Announcing the 2016 League of the South National Conference
The 2016 League of the South national conference will be held in the Alabama LS cultural center and headquarters in Wetumpka (Elmore County), Alabama, on 24-25 June (Friday-Saturday). The LS building is located at 12814 US Hwy. 231. This impressive venue was the site of the 2012-2015 LS national conferences. We look forward to once again showing off our League real estate.
Please mark the dates on your calendar and plan to join us for a fun, informative, and inspiring weekend on our own beautiful property.
Scheduled speakers: Sam Dickson, Michael Hill, Steven Ingram, Tiny Malone, R. G. Miller, Mark Thomey, Michael Tubbs, and Pastor John Weaver.
The theme of this year’s conference is “Serving Our People: Our Role as Southern Nationalists.” T
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On Monday, 17 February, The League of the South unveiled a billboard at Apalachee Parkway and Goodbody Drive in Tallahassee, Florida. The League's message is simple: "Secede."
What does The League mean? Again, it's simple really. If the South is going to survive, especially against a flood tide of massive Third World immigration and leftist attempts to destroy her very cultural and political foundations, she is going to have to seek her independence and govern herself. p
And political secession--leaving Washington, DC and its anti-Southern ideology behind--is the legitimate means of doing this. Secession is really the fundamental American political ideal. It is also a means of promoting the survival, well being, and independence of the Southern people. We in The League believe that we must secede to survive!
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Demonstration against Marco Rubio & Southern demographic displacement
The League of the South announces a demonstration against US Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) and his support for amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. Senator Rubio has stated 'I believe in immigrants' and supports a system in which 'the best person should get the job.' The Senator has not made it clear what he means by 'best person,' though from his voting record and previously stated support for Third World immigration it appears that he is referring to the cheapest workers available from around the globe – no matter if this displaces local, historic populations and cultures and causes people at home to lose jobs. Rubio's support for displacing Floridians and Southerners in general has been unpopular with his constituents. The people of Florida and the South deserve better. They deserve someone who will speak for them and fight for their interests.
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19 December 2013
Re: Phil Robertson and A & E
For Immediate Release
The League of the South, the premier Southern Nationalist organization, supports Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty in his Biblical condemnation of sodomy. Moreover, we encourage our members and supporters to boycott the A&E Channel and their advertisers until they issue a sincere apology to Mr. Robertson and end his suspension from the program.
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UPDATE! Demonstration against Lindsey Graham & Southern demographic displacement
We have a few more details on the 7 December 2013 Greenville, SC area demonstrations.
We are going to have a local BBQ restaurant cater for us in the afternoon. Because of this, we need a pretty good idea of how many people are coming.
This will follow the two demonstrations and will take place at a local SC LS member's home. We'll provide maps once we're closer to the time of the demonstrations. We're also going to have tea and other beverages for those who would like to enjoy a drink. We have some people who are going to pay for this up front but will take up a donation to help reimburse them.
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Demonstration against Lindsey Graham & Southern demographic displacement
Few US politicians have been as vocal in their support of bringing in Third World immigrants and displacing the Southern people in their own land as has Senator Lindsey Graham. The South Carolina Republican has worked with New York Democrat Chuck Schumer to push amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants currently in the United States. He has accepted an award from the National Council of La Raza, a radical Hispanic organisation which promotes an anti-White agenda.
While accepting the La Raza award Graham blasted his overwhelmingly White conservative constituents, telling the
Hispanic crowd that those who opposed amnesty and Third World immigration are 'bigots' and that they should 'shut up.' Although Graham is endorsed by wealthy Republican donors and party elites, his support for displacing his own people through mass immigration causes his approval among Republican voters to plummet whenever immigration becomes a focus of the US news cycle. Graham attempts to deflect some of the public anger by claiming to be a 'Ronald Reagan Republican,' likening himself to the GOP president who gave amnesty to three million illegal immigrants.
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Murfreesboro and Shelbyville . . .
The League of the South had two very successful demonstrations in Murfreesboro (Saturday morning) and Shelbyville (Saturday afternoon), Tennessee, on 12 October to protest the demographic displacement of Southerners through government-sponsored illegal immigration and refugee resettlement.
We estimate our group of demonstrators, ranging in age from one to seventy years, at 75 strong and from as far away as Florida, Virginia, Missouri, Arkansas, and Illinois. That's roughly a 50% increase from our Uvalda/Vidalia, Georgia, demonstrations back in August.
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New North Carolina LS State Chairman
It is my pleasure to introduce to the membership our incoming State Chairman, Harold R. Crews. An attorney from Walkertown and longtime active NC LS member, Harold will take the NC LS Chairman at the end of the Nullify Now! event in Raleigh. Please join me in welcoming Harold to this high position of trust and responsibility!
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Murfreesboro / Shelbyville, TN demonstrations against Southern demographic displacement
Building on the success of our recent Uvalda/Vidalia demonstrations, positive news coverage, outrage of anti-Southern activists, and our growing organisation strength, the League of the South and SNN are pleased to announce our next major public event. It's coming up soon so we urge supporters to begin to prepare now to make this another successful event as we build on our momentum!

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Forming A Local LS Chapter
The League of the South will succeed only insofar as it succeeds in forming vibrant and active county chapters. This is where the real work of our organization gets done. One of our most important organizational goals is to have a League chapter in every county in every Southern State. The energies and resources of the League National Office and the individual State chapters should be focused primarily on this goal.
While we have succeeded in organizing numerous county chapters across the South, much more remains to be done. What follows are some ideas and guidelines for establishing LS county chapters. Please feel free to copy this tract and distribute it to our membership.
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Ten Reasons For Secession
J. Michael Hill - LS President
A 2009 Zogby poll revealed that about one out of every five Americans believe that States have a right to peaceably secede from the United States and become independent republics. A similar percentage says that they would support a secession movement in their own State.
The greatest support for secession came from the South, where almost 26% of those polled supported a peaceful break with Washington, DC.
What is behind this increasing support for secession and independence? Perhaps the answer is this: hard reality has finally trumped the myth of a sacred, indivisible union. In other words, many citizens are beginning to see the hand writing on the wall, and the message is alarming.
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New South Carolina Chairman, Michael Cushman, Renewed Focus
I am pleased to have been selected by the SC LS Board of Directors as chairman of the SC League and wish to thank the Board and members. This is an opportunity to take stock, make some goals and renew our focus. Not long ago our organisation had a strong presence throughout our State and was able to exert significant political influence.
In recent years our activism has waned and things have stagnated within the SC LS. Thankfully, within the broader
Southern nationalist movement there is a new commitment to activism. I have strongly supported this new commitment and participated in many of the activities of late. We have seen events organised on both the national and local level. In turn, this has generated a great deal of excitement and also drawn in many new (and often younger) members. Where club life can lead to paralysis and defeatism, activism has a way of solving many problems. While meetings have their place there is no substitute for action.
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Demonstration against Southern Demographic Displacement October 12 - Murfreesboro
After the successful, demonstration against Southern Demographic Displacement in Uvalda, Georgia on August 24, the League of The South has announced the date of the next rally - October 12, 2013.
The locations will be Murfreesboro and Shelbyville - Tennessee.
Mark your calendars and hold the date!
Click image to the left for a downloadable flyer and stay tuned to for additiona details and information.
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Uvalda / Vidalia, GA Protest against pro-amnesty mayor & Southern demographic displacement
On 24 of August 2013 the League of the South staged successful demonstrations in Uvalda and Vidalia, Georgia. The Southern nationalist organisation protested the pro-amnesty mayor of Uvalda, Paul Bridges, and the displacement of the Southern people. For supporting the local people of Georgia and opposing their demographic displacement the event's several dozen participants have been labeled 'neo-Nazis', 'extremists', 'racists' and 'terrorists' by Left-wing groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the Anti-Defamation League.
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League of the South Core Beliefs Statement
At its founding meeting in June 1994, The League of the South adopted the following Statement of Purpose:
Our Core Beliefs Statement is a more detailed explanation of our views on the four areas set forth above—the cultural, social, economic and political.
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Immigrant newspaper attacks League of the South, praises pro-amnesty mayor
A Spanish-language newspaper in Savannah, Georgia called La Voz Latina ('The Latina Voice') which says it exists 'for the Latino
community' of the Lowcountry of Georgia and South Carolina has a lengthy two page editorial in its August edition (see page 6) attacking the League of the South and praising Uvalda Mayor Paul Bridges. The article is written by John Newton (in fact, most of the writers for the newspaper have English names).
On the other hand, the League of the South, which is holding a demonstration on 24 August in Uvalda against the demographic displacement of Georgians, is described as 'an ultra-right-wing political organization.' It notes that 'The group advocates for a second Southern secession from the union and favors a society dominated by "European Americans".' La Voz helpfully notes that this means White people. It makes no mention of the League's work for the survival and well-being of the Southern people. Newton's article does however quote Ed Wolfe, Chairman of the Georgia League of the South. Mr Wolfe has confirmed to SNN that he has not spoken to La Voz Latina and believes that the immigrant newspaper has a 'spy' which is monitoring the League's communications. That said, the quote is factually correct and reads
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In Defense of Our Blood
Shortly after we formed The League in 1994, I was a guest on the Alan Colmes radio show on WABC in New York. Colmes, who at
that time was the liberal half of the TV show "Hannity and Colmes," asked me if we Southerners would physically defend ourselves if we were denied our rights, including the right to self-government and self-protection. He was startled when I answer unequivocally "Yes!" "You mean," he asked, "you Southerners would take up arms against the US government if they threatened your rights?" He simply could not believe that someone in modern America could contemplate actually defending themselves and their rights by force!
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Uvalda, GA demonstration against Southern demographic displacement - August 24
The League of the South and the Southern Nationalist Network
would like to announce an upcoming demonstration against Southern demographic displacement in Uvalda, Georgia.
The mayor of the town is Paul Bridges, an activist for Third World immigration and amnesty for illegal immigrants. He ran as a Republican and a conservative and snuck into office before his anti-Southern views on this all-important issue were discovered. Mayor Bridges has since taken his anti-Southern activism to the US media, the White House and sided with Leftist groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center and the American Civil Liberties Union in a law suit against the State of Georgia over its strict immigration law (which was over-turned by a Federal court).
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Southern States out voted on Gang of Eight's Immigration Bill
The Senate has voted 68 - 32 to invoke cloture on the Gang of Eight's Immigration Bill; in other words, for the bill.
Once again, the South (the 13 State South of the Congressional Quarterly: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia) has voted against liberalization of U. S. immigration policy, only to be overidden by the U. S. as a whole.
These thirteen Southern States voted 16 - 10 against the Gang of Eight's Bill. Thus, the rest of the U. S. voted 58 - 16 for the bill.
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