@alsmiffy | |||||
Can't wait until Trump sets up his state news service so we can finally hear some truths. Fake media are so mean to the god emperor.
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy *Muses* The God Emperor ends up dead, entombed on his golden throne... interesting suggestion.
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy Shhh! Don't give him any ideas!
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy can we get an opinion on the pewdiepie stuff?
Taggart the Third
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy it's worked for Russia and China. Look how happy and together their people are.
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy like AP saying he was going to set 100 000 national guard troops on illegals and everyone believing it before having the facts?
Geoff Is A Cool Name
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy you're so sassy and I love it.
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy What noise does a Trumpet make? FAKE NEWS! FAKE NEWS! 😅 Seriously though he's mental.
Mike Wright
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy Yeah, the way they accurately print and fact-check every crazy fucking thing he says is just disrespectful.
Martin Briant
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy The WSJ was/is possibly the most respected newspaper in america & yet have clearly created fake news. Perhaps Trump has a point?
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy It will mostly be about china youtu.be/wl-667RhSns
bumfree 👽
22 時間 |
@Martin_Briant @alsmiffy the media writes sensationalist headlines and can throw ppl under the bus i.e. pewds but Trump stories are not fake
22 時間 |
@alsmiffy I guess you don't like him?
Martin Briant
22 時間 |
20 時間 |
19 時間 |
@alsmiffy oh the poor snowflake
18 時間 |
@alsmiffy in America we're currently looking to comedians for truth and politicians for laughter. It's quite a [horrifying] experience.
17 時間 |
@alsmiffy i think you'll find it's called FOX news 😂
17 時間 |
@alsmiffy State News, @realDonaldTrump America is the new Soviet Union! Cold War 2 here we come. POTUS Vs Media!
17 時間 |
@alsmiffy you're telling me these words aren't truths? Pffffffft. I mean, his language is pretty advanced for a cheeto. pic.twitter.com/YPULIGxU2F