Question for fellow MGTOWs:
If we are being honest, there has to be a CHANCE (however small) there are NAWALTs out in the real world. To some degree it can be argued AWALT, but they come wrapped in different variations or manifestations. My question is a concern regarding our own confirmation bias or having selective perception; I am wondering if the way the world appears is only this way because we have chosen to see it using red pill glasses. Does the world truly have a red-tint to it? Or does TRP / MGTOW suffer from a cognitive bias? After taking the red pill and going through rage phases, just have to pose the hypothetical if this truly is the world we live in (regarding women.) In other words: I am open to the possibility of being wrong, even though I've seen TRP in relationships.
Any fellow MGTOWs have thoughts on selective perception or confirmation bias? Do we simply confirm our own beliefs? From a financial and emotional investment standpoint relationships are definitely dangerous; however, all things of profit have risk (business, for example.) My question is open ended but I am really just wondering if others have considered bias as part of the equation. In some ways MGTOW makes relationships a very black and white picture.
Sort of just looking for others to chime in on this topic.
[–]Mojo_666 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]chasingsnow 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)