David Futrelle
From Encyclopedia Dramatica
David Futrelle (occasionally referred to as "FATrelle" or "Fatrolle") previously known as dimFlash is an overweight, former MRA, would-be child molester who spent the better part of the 90s indulging in his secret (but very transparent) love of hardcore S&M and CP by writing article after article defending rape, paedophilia, child pornography and movies about eating shit while being anally raped (that he watched with his sister), while attacking feminists and rape survivors young and old.
After pissing away what might have amounted to a career in journalism one day (probably not though), David is now a fat, middle aged man who owns way too many cats and runs a comically bad anti-MRA/MGTOW hate blog called "We Hunted The Mammoth" (formally "Manboobz" but now he wants people to know he's fat and hairy) where he uses single source reporting, screencaps from anonymous image-boards and misquotes to write ED worthy articles (if they were only funny and not written entirely out of butthurt) to instil in his community of borderline rapists and mentally deranged feminist readers a moral panic about men's rights activists and whip them into a frenzy so that they can contact the MRAs, random nobodies and other feminists who dared criticize him and threaten to murder their children.
Early years
During most of the 90s Futrelle was a freelance "journalist" (he never actually reported on any news and just wrote bad op-eds), and somehow, this fat dyslexic waste of air got a job published in a number of websites desperate for content. His entire journalistic "career" can be summed in up this review he gave a book.
—http://www.smallpieces.com/index.php, David Weinberger |
10 years of pedo apologism
Between 1990 and the early 00s, David amassed an "impressive" catalogue of articles ranging from arguing for the lowering of the age of consent and defending child prostitution, to saying children should be forced to marry their rapists instead of sending the rapists to jail, to saying internet child porn should be de-regulated and even going so far as to write this following article attacking children who come forward to report their abuse, urging others not to believe them.
"Child rape victims are all a bunch of liers!"
Back in 1996, this madman and complete nutjob actually wrote a TL;DR article on how most child abuse cases are fake, and how you should not believe children if they told about an incident. This experience would later prove helpful when defending child molester Sarah Butts.
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Today David still allows paedophiles to roam free on his blog's comment section.
Defending Actual Torture Porn
In a news article he co-wrote along with his sister, (now a Gawker Media employee and vaccine-denialist) this hypocritical fuck actually feverishly defended a movie that is like A Serbian Film, only worse. A film that has been banned in certain places and is based on a book by the Marquise De Sade that shows underage boys literally being forced to eat shit while being anally raped.
According to David, this movie is "not exactly family entertainment" but he defends it as a "classic" to this day. Speculation for his reasons for loving it so much vary between it promoting the child abuse he oh-so-loves and it being the movie he lost his virginity to as he was reviewing it with his sister.
Ironically, not long ago, he attacked people he viewed as anti-feminists by calling them paedophiles for posting a picture of a fully clothed 17 year old girl on r/jailbait.
David arguing for Child prostitution
Because your friendly neighbourhood Ediots are lazy, the evidence for David's lust for children and thoughts on child sex slavery that were previously mentioned have been lifted directly from Janet Bloomfield so we don't have to waste time typing.
—quality article, Janet Bloomfield |
It is worth noting that Futrelle later got this person banned from twitter... defensive much?
David The MRA
—David Futrelle |
Ironically, and to the surprise of fucking no one, much like a homophobic republican turning out to be gay, David was once one of those same MRA he now so passionately hates. You might have suspected this if you paid attention to his thoughts on rape previously mentioned in this article, but rest assured that was not an isolated incident.
Throughout the 90's, besides using his articles to promote child abuse, he used to write about how abuse victims are guilty of their own abuse and attack the writings of some of the most prominent and most crazy feminists out there, ones he would not dare criticize today.
A picture of Futrelle from back in his MRA days
"Gloria Steinem Is Psychobabble"
In yet another TL;DR article, titled Reading: The Feminine Mistake, this time from the year 1992, Fatrelle goes on how to explain how Gloria Steinem's Revolution From Within, is one of the worst things ever.
—David Futrelle |
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Pro Porn And Against Andrea Dworkin
Not satisfied with attacking the #2 craziest old feminist, David went for the big boss. Before the internet, if you wanted to see tits, you had buy something called magazines, that had pictures of naked women. In a 1992 article Fatrelle utterly slams Dworkin and her opinions of these boobie books, which were probably the only source of joy in his life (if only the girls in them could be a bit younger, eh David?).
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Why David was an MRA: A Year Of Despair As A Woman He Was Not Even In A Relationship With Dumps Him
How fucking hard can you get friendzoned, and then friendzoned so hard you are no longer even friends, because she finds you to be a fat ugly pervert? Not as hard as Fatrelle, no matter how hard you tried, that's how.
Yeah, just like getting a feminist girlfriend often turns faggots into feminist faggots, losing her sometimes turns them into MRAs.
A bit too knowledgeable on how to find porn on Newsgroups
—https://web.archive.org/web/20050212171444/http://www.well.com/user/futrelle/gerch.html, David Futrelle |
What sick shit were you search for, David?
Before Fatrelle dabbled in pseudo-intellectual ramblings about how much he hates everything that has a penis, he tried his luck at making funny comics, that were simply just e-cards where he removed the color and inserted hilarious text instead (basically "Married to the Sea" but even less funny). These range from being mundane to sexist to being just baffling, all carrying the same seal of shit that one could expect from Fatrolle.
Modern Day
Defending A Homophobe
Because this white guilt ridden troglodyte needs to get rid of all his Liberal Butthurt Syndrome by stroking his ego over younger people at least 3 times a day, he never has time to do any research. So when he saw a tweet one day from Richard Dawkins that was linking to a video made by SyeTenAtheist on Sargon of Akkad's YouTube channel, and that this video was making fun of not only feminists but Muslims as well, David leaped into action and had already written a blog about how the video was totally unfair or something before he even finished watching it.
The video that made David's panties sour
Yes, while this white knight probably accurately recognized Big Red in this video, he actually thought the other cartoon was based on all Mudslimes because I guess they all look alike to him. In actuality, the person in question being depicted was "Dawah Man", another infamous youtube sensation with some interesting views on homosexuality.
—Homophobe defended by Futrelle |
Unwilling to admit his mistake, Futrelle still defends this "person".
Apologist For Amy Schumer
Last Thursday Amy Schumer gave a speech during the Gloria Awards and Gala, a circle-jerk for women to celebrate other women because they also have vaginas. Here she told the story of a man who was too drunk to go down on her. Since you'd have to be completely fucking smashed to even consider touching that she-hulk, let alone eat her out like she eats cake, Amy did what any college sexual predator would do and raped him. The guy was so fucking drunk that she was able to take advantage of him by shoving her ham sandwich in his face while he was nearly passed out instead of just saying no like any responsible person would.
Futrelle responded to this by mounting an incompetent defence commonly used by rapists in saying that even though the guy was drunk, he obviously wanted it. I guess affirmative, verbal consent doesn't matter is you're a feminist or raping a man. Or maybe it's just that David believes that men being raped isn't really rape.
Fatrelle attacks feminist film maker
Fatrelle is as opposed to being challenged on his bigoted worldview as he is to exercise and a healthy diet, so when feminist Cassie Jaye wanted to do an objective documentary (You know, actual journalism, instead of just writing a LiveJournal about how much you hate men) David went ape-shit.
It all started when award winning, pro-gay, pro-feminist director Cassie Jay decided to make a movie about MRAs. However, when her usual sponsors wouldn't front her the money unless she promises to make it a hit piece, Jaye was forced to go to KickStarter. Here is where David comes in. During her research, David was suggested to her as an interviewee to counterpoint the MRAs, but when he realized this isn't going to be the propaganda film he wanted, David decided to "convince" her with dossier of out-of-context posts from r/TheRedPill, which he assured her are far superior as insight into the MRA community than her 2+ years of research and over 100 hours worth of recorded interviews. When this failed, David followed up with a vaguely threatening email (this would not be the first person he implicitly threatened), trying to change her mind.
But the plot thickened as, just as it seemed that the project would not get funded, Milo Yiannopoulos stepped in to write an article about it, causing the project to get more than twice the intended in mere days, with the help of angry MRAs, funding it just to spite the feminists. Unhappy with this project being funded and with the help of the GamerGate faggot he hates most, and wielding the lowest standard for evidence known to man, Futrelle launched a personal attack against Jaye, accusing her of being a shill for the MRAs (they have no actual control over her or her film once she already has their money) and accusing her of faking her awards because he confused it with a separate film festivals and then attempted to paint his own ignorance as a deliberate attempt to mislead him (not the first time this has happened).
We Hunted the Mammoth
The Site
Mistakenly believing that his piss poor excuse for a journalism career would lend credibility to his shitty site, Futrelle did quite the opposite and chained himself to what amounts to a single topic blog as he destroyed every trace of his credibility by running it for the past six years.
The site itself is a collection of poorly worded hit-pieces, akin to TheRalphRetort with only the authors being one another's (equally retarded) mirror image, that deals with forcefully trying to turn non-events in the ManOSphere into 4 paragraph articles twice a day to squeeze out some measly ad revenue so Futrelle can continue to feed himself and his cats without having to go outside. The content consists of mostly taking single, out of context screencaps of stupid shit men's rights activists say on what is the reddit version of /pol/ and /r9k/ combined, and using them as sweeping indictments of entire groups who don't actually use those sites and people who are not even related to the picture in question but David is still mad at because his countless attack articles have yet to harm them. WHTM logic seems to be:
Guy on Return of Kings said a rape case was fake > Therefore he thinks all rape accusations are fake > He's a rapist > All MRAs are rapists > That dude who runs A Voice For Men who I really hate is a rapist
When he can't find something crazy enough or, since there is no way you won't find a crazy enough post to laugh at on r/theredpill if you are willing to invest more than a minute of your time, when he is just too lazy to look, Futrelle seizes literally the first post he sees and makes leaps of logic so epic it is as if he's superman and reading comprehension is a tall building. At time of writing, the most recent article on WHTM is one where someone complaining that merely thinking a woman is attractive is akin to sexual harassment, is taken to mean by David as "Why won't women just let me rape them?". The second article asserts in the first paragraph that the wage gap is real and cites a 2012 "news" article the sources of which are:
- A bunch of dead links
- A study that concludes it has no proof the gender earnings gap can be attributed to sexism in its first paragraph
Gosh, it's almost as if David linked the first article he found on google that agreed with his opinion and took everything it said as gospel truth without checking any of the sources. The third article on the front page right now is an attack on his new arch nemesis Sargon of Akkad, saying him responding to a random EDL protester saying he likes his videos by claiming he doesn't know if they are really the hate group SJWs paint them as is a lie, then trying to prove they are by adding a video of them protesting and a video of an 18 year old EDL member that he found on our EDL article trying to explain his views, with the subtle implication being he must be a dumb racist because he has a silly poor people accent (classist much, David?). He then goes off on a tangent about how Sargon exposed him in a previous video as lying about social justice departments in schools not being real (Sargon never mentioned him, this is just David's own guilt shining through) by saying he didn't know they were real (funny, a moment ago not knowing something was the same as lying). The article ends with him accusing Sargon of hating trannys because he quoted a paediatrician that one propaganda site with a news-ish sounding name quoted another propaganda site with a science-ish sounding name in saying he's not a real paediatrician.
To be extra clear, unlike David, there was no need for us to quote mine him. These are literally the three most recent articles he wrote. These sum up WHTM pretty adequately: out of context quote mining of random fanatics to prove accusations of guilt by association and guilt by association with the guilty by association of people David has a personal vendetta against, supported by disreputable sources, disreputable sources quoting other disreputable sources, no sources at all and outright lies, all in the service of creating a moral panic to incite his readers to attack those he dislikes, followed by double standard special pleading when he or feminists in general do what he accuses MRAs of doing to him or others.
As for the tone of the articles, that usually depends on how things are going in relation to what he's talking about and goes as such:
Stupid anti-feminist initiative that is obviously doomed to fail is initiated: David smugly (but rightly) mocks it.
Stupid anti-feminist initiative that is obviously doomed to fail fails: David does a celebratory victory lap fap, excited over something that amounts to taking candy from a baby with downs syndrome.
Stupid anti-feminist initiative seems to be gaining traction: David nervously attempts to convince his readers, but mostly himself, that there is no chance of it succeeding.
A blow is struck against feminism: David desperately attempts to convince his readers, but (again) mostly himself, that this is either meaningless or will soon be overturned.
Massive blow is struck against feminism: All forced pretences of superiority are dropped as Futrelle devolves into angry rants and pre-K level insult hurling.
E-begging (using Elliot Rodger and a plane crash)
But what would a faux-outrage blog be without a transparent attempt to profit? As David doesn't have anything even resembling a real job, he is reduced to some of the most pathetic internet panhandling seen online, constantly pleading with his readership for more handouts so that he doesn't have to go out and look for work. In fact, after Elliot Rodger did the right thing, Fatrelle didn't even fucking wait until the bodies were cold before using the tragedy to beg for money. And when a plane was hijacked and crashed, killing 150 people and two babies, David did it again, blaming the plane crash on MRAs.
The Community
Since Futrelle is hated by everyone from the far-right MRA's he obsesses over to anyone that doesn't occupy the outermost left of the political spectrum on one side for being a crazy, dishonest hypocrite, and besieged by those same SJWs he aims to please on the other for being a white guy that doesn't want to suck a dick or chop off his own dick, this leaves his options for a reading audience confined to a small group of obsessive sycophants who have haled up in his comment section and turned it into something akin to a circlejerk in a mental asylum.
Sexual deviants with rape fetishes
The first prominent group you will find on David's comment section are people who want to rape women, not because they're misogynists, but because they're feminists.
While the WHTM code of conduct says Futrelle will ban any "crazy" people who voice violent, anti feminist views on his site, he lets it slide when members of his own fanbase expose the fact that they are sadistic paedophiles who fantasize about crucifying women and like to read and even draw torture hentai. This constantly leads to hilarity as his fanbase struggle to justify his and their own paedophilia while condemning MRAs for supposedly liking jailbait, and when they begin to argue amongst themselves about whether or not their own Elliot Rodger-esq fantasies about raping and torturing women makes them bad feminists.
Considering David once wrote a book review about torture where he projects his own fetishes onto the author claiming she must get off on it, one can see why these people gravitate towards him.
Actual genocide advocating radfems
Back in 2011, some guy calling himself AgentOrange, infiltrated a secret RadFem forum and took screencaps of the things they talk about which he then published. The caps contained posts of them talking about killing, torturing and genocideing the entire male population. When this was made public, who but David Futrelle jumped to their defence, claiming all of these pictures were taken out of context. David was quick to recognize this tactic since it accounts for 90% of the content on his blog, but failed to mention that the context was fully visible, as someone soon demonstrated just to prove Futrelle is lying.
This time, David's pathetic obfuscation can be attributed to more than just his tribalistic instinct to refuse admitting feminists can do wrong. No, this time it was personal. as it turns out, high profile figures on the exposed site not only read and comment on David's blog, but even run their own creepy MRA stalking sites where they regularly quote Futrelle.
This relationship is mutually beneficial because, just as David defends crazy feminazis, the feminazis defend him right back by doxing and threatening to murder his opposition. Which leads us to our next section...
Stalking sociopaths
David is no stranger to threats of violence (making, not receiving). From his implicit threats against Jaye, to his incitement of violence against Roosh V, and generally with his blogs hysterical tone that seems to try to convince his readers that the MRA's are going to kill them if they don't get them first.
It's no wonder that with his constant "I'm not saying we should kill MGTOW, but it sure would be nice if they were dead" articles, and with a readership consisting of feminists and perverts who both share violent fantasies, it was only a matter of time before his readers started getting the hint and taking matters into their own hands.
Escalating from their usual anonymous threats of violence, David's readers doxed one of his female critics as he flaccidly condemned their actions, trying to hide his glee. As previously hinted, one of the doxers was none other than one of those same genocidal radfems he was previously covering for, and the second one was a regular on his comment section who, in so many words, threatened to either get his critic's husband fired or kill her children. However, feminists are as incompetent as they are stupid, so not only were the dox wrong, the second woman forgot to mask her own identity and was herself doxed by her victim.
But they weren't done embarrassing themselves yet, because next they decided to threaten the children of one of the writers of AVFM, whom David has spent the past few years painting as serial killers. Naturally, this lead to one of David's followers posting this person's information on twitter with an implicit threat that he will kill his daughter if he doesn't apologize to David for "Quote mining" him (note that every single article on WHTM can be described as quote mining).
Use scrollbar to see the full image
The writer refused and Futrelle offered another reluctant denouncement before unironically continuing to write articles about how thunderf00t is guilty for Anita Sarkeesian getting death threats because his criticism of her is too inflammatory and his fans too crazy.
Is David Futrelle Just Like Luka Magnotta?
The answer Is Yes
Both of these sick fucks have an unhealthy obsession with cats. Neither has been with a woman. Looking at the picture below it is quite clear that David has a lot of victims buried under the floor in his mom's basement.
David only has one set of clothes
See Also
- The Sarkeesian Effect - Hates them
- Thunderf00t - Hates him
- RooshV - Hates him
- MRA - Hates them
- GamerGate - Reeeeeally hates them
- SJW - Hate him
- Amy Schumer - Would smash
- Anita Sarkeesian - Would smash like the patriarchy
- A man in black - His twin
- Salon - Wrote for them
- Pedophilia apologia
- Sarah Butts - Fellow pedo sjw
- Alison Rapp - Fellow pedo sjw
- Lena Dunham - Fellow pedo sjw
- Todd Everett Nickerson - Fellow pedo sjw from Salon
- Fat
- Mangina
- White Knight
- Fedora
- Neckbeard
- Moviebob
- Jezebel
- TheMarySue
- Buzzfeed
External Links
- Theantifeminist.com - has a lot of stories on David
- Janet Bloomfield has a lot of dirt on David as well
- another blog with some choice words for Futrelle
- And another one
- One more
- Yet another
- Last one
- David's Blog about cats
- Cult of the Demagogue - Mock blog that demolishes David
- Fact checking David Futrelle - Blog post going into detail about Futrelle's habit of misleading quote mining devoid of context
- Peak retardation - David either mistakes or tries to pass off a parody article on "A Voice For Men" as real when it was actually paraphrasing something written on Jezebel
- David discredits something as a hoax, believing feminist can't be that crazy. Only to be proven wrong
- Tumblr feminist attacking Futrelle for his "Male Privilege" when he denies that the Cotton Ceiling is real
- "Men being raped isn't really rape" - David Futrelle
- Dick sucking TV Tropes article in need of some editing
- WHTM is so bad it's indistinguishable from an Encyclopedia Dramatica article with all the swear words taken out
- An accurate video parody of David
- Article David wrote that is batshit-fucking-insane
- Article David wrote praising a web-radio that hosted porn webmasters
David Futrelle is part of a series on Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage. |
Featured article May 14 & 15, 2016 | ||
Preceded by GradeAUnderA | David Futrelle | Succeeded by Vordrak |