@ACNewman @bridger_w We know that Koch Bros paid for Tea-party buses back in the day.
@ACNewman@TaraAriano It's GOTTA BE, right? -
@ACNewman Aka, he who smelled it dealt it. -
@SpencerGraf@ACNewman as the Good Book says
@ACNewman No seriously. They DO. They paid for the Tea Party protestors for sure. -
@starfishncoffee@ACNewman That is utter bull poop. -
@starfishncoffee@ACNewman LOL you're projecting. Got any evidence? -
@caldodge They're open about it. Why are you defending a fake conservative? http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php/Tea_Party …
@ACNewman@LostCatDog are your direct deposits not hitting? I just bought a new car from standing at the airport for four hours yesterday -
@ACNewman Trump pays for supporters to always be at his appearances, and to applaud on cue -
@PetePhantom@ACNewman Hey, look: another brainwashed Trumpette with some more right-wing conspiracy theories! -
@YgageG Quick skim suggests he's just a typical hateful tcot wannabe.