Something doesn't feel 'right'

Topic by SpiritRR

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    I was doing everything right. OR at least I thought I was doing the right things, you know, going to work, being a good dad and husband. Always busy around the place, fixing the house and cars, mowing the grass, cutting the hedges. I did it all, decorating and even general tidying.

    BUT… ‘something’ just didn’t feel ‘right’

    You feel it at the level of ‘soul’ but you just can’t put your finger on it.
    You’re living a lie, your soul knows this though, and it manifests as unease and doubt in the physical.

    Something doesn’t feel right, when it should actually feel ‘very right’ …if that makes sense.

    My awakening was every bit as unpleasant looking/feeling as that scene in the Matrix when he wakes up in the liquid tank gasping for air, a horrible reality manifests itself. A pod, in a sea of pods. Just a human battery cell.

    I’m dealing with the new reality and getting better and stronger each day, but it was a close call…

    Marriage does not work. It is a lie. It is a scam against men.



    Something doesn’t feel right, when it should actually feel ‘very right’ …if that makes sense.

    makes perfect sense, same here


    You Want What?

    It took me years to realize that my stomach always knows. Always. If my stomach says she is out fucking chad, guess what? She is. Listen to the signs of the truth your own body is telling you.



    The problem is, they are very good at lying, and we are very good at believing, this summed up is the perfect recipe for a disaster.

    Life is 5% what happens to you and 95% how you react to it.



    Oh I agree fully, if you feel something in that (chad) regard too. You’re quite likely right.

    But no, what I was referring to more, was that something doesn’t feel ‘right’ because of the lie that was the relationship, the whole marriage. Not just mine, but all of it out there. Like deep down somewhere you knew it’s a lie but haven’t verbalised it or put it into tangible thoughts. You just rationalise everything. How I wasn’t really loved back the way I should be or even respected. The lie that marriage is good and honourable. I wanted it to be but my heart knew things were very different to the reality I’d been programmed to believe.
    You want to believe and you rationalise….but deep down, something nags your soul….

    Marriage does not work. It is a lie. It is a scam against men.


    BlacqueJacque Shellacque

    You just rationalise everything. How I wasn’t really loved back the way I should be or even respected.

    Respect. That is what has been taken to the wood shed and beaten nearly to death. MGTOW is rediscovering our self respect.

    May the Perfect Peace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be with you Always.


    Took me two years of red pills.

    Turn aggresstion towards learning and work.


    A MUST watch Mgtow Video...Sums it all up. Women Just ARE and Society just IS. We go in peace and find happiness. Zero violence, Non Compliant, Zero hate and loathing. Forward on Mgtow Road with over 20k+ men. No Fucks Given.



    If, one day, her cunt isn’t as tight as usual……… you know the rest.

    I’d heard this from a bro at the gym years before, and decades later, in retrospect, it’s true.

    "It seems like there's times a body gets struck down so low, there ain't a power on earth that can ever bring him up again. Seems like something inside dies so he don't even want to get up again. But he does."


    Old Sage

    Feels like your in the Twilight zone.Whats real anymore? What isnt real anymore?

    A dogs love is real.
    Self preservation is real.

    "Your lack of empathy has rubbed off on me" Some one on here


    Old Retired Guy

    I had an old engineering professor that always said, “if it doesn’t seem right, then it isn’t right”.
    Talking about engineering applications, but still, it translates over to everything.

    Better to live on the corner of a roof than to share a house with a nagging wife. Proverbs 21:9



    You feel it at the level of ‘soul’ but you just can’t put your finger on it.

    There comes a point when she starts treating you worse than if she never met you at all. And she supposed to be your WIFE (or girlfriend). This is the point where I reevaluate and LEAVE – or she can leave. Either is fine with me.

    The demeaning comments. Snide jabs. Once, my father came home from work and my Mom made a joke out of him and said he was “lousy in the kitchen”…. and she laughed and shook her head because he overcooked something.

    I stood up for him and said “as lousy as you are in the garage laying under a car???”

    His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree because someone actually said it. He was going to just quietly take it, and I realized she treated him worse than if she never met him at all. How the fuck do you tell your husband who pays 2 mortgages for 30 years that he’s “lousy in the kitchen”?


    Without his skills and labor there would BE no kitchen.

    You feel it at the level of ‘soul’ but you just can’t put your finger on it.

    It’s not that vague or difficult to see.
    It’s as plain as the nose on your face.

    Does she treat you worse than if you never met her at all? If the answer is “yes” and your wife/girlfriend is not a warm, smiling and lovely warm blanket, and the most pleasant person to be around out of everyone you know….. get the fuck out of there.

    When perfect strangers are kinder to you than your own wife or girlfriend, it’s over.

    If you keep doing what you've always done... you're gonna keep getting what you always got.

    Something doesn’t feel right, when it should actually feel ‘very right’ …if that makes sense.

    Same here. It was like my damn soul itself was “leaking out”, slowly killing what I wasn’t even fully conscious of.

    I'm on 1,500mg of "Fukitol".



    Does she treat you worse than if you never met her at all? If the answer is “yes” and your wife/girlfriend is not a warm, smiling and lovely warm blanket, and the most pleasant person to be around out of everyone you know….. get the fuck out of there.
    When perfect strangers are kinder to you than your own wife or girlfriend, it’s over.

    On a similar note, I couldn’t quite figure it out either when I was going through my divorce. Then I read something. “If you want it, you have to give it.” Basically, if you want love you have to give love. If you want respect you have to give respect. You get the idea. It was right then that I realized that my ex had quit on me about 10 years before I quit on her. And at that moment I was free, I was done.

    My guess is that you are likely feeling something very similar. Any extra effort you put in becomes the new normal for her. All you’ve done is move the bar higher on yourself. Because she doesn’t love or respect you. Women immediately put themselves in the position of being your boss, and judging you on everything you do. When you meet the first challenge, the bar just moves higher. And it keeps moving up until you can’t jump it anymore.

    I’ve said this to a couple women in the last week. “Don’t forget, 90% is still an A. 85% is a solid B. It’s not fair for a pass/fail grade to be perfection.”

    I'm just a guy whose a guy being a guy



    In my blue pill life, that subliminal “doesn’t feel right” warning deep inside my subconscious served me reliably in the military, in business and on many an outdoor adventure. I learned at a young age that to ignore it came at a steep (and often physically painful) price.

    Amazing how I was blind to the same warning that continually, quietly sounded deep inside from almost the beginning of my marriage…..societal expectation providing a false, but at the time believable, override……



    Any extra effort you put in becomes the new normal for her. All you’ve done is move the bar higher on yourself. Because she doesn’t love or respect you. Women immediately put themselves in the position of being your boss, and judging you on everything you do. When you meet the first challenge, the bar just moves higher. And it keeps moving up until you can’t jump it anymore.

    I’ve said this to a couple women in the last week. “Don’t forget, 90% is still an A. 85% is a solid B. It’s not fair for a pass/fail grade to be perfection.”

    I have put that in terms of integers before – but far too late in life.

    Everything you do for her is a +1.
    If it doesn’t count as a +1 and everything you do is barely keeping you at ZERO… GET OUT.

    I came to this realization when a woman once told me “if it has a plug, it’s not a gift”. I couldn’t believe my fucking ears. Many years earlier, I first dumped a GF on her birthday who criticized a gift before saying “thank you”. Barely spoke to her again.

    Or if you DON’T do something she expects/wants you to do and you get treated like an asshole — as if that’s the same as treating her badly.

    She expects it. So doing it is not a +1.
    It means she keeps you in the negative and doing it would only bring you to zero.

    So when when a man finds himself doing shit just to “stay out of the doghouse” dump that bitch like an anchor.

    If you keep doing what you've always done... you're gonna keep getting what you always got.

    Pedal, run, row

    I felt it as well, to my very core.
    I thought it was some outside threat, not knowing it was the selfish monster I was trying to circle the wagons in defense with. Here I was trying to protect her/us, and it was her all along.



    Nope it’s not right if it doesn’t feel right. I was less than a year into it and I knew it wasn’t right. In retrospect I should have annulled the marriage and left. I still should leave. Trying to get to the point where I can.

    As for being a good husband Mr. fix-it handyman around the house cook clean take care of the kids. It’s all fucking bullshit. It’s not appreciated or taken into account by a woman in any way. They just have a different value system and will still destroy your life divorce rape you and take your children for their own justification.

    Be professional be polite but always have a plan to kill everyone you meet.



    Something doesn’t feel right, when it should actually feel ‘very right’ …if that makes sense.

    Ever read Atlas Shrugged? This is precisely how the book starts.

    I came to this realization when a woman once told me “if it has a plug, it’s not a gift”. I couldn’t believe my fucking ears. Many years earlier, I first dumped a GF on her birthday who criticized a gift before saying “thank you”.

    ". . . elle, suivant l’usage des femmes et des chats qui ne viennent pas quand on les appelle et qui viennent quand on ne les appelle pas, s’arrêta devant moi et m’adressa la parole"—Prosper Mérimée



    When I would come home to my beautiful house and loving family, and my dog was the only one to get off his ass to greet me, not only did I feel it, it slapped me in the face.

    Never again.

    Just – Don’t.


    Prefer Peace to Piece


    In my abortion of a marriage, I knew something was wrong. Zero respect. Zero love. Like an idiot, I worked harder and harder in order to win her love. But it was never enough. I bought her a dream house, BMW’s, jewelry etc. She wanted for nothing. I did all the cooking and cleaning despite working very long hours. Yet she would laugh at me and always find something to complain about. In retrospect I should have left long before it got out of hand.
    To the younger guys, if any woman is in the least bit rude or disrespectful please vacate the relationship immediately.

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