What do you guys do when you had/have an over controlling mom who has tried her whole life to emasculate you and control you and never let a chance of happiness. I just realized that my mom was doing this and she told me her reasoning is because she is scared and doesnt want to see me hurt. I am now a former shell of a man because my mom has never pushed me to do masculine things and it made me very emotionally needy and my first gf saw this and took advantagee of me financially and I have only ever been in the friend zone after that. Im thinking I have to take this one day at a time and working on my manliness by shooting gun, working on my car, and exercising as much as possible. I have the kind of mom who encouraged me to stay inside and play with beanie babies (not action figures) and always made me talk about her feelings with her., She very much so did psychological warfare on me because she was caught up in her feels and it felt right at the time. this is the enemy boys, theres are the monsters were up against. Ever since taking TRP and learning mgtow i slowly feel me regaining control of my masculinity and destiny. I was #2 on the marksmanship team in JROTC and and she told me she doesnt want to see me with any kind of guns because it "causes her stress" , well guess what boys I just bought a bushmaster AR-15 , an actual Standard issue weapon that was used at one point in the world and i plan to go every sunday to shoot some targets. That is how narcissistic and manipulative my mom was she told me to cancel my goals, hobbies, passions & interests, so she could FEEL safer and more secure. As a species were fucked if were going to let womens emotions dictate our actions. she even pulled the crocodile tears when i told her im going to the practice target range..... WTF
[–]Benny757 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]shadow1118[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)