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Alex Smith
Can't wait until Trump sets up his state news service so we can finally hear some truths. Fake media are so mean to the god emperor.
Berym 22 時間
*Muses* The God Emperor ends up dead, entombed on his golden throne... interesting suggestion.
Monty 22 時間
Shhh! Don't give him any ideas!
Shanghi 22 時間
can we get an opinion on the pewdiepie stuff?
Taggart the Third 22 時間
it's worked for Russia and China. Look how happy and together their people are.
Enso 22 時間
like AP saying he was going to set 100 000 national guard troops on illegals and everyone believing it before having the facts?
Geoff Is A Cool Name 22 時間
you're so sassy and I love it.
ButterflyGhost 22 時間
What noise does a Trumpet make? FAKE NEWS! FAKE NEWS! 😅 Seriously though he's mental.
Mike Wright 22 時間
Yeah, the way they accurately print and fact-check every crazy fucking thing he says is just disrespectful.
Martin Briant 22 時間
The WSJ was/is possibly the most respected newspaper in america & yet have clearly created fake news. Perhaps Trump has a point?
LeadAndPaper 22 時間
It will mostly be about china
bumfree 👽 22 時間
the media writes sensationalist headlines and can throw ppl under the bus i.e. pewds but Trump stories are not fake
mihloh 22 時間
I guess you don't like him?
Martin Briant 22 時間
I don't think ALL Trump stories are fake but it's at a point where every story must be questioned and that's not right.
TexasYeti63 20 時間
praise be
Wildcard 19 時間
oh the poor snowflake
Caitlin 18 時間
in America we're currently looking to comedians for truth and politicians for laughter. It's quite a [horrifying] experience.
Dav!d 17 時間
i think you'll find it's called FOX news 😂
Banhammer72 17 時間
State News, America is the new Soviet Union! Cold War 2 here we come. POTUS Vs Media!
kalie 17 時間
you're telling me these words aren't truths? Pffffffft. I mean, his language is pretty advanced for a cheeto.