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So it wasn’t overly known unless you actively follow eoliveson or any main anti onision blogs, and it’s what got me started back into the onision drama (after a long, and needed, hiatus.)
Anyways, during Taylor’s “exploration of her sexuality”, she started flirting with an underage fan, Sarah. Sarah was warned about Taylor and Greg but instead of taking any advice she chose to continue “being friends” with the 20 year old mother.
During Taylor’s “exploration” she promoted having overage (18+) women “hit her up”…most likely to talk to her as a possible sexual partner.
Sarah also would joke about her being “jailbait”, and when she was asked if Taylor touched her inappropriately she responded very vaguely. (I didn’t get a screen shot of that in time, but if anyone has it, please let me know so i can add it!!!!)
As you can see, Taylor said “I’m grooming you nicely” ???? Strange behavior
Sarah also had retweeted things such as this:
Things like this… (talking about drowning in pussy really isn’t appropriate with a 13 year old)
This is just disgusting.
This is just speculation but apparently Sarah visited Taylor and Greg?
Kind of undeniable proof here.
Sarah apparently was going to fly to Washington to see Taylor…not sure what came of that, but it was supposed to happen.
Here are some other links that just seem, well…strange.
There are more small, but very bizarre and sexual things that happened also, but I thought I would just make a post with the bigger things.
Please don’t send Sarah hate. From what I can tell now, she isn’t involved in the onision drama any longer and isn’t friends with Taylor.
And bananas, don’t spam my inbox with a load of horse shit. It’s been reported to the Washington PD. What she was (possibly is???) doing was HIGHLY ILLEGAL and could get her arrested. Don’t try to defend it.