@SenSanders I don't think it's easy to explain anything to him
@Impeach_D_Trump@SenSanders Maybe sock puppets & crayons would help. - さらに表示
@SenSanders Study finds 92% left-wing activists live with their parents and 1 in 3 is unemployed? They need jobs not handout#SocialismSucks -
@IntelGator@SenSanders what does that have to do with his tweet. You sound like kellyanne Conway. -
@aStonedDeer@IntelGator he took a German study about protesters that have been arrested and used the metric and applied it to all leftists. -
@ILVHER@aStonedDeer@IntelGator And he did it while fighting to get himself off the sex offender registry. -
@ILVHER@aStonedDeer@IntelGator And why are there so many goddamned kangaroos on here lately?
@SenSanders Fine. Vote no. But stop calling him a racist because you disagree with him. -
@grantbosse@SenSanders he's not racist? Maybe you should study his background -
@woodward7807@SenSanders I have. Ted Kennedy smeared him. Stop believing liars. -
@grantbosse@SenSanders oh ok.... it's ok. You can go home and iron your hood now -
@woodward7807@SenSanders Making my point. You have to believe political opponents are racist to justify your hatred. That's pathetic. -
@grantbosse@woodward7807@SenSanders actually I base my belief that he's a racist on the fact that he surrounds him self with racists - さらに表示
@SenSanders We need a new president mate.
You don’t beat around the bush, do you mr
@SenSanders ? Keep up the good work. The world is watching right now.https://twitter.com/sensanders/status/829481272540069893 … - さらに表示