I just exploded, I've been lurking here for a while and I was really shafted by my ex girlfriend. Shit had been brewing in my head for a bit now and i erupted today, Today I just yelled at her and her dad and her mother, I told them all off. Bunch of fucking cowards. I told her dad that if he was more of a man then a day when a stranger could call her a slut would never have come.
The adrenaline is rushing man. I'm usually a fucking calm guy...sometimes when the bitches play the victim you just have to bring out the fact bombs and the truth missiles. I fucked destroyed them. I don't feel remorse. I just feel it was out of character but it was a long time coming. I hate the bitter cunt these bastards made me. It's gonna be a while before I reclaim my happiness but this was a start.
[–]gods_bones 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)