Agree but NEVER call them liberal. They are (radical) leftists. And/or Soros's/ Globalist's goons/ shills/ minions.
Most of us here are (classical) liberals. I know I am. Conservatives in my eyes, the new populist uprising throughout the west is liberal. When do you ever hear us or Trump for that matter ranting about homosexuality or thumping the Bible? Virtualy never or can you think of an instance even?
They are indeed neo- Marxists. It is not a mainstream position. This is why they must avoid even accurately describing themselves and lying about virtualy everything. In order to reshape the world to serve their dogma they have to invert reality. That is why they are so crazy, why they lie and strawman so completely. Islam is at the top of their oppression pyramid. (which they call privilege and hence invert it).
The only way for them to win is force, violence, stifeling of free speech= oppression (of opposing views, individuals and groups). Again see the inversion? They call us oppressors.
How are they like communism? Equality of outcome. "Fight the oppressors". Equal outcome, not equal rights is what they advocate. The working class has been substituted for minorities and Islam. The bourgeoisie (branded oppressors) has been substituted by whites, especialy white men (but Asians just the same), anyone successful and productive but extended to an entire race. Neo marxism. SJWs are marxists. (in fact 25% of women's studies professors identify openly as marxists) Equality of outcome and destroy the "oppressors" (usualy that ends in gulags and tens of millions of dead). The infamous "you are a fucking white male" comes to mind. Ever heard it? See critical theory, gender/ identity politics. Marxist feminism. Mass immigration is a tool to obtain the necessary numbers in this strategy of subversion. cultural marxism
critical theory
If ever you are ever wondering: why does (marxist) feminism love Islam and never ciriticises it? Why is mass immigration pushed? Why are accusations of racism and sexism thrown around so frequently? Why has the U.S not touched Saudi Arabia, but instead topples secular regimes, which are then failed states after Wahabiist extreme Islamic ideology infiltrates and spreads. Why the kid gloves for Isis? Why are they armed? All to spread Islamism in the middle east and into Europe and America. Why is Huma Abedin of the Muslim Brotherhood advising Hillary Clinton, the secretary of state at the time? What is going on?
The radical left has alligned itsself with (radical) Islam. Both share key things. They hate the west, they hate our values, they hate our people. Both are collectivist, totalitarian ideologies.
Everytime you call them liberal a baby dies, a christian murdered, a gay executed, a woman raped and stoned to death. Everytime you call them (radical) leftists or neo marxists an angel gets his wings.