@paulfranksmusic@CNBCnow@NBCNews@CNBC putin said no... Bannon will take over. -
@jfladybugz@paulfranksmusic@CNBCnow@NBCNews@CNBC can we at least give him Palin? She's already seen Russia...... -
@amandaciatti@paulfranksmusic@CNBCnow@NBCNews@CNBC Kellyanne CONway! -
@jfladybugz@paulfranksmusic@CNBCnow@NBCNews@CNBC so many choices- can we give a two for one? -
@amandaciatti@paulfranksmusic@CNBCnow@NBCNews@CNBC the list goes on and on.... - さらに表示
@christtocs Live, on "The Apprentice."@CNBCnow@Richx183@NBCNews@CNBC -
@flocktard@christtocs Would he? Aye. -
@Richx183@flocktard I suspect so , I thought I read somewhere that he liked Snowden -
@christtocs@flocktard The Donald delivering a traitor to U.S. justice would play well with his base. -
@Richx183@christtocs@flocktard Hasn't actually been charged with anything, right? In 'merica you're (still) innocent until proven guilty. -
@BerninForBernie Good. We'll hang him for treason after the trial.@Richx183@christtocs -
@flocktard@Richx183@christtocs You assume a lot, don't you? He risked his life and not for profit. Personally#grateful for his bravery. - さらに表示
@cnbcnow@nbcnews@nickkristof Maybe we can do a gift exchange. They send us Snowden and we send them Trump -
@ShermChen@NickKristof@CNBCnow@NBCNews we can be even more generous. Send the whole cabinet! -
@nadiadouaji@nickkristof@cnbcnow@nbcnews I am not sure if Russia can handle that much generosity!
@dehydratedpaani don't think so. Snowden is useless for Russia now. Getting axed