Welcome to the new League of the South website
The League of the South (LS) has a new website—www.leagueofthesouth.com—which will keep readers updated on the latest news and actions from The League of the South and the Southern Nationalist movement. It will be a cutting-edge site for a cutting-edge movement. We hope you will frequent it often and enjoy the contents.
Our older site—www.dixienet.org—active since the mid-1990s, will remain online as a site containing educational resources and other selected features.
Our new site will be updated frequently with news of our street demonstrations, conferences, meetings, fresh articles, and other activities, publications, and announcements. It will complement our new organizational structure and our increased commitment to activism.
The League of the South is not a “neo-Confederate” or “Southern heritage” organization, although we certainly do honor our ancestors and our largely Christian historic inheritance as Southerners. The League is a present- and future-oriented Southern Nationalist organization that seeks the survival, well being, and independence of the Southern people. We stand for our Faith, Family, and Folk living in freedom and prosperity on the lands of our forefathers.
If this vision of a free, prosperous, and independent South appeals to you, please join us in our struggle.
Michael Hill
Killen, Alabama