Let your voice be heard. Tell President Trump exactly how you feel.

Act Now

Express Your Discontent!

Getting sick and tired of the endless amount of bullshit coming from Donald Trump? GIVE HIM THE FINGER! Let the President know how you feel with an anonymous protestcard. Face it, in today's modern world it is difficult to find the time to go to DC yourself and give the Commander-in-Chief the finger in person. That's why we have made it easy with our unique protestcards. For less than two bucks we will send a standard 4"x6" postcard with the graphic above and a message expressing your discontent to the White House. Looking to make a bigger impact? Choose one of our other packages and we will send a protestcard each month to make sure that the President doesn't forget how pissed off you really are.

First time? Try just the Tip and see how it feels. The Finger Tip is a small, but rewarding offer. With just a few clicks we will send one protestcard to the White House on your behalf. There is no further commitment when you try the Tip, just the sweet satisfaction of knowing that you have done your part. Fair warning, when see how good the Tip feels you are likely to come back for more.
Is the Finger Tip not enough for you? Make a real impact with the infamous Finger Bang! When you order this substantial package we will send the President a protestcard on your behalf every month for a full year. That's right! Twelve protestcards delivered to the White House. Order the Finger Bang and Trump won't know what hit him.
Still not satisfied? Then send a real message with the Finger Blast. Developed for the truly pissed-off American, the Finger Blast is a relentless barrage of protest cards. With this option we send Donald Trump a protestcard every month for all four years of his term as Leader of the Free World. That is a whopping 48 protestcards in total. Order now and be the first among your friends to have the truly rare distinction of Finger Blasting the President.

"A well-aimed postcard is the best defense against tyranny."

-Thomas Jefferson


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All Rights Reserved
Please contact us at contact@givehimthefinger.com
with any questions or comments.