves and Don Beck's Spiral Dynamics model) was appropriate here, as well as evident.

Is it possible to use our real names? It is more difficult for me to take "anonymous" as seriously as someone courageous enough to identify self.

Alan Chernick: National Socialism (NAZI) vs. Socialism

There's a big difference between National Socialism (NAZI Party) vs. Socialism. It's time the people of the USA get an education.

michael: education,health, gun ownership,war for oil, jail without trial?

capitalism is a socio economic policy for idiotic propogised retards.
Consumerism based on wasted resources with no social goal besides a class divide between a few rich and mass poverty. Most popularly summerised by south, inbred, republican, outdatedness funded by huge unethical corporations and deals for sponsoring and law changes. It ignores all it's flaws in the shout of competition which is as futile as a country so economically powerful and rich with massive resources wasted within a petty century. I'll giove you a hint this great country of liberty not long ago sterilised the disabled and poor and the military nowingly inflected over 400 soldiers with diseases like test rats

pezza: i.e. u.s.a poverty,no health insurance,funding terrorists, defin

I think the worst thing isn't the completely over the top couldn't be any more bias chart. It is your adamant belief in it that you are right that is the worst thing. Enough people have shown quite blatently in so many respects how wrong it is in every way, yet it is just dismissed. It brings me to the conclusion that the CIA have had you brainwashed, you are of severe low mental intelect or finally that you get things set in your head and your arrogance and ego completely overide all ability to reason and be logical.

Quinton Figueroa: Thank you for arguing against
@pezza (view comment)

Thank you for arguing against the points in my post. I always love an intelligent conversation. Oh wait.

Anonymous: This is the most ridiculous

This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever read. The worst thing about it is I expect you are not one of the 1% who benefit from the laissez-faire capitalist system. The system works because it convinces people to tolerate it in the belief they will one day be rich too. Social democracy is about the redistribution of wealth through tax rebates, national health care etc, not everyone living in hovels. Can you not see how unchecked corporations and democracy don't work together. Capitalism in it's current state isn't working, because it is elitist, capitalism doesn't need to go, it needs to be fixed.

Quinton Figueroa: On the contrary, Capitalism
@Anonymous (view comment)

On the contrary, Capitalism benefits everyone. Socialism benefits a few people. The current system we have right now is called Socialism. So if anything needs fixing it is that.

Ceeje: Our professor favored

Our professor favored authoritarianism, the one which includes communism and fascism. He does not favor on democracy wherein capitalism and socialism fall under. He said that for a country to be developed and for its people to be disciplined, there is a need of force. Because if we stick on democracy, people would just 'take for granted' the freedom and their human rights. Can u give me a broader opinion about this? I'm a freshman college student and I want to know more about economic systems.

Washington76: What form of government do we have?

What form of government do we have? Do you really know? If you think we are a democracy, you really need to watch this video for a reality check.

1. Reasserting American Exceptionalism. The Founding Fathers believed in American Exceptionalism because we are the only country in history that recognizes that power comes from God to each citizen personally. The citizen is personally sovereign. The citizen then loans power to the state. The state does not loan power to the citizen. This is the opposite of Obamaism.

2. Competing with China and India. We must commit ourselves to undertaking the necessary reforms so that we can become the most productive, most creative, and most prosperous country in the world. These economic requirements are our basis for a national security system that enables us to be the safest and freest country worldwide. If we take seriously the importance of competing with China and India, we will be the dominant country on the planet for the next hundred years. However, if we do not have the courage to compete with China and India, we will rapidly cease to be safe and will rapidly cease to be free. Rather than complaining about how China and India have saved their money, maintained trade surpluses, and weathered the economic crisis well, as President Obama has done, we must focus on how we can reform ourselves dramatically.

3. Ending the Bubble of Government. Government is too big, too expensive, too in debt, and it is not going to want to change. Like the information technology bubble in 1999, the housing bubble in 2007, and the Wall Street bubble in 2008, the fourth bubble that is government threatens our economy. Government employee unions are the new elite, and we need a replacement model.

4. Telling the Truth About Radical Islamism. The Obama administration is living in a fantasy world; they won’t tell the truth about our enemies. We must have the courage to tell the truth about radical Islamists, and we must have the courage to act on that truth. We must identify our opponents, be honest about the scale of the threat, and undertake a grand strategy to defeat radical Islamism.

5. Empowering Every American to Pursue Happiness. Since we truly believe that every American is endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights – among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness – then we must be determined to go into our country’s poorest communities, whether it is in the valley, the inner city, or poor, rural areas. We must change the culture; we must change the bureaucracy; we must change the tax code; we must do whatever it takes to ensure that every American is truly capable of pursuing happiness, as they have been endowed by their Creator with that right. When conservatives are truly serious about all American citizens having the right to pursue happiness, we will create a 75% majority, and we will be able to offer our children and grandchildren a vastly better future than the bureaucratic welfare state of dependency, coercion, and ineffectiveness we face today.

With a movement of citizens all across this land, we can replace the Left and bring America back to the country it should be.

jetgraphics: Republican Form of government

I noted in your chart, that you omitted the republican form of government. That is to be expected, since there is only one nation on Earth with that form, and it was abandoned in the 1820s for the democratic form.

GOVERNMENT (Republican Form of Government)- One in which the powers of sovereignty are vested in the people and are exercised by the people ... directly ...
- - - Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, P. 695

The people of the state, as the successors of its former sovereign, are entitled to all the rights which formerly belonged to the king by his own prerogative.
Lansing v. Smith, (1829) 4 Wendell 9, (NY)

At the Revolution, the sovereignty devolved on the people and they are truly the sovereigns of the country.
Chisholm v. Georgia, 2 Dall. 440, 463

It will be admitted on all hands that with the exception of the powers granted to the states and the federal government, through the Constitutions, the people of the several states are unconditionally sovereign within their respective states.
Ohio L. Ins. & T. Co. v. Debolt 16 How. 416, 14 L.Ed. 997

In America, however, the case is widely different. Our government is founded upon compact. Sovereignty was, and is, in the people.
[ Glass vs The Sloop Betsey, 3 Dall 6 (1794)]

Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts.
[Yick Wo vs Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 370 (1886)]

FYI: Citizens are subjects, by definition. There is no such thing as a "sovereign citizen". But there are sovereign American people (non-citizen nationals).

duke larson: Schisms

Fascism = Socialism for the rich and Capitalism for everyone else
; P

anonymous: seriously

I totally agree that capitalism is the best economically but you also have to include the fact that capitalism promotes greed. All i am saying is that there comes a point when capitalism becomes harmful for the common good of everyone and that regulations are necessary for the protection of the common. Socialism isn't really that all bad because they protect the common interest of everyone (spreading the wealth is not evil).

I'm not a socialist and I really like capitalism but can't the two co-exist. Can't they socialize needs and capitalize wants so that everyone else get's a piece of the cake even if they only get enough for living. Just a thought.

The thing about "lesser human" that is really not cool. It's totally subjective but still, calling non-american lesser is really bad. I mean what does one takes to actually be more culturally superior than others? Is it because they affect other cultures so that makes them superior? If that is what you are saying then I agree about antispin's arguments. I'm not going to debate. Calling other humans lesser is morally wrong period. I'm american and white but i like other cultures (I will not point out a specific one). And honestly speaking, the only reason why america have its own cultural identity is because of the collection of other cultures from other nations and put it together to bring out a new one. So actually the culture you are talking about is a piece of everyone else's culture and that doesn't make you a superior human.

My advice, refrain from referring to humans as lesser. I suggest you call them less fortunate to avoid some raising of eyebrows in the future.

“Now the Bereans were of more noble character than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true.” (Acts 17:11)

anonymous: close but no cigar

Your chart is good. A little biased but good. Two problems with your chart. The Nazis were not fascists. They were an ideology all there own who combined different elements from many different ideologies such as socialism, fascist, and capitalism but they were not pure fascist. The second is that capitalism is not a form of government but an economic system.

Anonymous: Holy shit. This really

Holy shit. This really worries me.

ruth: liars

this is all a lie, this has been done by right wing people!
the god of capitalism is MONEY not universe and no one cares about the person in a capitalism world, if you have money youre the boss and if you dont no one gives a shit and you die under a bridge;

best yes, ahahah Bush was a facist.
an by the way in facism there are DICTATORS not companies!!!

Cristian: kjbkbknbk

Fuck your chart. That is your fucking true my friend, it isnt the absolute true. Capitalism make the poor poorest, of course, you can see that in your declining gringo civilization. The poor people dont know the meaning of Liberty, when in this centruy already work as slaves for a meaningless pay, can you live with less than 4 dolares one day? can you built your future with that pay? Fuck!! I am so happy that this egoism (liberty is the way you call it) behind of your wonderful capitalism is turning back and today america isnt that was in the past, maybe in a few years we will be talking in chinese and the english i learn in a peruvian school (where i am from) will be useless. I am not saying capitalism worst or socialism the best, what i am trying to say is any of these -isms is working.

Cristian: Fuck your chart. That is your

Fuck your chart. That is your fucking true my friend, it isnt the absolute true. Capitalism make the poor poorest, of course, you can see that in your declining gringo civilization. The poor people dont know the meaning of Liberty, when in this centruy already work as slaves for a meaningless pay, can you live with less than 4 dolares one day? can you built your future with that pay? Fuck!! I am so happy that this egoism (liberty is the way you call it) behind of your wonderful capitalism is turning back and today america isnt that was in the past, maybe in a few years we (including you hahah) will be talking in chinese and the english i learn in a peruvian school (where i am from) will be useless. I am not saying capitalism worst or socialism the best, what i am trying to say is any of these -isms is working.

Cristian: Fuck your chart. That is your

Fuck your chart. That is your fucking true my friend, it isnt the absolute true. Capitalism make the poor poorest, of course, you can see that in your declining gringo civilization. The poor people dont know the meaning of Liberty, when in this centruy already work as slaves for a meaningless pay, can you live with less than 4 dolares one day? can you built your future with that pay? Fuck!! I am so happy that this egoism (liberty is the way you call it) behind of your wonderful capitalism is turning back and today america isnt that was in the past, maybe in a few years we will be talking in chinese and the english i learn in a peruvian school (where i am from) will be useless. I am not saying capitalism worst or socialism the best, what i am trying to say is any of these -isms is working. And for the record, if you say that the worst genocide was made for socialism i can tell the worst age of slavery was made for your country and your capitalism..... thank the time is showing new ways of growing, China and Brasil can tell, and poor people are know standing up and spitting in the face of the people who though were their owners,

Anonymus: *Sigh*

This is one of the most innacurate, biased and stupid charts that I have ever seen. Please read an actual book on the subject instead of relying on Bill O'Reily and Glen Beck for your information.

Quinton Figueroa: Please substantiate this.
@Anonymus (view comment)

Please substantiate this.

Matt: Look at those rose-colored

Look at those rose-colored glasses.This author acknowledges no downsides to capitalism, unashamed in his indoctrination. Complete, unchecked capitalism is totalitarianism with a different name. I'd love to hear how the author determined that western Europeans are relatively ignorant and have arrested personal growth compared to the superior, "well-educated" and "decent" Americans with fantastic "personal growth."

Quinton Figueroa: There are downsides to
@Matt (view comment)

There are downsides to everything, however, Capitalism has the least downsides when contrasted to Socialism, Communism and Fascism. This is proven both logically and historically.

Unchecked Capitalism is not totalitarianism. Totalitarianism requires a centralized monopoly of power. This is not possible in Capitalism. Monopolies only happen through government intervention. Let me repeat this since most people fail to understand this point. The government is a monopoly. Capitalism does not allow monopolies. There is always room for a competitor to outdo their competitor if a monopoly is trying to be established. Throughout history the largest monopolies have always been through Socialism, not Capitalism.

So complete Capitalism is not totalitarianism -- it's not possible. In Capitalism you have a choice of which business you want to participate with. You can choose to support something or not to support something. If nothing suits your liking you can do it yourself. That's not totalitarianism. That's freedom.

Socialism, Communism and Fascism, on the other hand, are totalitarian, or of a totalitarian flavor. All of these use the government monopoly to force you to do things you wouldn't be forced to do under Capitalism. If you don't like something in S,C or F too bad, you don't have a choice.

If I came across as saying that Europeans are ignorant compared to Americans then I have been misunderstood -- all people of all nations are equally ignorant. Also, the Americans of the early 1900's were a lot smarter than the Americans we have now. Americans in this day and age couldn't find their way out of a paper bag.

Andrew Pitts: I read for I read for about teen minutes and lost half my political IQ I hope you realize how stupid this is. That's like saying a hue and a shade are the same because they are both visible I hope nobody took thus graph seriously..

Quinton Figueroa: What in particular is stupid?
@Andrew Pitts (view comment)

What in particular is stupid?

Theresa: WOW

I am so impressed with your discussion, Quinton. You clearly have done some research and I agree with you. Some of these half-wits that reply to you are scary and ignorant and so inept in their debate with you that they are laughable. I say RIGHT ON to your page here (I just came across it) and applaud you for taking on some of these people who are so unrealistic.

J Rocky: Wow, you are a serious moron.

Wow, you are a serious moron. Lol at this chart. I'm a high school history teacher and this doesn't even belong in a special ed class!

This has to be a troll site.

Rich Brewer: Great Movie to watch

Its called Agenda:Grinding Down America .. Its a very well done documentary on the progression of Communism and Fabianism is America.

Anonymous: We have a high school teacher

We have a high school teacher calling someone a moron for expressing their view and saying it doesn't belong in a special Ed class. With educators like this how could anything we say as young adults be wrong. If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. We need to get back to the basics before we discuss how societies should be run!

Vincent Ruddy: A little disappointed

I have a couple of things here.....I'm a disappointed because I thought that I would get some real information, instead of the normal clap trap that is spewed from the disembodied voices of talk radio. This report is biased and possily inflammatory. Let me start by saying that if Obama is a Socialist, then he isn't very good at it. Then there is the "intelligence requirement"....this is just wrong because some of the most educated people of the 20-21st century have favored some form of socialism in varying degrees, while full on nothing but capitalism and and america is exceotional has been militantly favored by the likes of Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann. Then the how it was implemented, the "US" colonists very often were on the offensive....they actually fired the first shots and committed the first acts of war....just one example. Also throughout the last let's 10 years, if not more, certain parties and groups in the American culture have actually become ferociously nationalistic, which is more in line with Nazism,,,(ie the tea party and the GOP)

smo: Vincent

Vincent: The intelligence requirement is not wrong, if I might explain. It's not talking about 'some individuals' as you referenced, it's talking about the whole and what it takes to survive. In a capitalistic setting, you (everyone) needs to be all they can be; whereas, in most of the others you can be (please excuse) just a taker. And of course in these other forms, there are intellectuals .... they're usually the power folks, the very few rich folks and all the other's can kiss it goodbye. Now, I've probably po'd ya but ... hey, you should read the book: "THEY FIRED THE FIRST SHOT 2012"

Kwac ka: A little knowledge can be bad

Why use big words like 'communism', 'socialism,'fascism' & 'capitalism' when you clearly have little idea what they mean?

Quinton Figueroa: Please share with us what
@Kwac ka (view comment)

Please share with us what they mean.

Panos: The whole article you wrote

The whole article you wrote is based on the propaganda of the mass media, following McArthy's bullshit.
At first you confuse basic things:
Fascism is a political system, it's a certain form of capitalism. Capitalism or socialism/communism are socio-economic systems.
Where did you see socialism in Western Europe?. If you call socialism the scandinavian capitalist model, then..oooooohh.
Communism never existed, it requires the absence of money as an exchanging mean.
Except of all this, capitalism didn't work, doesn't work, will never work.
Prepare for the next step of the human society: socialism. (not the one you think you know...)

Tom: economic /governing concepts

Economics:: Capitalism is private ownership and Control.
Communism = Socialism; is Government ownership and control.
Fascism is private ownership and government control.
All exist to varying degrees in all economic systems
Totalitarianism, exists to varying degrees in Communism and Fascism

karlmarxsux: Communism

Communism where the Government owns the means of production,resources,banking and speech is restricted.Sound familiar ? The USSA.The FED is the biggest consumer, creditor, debtor, manufacturer,banker in the nation.The Government is NOT supposed to compete with it’s citizens in business.For if that happens ,wealth is stolen from them and that is happening as I type.When the government can do what the people can not you have tyranny. I see all of the above and it SUX just like fat Karl himself.

comrade benjamin: misinformation

ok, i have nowhere near the time required to even start corrected this table, whomever made it knows nothing to very little about the topic, and it is sad that some people will actually read this and give it any type of credit. We can start by the fact many communist societies still exist, and go from there to the idea of the Illuminati having any type of involvement in the formation of communism. If you believe that a group of millionaires started a communal economy you have brain damage. I had to quit reading this propaganda, for the simple fact each line i read made me feel as if i was killing brain cells. Karl Mark created communism as it was presented in "the capital" and "the communist manifesto" Unless you have read these you have no business smearing the name of communism. If you haven't noticed capitalism in its current form has led to fascism in America if not a large section of the world. You don't live in a democracy if you have to be a millionaire to be elected... Capitalism in its current form was actually created by the monarchs at the end of feudalism to fight the rising merchant class. By this i mean corporate charters, which are the foundations of modern corporations. Who originally had corporate charters granted by kings giving them monopolies. You can read more about this is the book "life inc." It's sad to see you trying to misinform the public like this my best guess would be that your paid to do so by certain political parties, I really hope that you are not actually this misinformed yourself, if you are, stop asking ignorant people for answers and open a freaking book.


Robert Baird: Economic CONstructs

In debating socialism and communism Quinton has started a great forum that now needs to delves deeper into technologies such as shown in Futurescape and first discussed in Bill Joy's Wired Magazine article of March 2000. I also suggest reading C. H. Douglas and trying to grasp the Physiocrats. They were much more than just a continuation of an ancient Order now called the NWO.

Anonymous: This is the single most

This is the single most ridiculous thing I have ever read. Or at least, that I have read since being able enough to read.

Cavin: Bias

I see a slight bias towards capitalism, and against modern America. Now, in all honesty i would agree with that statement, but you really should work to make it unbiased, if you want to build credibility.

hi: USA IS NOT FASCIST!!!!!!!!!!1

USA IS NOT FASCIST!!!!!!!!!!1 We are capitalist. This is soooo biased.

Tyler: libertarian

I see what your saying in the chart I guess. All I want say is if any of you who live in the USA and, you want the original government that our founding fathers placed for us. Then please vote libertarian! From I can see for myself libertarians are true to what America was ment to be. Don't believe what you're told that you only have two people to choose from. I really hate how most people argue about Republican or Democrats being the only choice you have come voting time. You have a choice and you're not throwing your vote away if you vote for another party. It is better to vote for who you want and he/she not win. Then to vote for someone you don't and they win.

Anonymous: What we really need is

What we really need is libertarian socialism, the marrying of both political and economic liberty. Why is it that the US seems to think it invented capitalism? Capitalism is simply consolidated wealth used as leverage to exploit the property-less underclass, and has existed since time immemorial. The glory days of American liberty and opportunity where only due to the fact that it hadn't enough time to develop into a mature capitalist society like its contemporary Europe. It took it until the gilded age to catch up. I have a lot of respect for libertarians, they hold a rare spirit in these slavish times, but they must see that the private consolidation of wealth and power by corporations and their authoritarian nature is as harmful as any state -as feudalism was to monarchy.

Quinton Figueroa: How does Capitalism exploit
@Anonymous (view comment)

How does Capitalism exploit the underclass? Every exchange in Capitalism is voluntary. How does a voluntary system exploit people?

Anonymous: It is not voluntary. Does a

It is not voluntary. Does a man choose to be born into his life, or is it thrust upon him? A man may choose to turn down an unfavourable situation, but at what cost to him? The man born into poverty must choose labour or starvation because turn where he may there exists no better options. Yes, state intervention exaggerates monopolies, but capitalism is fundamentally monopolistic, as is seen in practice. To say that free agreement is all that is necessary to ensure equality, and hence liberty, is to ignore all those externalities that are thrust upon a man: flood, famine, pestilence, birthright and social privilege to name but a few.

Quinton Figueroa: The lives of poor people are
@Anonymous (view comment)

The lives of poor people are made better through Capitalism. Capitalism is better for poor people than any other form of government that we have ever seen. If it wasn't for Capitalism poor people would not live better today than kings lived just 200 years ago. The life of a poor person is much better today than it was 200 years ago. Today's poor people live like yesterday's rich people, all thanks to Capitalism. There are always going to be people at the bottom end of the wealth spectrum, but thanks to the innovation and efficiency which comes from Capitalism the standard of living of the poor is always rising.

Capitalism is not fundamentally monopolistic. Capitalism is fundamentally voluntary. The biggest monopoly is government. You can choose to buy from or not buy from a business. You can't choose not to buy from the government. The government is fundamentally monopolistic, not Capitalism.

Anonymous: You are conflating innovation

You are conflating innovation with capitalism. The desire to meet his own needs, and for the betterment of his environ in this pursuit, is an innate aspect of man, inherent in all forms of social organisation. However, under capitalism the dispossessed class are persuaded by hunger and poverty to forgo future gains for the satisfaction of their immediate needs. How can a system which mandates the continual poverty and oppression of the masses, and which requires them to surrender the majority of the fruits of their labour, through no fault of theirs, be the best system for them? That which is best at meeting their needs?

The profit motive itself is also unable to efficiently meet the needs of society, and how can it where its only objective is profit? Market demand can only meet needs where backed by coin, and where there exists a impoverished underclass, the market remains largely blind to a large portion of society. Where profit seeking is advanced, society becomes run as an adjunct to the economy, and to the vanity of those in power.

Although not long enough in duration for any measurable results, the anarchist territories of the Spanish Revolution showed promise of a system far more "efficient" from the perspective of the provision of needs for the WHOLE society.

As to capitalism not being fundamentally monopolistic you are right. What I meant rather is that it has monopolistic aspirations, though in practice rarely achieves any more than oligopoly. This still produces notable market perversions.

Quinton Figueroa: The greatest innovations come
@Anonymous (view comment)

The greatest innovations come through Capitalism. Other forms of social organization do not have the innovation Capitalism has because they don't allow people to keep the fruits of their own labor and action. This is very clearly proven throughout history. Capitalism allows people to better their environment, as you say, better than any form of government.

How is the "dispossessed class" persuaded by hunger and poverty to forgo future gains for the satisfaction of their immediate needs?

"How can a system which mandates the continual poverty and oppression of the masses, and which requires them to surrender the majority of the fruits of their labour, through no fault of theirs, be the best system for them?"

I agree, you tell me how Socialism can be the best system because I don't like seeing people forced to surrender the fruits of their labor through taxation, inflation and theft. Under Capitalism nobody is forced to surrender anything.

How does profit not meet the needs of society? What are the needs of society? What do you see as better than Capitalism for society?

Anonymous: Libertarian socialism, and

Libertarian socialism, and communism in its true form is vastly different from the "communism" we know from Russia, China etc. I will gladly concede the superiority of capitalism to these forms of authoritarian socialism. True socialism preaches worker ownership of the means of production and the full fruits of labour. State socialism is rather a Bolshevik lie to derail the revolution and found a new and even more oppressive statist regime. Just ask Makhno.

Capitalism can never allow the working class to enjoy the full fruits of their labour as its fundamental basis is the private ownership of capital ABOVE what is needed to meet ones own needs, and therefore allows the renting of capital to others less fortunate in order to extract profits.

Libertarian socialists preach that ownership can only come from continuing personal use, you can own a house, car and tools, but you cannot own a factory. Means of production comes under usufruct, where goods made personally for personal consumption are held in absolute.

Unless you can show how externalities, as discussed before, do not affect a man, this remains the only means of ensuring all men have the same opportunity in life. Without equality of opportunity, a man is forced by circumstance to make compromises. Where economists generally see interest as reward for waiting, it is better understood as the ABILITY to wait, as poor people prefer bread to any minor financial gains. Anarchists preach only equality of opportunity, not outcome, and we are as loathe to such issues as taxation and the welfare state as any, though for very different reasons to the self-interest of the right.

The profit motive, as said before, remains blind to the needs of those unable to pay on the market. This would not be so bad in a society of economic equality, but capitalism promotes inequality and so exaggerates the problem.

The alternative I would propose is some form of libertarian socialism, with the end goal of TRUE communism (you are right to oppose Stalinist-style socialism). It would be easier to read Wikipedia than have me explain its fundamental concepts.

Quinton Figueroa: How does true Socialism
@Anonymous (view comment)

How does true Socialism preach ownership of production and the full fruits of labor? That is the basis of Capitalism. If you are upset about people making a profit then you're not letting them have ownership of the full fruits of their labor. You are going against what you say.

So because in Capitalism you can produce capital above what is needed to meet your own needs it can never allow the working class to enjoy the full fruits of their labor? This makes no sense. Each individual can choose to what capacity to enjoy the fruits of their labor. If somebody doesn't want to work under Capitalism they don't have to. If somebody wants to produce above their means in Capitalism they can. Why is it wrong to produce above your means? Why is it right to produce within them?

How is renting to others wrong or bad? How is owning a factory bad? Is automation bad too? Is it bad for somebody to own a completely robotic factory that produces things much more efficiently and cheaper than humans? Are we better off putting humans to work because we won't let machines replace them?

Why is the goal for everyone to have an equal opportunity? We're not all born in the same circumstances. Each circumstance has its own pros and cons. Who are you to determine what is good or bad for a person? What makes you or some group of people the ones who know what is equal and unequal for somebody? Somebody born a woman has different challenges and advantages than somebody born a male. How are you going to equalize the differences of genders? What makes your way of equalizing it right? What if somebody doesn't want an equal opportunity?

What would a Libertarian Socialist society do with Anarcho-Capitalists? Would they allow for them or would they not allow for them? Anarcho-Capitalists would have no problem with Libertarian Socialists in their society so long as the initiation of violence is not used. Could the same be said for Libertarian Socialists? What happens if I create a large business that people choose to work for in a Libertarian Socialist society?

Anonymous: Capitalism does not allow

Capitalism does not allow individuals to enjoy the full fruits of their labour, as stated before. Profits simply represent surplus labour. Where there exists profit of the type an employee receives, as distinct from the profits of an independent producer, there exists an employee from which produce has been skimmed.
Rents too represent unearned income, which derives ultimately from the labour of the exploited, itself of no tangible worth. Were the tenants around when the property was bought, or was this another disadvantage thrust upon them which they could never consent? You still have not refuted my point about externalities.

A man can produce as much as he likes, and do with it what he pleases, but not where he uses his favourable situation to exploit or harm others as private property allows. Private property allows a man, and later his progeny, to not only enjoy his right to use a thing, but to prevent others, both contemporary and future generations, from using it. If the population of an island was 10, and it was divided so, but later became 1000, why is it fair that latter generations were born landless? Did they consent?

Your statement about opportunity pertains to equality of outcome, not opportunity. Opportunity can be embraced or not, outcome is still very much a variable. This is in contrast to the lack of opportunity inherent for the many in capitalism. This can be clearly evidenced in social mobility. As it is not perfect we can assume the context of a persons social and economic standing is hugely important in shaping overall outcome.

In a libertarian socialist society a capitalist could own a factory, but only if he built it entirely himself and it harmed no-one in doing so, and only on land enough for him. Nor would anyone work there if they were assured a livelihood. Capitalism can only exist on the basis on an unequal distribution of goods, guaranteed by the unequal distribution and perpetuation of private property rights that allows a minority to claim ownership of property above what he needs, and so deprive others of what they need.

Mechanisation is a doubled edged sword. Employee conditions largely depend on how much power he has. Where labour is cheap and unorganised, poor conditions result. Mechanisation can lead to the dispensation of the worker, who having to still buy the goods he formerly made, must seek new employment as a servant for his boss, at largely reduced pay. Generally resulting in lower consumption of goods as the new oppressive work outweighs in discomfort any financial remuneration. Where the workers own the technology, the profits can be realised by them in full and results in increased consumption and material well-being, lower working hours and increased leisure.

A man is forced into capitalism. Can he choose to alter his birthplace? Is their an unending expansion of new free land (which has not been won by the sword)? And if no countries practice anything but capitalism?

For capitalists, finding employees in an anarchist society would be next to impossible, especially in light of the resistance to all those heavy handed deprivations needed to force free men into the estates and factories historically. Two parallels are the southern owning of slaves and the Australian convicts (my own country). Workers were reluctant to work for capitalists in the face of opportunity elsewhere due to low land values. Capital simply shifted from investment in land, as in Europe, to people, because free men could not be compelled to work where opportunity elsewhere was abundant.

I could no more practice anarchism in an ancap society than I could in our contemporary one. This is because the market has already been saturated, and I have been born into an already developed system. If I have the non-voluntary misfortune to be born poor, to buy property, I must work on exploitative terms. Furthermore, how can a system that preaches the abolishment of private property exist in a system of private property? Is the land already owned by those who have taken it unfairly (state allocation, warfare etc), or does it revert to non-ownership for homesteading, cities and all?

Quinton Figueroa: So how would you handle a
@Anonymous (view comment)

So how would you handle a situation where there are 10 people on an island? How would land be divided and used? And then once they multiply to 1,000 people on that island, how would land now be divided and used?

Anonymous: The specific case can only be

The specific case can only be decided by the democratic decision of those individuals affected by them, the local population. The likely outcome would be the gradual subdivision of land as more individuals practise their usage rights. Land use would likely transition from low density techniques such as pastoralism to intensive agriculture. Alternately the pastures may be simply collectivised to be shared if all are in agreement. This is assuming the 10 ever claimed usage over all the land, instead possibly holding large tracts in non-ownership for hunting and forestry etc.

The theoretical foundation is the equal access to those things which no man, or no one man had made, and which are finite in supply. Where products are finite such as land, to increase your personal supply is to deny other theirs. A man can take only what he needs (as balanced with the needs of others, he may have to sacrifice in periods of shortage), but in practice he may take also what he wants over this, only until the time it is contested by another.

This in contrast with the manufacture of goods. As goods are largely infinite, resource bottlenecks the exception, to produce more harms no-one. This is the fundamental difference between the two, and the reason why holding all things in dominion as in capitalism leads to injustice and inequality, and so the oppression of the many.

Quinton Figueroa: So in other words this is no
@Anonymous (view comment)

So in other words people have to own land collectively under Libsoc rather than individually or collectively under Ancap. A group of people can do the exact same thing under Ancap. The only difference is that in the Libertarian Socialism case you want to force people to use the land a certain way, where the Ancaps want to allow people to use land however they see fit.

Why is it more beneficial to force an outcome than to allow for any outcome? What makes the Libsoc outcome better? How can you prove it? Why is it okay for you, a non-owner of other's property, make other people use your view? Isn't it equally valid for them to tell you your view is the incorrect one and that you should give them the freedom to use their land as they see fit because they think their view is more valid than yours? Why can't you allow others the freedom to use their land as they see fit if they allow you the freedom to use yours as you see fit? Why do you have to interfere with the property of others?

All this is is bullying other people, possibly with force, into your view in the name of equality.

Anonymous: Libsoc limits the freedom of

Libsoc limits the freedom of an individual to those acts which cause no unequal limitation to the freedom of others. Libsoc, unlike Ancap, restricts the individual to only positive liberties. Ancap permits such negative freedoms as could in theory include slavery & dominion over other people, as well as things like forced abortions. This is all granted in the law of "free agreement" and contract rights, of which you haven't yet addressed my claims as to why they can never be truly consensual.

Yes, Libsoc limits the freedom of the individual, but only in the sense of those actions which are harmful to, or limit the freedom of others.

Libsoc recognises the right of independence in decision making and actions of any person or group from any person or group on the condition they do not affect said people. Where decisions are made, only those affected by them have the right to have say, and may disassociate from the larger group at any time.

You argument ignores the fact that property rights are in themselves an act of aggression as individuals born later cannot possibly give their consent to the actions of previous generations, but are met with violence in the name of self defence should they challenge them. It is simply a covert form of aggression, as are the many such examples in capitalism responsible for the shaping of a man's environ, and of which have no basis in "natural laws", but are simply rules decided before his ability to give consent, that he is now bound.

So too are the constitutional laws of Libsoc, as men are indeed forced to surrender all negative rights and to adhere unquestioningly to the positive right of usufruct. It is possible for a group of individuals to agree to run their community on capitalist or other principles, but new immigrants from the surrounding anarchist confederacy would likely not have to adhere if they should wish to dissociate, the constitution overriding local law. This is an area I have not thought about much and reserve the right to change my mind, and to admit an anarchist society might differ in practice.

Again, neither social systems can exist within the other, This stems from their respective stances on private property. But each can exist within the other in a weak sort of compromise that does neither justice.

Quinton Figueroa: The problem with Libsoc is
@Anonymous (view comment)

The problem with Libsoc is that it is unequal for me to not be part owner of the land of another group of people simply because of where I was born. There are going to be different groups of people who own land and that is unequal because each group should own an equal interest in the other group's land.

This leaves you with either 2 options:

1. Everyone owns an equal percentage of all land in existence
2. There is going to be inequality in society because there are going to be groups who own more or less amounts or values of land simply by chance.

The first problem is an obvious failure which requires no further clarification.

The second problem leaves the Libsocs at exactly the core problem which they are trying to solve. Unless you really make everything equal, then there is going to be inequality under Libsoc. Based off of where people are born they may or may not be part of a better democratic group making better use of their land. Rather than calling it individually held, you call it group held and you face the exact same inequality aspects at the group level rather than the individual level. Calling something a democratic group instead of an individual makes no difference in ownership or production discussion. Rather than facing inequality with individuals, you now face it with democratic groups.

Libsoc doesn't solve the inequality problem and limits freedom while not solving the problem.

Anonymous: Usage rights allow the

Usage rights allow the equalisation of difference between regions more or less abundant in the means of production.
Where the region is rich in productive capacity, population will settle at a higher density, where barren, the population remains sparse.

Say there is a community practising the lucrative fracking of underground kfc gravy reserves. While the community reserves the right to non-cooperation, they are required to allow outsiders to practice their usage rights, the density of workers likely, but not necessarily, finding its natural level in the equal opportunity elsewhere. Management of the reserve, as elsewhere, is dictated by the right to do as one pleases as long as it harms none, with the requirement of democratic say for those it does.

This is assuming the region has not already transitioned to the moneyless gift economy of communism.

Quinton Figueroa: The more I hear about Libsoc
@Anonymous (view comment)

The more I hear about Libsoc the more it sounds just like state socialism. You can't micro-manage every little detail. This is what Socialists try to do, it's not going to happen. And even if you could, you can't force people into your way. If people have resources you can't force them to use them as you see fit. You're not the expert. A group of people isn't the expert.

Moreover, you don't even solve inequality which is the core of Libsoc. There is always going to be inequality unless you have 100% distribution of all property and resources to everyone. And you're not going to have a group of intellectuals outsmart the market when it comes to resource allocation. Call it usage rights, call it democratic whatever, it's all just Socialism and coerced central control. It doesn't work rationally or historically.

As I said before, you don't solve inequality and you create layers of less freedom in between. Libsoc creates imaginary problems like inequality and then completely fails at solving them anyway. Ancap is far superior.

Anonymous: Libsoc is not centralised

Libsoc is not centralised state socialism. It is a decentralised system of independent, bottom-up democratic organisations. Also known as anarchism, it has no centralised authority whatsoever. This is opposed to capitalism which is authoritarian, centralised within the organisation, and top-down. If choosing which mini-dictator among an ocean of fiefdoms is not coerced central control, then I don't know what is.

It is both highly rational and PROVEN, as seen in the Spanish Revolution, where millions practiced anarchism of some sort, some even the moneyless gift economy of communism, and not only did it work, it prospered despite the hardship of the war against the fascists.

I think each of us has said all that could be said about our respective beliefs. Unless you have anything more to add, I suggest we conclude our debate. Its been fun.

Quinton Figueroa: Thanks, I appreciate the
@Anonymous (view comment)

Thanks, I appreciate the conversation. You've made me think about some things and I appreciate that :) Take care

Anonymous: Funny how 4 years later that

Funny how 4 years later that Capitalism column is fraught with inconsistencies. Education = low. Free market = what's that? Personal growth = *see infrastructure and decline of middle class. Level of freedom = tapped. Level of intelligence = *see Congress. Government run by = Capitalist elites. Level of Moral required = none. Ruled by = oligarchy.

Nathan: They're saying, "The column

They're saying, "The column is not as you made it out to be and has changed as follows". Which I completely agree with. Why is it you glorify capitalism? You included old uses of it, but not present day altered capitalism. Also, Socialist countries don't have low education, responsibility or self growth. Actually, Socialist countries have higher IQ than capitalist countries and their self drive is no more or less than any other individual in any country.
They also have the freedom to believe in whatever they want; their governments take no part in their personal beliefs.

I'm sorry but your whole chart is pretty ignorant and bias.

Quinton Figueroa: I glorify capitalism because
@Nathan (view comment)

Of course I see what was being said but none of that is Capitalism. In the table I created it even says that we don't currently have present day Capitalism. So if you want to point to the culprit for all those declines in civilization it most certainly is not Capitalism.

Socialists countries don't have low education, responsibility or self growth? Compared to what? You can't compare it to a capitalist society since there aren't any. Compared to other Socialist countries of course some will do better than others.

If we had a capitalist society it would hands down do better than any current socialist society by a long shot.

Frank: RE:

I highly doubt that author has any knowledge about any difference between socialism and communism. Have you ever visit any country except your own?
Next, this table is made upon no real data, it's just a personal "feeling" or view.


I am appalled at the fact that so many people are loaded with opinions...without having gathered the facts. Most people are unaware that nearly all democracies are at least partially Socialism, including the USA. e.g. Public Schools, Libraries, Police Depts, Fire Depts, Roads & Bridges, etc. Since most of these comments go back at least 5 years, it is my hope that more people have become informed about the fact that although Capitalism at first means Freedom, but eventually all of the wealth is acquired by a tiny % of the people. Today 400 Billionaires out of 320 Million Americans own most of the mega-corporations and pretty much call all the shots. The Billionaires have been bribing our politicians to vote in their favor instead of for the People which has caused serious struggles for the middle class. The only solution is for the American people to demand: PUBLIC CAMPAIGN FUNDING for all qualified candidates...and absolutely NO PRIVATE CAMPAIGN FUNDING. Only then wil we get our country back.

mike harrison: the Republican party is not

the Republican party is not Fascistic, but the Democrats are as well as Socialist, and Communist

mike harrison: socialist/communist=democrats, fascist=republican

Democrats are also Fascistic, not Republicans

bob: Wow

Wow this article, as well as most of the commenters, is tremendously ignorant.
Next time try learning about the countries, governmental, and economic systems before writing anything.

For starters:
-while economic systems are often strongly tied to government (and even enabled through them), strictly speaking they are not forms of government. IE, capitalism is not a form of government, nor is socialism. communism and fascism are both less pure than the previous being partially governmental in nature (and having more in their definition that just an economic theory).

-you've confused a free market economy with capitalism, and a managed market with socialism, treating as synonyms when they are not the same. you can have socialist free markets and capitalist managed economies.

Socialism simply means that the means of production are owned by 'socially', and operated for everyones benefit/gain. This frequently involves the use of a democratic government (but not necessarily) under the theory that the government is an abstract representation of the will of the people and only gets its power by the peoples consent (as opposed to dictatorships (power through might), monarchies and theocracies (power by god's will), or others). (Again: economic model, not governmental. Different governmental models have different views of the relation ship between citizen and government.)

Communism takes this a step farther and says 'common ownership', ie by all the people without the abstract middle layer of government. In practice this has been managed by a very authoritarian government without any democratic input (ie, totalitarian/authoritarian). Communism also includes elements of nationalism (unlike socialism and capitalism).

Capitalism means the mean of production is owned 'privately " and operated for private gain. This can be done with both free markets and managed markets. It also frequently involves a democratic government, but again, not always.

Fascism is not socialism. Nor is it capitalism. It operates in a middle ground and (like communism) is not a pure a economic model. It is the marriage of business (ie, capital) with government, typically with government serving the interests of business. The government, rather than being a reflection of the will of the people, carries out the will of business. And in this model it is the duty of citizens to also operate for the benefit of those businesses (also implies very extreme nationalist tendencies). (sounds rather like the US?)

So...Fascism isn't socialism. there are similarities from the organizational structure, but the relationships between the pieces and the goals of the systems are totally different.

Probably good to throw in another definition here, means of Production: "physical, non-human inputs used for the production of economic value, such as facilities, machinery, tools, infrastructural capital and natural capital." This means both instruments of labor (tools, machinery) and subjects of labor (raw materials). It does not include labor itself (ie, workers).

Capitalism works well for the growth of an economy not dissimilar to evolution, where the fittest survive.
but it has many rough edges, and one of its results is it tends to not benefit everyone. And the people it does benefit tends to shrink while also benefit those people more and more over time. IE, growing inequality of wealth as it leaves behind the people at the edges, and those edges are constantly shrinking. This makes it self destructive over time

Socialism works well for ensuring everyone benefits and shares the fruits of their labor. But it can be stagnant over time.

Both systems tend to operate best under democratic governmental systems (when used under more autocratic or authoritarian systems they tend to devolve).

Thus the (so far) best compromise system: democratic socialism aka socialized capitalism.
-The market is largely a free market, but with regulation and management where needed or logical, such as natural monopolies.
-The economic model is largely capitalist, with private ownership, but it includes a strong social safety net to prevent (or reduce) the self destructive qualities of capitalism that otherwise leave people behind. Certain things are also socialized, like the common defense (military, police, medicine).
-The governmental model is democratic, and the government represents the will of the people.

The end point is this: socialism and democracy go hand in hand (democracy is essentially socialized authority). Capitalism and socialism also go hand in hand, as they balance out each other's weaknesses while they each play to their strengths.

c hpline: ism's

Alot ot negative comments about Communism. First of all 'yes' Stalin forced rapid industrialization and the collectivization of agricultural land, resulting in millions dying from famine but Stalins communism helped defeat the extreme Fachist Nazi's Germany during WWII.

ray cogo: capitalism socialism and

capitalism socialism and communism are all parts of the same process "permanent revolution" 'creative destruction" there are many names for it
capitalism is part a economic system socialism and communism are ideology and economic theory fascism is capitalism in the wrong hands

العاب: this so great

I read your article about the differences of fascism, socialism and communism. You might want to do some research on what fascism really is. It is led by one leader, like Hitler or Mussolini did, with absolute authority and businesses may be privately owned but the state dictates what and how much they produce. And your article left out Free Markets, which we are barely hanging on to now. Just saying.

Masters Of Universe: Universal Living Things.

Hence all the complicated arguments you all bigots says is your own word of mouth to swallow. We all have our own way of saying things that is your own personal privileges. Heck we all are condemning ourselves into doomage if we cannot act right. As you all probably know that us humans are all created-born equal whereas we are rich nor poor, smart or stupid, black or whites, strong or weak, mono-theist nor atheist we all are the same, meaning we all are humans, not a savage-beast.
Then the point to the whole conclusion of all this havoc is just quite simple My Dear Watson AssProblems, we all just have to get along. Since the dawn of mankind from Prophet Adam up to the last living mankind at the end of time during the Universe Apocalypse we must act like a common human not like beasty-animals who are eating up each other until demise. When we see through human history that the good ones are helping hands with each other, don't that sounds like a slight of socialism, because they are socially coping. While the humans who practice humanism meaning we should all act like humans, not in-humans who are becoming monsters of the netherworld of gruesome, therefore when we combine a bit of both together we have a simple universal more natural theory that is probably called : Social-Humanism that works best for all times. By practicing Social-Humanism you will achieve everything. There is no need a strong-force actions. No one needs to be a Late-Hero unless you are protecting yourself : against ~ from other creatures from another planet or from another dimensions or those negative creature features. Why should we all complain about how we should run each other like psychopathic-maniacs. It has been explain from all kinds of Biblical World Organized Religions that we all should be equal not only from birth but until our expiration date also. Did you know that you were born-nude and you shall-expire nude too. The only changes that we made is from our wrong selves because some would think that when we are born to this reality and when we our souls are returned back into our spiritual form do we need to look good by playing dressing up to our finest clothes. When you are put six-feet-under and all end up buried, all you need to bring is your good deeds. You must realized that when your souls are back and returned to the spiritual form, then stepping into the other God-Ly World to become one again with God ~ you do not need to bring all your world-ly belongings ~ not even your best political practices like you all are endlessly babbling about in here.
If you practice peace - then you shall achieve peace - but If you practice violence then you shall reward yourself your endless brutality until the end of time shall we all no longer exist in this universe.
Finally in conclusion, we must have this simple mottos: Peace, Love, and Let the Positive Vibe be always be with us humans. Stay away from : any forms of negativity and Hatred, until you will never achieve the Higher Form of True Peace where you will know the real-deal meaning of Infinite-Equality at its best. :) :)

Our hopes is that all of you readers will be blessed with goodness. We want all of your Dark-Hearts be returned back into the Good-Hearts just like when you are living innocently in the world of your motherly womb before you are brought to live in this deathtifying-spartan-like-world where everything is nearly in-equal because the practice of true equality is just a mere illusions of your own self-made-greedy-theorem.

abebubush: Big hat no capital

Fucking idiot.

Quinton Figueroa: I love an intelligent
@abebubush (view comment)

I love an intelligent response.

Never Shocked: I can't believe this is still

I can't believe this is still on the internet. My daughter in high school came across it and I had to immediately shoot her down and set her straight. Not only is it simplistic, but it is wrong. Things like this on the internet are how high school students are led to believe things are simplistic when they are not.

Your thoughts on these two (Difficulty of Living in Society Level of Intelligence Required) are humorous and wrong.

This is not how you describe capitalism: Law built upon universal principles is practiced by decent, well-educated individuals working on the path of growth. Lesser humans are helped, not enslaved. Capitalism is when a guy buys a patent for a drug and is allowed to raise the market price from $2 to $750 because it is his "right".

This is also false:

Capitalism is the best form of government we have experienced on earth so far because it is in the closest alignment with the laws of the universe and truth. It mirrors openness and freedom. It advocates responsibility and integrity. We should never forget just how important such virtues are. - also untrue.

If it WAS true, then why does Cuba have a better literacy rate, overall education system, and health care system than the US does?

Communism, Socialism and Fascism ARE ALL THE SAME. - untrue. Maybe if you are in grade 6 and drawing this out on a scrap piece of paper using a pencil and describing why people vote. Also, throughout history certain governments have warped the ideals of each of these which is one reason why originally Hitler was a POPULAR figurehead of government.

Sometimes I wish there was an internet censor so this type of garbage could be blacklisted.

Quinton Figueroa: Your explanation of
@Never Shocked (view comment)

Your explanation of Capitalism is surely accurate. It's all about exploitation by letting people voluntarily make trades? Oh right, no violence used at all and win/win situations. Shame on Capitalism.

Capitalism is the best form of government we have experienced on earth so far because it is in the closest alignment with the laws of the universe and truth. It mirrors openness and freedom. It advocates responsibility and integrity. We should never forget just how important such virtues are. - also untrue.

How is this untrue?

If it WAS true, then why does Cuba have a better literacy rate, overall education system, and health care system than the US does?

For somebody so into nuance and complexity you sure seem to be perfectly okay simplifying Capitalism under the USA. America isn't currently Capitalistic. Sure, it has some remnants of Capitalism, however, Socialism has taken over many parts of America. Before Education was taken over by the State it was the most educated country in the world. Try taking this 8th grade test from 1912 and tell me how you do: . Looking to Cuba for the right model to use, you sound like a great parent. Not a simplistic view at all. You may also want to check out Venezuela as a great inspirational model for equality.

Communism, Socialism and Fascism ARE ALL THE SAME. - untrue. Maybe if you are in grade 6 and drawing this out on a scrap piece of paper using a pencil and describing why people vote. Also, throughout history certain governments have warped the ideals of each of these which is one reason why originally Hitler was a POPULAR figurehead of government.

Of course they're not 100% identical. But if you care to understand the main thesis I am making you would understand the parallel being drawn: Communism, Socialism and Fascism are all systems of control created to enslave the masses. And in this respect they are the same. They all involve the State taking control over the lives of individuals. Capitalism stands in direct contradistinction to these insofar as Capitalism is based around markets and free exchange. Capitalism does not initiate force. Com/Soc/Fac all initiate force.

Any more corrections for me? Or are you going to shield your children from opposing views like a good parent?

chris: Very informational

First off, Id like to congratulate you on the awesome chart. BOOKMARKED :) Also I'm impressed with the way you've conducted your debates with people. You're very well articulated and make your points very clear. Its amazing how many people try to argue against Capitalism using examples of America's modern socialist "capitalism" (and I use the word capitalism very lightly) as a reason for why Capitalism doesnt work. They do this failing to realize the principles introduced from the very system they're defending is what corrupted America's capitalism and caused the very failures they like to argue with on top of ignoring any and all facts that disprove it. (FDR being the big one) It's like arguing the cereal in the bowl is bad due to the rotten milk you poured in. It's the bad milk not the cereal thats the problem!!! It drives me crazy. Kudos to you for being so patient. Anyways I'd just like to suggest that maybe you should specifically put Calvin Coolidges presidency as the best example for Capitalism thats existed for America so far. He had the best economic numbers and shrunk government the most. He was also Ronald Reagans role model in the White House.
Also for all you people criticizing the chart, none of what is on the chart is wrong at all when you look at the actual results of what happened in each system historically compared to the actual results of what happens vs. the theory. Including religious beliefs and the rest. The theory of socialism is a very pretty thing; but does it work? NO. Governments based on those theories always self destruct or get put down due to their moral atrocities, failing economy, or lack of innovation whether by internal, or external forces. Dont believe me? Look at Greece or Venezuela. And places like China? Well, look at their economic policies and you'll see that they've been starting to incorporate more Capitalist policies. Thems the facts kiddos. I suggest you all educate yourselves with people like Milton Friedman. Also talking about inferior people and superior people is another way of saying diversity. Stop nitpicking and trying to twist words!!! Some people are better at one thing vs another! We are all created Equal... However that doesn't mean we're all the same! Perrsonal decisions throughout your life and your character is what determines if somebody is morally superior such as George Washington vs Hitler. I'll say it! Washington wins. Everytime. PERIOD!!! Now either accept it and try to make something of yourself like he did (CAPATILIST idea!!! Oh noooo!!!! *sarcasm*) or lower the bar for yourself to make yourself "equal" with everybody else (socialist idea) And btw, Socialism, Communism, Facism, and yes even Capitalism are all polictical theories and ideas that come with their own moral ideals. Where do you think the Founding Fathers got the idea for Capitalism? How about a little "Common Sense" please? So stop trying to make the arguement that one is economical or more governmental oriented so the others cant be compared... Complete Nonsense. "Ooo look he made several grammatical mistakes in this sentence therefore hes wrong. i should tell him wut an idiot he is! Heh heh" See! I can do it too. :) If you're gonna disagree at least say something productive with some kind of evidence. I read this stuff because I like differing opinions and also because that means I can learn new things and either change my opinions or strengthen my held beliefs due to articulation and fact checking. I'm sure others do that as well. Ugh I'm done. Anyways again I liked the chart man. Really helpful and informative :D

Azan: I've been reading every

I've been reading every single argument for the past hour on the above page, let me just sat this is so hilarious. (not the chart, the argument) (:

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