Free Minds & Free Markets

NYU Prof Screams at the NYPD Because They Didn’t Beat Up ‘Nazi’ Gavin McInnes

'It’s not up to these students to kick the ass of a neo-nazi! They don’t have to raise their fist! They were taught to be peaceful! Fuck you!'

ProfDogmatic00 / YoutubeBlack bloc "anti-fascists" attacked right-wing media figure Gavin McInnes outside a New York University building on Thursday night.

McInnes was there to give a talk to students, but was incessantly interrupted by hecklers. Afterward, masked black bloc protesters assaulted the controversial former Fox News personality and sprayed him with mace. Eleven people were eventually arrested.

"I saw Gavin McInnes and I wanted to punch him in the fucking face, but he got away," said one protester.

Meanwhile, a New York University professor screamed at the police for not engaging in violence against McInnes and his followers (the so-called "Proud Boys"). Her tirade was captured on video. Watch below, starting at the 10:20 mark:

"You are fucking assholes!" the professor shouted at the New York Police Department (NYPD). "You're protecting the Nazis!"

The NYPD had arrived on the scene to prevent violence and escort McInnes out of the building safely. But the professor seemed to think the cops' job was to shut down a speaker she didn't like—by engaging in explicit violence against him.

"You should kick their ass!" the professor declared, referring to McInnes and his entourage. "You should!"

Note that the professor—a dead ringer for Melissa Click, by the way—considered violence to be beneath her and her owns students.

"These are kids who are trying to learn about humanity!" she said. "They're trying to learn about human rights and against racism and xenophobia, and LGBTQ rights, and you're letting these fucking neo-nazis near here! It's not up to these students to kick the ass of a neo-nazi! They don't have to raise their fist! They were taught to be peaceful! Fuck you!"

So according to the professor, it's college students' job to contemplate humanity and practice tolerance, and it's the cops' job to beat up people with whom the left disagrees. That's a remarkably hypocritical, and indeed, shortsighted view of the role of the police in a free society. If we give cops the right to violently censor unpopular views, leftists' speech will be in just as much jeopardy as McInnes's. The police already engage in far too much violence against people—people of color, in particular—and we should be pleased when they show restraint.

This far-left view that violence is a great way to battle Trump-ism has little basis in reality, according to social science research. When violent agitators sucker punch Richard Spencer, Spencer—a repulsive human being—gains sympathy points. When they shout down McInnes and attack him, McInnes gets free media and the public recoils in horror. When they set Berkeley on fire and stop Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking, Yiannopoulos sells more books.

As I argue in my latest column for The Daily Beast, Steve Bannon and President Trump are the biggest beneficiaries of mob violence:

Some may say that desperate times—the election of Trump—call for desperate measures, even though those measures have often failed in the past. I would ask them to take a mental picture of Nixon gleefully learning about the increased violence on college campuses, and then replace Nixon with Trump, who has just learned from Bannon that anti-Yiannopoulos protesters resorted to violence to shut him down.

Would Bannon and Trump be saddened to learn this news? Or would they see it as an opportunity?

Oh, by the way, here's what Trump tweeted at 6:13 a.m. Thursday morning:

"If U.C. Berkeley does not allow free speech and practices violence on innocent people with a different point of view - NO FEDERAL FUNDS?"

Quite the mystery, huh?

Since I wrote that, Trump has weighed in again:

McInnes, it should be noted, routinely says obnoxious things that deserve criticism. He's something of a Diet Milo. But the sort of anti-fascist violence—a contradiction if ever there was one—on display last night will be seen as legitimizing whatever law-and-order based repression the Trump administration plans to foist upon American citizens.

Photo Credit: Dogmatic00 / Youtube

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  • Fist of Etiquette||

    "I saw Gavin McInnes and I wanted to punch him in the fucking face, but he got away," said one protester.

    McInnes seems like the kind of guy just drunk enough to punch back.

  • Crusty Juggler - #2||

    He did outside the "Deploraball," although that may have been a set-up. Also, he punches like a lady.

  • ||

    These idiots are the classic 'I want to punch him' fake toughies who, after getting a real beating, cry like babies screaming how 'unfair' it is.

    Seen it a million times where they provoke someone, get clocked and then have the audacity and gall to lash out as if they're the victim.

  • Michael||

    I'm going to admit that I have no idea who Richard Spencer is. What does he do that I should care about?

  • Grand Moff Serious Man||

    He's just some white supremacist asshole that's getting far more attention from these morons than he deserves.

  • Fist of Etiquette||

    Well, he is a presidential advisor.

  • Butts Wagner||

    Is this what you are thinking of?

  • Inigo Montoya||

    He's a British TV presenter and longtime host of "The Family Feud" game show. He also had a role in the movie "The Running Man" in which Arnold promised to punch a fist right through Richard's stomach and tear out his spine.

    Good times...

  • Grand Moff Serious Man||

    Oh yeah, he used to kiss all the women on Family Feud too. Can you say rape culture?!

  • Tankboy||

    Nope, that was Richard Dawson.

  • Swiss Servator||


  • SIV||

    Note that the professor—a dead ringer for Melissa Click

    Today we're living in Second Variety

  • SparktheRevolt||

    Is that the triggered lady?

  • Basketball Uber Alles, Jr.||

    McInnes, it should be noted, routinely says obnoxious things that deserve criticism. He's something of a Diet Milo.

    "I mean, if you must beat someone to a pulp, McInnes is an acceptable target. But violence is wrong, even against guys like him."

  • Basketball Uber Alles, Jr.||

    I blame the alt-right for my missing italics.

  • jcw||

    Are these fake quotations? Are you quoting your paraphrase of a sentence that you cited to? What is going on here.

  • Basketball Uber Alles, Jr.||

    The part not in quotes is from Robby's piece, and I was supposed to put it in italics.

    The part in quotes is my contribution, mockingly building on Robby's logic.

  • Griffin3||

    You keep using those quotation marks, I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

  • Basketball Uber Alles, Jr.||

    When I (and many other people here) quote something from the post, I use italics. I failed to in this case.

  • Agile Cyborg||

    According to the beating continuum and its correlated levels of spewed fuckery:

    If McInnes requires a swift jab to the eyes based on his mouth foam then Silverman requires an arm ripped off and beat deeply about the sphincter.

  • Drake||

    Why should this be "noted"? Seriously?

  • Fist of Etiquette||

    You might mistakenly think he didn't kind of deserve it.

  • Fire Shikha||

    She advocated on Twitter for a military overthrow of the government to save American from 'fascism'.

    I know that are just so many stupid things about that statement, but she said it in a super 'woke' way, so it was all good

  • Fire Shikha||

    Pretty soon we'll start hearing Robby say 'it should be noted that Julie Borowski or Justin Raimondo or John Stossel (who has been targeted by the Left in the past) or whoever say terrible things and should be condemned'.

  • Ranter||

    Bigger question - When the police finally get around to pummeling the living shit out of these fascist, black-bloc assholes, will there be ANY sympathy for them from the general public?

    Did cops suddenly forget how to administer a beatdown or work a taser on these jackoffs?

  • ||

    I hate to be a little tin-foil hat-y here but, it is possible that de Blasio directed police to not intervene or otherwise directed them not to engage.

  • ||

    The problem is that it's like beating up on little retards.

  • Fire Shikha||

    Rich kids always avoid beatings and let's not kid ourselves these 'black-bloc assholes' are rich kids who are playing 'revolutionary'. Radical chic is a disease among Leftists

  • Fist of Etiquette||

    Note that the professor—a dead ringer for Melissa Click, by the way—considered violence to be beneath her and her owns students.

    Yeah, at least Che lined a few of them up against the wall himself.

  • SparktheRevolt||

    Ironically, they probably get most of their news from Vice.

  • GILMORE™||

    I bet they have no idea that he co-founded it

  • SparktheRevolt||

    Gotta love the "enlightened" one at 4:18.

  • sarcasmic||

    She was expressing tolerance. After all, tolerance means not tolerating intolerance.

  • jcw||

    I constantly bring up this point with friends and they just can't connect the dots and understand the contradiction.

  • Jerryskids||

    This far-left view that violence is a great way to battle Trump-ism has little basis in reality, according to social science research.

    No, just no. It's a far-left view that their enemies should accept the view that violence doesn't solve anything. Stop listening to what they say and start watching what they do. You seriously believe leftists like Lenin and Stalin and Mao didn't believe violence solved one whole hell of a lot of problems? They preached peaceful coexistence and the brotherhood of man and all that lovey-dovey socialist crap like all get-out, though. Mainly, they thought you should remain calm and peaceful while they come over there and take all your stuff. As long as you don't resist, they're the most pacifist people in the world. They just abhor violence, right up to the point where they stick an ice axe into your skull. Every damn dirty smelly hippie out there chanting about "give peace a chance" knows damn well there ain't no peace like the peace of the grave.

  • Zeb||

    You seriously believe leftists like Lenin and Stalin and Mao didn't believe violence solved one whole hell of a lot of problems?

    I don't see where he says anything like that.

  • Jerryskids||

    You gotta extrapolate.

    "This far-left view that violence is a great way to battle Trump-ism has little basis in reality, according to social science research."

    Saying that the idea that using violence is a good way to solve your problems is a mistaken idea is the same as saying using violence to attempt to solve your problems is a bad idea, isn't it?

    And then when you ascribe this view to the far-left? It's not far left, the first hungry monkey that figured out he could satisfy his hunger by whacking his neighbor on the head with a stick and stealing his food knew violence is a good way to solve problems.

    The first far-left monkey was the one that figured out that if you could convince your neighbor it was wrong to whack people in the head with a stick you could steal his food without having to worry about getting whacked in the head with a stick.

  • Luxferia||

    Hence the far-left's abhorrence of the Second Amendment. Convince the citizenry to disarm itself (or compel the same through legislation) and any meaningful opposition to tyranny becomes all but impossible.

  • ||

    Well said.

  • Adans smith||

    Jerry, the election of Trump has finally caused the progs and Dems to rip of their mask and show their true face. 'Is this what you wanted to see? Now you can never be free'.

  • Kevin Sorbos Manful Locks||

    I'll take "Barrels whence flows political power" for $200.

  • Grand Moff Serious Man||

    They said there would be fascist street violence if Trump won and they were right.

  • sarcasmic||

    I larfed

  • Adans smith||

    'They says you were hung' 'And they were right!'

  • the other Jim||

    "They were Nazis, Dude?"

  • Trolleric the Goth||

    Nihilists, Donny.

  • Fist of Etiquette||

    They're nothing to be afraid of.

  • Citizen X - #6||

    These men are cowards.

  • That's A Bingo!||

    Were they furry Nazis?

  • Agile Cyborg||

    "McInnes, it should be noted, routinely says obnoxious things that deserve criticism."

    Also, McInnes breathes air. So fucking what? That line is goddamn bull splat engineered to pander to parboiled polemists.

  • BigW||

    Its Robby, he equivocates, its what he does....

  • Lee wishes he made the list...||

    Actually I think hes afraid the leftoons will target him next.

  • Zeb||

    Which might not be an unreasonable fear at this point.

  • Chipwooder||

    No, he wants his DC-area friends to keep taking his phone calls. Peer pressure is a helluva thing.

  • ThomasD||

    He's not equivocating. You see those poor, confused, violent people aren't the true face of the left. They are the people, well intentioned though they may be, who give the left a bad name.

    Which is also why actual violence from the left doesn't get nearly the media coverage as anticipated violence from the right. Misreporting those sorts of things might give people the wrong impression.

    Because anticipating getting punched in the nose is so much worse than getting punched in the nose.

  • Password: pode$ta||

    will be seen as legitimizing whatever law-and-order based repression the Trump administration plans to foist upon American citizens.

    Yes. The real shame here isn't the fact there are a bunch of juvenile hero-complex idiots running around in fake ninja outfits and pepper spraying people/breaking shit. The real problem is that they're legitimizing Trump and the repressive regime we all just know he is going to foist on us.

  • Red Rocks Dickin Bimbos||

    You can't have reaction without the initiating action, after all.

    Trump's victory has been something to behold from a social perspective. It's completely caused a good portion of the country to have a full-fledged psychotic break, taking their labeling of anyone who doesn't agree with them as a "Nazi" to it's logical conclusion--that Nazis should be violently resisted.

    In short, if you're not a leftist and you haven't been doing your Warty-approved deadlifts, you're going to be in for a hard time.

  • ThomasD||

    What do you expect from true believers when they watch so many people turn away from the one true path to salvation?

  • Tyler.C Sloopy's mom matters||

    Well to be fair, the repression will be felt by everyone, so in a sense it is worse. No sorry the routing is bad, but if it is used to justify bad police policy, it is now worse.

  • Necron 99||

    This is a head scratcher for me too. Come on Rob, what is this repression Trump is planning on implementing, and us the head of Nixon in a jar in the sub white house helping him make his evil plans?

  • ThomasD||

    +1 Tricky Dicky Screwdriver

  • Tankboy||

    I think it's called preemptive retaliation.

  • Rich||

    "They're trying to learn about human rights and against racism and xenophobia, and LGBTQ rights, and you're letting these fucking neo-nazis near here!"

    So, what's your beef, exactly?

  • Zeb||

    Seems to me that if you want to fight racism and xenophobia, you probably should see what the supposed racists and xenophobes have to say so that you can intelligently counter their arguments.

    But what do I know?

  • Rich||

    Apparently we don't know enough to be admitted to NYU.

  • Not a True MJG||

    Speak for yourself.

  • thom||

    If you want to fight racism and xenophobia, then you should probably be spending a lot of time with racists and xenophobes. Otherwise you're just talking amongst yourselves. Nobody said missionary work is pleasant.

  • Bill Dalasio||

    Yeah, but that's a risky strategy. If you start actually engaging all those racists and xenophobes, you might find out they aren't monsters. Or you might not see, like you can from a distance, what awful racists and xenophobes they are. Or worse, you might start hearing arguments from them that you don't have an easy response to.

  • Not a True MJG||

    They would be exposed to bad think and might actually be persuaded by it. She has a very low opinion of her students.

  • Bra Ket||

    I would ask them to take a mental picture of Nixon gleefully learning about the increased violence on college campuses, and then replace Nixon with Trump, who has just learned from Bannon that anti-Yiannopoulos protesters resorted to violence to shut him down.

    Would Bannon and Trump be saddened to learn this news? Or would they see it as an opportunity?

    Both. Just like Obama and school shootings. Are you not familiar with this group of people known as "politicians"

    It isn't necessarily the cartoon stereotype of evil you imply, if they believe the agenda they are "exploiting" the story for is a good result that would make something positive out of a negative event.

  • Mickey Rat||

    If you advocate police violence against against a speaker because you think he is a fascist... just might be the fascist.

  • SparktheRevolt||


  • John||

    We can all debate the meaning of fascism, but the use of police forces for the purpose of inflicting violence on your political opponents meets any reasonable definition of it.

  • Zeb||


    They aren't entirely fascists ideologically. But they sure seem to be employing their tactics more and more.

  • BigW||

    Shit, and they even routinely break storefront windows....

  • John||

    Like I say below, what you call it is besides the point.

  • Tyler.C Sloopy's mom matters||

    In fact it would be better to call it something tired to progressivism, so that it's harder for these shitstains to outrun their actions.

  • Bill Dalasio||

    In fact it would be better to call it something tired to progressivism...

    Like fascism?

  • Bill Dalasio||

    Aren't they?

    Want to bet any one of them will say that your rights are whatever the state says they are?

    Want to bet that they almost universally believe that private property can only exist in the context of it being used on behalf of society's directives?

    Want to bet that you'd find they massively support the enforcement of social conformity (in their image, of course)?

    Where do their views differ from actual fascists?

  • Zeb||

    You are at least engaging in fascist/Nazi type tactics.

    I think it's foolish to label anyone in contemporary American politics "fascist" or "nazi", but certain groups are definitely displaying some close similarities to some fascist tactics and beliefs. Mostly on the far-left.

  • John||

    Whatever word you use to describe it is as you point out besides the point. The bottom line is these groups are engaged in systematic political violence for the purpose of depriving their political opponents of a right to assemble and speak. And that is about direct of an assault on our freedom and security as there can be.

  • Mickey Rat||

    They are coming off as a more troubling phenomenon to me then the people they are labeling "fascist".

  • Zeb||

    Yes. I'm not wild about Trump's trade policies or getting involved with the decisions of private businesses. But this is much more distressing.

  • Bill Dalasio||

    I think it's foolish to label anyone in contemporary American politics "fascist" or "nazi",

    Nazi? Almost certainly. But fascist? I'm not so sure. I'd be willing to bet that, if you took out the obvious historical references, you'd find a pretty wide swath of the public who would gladly sign off on fascism. If you were to not let peopl know that what you were advocating was fascism and simply asked them if they supported a massive government intervention in the economy to ensure social solidarity coupled with social interventions to encourage social harmony within the auspices of the state, you'd find the program would have a huge number of takers.

    Just remember, one of the bigger Broadway hits of the last 30 years was about a glamorous fascist.

  • silent v||

    Thank you, Jeff Foxnewsworthy

  • SparktheRevolt||

    NAZI=Anyone who doesn't agree with liberal views.

    George W. Bush was Hilter
    Mitt Romney was Hitler

  • ||

    Mitt Romney, allegedly has a swastika on his left butt cheek, the squishy positions on everything and sensible shoes are all a ruse. Behind those beady eyes beats the heart of a new Himmler.

  • Citizen X - #6||

    He abstains from coffee only because he finds the blood of Untermench children to be a far more stimulating beverage.

  • John||

    It doesn't "discredit their cause". It shows their cause for what it is. If Neo Nazi skinheads showed up at a black civil rights march and started beating people up, the proper response would not be "don't you understand how much this discredits the Neo Nazi cause when you do this?". The proper response would be "Neo Nazis are violent assholes and their cause is horrible and must be stopped.

    Its the same thing here. What exactly is the cause here that is being discredited? Totalitarian leftism is their cause. And if in fact these actions discredit that cause, that is a good thing. And whatever it does, their actions are an expression of who they are and the nature of their cause Robby. They are not just well meaning people trying to do the right thing but going overboard and choosing the wrong methods anymore than the NeoNazi skinheads in my hypothetical are.

  • ThomasD||

    If Neo Nazi skinheads showed up at a black civil rights march and started beating people up I would not be surprised to see them shot dead by law enforcement and utter silence from the "concerned about excessive force contingent."

    Not coincidentally I think this is why those asshats never get too violent.

  • John||

    That and there just isn't enough of them. Just how much street violence can you engage in with ten guys?

    Yes, I think they would get shot. And the fact that they would and these assholes are allowed to run wild in many cases, is a real problem.

  • John||

    Enough with all of this throat clearing and equivocation. I don't care if Milo or this guy says things you don't like or that I don't like. Neither of them to my knowledge have ever engaged in violence or advocated that others engage in violence. So every time you talk about these incidents and caveat it with the "but understand these guys say horrible things, you imply that that fact, assuming it is a fact, is relevant to the discussion. it is not. It is no more relevant to the discussion that the fact that a rape victim liked casual sex. One can in no way justify the other and to talk about the two in the same context wrongfully implies it does.

  • Password: pode$ta||

  • John||

    No they don't lash out at their critics with just as much illiberal fervor. When have any Milo supporters ever shown up at a Progressive gathering and started assaulting people? Never that I can remember.

    Robby's move seems to be smarmy false equivalence.

  • Shinin' Pete||

    I hope these antifa types keep it up. At some point Trump will have the public support to send in the National Guard, guns ablazin'. No sympathy here at all.

  • John||

    He needs to send in DOJ and familiarize the Antifa people with a little statute we like to call RICO. These things are a perfect candidate for a RICO prosecution. What are they if not an interstate criminal conspiracy? There are leaders behind all of this. And they are not out beating people up. They are organizing and enabling people to do that. And they no doubt think that makes them immune from the law. It doesn't.

  • Wolf 359||

    It's never RICO

  • ThomasD||

    This. Follow the money.

  • Rich||

  • Fist of Etiquette||

    Conservative students are frequently censored by public university administrations for even mundane kinds of [expression] (i.e., handing out copies of the Constitution), and bringing Yiannopoulos to campus is a form of revenge.

    Those groups deserve criticism, too. It can't be too hard to find a conservative speaker who would gleefully trigger delicate campus liberals while also adding something of substance to the debate.

    Oh, Robby. Robby, Robby, Robby.

  • Rich||

    Wait. Are you saying *Robby* is such a conservative speaker?

  • John||

    Those groups deserve criticism, too. It can't be too hard to find a conservative speaker who would gleefully trigger delicate campus liberals while also adding something of substance to the debate.

    let me try what Robby is doing here

    These women deserve criticism too. It can't be too hard to refrain from wearing revealing clothing and throwing yourself at any man you meet

    Because Robby doesn't like these people and doesn't think they add "substance" to the debate, whatever that is, that somehow mitigates the violence taken in response. And don't tell me that isn't what he is implying here. What relevance does any criticism of the speaker and the group that invited him have here if not as a way to mitigate the crimes of their opponents?

  • Basketball Uber Alles, Jr.||

    Charlie Hebdo deserves criticism, too. It can't be too hard to write critically of Islam while also maintaining a respectful tone.

    Michael Vick's dogs deserve criticism, too. It can't be too hard to engage in vigorous combat while not resorting to brutal maiming tactics.

    This is fun!

  • John||

    Sharon Tate deserved criticism too. It can't be too hard to have a dinner party without doing it in a house that was once owned by a music producer who turned down a psychopathic killer cult leader.

    The jokes practically write themselves.

  • Crusty Juggler - #2||

    Seriously people, Proud Boys? I assume is going to turn heel on his followers, right? "You fell for it!"

  • John||

    You can cut the homosexual tension in that name with a knife. NTTAWWT

  • Citizen X - #6||

    Seriously. There's less homo-sexual tension in this video.

  • Grand Moff Serious Man||

    Maybe these people should consider that millions of Americans would have no idea who Milo, Spencer and McInnes are if they didn't turn their pitiful little forums into something out of 1920s Munich that's guaranteed to get excessive news coverage.

    The only context I hear about these alt-right jackasses is in write-ups about violent at their events.

  • Rich||

    One thing I'd like to know: How do the "protestors" write their activities into their resumes?

  • ||

    Its UC Berkeley, they probably get credit hours.

  • Rich||

    "I spent Thursday night community organizing."

  • John||

    That is all I ever hear as well. I honestly had never heard of this guy until this morning. But again, whether this helps or hurts the cause of the people doing the violence is besides the point. The point is that these people are violent assholes who are engaged in a direct assault on our freedom. It doesn't matter who they are attacking because if they are allowed to get away with it, they won't stop there and eventually will be attacking anyone who doesn't buy into their grotesque ideology.

    Think of it this way. The Nazi SA spent most of its time in the 20s beating up Soviet backed Communists. The fact that the people they were beating up were in many cases just as evil as they were, didn't mitigate how bad or how much of a threat the Nazis were. Same thing here. No matter what you believe about this guy or Milo, neither of them are violent and even if they were, that wouldn't make these people any better or less of a threat.

  • Fire Dalmia (DoM5k)||

    I have no real opinion on Milo (haven't actually heard/read anything he has said/written, only summaries from Rico) and have never even heard of this McInnis guy or his not-so-ambiguously gay pride fanboys, but the only thing I've concluded from the last 48 hours is that certain segments of the Left are becoming an increasingly dangerous threat to society and much of the MSM tacitly approves of their terrorist actions.

  • John||

    Like someone says above, keep letting them get away with this shit and they will be doing it to Julie Borowski or Robby Soave. Robby seems to operate under the mistaken assumption that there is something special about Milo or this guy that "triggers" these assholes. No. They are just violent assholes who will attack anyone they view as an opponent.

  • Basketball Uber Alles, Jr.||

    Like someone says above, keep letting them get away with this shit and they will be doing it to Julie Borowski or Robby Soave.

    Robby might change his tune if he's on the receiving end of this stuff. But if this happens to Julie Borowski, he'll find something vile or reprehensible or loathsome about her message. Oh, but violence is still wrong, let's not forget.

  • John||

    If it happens to Borowski, I might have to join some counter group and start knocking heads. Julie is adorable. Fascism is one thing, kicking around adorable young women Julia is going too far.

  • Fire Shikha||

    Nobody puts Julie in a corner.

  • Fire Dalmia (DoM5k)||

    If it happens to Borowski, I might have to join some counter group and start knocking heads. Julie is adorable. Fascism is one thing, kicking around adorable young women Julia is going too far.

    Agreed. That would be taking things way too far.

  • ThomasD||

    I've had a touch of doubts that at least some of the opposition to Milo was being orchestrated by him in order to boost his profile. Because I see him as nothing more than a Glenn Beck variant - ie. a complete and total huckster.

    The other people I do not know, but since the election a clear pattern is emerging, and it would appear to be the same tactics no matter who the speaker.

  • ||

    I watched a video that made an interesting point. This sort of thing is going to do two things, first, it will Striesand the hell out of Milo, McInnes and their ilk, second it will legitimize and justify any future violent actions taken on the part of, you know, actual Nazis and Stormfronters.

  • Lee wishes he made the list...||

    second it will legitimize and justify any future violent actions taken on the part of, you know, actual Nazis and Stormfronters.

    The leftists are going to beat them to the punch.

  • ||

    Maybe, but if the types of people that they are decrying apply their logic, it is not going to be good.

  • Lee wishes he made the list...||

    You are correct.

  • ThomasD||

    The left has a long history of creating martyrs. Usually by escalating violence to the point where others respond in kind, then they claim victimhood.

    Doesn't matter if it's the Beer Hall Putsch or Kent State, the left always wants a blood flag for waving.

  • Zeb||

    it will legitimize and justify any future violent actions taken on the part of, you know, actual Nazis and Stormfronters

    Can you elaborate? I certainly wouldn't say that. And I like to think that most people who aren't insane leftists or white supremacists would also disagree.

  • John||

    It doesn't legitimize it. It could and will if things get bad enough, justify it in the minds of such people. It also can if it becomes endemic enough drive people towards those groups. If your choices are get the shit beat out of you by the mob while people like Soave look on disturbed but doing nothing, conform, or join up with people like Stormfront, Stormfront starts too look a lot more attractive than it would normally look to a lot of people.

  • Rebel Scum||

    "'re letting these fucking neo-nazis near here! It's not up to these students to kick the ass of a neo-nazi! They don't have to raise their fist! They were taught to be peaceful! Fuck you!"

    Um...I don't think words mean what she thinks they mean...

    Who's the neo-nazi in this scenario? The one trying to give a speech, or the one trying to silence said speech and advocate violence as a tactic to accomplish silencing said speech. Also, "taught to be peaceful"? B.s. By my observation lefties have the true propensity for violence because they believe the ends justify the means.

  • ||

    Soziale Gerechtigkeit, uber alles.

  • Lee wishes he made the list...||

    In a rational world, NYU would have fired that prof before it even hit the papers.

  • John||

    Its a good thing that prog doesn't live up to the stereotype of the homely dykish feminists or anything. Apparently, leftist professor is just not something the pretty girls do.

  • Slammer||

    I hate to say it. If it came down to violence between actual Neo-Nazis and the mewling NYU cell-phone brigade, the Neo Nazis will win.

  • Lee wishes he made the list...||

    Don't underestimate the leftists. They have co-opted just about every bureaucratic agency. Their intention is clear, which is to use the apparatus of the state to destroy the opposition.

  • ||

    I don't think the black-bloc flavor of leftist thinks much beyond, "I am mad that I did not get my way. I am going to go smash shit."

  • Lee wishes he made the list...||

    No, but the garden variety of die-hard Democrat does. And they're more than willing to allow/abet the extremists in order to facilitate the desired outcome.

  • ||

    Good point.

  • Fire Shikha||

    They're attacking people who aren't even neo Nazis, because they know real Nazis will punch back.

  • ||

    I was thinking that as well. I am not sure that they have done the tactical math on that. The sorts of people they are egging on tend to be much better armed, at the very least.

  • Drake||

    The cops really need to start taking this stuff seriously or it will escalate.

    Guys like Milo and McInnes are popular enough that they could say something on a show and have hundreds of their hard core supporters at an event and ready to fight. Then you have a mob war on your hands.

    It will happen if the authorities don't start cracking down on the violence now.

  • John||

    The cops at the Inauguration did. They arrested over 200 people and all of them are going to be charged in federal court with felony rioting. Whatever happens going forward, I bet you don't see many riots near the White House or at events the President attends. The Secret Service and the Feds don't play around like campus cops do.

  • Drake||

    Letting them run free and attack people anywhere is dangerous. This is how civil wars get started. There are some on the radical right who think they want a civil war but I don't think they will like it when they push average people far enough to get their rifles out of the attic to put them down.

  • John||

    It totally is. Someone mentions above about how eventually the Neo Nazis really are going to show up and kick these snowflakes ass. That is probably true and not a good thing. As much as I would enjoy watching these assholes get beat like seal pups with pool cues, the outbreak of no kidding political violence would be a tragedy and not something anyone should want.

  • Drake||

    Meant to type radical left.

  • ThomasD||

    "The Secret Service and the Feds don't play around like campus cops do."

    They are not wholly owned subsidiaries of the Democratic Party. At least not yet.

  • ThomasD||

    "The Secret Service and the Feds don't play around like campus cops do."

    They are not wholly owned subsidiaries of the Democratic Party. At least not yet.

  • thom||

    The cops really need to start taking this stuff seriously or it will escalate.

    Or they could turn around and walk away, whistling a tune and ignoring the noise behind them?

    Seriously, why are we letting small groups of extremists dominate our civic discussion?

    Let these people have their meaningless battles somewhere and wear each other down, while the rest of us just live our lives.

  • Jake Stone||

    Black bloc anti-fascists attacked right-wing media figure Gavin McInnes outside a New York University building on Thursday night

    That's better.

  • John||

    This is in many ways a slightly more pathetic replay of what went on in the late 60s and early 70s. People forget because the left successfully sent it down the memory hole, but the Vietnam protests, especially the ones on college campuses were not peaceful. They were nasty and violent as hell. People have this idea that Kent State was a bunch of redneck National Guardsman mowing down peaceful college students singing songs and giving away flowers. No. Kent State was at the end of nearly a week of rioting that had damn near burned down the campus. The National Guardsman didn't pull the trigger because they just wanted to shoot some hippies. They pulled the trigger because they were confronted with an angry violent mob that was throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at them. That doesn't necessarily mean they were right to shoot, but we shouldn't forget what they were confronted with.

    The upside of all that was the Vietnam war didn't end and Nixon ended up getting re-elected in a 49 state landslide. So, this might not work out like these assholes think it will.

  • Drake||

    I've read first hand accounts that somebody in the mob at Kent State fired a gun or set off fireworks and that got the shooting started.

  • John||

    It is one of those events that happened so fast and created so much chaos we will never know. But why were they there with rifles locked and loaded in the first place? Because there had been a week long riot by a violent mob is why.

  • Red Rocks Dickin Bimbos||

    The upside of all that was the Vietnam war didn't end and Nixon ended up getting re-elected in a 49 state landslide. So, this might not work out like these assholes think it will

    The sociological landscape is a little different now in that the riots of the late 60s and early 70s contributed to increased suburban/exurbanization. Urban areas and college campuses are almost exclusively Democratic havens that have led to an exponential growth in left-wing activist networks and increasingly insular groupthink. However, these kinds of riots still tend to turn off the normies and motivate them to get to the ballot box and vote, especially for someone that's promising to restore order. So the use of state force becomes temporarily acceptable just to try and settle things down.

    Only this time, the left controls the mass information and cultural institutions but still needs martyrs to push their "underdog" narratives. So these people are going to get increasingly violent and hysterical until Trump or some governor sends out the Guard, some people get shot, and the media will faithfully produce the "Violence in Trump's America" line they've been desperate to push since November, despite the fact it was their own side provoking and causing the violence in the first place.

  • John||

    They controlled the media back then. The media portrayed Kent State as if Nixon himself had pulled the trigger.

    The only difference between today and then is that Trump would win a 39 or 40 state re-election rather than a 49 state landslide. It is hard to see how anyone who voted for Trump in 2016 is going to see this and think they shouldn't vote for him again.

  • Libertarian||

    I think there's a difference between the anti-war riots of the 1960s and today's anti-fascist (sic) riots.

    When the government is using conscription to fight a war, I think targeted violence (against the government, not "society" in general, or even its vocal supporters) can be justified on a case by case basis. But the recent violence re Milos and McInnes is completely different. Those two guys don't have any power with the State and aren't wielding violence themselves, but merely exercising free speech.

  • Libertarian||

    * the war's vocal supporters, that is

  • thom||

    People have this idea that Kent State was a bunch of redneck National Guardsman mowing down peaceful college students singing songs and giving away flowers. No. Kent State was at the end of nearly a week of rioting that had damn near burned down the campus. The National Guardsman didn't pull the trigger because they just wanted to shoot some hippies. They pulled the trigger because they were confronted with an angry violent mob that was throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at them.

    I wrote a term paper in college that defended the National Guard at Kent State arguing essentially this, and my lefty, Berkeley trained history professor gave me an A, conceding that my research was sound. That said, this was before the politicization of everything - doubt I could get away with that today.

  • Crusty Juggler - #2||

    How much is GamerGate to blame for all of this?

  • John||

    Was this guy a part of all that?

  • ||

    I don't know but. Brianna Wu and Zoe Quinn are definitely the victims in all of this.

  • Citizen X - #6||

    It's actually about ethics in protest-coverage journalism.

  • John||

    So you are telling me Robby soft peddles this stuff because he is getting laid with some Antifa chick who is cheating on her boyfriend? I will buy that.

  • Citizen X - #6||

    No one can resist That Hair.

  • mickey456||

    Why do you always assume everyone attacking people and destroying property is from the ethereal black bloc?

    It could be anyone with looking to attack a college republican. And it seems like a decent sized minority of these campuses has expressed a desire to do so.

    It seems like a wild to presumption to assume the attackers are the same old WTO protesters from decades ago.

  • John||

    And the larger left is celebrating this.

    As hard as we are on Soave, he is better on this than pretty much the entire left, who are either silent or are celebrating it.

  • Kehvan||

    black bloc isn't a group, moron... it's a tactic.

    Now pull dildo out of your ass, wake fuck up, and educate yourself --

  • Kehvan||

    What the left wing is doing is far more threatening to the health of the nation than ANYTHING trump has done or proposed to do.

  • Kevin Sorbos Manful Locks||

    Her labored breathing was unsettling enough to make me feel short of breath.

  • Wolf 359||

    Diet Milo?

    Pretty gross Soave.

  • Fire Shikha||

    Wow- McInnes is a 'diet Milo', aye? Tell that to your coworker, Matt Welch, who was on his podcast not too long ago. I'm not a regular listener of McInnes (I heard his podcast, because Welch was on there) or Milo, but pretty soon we'll start hearing you say 'it should be noted that Julie Borowski or Justin Raimondo or Tucker Carlson or whatever say terrible things and should be condemned'.

    Why don't you leave the condemnation to the listener. Your job is to report on the rising tide of the fascist Left and not tell us who should or shouldn't be condemned, buddy.

    Here's hoping Reason's next so we can hear Robbie tell us how John Stossel's opinions should be condemned

  • Tyler.C Sloopy's mom matters||

    He just wants to be like shika

  • simplybe||

    And people pay good money to have their children taught by that ignorant foul mouth poor excuse of human being.

  • Fire Dalmia (DoM5k)||

    McInnes, it should be noted, routinely says obnoxious things that deserve criticism. He's something of a Diet Milo. But the sort of anti-fascist violence—a contradiction if ever there was one—on display last night will be seen as legitimizing whatever law-and-order based repression the Trump administration plans to foist upon American citizens.

    Jeebus, Rico, you really can't stop yourself, can you?

    If it were for Dalmia, you would totally be the worst.

  • ||


    She's quite literally bat shit nuts.

  • Suellington||

    It should be noted that a significant portion of those at the front and center and agitating the loudest at most of the Trump protests and the BLM protests are carrying signs and wearing shirts and logos of RevCom and its Antifacism offshoot. These people are communists Donnie. They have an ideology, the most destructive and bloody one that the world has seen over the past century.

  • John||

    Dumb question, who is McInnes and why does Robby think he is such a Nazi? I honestly have no idea who he is and a google search doesn't reveal him to be anything but a run of the mill Britbart right guy. Am I missing something?

  • ||

    He's Canadian.

  • John||

    Why didn't anyone mention that? That does change the calculus. ;-)

  • Pan Zagloba||

    Here, you can have him reveal dirty secrets of Fox News.

  • RG||

    Fantastic, so the left hates two foreigners, one who is gay.

    They are being trolled to violence.

  • Fire Shikha||

    He's a guy whose podcast Matt Welch was on just two weeks ago. But, now because he has been attacked by the Left he must be condemned.

    Stay tuned for Robby's follow-up: "John Stossel says bad things and should be condemned" when he is next targeted by the fascist Left.

  • Drake||

    He has lots of podcast videos on Youtube. He's kind of a cross between Anthony Cumia and Steve Crowder.

  • Suellington||

    He is a co-founder of Vice and got squeezed out when his views got too right wing for them, which is about the time that Vice started to go very far downhill. He currently writes for Takis and has a series of podcasts.

  • John||

    His view are too far right for "Vice" covers a lot of ground. I am pretty sure Chuck Schumer is too far right for Vice.

  • Suellington||

    He is actually a pretty funny guy. He used to do the "Do's and Dont's" over there that were sometimes brilliant. He has some libertarian tendencies, but I would classify him more towards the paleoconservative. When he was at Vice it had more of a punk vibe, which has been completely turned into a SJW rag.

  • John||

    I have yet to find anything about him from googling him that indicates he is even that far out of the mainstream much less some crazy white supremacists as Soave implies.

  • GILMORE™||

    this got him in trouble with the Robby-crowd

    its so bad, even the publishers won't let you read it anymore, but just go, "OH MY GOD THAT WAS TERRIBLE"

  • Suellington||

    He isn't. Some of his views I disagree with heartily, but casting him as some white supremacist is absolutely ridiculous. For what it is worth, he is married to an American Indian. Lately he ha taken to calling himself a "western chauvinist" which to me is just a reaction to decades of cultural relevance being pushed hard and going from an anthropological theory to mainstream acceptance.

  • ||

    "So according to the professor, it's college students' job to contemplate humanity and practice tolerance, and it's the cops' job to beat up people with whom the left disagrees."

    Just like all the leftists of yore; Nazis, Bolsheviks, Castroists, Chavistas, Maoists, etc., etc. Never change lefties. Never change.

    It would never occur to this moronic bitch that what made Nazis evil were their tactics, tactics identical to her own.

  • Cynical Asshole||

    These people must really want 2 Trump terms. Because this is how you get ants two Trump terms.

  • Suellington||

    Yup, unless he does something fantastically stupid (and yes, of course that is more than possible) he is going to win by a much larger margin than before. The left has gone from tricking crazy and terrible to stark raving mad and sickening.

  • Suellington||


  • Fire Dalmia (DoM5k)||

    I bet that professor's classes are a hoot. Do we have an ID on her yet?

  • Fk Censorship||

    Meanwhile, in Romania, hundreds of thousands of people are protesting corruption for the third day in a row. An emergency executive order by the ruling Social Democratic Party, decriminalizing certain acts of corruption, and providing amnesty to those convicted of corruption was the final straw. The party's president is convicted of election fraud himself (organizing bus transport for people to vote in multiple jurisdictions), and has another pending case case (which would be decriminalized, and the punishment reduced to a fine).
    I am aware of slogans such as #taxationistheft, #lessmarxmoremises, #legalizeit, and even "democracy is when two wolves and a lamb vote on what to have for lunch". Reason -please report on this, it is pretty big news and the libertarian movements are becoming more and more relevant in the country.

  • Voros McCracken||

    I have little to say other than people do not want a country where politically motivated brawling in the streets is a commonplace occurrence. They really don't want that; no one does. We've been fortunate enough to only have to witness that from a far in our lives. It looks a lot less romantic up close and personal.

    Find people from Ireland, South East Asia, parts of Africa or Latin America and ask them what it's like to have this be a regular occurrence in their lives.

    You could argue that at some point it might be your only choice. While true, you damned well better be certain we're at that point before crossing that Rubicon. Because you're inviting something truly awful into your lives (which now is statistically likely to be shorter) in the hopes of preventing something worse.

  • John||

    Hard to say it much better than that Voros. These people create an enormous dilema. Do nothing and they are encouraged and use terror to enforce their will on us. Fight back and you end up with the situation you describe. Once violence starts, it is very hard to stop.

    At this point, the only thing to do is hold the cops to a very high standard. When people do this shit, they need to be arrested and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The feds need to be all over Berkeley and the UC police departments over two nights ago. As far as I know, no one was arrested. And that needs to change.

  • AddictionMyth||


  • Fire Dalmia (DoM5k)||

    No one likes you, Alice.

  • AddictionMyth||


  • ||

    a New York University professor...
    the professor shouted...
    the professor seemed to think...
    the professor declared...
    according to the professor...

    Does using her name get one's name taken off of party invites or did I miss the relevant details?

  • GILMORE™||

    This far-left view that violence is a great way to battle Trump-ism has little basis in reality, according to social science research. When violent agitators sucker punch Richard Spencer, Spencer—a repulsive human being—gains sympathy points. When they shout down McInnes and attack him, McInnes gets free media and the public recoils in horror. When they set Berkeley on fire and stop Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking, Yiannopoulos sells more books.

    Again -

    the issue as Robby posits it isn't that aggression is de-facto wrong, isn't that its merely unwarranted and unjust, isn't that it justifies (and may even demand) violence in response (as we've recently seen)...

    ...its that it fails to achieve the (apparently valid) goals of the people being violent.

    Which just makes you wonder = if it DID achieve those goals, it would apparently be "okay" by Robby?

    We'll just skip the 'birds of a feather' attempt to justify the violence by casting McInness as "Milo-Lite" (who is himself Richard Spenser-lite)....

    ...which, given that Matt Welch appears on (right-wing?) shows alongside McInnes all the time, makes him some 3-degrees of Kevin Bacon removed from Hiter, and an equally valid target according to Robby-logic.

  • Fire Shikha||

    Gee, I wonder why people are leaving the comment section and canceling their subscription?

  • Pan Zagloba||

    Because they are super-racists who hate minorities? And women! Definitely hate women!

    Oddly, McInnes described H&R Commentres, and good thing Robby is working hard to replace them with more reasonable people.

  • Fire Shikha||

    Absolutely. Enjoy your Left libertarianism (all the cocktail parties and none of the principles) and irrelevance- complete and utter irrelevance.

  • amicusets||

    This. x1000

  • Suellington||

    Not only are their tactics wrong, but being communists/socialists, they are actively fighting for evil (and I don't use that word lightly). They should be condemned in the strongest manner possible and from all angles.

  • GILMORE™||

    They should be condemned in the strongest manner possible and from all angles.

    Well as i said - i think the problem here is that this IS Robby's "strongest manner", and its also the ONLY angle he feels comfortable with.

    (given that he uses the exact same utilitarian argument over and over again - e.g. "violence doesn't work!"; as though if it were effective, it would then be justified; otherwise the distinction isn't worth making)

  • mtrueman||

    "But the sort of anti-fascist violence—a contradiction...."

    Not all anti-fascists are pacifists. Using violence works, unfortunately. Why would the left refuse to use a tactic that the state routinely employs?

  • AddictionMyth||

    William "Ryan" Owens vs Alexandre Bissonnette - compare and contrast:

  • Bearded Spock||

    "That's a remarkably hypocritical, and indeed, shortsighted view of the role of the police in a free society"

    Actually, that's precisely the role the Left wants the police to take. I'm just surprised she was so open about it.

  • Chipwooder||

    Whenever this kind of shit happens at colleges, remember something: Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, and Kathy Boudin were all faculty members at prestigious universities.

  • amicusets||

    When did Reason become diet leftism?


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