When a person or persons quits or leaves an organization or position before the said person is canned.
"Hey Joe, wasn't Nixon impeached?"
"No, he resigned before he could have been impeached"
"Told ya he Nixon'd out of there!!"
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To torch a good job by accidentally engaging in treasonous acts.
I accidentally tucked a list of all CIA operatives into the garter of a stripper at a Russian Embassy party last night and totally Flynncinerated my career.
by anonymous
February 15, 2017
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Soft and offensive. Just like you.
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Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).
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When a handshake between two persons goes past the extra time—it can last up to twenty-odd seconds.
President Trump and Japanese Prime Minister Abe had a trumpshake at the
White House—did the "epic handshake" set a new record in diplomatic circles?
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Soft and offensive. Just like you.
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Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).
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getting unbeleivably hammered. may involve loss of memory and balance.
oh fuck. i was soo flynn drunk last night
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Soft and offensive. Just like you.
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The Urban Dictionary T-Shirt
Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).
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Acronym for So-Called Ruler of the United States, as in
POTUS, President of the United States.
SCROTUS today said, "See you in court."
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Lotsa space for your liquids.
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Soft and offensive. Just like you.
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Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).
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In a political context - In favor of large, intrusive government that violates or suppresses individual rights; characterized by a "law and order" approach; failing to support civil liberties and/or economic freedom in society; undemocratic
In a non-political context - Bossy, controlling, domineering
People with authoritarian views, agendas, or personalities rarely describe themselves as authoritarian, but can often be spotted when they try to rationalize some government control as being necessary "for national security", "for public safety", "for the children", or "for your own good".
The longer Senator Bullwrap stayed in office, the more authoritarian he became.
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Lotsa space for your liquids.
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One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.
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Soft and offensive. Just like you.
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The Urban Dictionary T-Shirt
Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).
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An outrageous lie.
That guy told a real Spicer!
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Lotsa space for your liquids.
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The Urban Dictionary Mug
One side has the word, one side has the definition. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Lotsa space for your liquids.
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The Urban Dictionary T-Shirt
Soft and offensive. Just like you.
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The Urban Dictionary T-Shirt
Smooth, soft, slim fit American Apparel shirt. Custom printed. 100% fine jersey cotton, except for heather grey (90% cotton).
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