全 2 件のコメント

[–]Benny757 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Hello OP. Your mom did what she did because she was afraid and didn't want HERSELF to be hurt. And so she psychologically used you.

Have you been damaged? Yes. Is there hope? Yes. You've recognized reality. A man in this day and age does not need a woman to make him feel happy. At the end of the day, no one will truly have your back, or care for your ass, but you. So you must start from this very moment to become your own very best friend.

Learn to love yourself, and do for yourself, and accept yourself. Yes, your mom harmed you, but you can choose to repair those scars and get on to self-reliance. Decide to own your shit. Live within your own moments, not your mothers or anyone elses. Decide to be.

It's day 1. All you have to do is live within day 1, moment 1. Place in your mind patience and stoicism. Be you. Be the man you are, and who you decide to be.

Beautiful taking back control to just be.

[–]shadow1118[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

thanks man this is exactly what i needed to hear. I appreciate it. I definitely think your right when you say i need to be my own best friend. Im definitely not going to let any women control me again using her emotion anymore.