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No. 348341

Previous thread: >>344293

Recent milk:
- Onion chimed in on Cyr's drama
- tweets defensively at Lane and Luxy again for no reason
- Lane went on YouNow and claimed that Greg encouraged Sarah and Lainey to date

No. 348344

Don't post direct links or embeds of Onision's, Lainey's or Sarah's videos. This includes vid.me links!

Download the video on keepvid.com and upload it as unlisted on YouTube. Otherwise, do not embed or link.

No. 348346

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sarah having a breakdown on her tumblr

No. 348348

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Nice lurking, Sarah.

No. 348349

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No. 348350

I'm gonna assume this is pretty much confirmation that what Lane said is true

No. 348351

Someone get in touch with Sarah's family member now, please. She needs to be removed from that house.

No. 348352

So that basically means it's true right? Thanks for confirming it Sarah.

No. 348354

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I guess Sarah called Lane as soon as she saw and that's why the stream ended so abruptly. Yikes

No. 348355

does that cousin of hers still lurk here ? I almost hope so, cause she seemed to be the only hope that poor kid has.

No. 348356

They obviously called her from a different phone knowing she wouldn't answer if she saw it was them

No. 348357

Oh shit, Greg totally called her.

No. 348358

I bet he was nasty to her like how vicious he was to Blair White. Probably scared the kid shitless.

No. 348359

Lainey you are such a sick fuck, just like your husband. I feel so bad for your children.

No. 348360

Is there anything we can do to help support her?

No. 348361

So does this confirm all of those things Sarah has posted on her tumblr were actually about Plainey?

No. 348362


Probably. IDK who called her but it was definitly one of the three. The reason they chose to call is cause of their texts being released constantly and their BS being called out. They chose to call her as there would be no evidence of whatever threats they said to her.

No. 348363

What's wrong with you Lainey? Are you so mentally deficient you can't relate to women your own age?

No. 348364

this whole thing gives me strong karla homolka vibes tbh

No. 348365

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Good choice Lane but honestly please publish what you have before they can make a case against you. Sarah needs out of there.

No. 348366

support through twitter and social media in general. its so bad all the stuff coming at them

No. 348367

Taylor, how does it feel to be known as a child predator?

No. 348369

Lain said she didn't answer the call. But I'm guessing they left a message.

No. 348370

honestly i feel no remorse towards sarah. she chose to be there and she knows whats going on. eventually this would have happened. i feel bad for lane, she doesnt deserve this backlash

No. 348372

Would it be legal for her to record voicemails if there are any left?

No. 348373


Quit being so thirsty you know damn well it is not going to change anything. Sarah is going to have to realize how fucked up they are on her own. Trying to drag her out of the house is just going to make her more determined to stay.

No. 348374

I hope she releases her voicemails like Adrinne did.

No. 348375

lainey reminds me of the wife of that crazy cult guy who was hoarding women in a recent documentary. and the guy reminds me of onision.


No. 348376

Response to a poster on the last thread.

Age of consent is 16 here in WA. It's legal but creepy.

No. 348377

In GA the one side consent for phone recording while in WA its two sided consent for recording voice calls

No. 348378

Does it matter? She is a minor.

No. 348379

But you have to be within 3 or 4 years of the 16 year old

No. 348380

so a 30+ year old could fuck a 16 year old and it'd be legal? gross

it's funny how this fits into greg's warped sense of "morality" and righteousness. in his mind, something's fine if it's legal (dating an easily exploitable young girl) and evil if it's illegal (smoking a joint)

No. 348381

Lane, please be brave and speak up. Those two are going to continue to abuse children. You have a lot of people behind you.

Please, please have the courage to speak up. There are a lot of people who want to see Greg put away. There is nothing that Greg or Taylor 'have' on you that could ever get you in the amount of trouble they're in. That's why they called you (I assume) and threatened you.

We don't want Greg put away because he's greasy or any of the other shit we talk about here, but because he is a predator. He is dangerous. It's not safe for women to be around Greg or Taylor, particularly if they are underaged.

Can someone out there get this information to Sarah's mother? I know that she's a fangirl but when someone tells you that your child is being groomed to be a fuckdoll for an arrogant rapist like Greg, I hope they'd sit forward and listen.

Cousin-chan, are you out there? Please get Sarah out of there.

There has to be something we can do. Are there any lawfags around? Washington lawfags, in specific?

I can't stand watching this shit get away with it over and over and over again.

No. 348382

Yes. And to the other posters, I'm not defending Lainey, just giving information.

No. 348383


No bruh, the age difference doesn't matter. As long as both consenting adults are at least 16.

No. 348384

Even lainey is a 6 year difference

No. 348385


Fuck you for being all about the milk. Some of us would like to see a kid escape the hellhole that is life with a psychopath like Greg.

The fact that you're more worried about tipping the cows says some unpleasant shit about you, anon.

No. 348386


Didn'tLainey and Sarah call Sarah's mom to prove she had permission to be there?If anything we would have to show Sarah's Mom is a nutcase and the home Sarah is in is unstable.

No. 348388

Washington statutory rape law is violated when a person has consensual sexual intercourse with an individual under age 16. The age of consent is raised to 18 when the partners are a foster parent and foster child, when the older partner is at least 60 months older than their 16 or 17 year old partner and abuses their significant relationship(as defined by RCW 9A.44.010) to have sexual intercourse, or when the partners are teacher and student(this law was actually interpreted by the Washington State Supreme Court to extend to students up to 21 years old).

No. 348389

i bet sarah is trying to make lane feel guilty if she drops the screenshots, but sarah has used her before asking for the catfish's dms so she can give them to greg to use in a video, and they still call her a traitor and terrible things.

I say just post them. They would do it to you in a heartbeat.

Isn't michigan where she's from legal age 18 though? If shes moved to their house and then a relationship starts, isnt that transporting a minor?

No. 348390


Yeah, and I think that called her as a preemptive strike. They must have known there was a chance this shit could get out.

What did the mom say on that younnow? Some anons said she sounded blindsided by the call, is that the case?

No. 348391

ahhh i forgot transporting a minor could be a charge also

No. 348392

Would the foster parent law be the same for Gardians? Sarah got that piercing and usually a guardian is required for that

No. 348393

from what ive seen michigan is also 16

No. 348394

One of them is acting as a guardian since she got a debit card, does this make them foster parents in the eyes of the law?

No. 348395

Well we don't have any reason to think either of them tried to have sex with her, so either way it's possible no laws were technically violated.

I don't know what Sarah can do. Her old family is presumably nuts and her new "family" is nuts and trying to date/fuck her.

No. 348396

THIS. Lane, do NOT get scared about this being libel. If you are merely releasing messages you have in your posession, you are not making up lies to hurt any reputation. Onion and Lainey definitely do not have cases against you, and Sarah also does not have a case against you. Do not let them scare you. There is absolutely nothing they have on you. Onion KNOWS this, which is why he is acting out.

No. 348397

im looking into the laws currently and thankfully michigan and washington do no have close of age exemptions

No. 348398

I think sarah's mom could care less even if they were dating. Who lets their kid go live with some youtuber who is known for shitting on all his ex-gf to the point of mental breakdowns and breaking their reputation. One that does not give any shits.

I also thought it was weird how they were so dead set on proving nothing was weird and called her mom. doth protests too much.

oh i was mistaken then. makes sense why they moved her at 16 now.

No. 348401

But if they are her gardian I feel like even dicussing a relationship or getting a little too flirty would be something that at least requires investigation at the least.

No. 348402

didn't greg do a very similar trafficking thing with lainey?

No. 348404

Holy shit with how this is all playing out I feel like I'm going to see an episode of "Web Of Lies" on Investigation Discovery leading to someone's death.

No. 348406

Not a lawfag but isn't exposure to the trinity enough to get corruption of a minor? Not to mention the degenerate pics minors post on his forum?

No. 348407

is there not a cyber report line we could all report this to?

No. 348408


Yup. And Sarah's mom said "If there was anything going on I'd know about it". So either she's totally clueless or she knows about her underage child potentially getting together with a grown adult with 2 kids

No. 348409

like does someone have this all compiled like the videos of the girls, the proof about sarah etc that they could actually report with

No. 348411

Or the fact he wanted to chain up his mistress by a dog collar for a week in the basement while Sarah would have been present in the house and aware of her degrading punishment.

No. 348412

>Not to mention the degenerate pics minors post on his forum?
tbh nothing here was illegal, i don't think they could use that as proof of anything really

>the trinity

polyamorous relationships aren't illegal either

now this, this could actually get her out of the place. combined with the allegations of grooming.

No. 348413

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Sarah tweeted this then deleted it.

No. 348414

she's acting like lane attacked or exposed her or something

no, she exposed taylor's and greg's disgusting cultish and pedo behavior

No. 348415

is it true lainey first started talking to sarah when she was 14?

No. 348416

Lets not forget they also have two little children in that house and we dont know how seperated they are from that "fun basement"

but anon, shes obviously ruining her free ride in greg's mcmansion

No. 348417

Fuck, I bet Greg is taking shit out on her. I hope she's attention whoring right now.

No. 348418

Wouldn't the act of leaving a voicemail qualify as consent to be recorded?

No. 348419


Yeah but, it's like I can hear Greg shrieking "THE FIRST RULE OF THE GREASOME IS YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT THE GREASOME" from here, so maybe Sarah's getting shit for telling Lane (because god forbid she talk to anyone other than Greg or Lainey, that's BETRAYAL territory for these fucks) and she posted that tweet because she's currently getting roasted over the coals for breaking the gross CIRCLE OF TRUST.

No. 348420

Yeah Sarah, how awful of Lain to out a pedophile like that. How dare she

No. 348421

even if greg had no involvement in this, lainey is a fucking creeper

yeah probably, but i think she's addressing it towards lane because she was saying stuff like this to lane even before she thought she'd leak anything. she probably feels like she was personally betrayed, even though it's the exact opposite. in a few years she'll hopefully have gotten out of there and will have realized lane did her a great service.

No. 348422

She had kids with a predator long after knowing he was one, she probably feels fine.

No. 348423


That's totally what I meant. It's in keeping with their weird fucking pathology that Sarah would blame LANE rather than Greg for Greg yelling at her. "If you'd never said that, I wouldn't be getting yelled at" sort of thing, with Lainey's blinders on so she doesn't acknowledge that Greg's the one doing the yelling.

Their blame game is bonkers.

No. 348425

What could gerg possibly do to lane? Sue for slander? How do you explain a 16 year old living with you and all the videos you made about a 19 year old and a failed poly relationship while going into great detail about their sex life and how kinky ;) he is

No. 348426

good to know she's been taking greg and lainey's class "how to play the victim card 101"
She may have dropped out of highschool, but she's learning all she needs to know to get by in life from the masters themselves …. /s

No. 348427


I'm guessing she didn't want to hear him scream "YOU BETRAYED MY HAREM AND MY VEGETARIAN BODY" down the phone at her, and I don't fucking blame her, lol.

No. 348430

Im pretty sure she wants to guilt lane into not saying anything because she doesnt want to risk the chance of her having to leave the house. I swear teens are morons. When you look back at this when you are older, you will also think its weird that a 31 yr old and 22 yr old with children moved a 16 yr old into their house and were hinting for a relationship. Like if that wasnt you sarah, you'd think that's normal? wat.

he really cant do shit. Nothings going to happen to a 16 year old for posting true info about them supposedly having a relationship with another 16 year old, and then a 31 year old man is trying to bully her. He can go make a video to get people to attack her, but those have proven to be not very effective. He doesnt have much power now.

No. 348432

Bitch knows damn well what she did. Making Lane feel like the bad person is perfectly fine?

Makes me fucking mad when the petrified dickturds in that house play the victim.

No. 348433

LOL that's nightmare material and enough to make me wanna throw up

No. 348435

Yeah that whole household is annoying. They started it by attacking her for sticking up for billie. She wasnt even badmouthing anyone but onion boy rightfully so, but lainey goes and messages her and onion posts shit about how lane made lainey cry. Like are you idiots. LOL. If you know she has info on you, how about stop provoking her and acting like you are some poor victim getting bullied by a 16 year old who doesnt want to side with an abusive sociopath.

I bet sarah is trying to say but IIII didnt do anything to you! That was lainey and gerg. I'm innocent! Just like what lainey says about gerg whenever he attacks people. Nah, you're pretty involved and it does have to do with the two abusive sociopaths you are living with so.

No. 348437

Sarah deleted her twitter.

No. 348438

What did she Tweet right before she deleted her account? I missed it.

No. 348439

She's just letting Greg do cleanup like Plain does when she ducks up.

No. 348440

File: 1486440354066.png (64.59 KB, 750x566, IMG_5020.PNG)

She deleted

No. 348441

I dont think she tweeted anything. Nothing that I saw.

I was thinking that gerg probably saw she was giving things away by making it painfully obvious its true, so he put her on twitter timeout like lameo.

No. 348443

I got a notification that she'd made a new tweet and when I refreshed the page her account was gone. I wonder what it was?

Looks like Lane just responded to Onision's tweet about her also. I wonder when we can expect his reply.

No. 348444

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No. 348445

i really really really don't wanna talk about this, but i have people who want me to. i'll try my best to answer any questions, just be patient with me

No. 348446

Are you okay??

No. 348447

I got you Lane.

No. 348448

Can you confirm in writing or with text message evidence that Sarah was going to engage with Lainey in a sexual and or romantic relationship?

No. 348449


We'll help in whatever way we can

No. 348450

I know it's rough but thank both of you so much for speaking up. You're both doing the right thing.

No. 348451

all of my messages deleted because my phone is trash, but sarah would constantly tell me that "she told me about her feelings" in messages

No. 348452

Dont be intimidated by them. They can't do anything to you. Did they leave a voicemail when they called?

No. 348453

it's horrible that they're harassing you about this. Hope you're doing okay as you can be rn.

No. 348454

they left me a 4 second voicemail of air being blown into the mic

No. 348455

you've seriously got so much support. We know it's scary to be in the situation, but just remember you've got a major support system and Greg isn't as powerful as he thinks he is

No. 348456

If Lane decides to talk in more depth about the situation, please remember this next time some of you want to belittle her on here in the future. Remember that she's 16, and these people have been harassing her nonstop for days. I know most of you are supportive. Thank you <3

No. 348457

Do you have any reason to believe from messages Sarah sent that Sarah's involvement with Lainey or Greg developed further than feelings?
This is very important for legal intents/purposes - lawfag here.

No. 348458

no not at all

No. 348459


Was it just lainey trying to convince sarah and she wasnt into the idea? or did something change along the way

No. 348460

sorry that was from me :/

No. 348461

I went and edited it to include your name.

No. 348462

Do you know how long they'd been planning on flying her out prior to doing it in the fall?

No. 348464

I missed you explaining it in your broadcast. What did sarah actually say about it? That she came there with the intention of being in a relationship with them? Or they just started to think it'd be a good idea while she was there or what?

No. 348465

….that's convienient

No. 348466

i don't know that much. i don't think that she lives with them only to have a relationship though. nothing is happening right now, so i think they're all just living together

No. 348467

nice email

No. 348468

The messages being deleted is absolute shit, but I believe you.

No. 348469


are you worried about sarah? is there anything we can do to help?

No. 348470

Honestly, the "I lost text messages because I have a shitty phone/my dog ate it/someone else deleted them" excuse is the shittiest reason you can give right now. Sorry to be tough on you, but that takes away so much credibility from your allegations. There is absolutely no proof that these events happened other than the circumstantial evidence of Sarah and Greg freaking out…. And they can easily manipulate it.

So if you actually do have copies of the messages, produce them. If not, your allegations are really weak and suspect.

No. 348472

Was it a private number that called and left the voicemail?

No. 348473

i was thinking the same thing but didnt want to say anything.. like ???

No. 348475

What do you mean she has been harassed for days?

No. 348476

It's possible to backtrack through older messages. For example, and iphone only displays a certain amount but in reality there are a lot more in the archive.

Lane, perhaps we can help you to work out accessing the messages. It's important.

Also the voicemail, someone can help you work out how to record it and post it.

No. 348477

There's probably an app to recover them.

No. 348478

why would sarah be freaking the fuck out if the allegations arent accurate? they could just ignore her or dare her to produce evidence

No. 348479

probably gronk and his army

No. 348481


That's their next step

No. 348484

Further explanation on why the messages were deleted? possibly you can get these recovered

No. 348486

Did anon who knew sarah's cousin ever leave contact information?

Cousin anon I hope you're lurking. Please get in touch with her family as long as it won't get you in to shit.

I just want to reiterate that we support you, Lane. They can harass you but they can't hurt you. Let them harass you and save all of it. Don't provoke, just let things run their course. You did a good thing today. Whether Sarah wants to be a little cunt or not, you're helping her, and she will see that and appreciate you with time. We got your back babe.

No. 348488

It does sound rather convenient and fake, but the fact sarah had such a strong reaction makes me beleive its true.


These would be nice to post as proof. Can we see them?

No. 348489


No one is ever going to respond positively to something like this dude. Get a grip and quit foaming at the mouth.

No. 348490

lane, how did you get talking to sarah anyway? did you reach out to her as well when you were trying to talk to lainey?

No. 348491

Lane, you can maybe use this: https://www.imobie.com/support/retrieve-deleted-text-messages-on-iphone.htm

All you need is a USB cable to connect your iPhone to your computer. If you're lucky, many of your messages can be recovered.

No. 348492

Have you tried using an anonymous dial back service that pranks the phone's voicemail to work out who the caller was?

No. 348493

Could you guys bullshit any harder? How on Earth does someone just delete important messages? It's not easy to do.

No. 348494


dude she lost her shit and deleted twitter and posted that she wanted to kill herself on tumblr. i get that teens are attention seeking but somethings very wrong right now.

No. 348495

was wondering the same…what is your relationship with sarah … it seems she obviously trusts you with some personal details of her life, and that you'd talk to her more than you talked to lainey ?

No. 348498


Answer this honestly please.

Is Sarah being abused in that house in any way? (physically, sexually, emotionally)

No. 348500


Why are you pressuring her to feel sorry for sarah, the fuck? What's she supposed to do about it? Something NEEDS to happen to get Sarah out of that house

No. 348501

Yea that's cute and all, but getting texts deleted isn't as easy as how plaintiffs and witnesses want you to believe it is. Lane most likely deleted them herself, so now the question is, why did she?

Also, the reason why it is shitty for Lane to come out and say there are no texts is because now Greg and Sarah know Lane has shit on them. So they can just easily manipulate and make it seem like they were just freaking out for reasons other than Lane's allegations being true.

No. 348503

if lainey is talking to her about having feelings for her, given the age gap and the fact that she's basically a guardian for her, she's still in a very unhealthy situation.

even if it's something sarah is okay with and even if lainey or greg wouldn't do anything sexual with her until she's 18, this still is not right at all.

No. 348504

sarah claims all of the messages were deleted during an iOS update, which other people report has happened to them. and she never synced with icloud.

No. 348505


That's fair. It's safe to say the chances of them being recovered is slim as well. Welp

No. 348506

Is there any indication that Lainey was/is aware of Sarah's feelings for her?
I was under the impression Sarah may have simply shared her feelings with Lane. Anything beyond that is speculation.

No. 348507

So you have been releasing convos since late January? What did you release then?

No. 348508

I think anon was just meaning to say that the milk is probably genuine because of the way Sarah has reacted, not that Lane should take pity.

No. 348509

Her reaction was way to intense for something so sublty mentioned tbh.
For sure makes me think she may be getting in some trouble with greg/lainey…

However, Lane…don't feel guilty about this.
It's extremely important to get this shit out in the open, because greg and lainey are crossing some serious lines and it needs to be shown.

No. 348510

And you made other screenshots previously. Did you delete those too?

No. 348511

There was also Billie sticking her neck out in her texts about onionfuck stopping his verbal abuse against Sarah and Lainey if she ever did agree to his sick and twisted demands

There's just way too many red flags to just say "nah Sarah seems fine there"

No. 348512

So Lane, earlier you said you had screenshots of something. Can we see them? Are they related to this or something else?

No. 348514

I honestly think Sarah is being overdramatic with the I'm going to kill myself thing. Lainey and Greg are shit but they're not going to let her go off herself

No. 348516

she just posted a screenshot >>348497

or are you talking about something else?

No. 348517

But remember how coldly Gerg acting towards Billie wanting to kill herself?

No. 348518

She doesn't have shit.

No. 348519

Fuck *acted sorry

We had already seen that screenshot previously

No. 348520


Nothing is ever completely gone. If a computer forensics guy had the phone he could get all kinds of shit off of it even with a sys update.

No. 348521

the way lane said it, it sounded like lainey actually approached sarah to talk about their feelings. or at least that it was mutual between them.

can you please clarify, lane?

No. 348522

SARAH I'm sure you're lurking please don't an hero it's not worth it for these psychos. You'll get through it. I've known plenty of people like Greg. They'll say you're worthless you're fat and you should kill yourself but they only say it because they know it's what gets you upset and questioning yourself. DON'T LISTEN DON'T SUICIDE

No. 348523

I believe she gave Sarah the screenshots of Stevie as the catfish messaging Lane and telling her to talk to the hate blogs. Greg showed the screenshots on a video.

No. 348524


Yeah that would just be blood on their hands. The worst I can see them doing is screaming at her for a couple hours to scare her, and banning her from social media for a period of time. I'm one of the few anons that think they'd never cross the line of physical abuse. Too risky

No. 348525


Sarah please if you're lurking speak out, even anonymously. We want you to be safe.

No. 348526

It is interesting lane made a big deal about spilling tea only to not have any reciepts to back it up. However I do believe it just from Sarah's reaction and her telling lane she had told Things to her in confidence.

Maybe lane us just spooked now.

No. 348527

most people here don't think they'd be physically abusive. everything they do is psychological.

who knows what kind of insane bullshit they're spoonfeeding into sarah's brain right now.

No. 348528


Plus can you imagine the investigation that would ensue if Sarah did kill herself? It wouldn't look good on Grug or Laniey

No. 348529


If the answer is truly no, Sarah is not being abused in any way, then why are Lainey and Greg coming after you Lane? I think you told the truth earlier and they scared you into walking back what you said.

Don't let them do this to you. Don't let them do this to anyone else ever again.

Please give your phone to police and tell them you think there may be evidence proving sexual grooming of an employed minor on there.

I promise you, they will find the evidence.

No. 348530

File: 1486443146689.png (52.65 KB, 663x355, joy.png)

No. 348531

We are clearly not paying a forensics expert to look at her phone or computer…

Lane, seriously, deleting the messages mean Greg can more easily twist this shit and say things like "well where is the evidence? So convenient, eh? Therefore everything she says is false." It also means he could go as far as frame you as making up lies and trying to slander them. If you can't back up your allegations with actual evidence, it is advisable that you just stop trying to talk about your recollection of the texts.

Sorry, but as much as we love milk, we cannot flail over allegations with no solid evidence.

No. 348532

Gerg will buy her a plane ticket home and personally put her on it before that happens.

No. 348533

she never said she deleted them though, just that they were gone when she upgraded her phone OS

No. 348534


That's why you give the phone to the cops, durrr.

No. 348535

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No. 348536

Lane and Luxy are now in the YouNow chat.

No. 348537

I second this. Greg's going to make a video in which he concocts the "rest of the story" around the parts you've told. It's best to stick to things you can substantiate only - for your own sake.

No. 348538

Can someone quickly explain to me YouNow, how to sign up, and how to join specific streams? Can someone link? That site is such a clusterfuck to me, I'm confused and a bit Xfaded.

No. 348539

No. 348540

Thanks bb

No. 348541

Joy's being a loon "emergency younow". She doesn't like losing her exclusive.

No. 348542

She's so looney herself though, as someone mentioned on the last thread.

No. 348543

I agree, I like her onision shit mostly, but she reminds me of my ex's mom so much sometimes. Health problems galore. I'm sure she's a lovely person and means no real harm, but she definitely needs some kind of help.

No. 348544

Joy just clearly stated that she will not spill anything. She is legit just using Lane/Luxy/Sarah/etc to grow viewers.

No. 348545

File: 1486443739066.png (762.25 KB, 1029x1762, Screenshots_2017-02-07-06-01-0…)

Dumping screenshots of deleted posts

No. 348546

tinfoil: sarah's reaction may have been so strong because she's 16 and super in love with lainey… and maybe sometimes lainey leads her on and gives her hope that they'll one day date… but maybe it doesn't go beyond that, but Sarah embellished it to Lane because she's 16 and in love. Sarah kind of making more of things than they really are seems very plausible to me. and her thinspo sad emo posts are likely derived from any time Lainey gives twitter or tumblr attention to skinny blue haired girls.

honestly the whole thing is way fucked. having to rely on 16 year Olds for "info" is sad… because they should be worrying about school and real ppl, not fucked up youtubers.

this is in no way me sticking up for the gurgle clan–they're so toxic and yuck. just giving my thoughts.

No. 348547

File: 1486443746824.png (662.25 KB, 817x727, Untitled.png)

Dash going in.

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