  1. 3 時間前

    CMで移民を取り上げたバドワイザーに対し、ボイコットを呼びかけるトランプ指示者のタグ が米国Twitterトレンドの一位になっている…。ちなみにバドワイザーの綴りが間違っています。

  2. 6 時間前


  3. 1 時間前

    Pubst Blue Ribbonでも飲むか。安くて旨いし。

  4. 2 時間前

    Hey , why'd you delete this tweet? Don't worry, I saved it for you. You're welcome..

  5. 3 時間前

    is trending... Trump supporters boycotting something they can't spell should be all the you need

  6. 2 分前

    John Yoo Truly Inappropriate Trump Photo Gone Viral

  7. 3 分前

    Even Frederick Douglass, survivor of the knows how to spell, more and more, I notice.

  8. 3 分前

    John Yoo Muslim Comedian Sat Beside Trump's Son On The Plane And This Is What He Experienced

  9. 8 分前

    Ah gots me uh gr8 ideeyuh, Cleetus! Instayed of , mebee wee shud boykot eelitturessy? Jus sayin'.

  10. 11 分前

    Trump voters misspelling Budweiser is all the evidence I need for why DeVos is a poor choice.

  11. 19 分前

    BOYCOTT ATTEMPTS BY TRUMPSTERS Hamilton: show sold out for a yr Starbucks: bought what they were boycotting : wrong name

  12. 21 分前

    Spelling Matters ... , a very good reason to reject Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education.

  13. 26 分前

    That's it! Time to ! From now on, I only drink Budweiser!

  14. 34 分前

    Liberals march for justice and the right calls them snowflakes. Yet is trending because a commercial hurt their feelings.

  15. 40 分前

    So.... OR ? I'm conflicted as to which one I should boycott! Tell me what to do, oh weise Trump supporters!

  16. 44 分前

    When liberals boycotted Ivanka and Uber, we won. When conservatives or Starbucks the world laughs and nothing changes 😂😂😂

  17. 44 分前

    What is a Budwiser though? Spell-check before y'all try to start a boycott, please?! Dumb...

  18. 45 分前

    When they can't even spell right.

  19. 48 分前

    I'm so sick of this and immigration BS, unless you're 100% Native American you didn't start out in America either honey....

  20. 48 分前

    The incorrect spelling of this hashtag, brought to you by Besty DeVoss. Nobody knows stupid like Betsy.

