上位 200 件のコメント表示する 500

[–]LavenderClouds 4114 ポイント4115 ポイント  (1157子コメント)

Aaaand the periscope streamer just got punched and the stream ended...

[–]StayGrey 2913 ポイント2914 ポイント  (1067子コメント)

It's concerning how many times I've had to change streams because of the person being violently assaulted and the stream cutting off.

[–]ReallyEstate 2118 ポイント2119 ポイント  (1038子コメント)

Thats part of the strategy, they dont want anyone filming. In a BLM protest in Oakland they passed out flyers about it a while ago.

[–]tinnyminny 1940 ポイント1941 ポイント  (875子コメント)

This video compiles a lot of the beatings that took place tonight, including the beating of the guy who may have actually been killed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3fT6pnhjJA (Starts at 27 seconds, and 2:30 is when the cameraman tries to film the guy again) When the cameraman tries to film the guy's bloodied head, the protesters yell at him to stop filming and even try to bodyblock the shot. Fucking sickening.

[–]EvlSteveDave 782 ポイント783 ポイント  (193子コメント)

Honestly, this video doesn't even capture 1/4th of the shit I've seen from tonight.

[–]chiefcastro16 1382 ポイント1383 ポイント  (240子コメント)

That video is fucking disgusting. Everyone needs to get a grip over themselves I don't give a fuck who the hell you voted for. It's no excuse to beat someone senseless

[–]TheCoupDeGrace 162 ポイント163 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Shia was right, he will not divide us, because we have done a great job at it ourselves.

[–]ZSSGaming 329 ポイント330 ポイント  (238子コメント)

who may have actually been killed.

Do you have a source? That's fucking awful if true.

[–]PleasantNA 469 ポイント470 ポイント  (226子コメント)

Getting knocked unconscious, especially onto concrete/asphalt is really dangerous. He also got beaten by a shovel or something while knocked out. No official sources though, just the rumour flying around at this point.

[–]ZSSGaming 634 ポイント635 ポイント  (211子コメント)

Fuck. Berkeley better do something about this shit. Fuck them if they don't.

[–]KeyserSOhItsTaken 467 ポイント468 ポイント  (46子コメント)

The mayor ordered a stand down, basically telling the cops they can't interfere.

[–]ZSSGaming 625 ポイント626 ポイント  (26子コメント)

He's a piece of shit too

[–]Liveonafarm 386 ポイント387 ポイント  (16子コメント)

I think we can gather that he is a piece of shit if he orders the cops to not intervene during a riot. This isn't a protest anymore, this is a riot.

[–]dayoldhansolo 621 ポイント622 ポイント  (68子コメント)

I don't understand. They don't want to be filmed but they want police officers to have body cameras?

[–]michaelnoir 241 ポイント242 ポイント  (9子コメント)

Isn't it obvious why? Because they can be identified from footage and prosecuted.

[–]milhouseisa_meme 96 ポイント97 ポイント  (5子コメント)

New strategy should be to rent rooms above the event and drone stream everything using multiple drones

[–]SLUusedToBeSoSCARY 2745 ポイント2746 ポイント  (208子コメント)

"The University is not engaged in making ideas safe for students. It is engaged in making students safe for ideas." - Clark Kerr, First Chancellor of the University of California

[–]pandaridingatrex 182 ポイント183 ポイント  (23子コメント)

Can someone please explain to me how a Mayor can tell his police to stand down when innocent bystanders' lives are in jeopardy? I understand the University's Police Force may be not large enough to handle such a large situation but why weren't state troopers and surrounding areas dispatched sooner? Genuinely curious.

[–]KUSH_DID_420- 908 ポイント909 ポイント  (15子コメント)

the stream shut off. Last thing that happened was the streamer got hit, the rioters said 'turn off the camera'. I believe that they are probably destroying things now

[–]dalovindj 600 ポイント601 ポイント  (5子コメント)

That streamer had balls of steel. He was right up in it. Closeup shots of the destruction of the Starbucks, the Chase bank, the Wells Fargo bank. All calmly narrated from a few feet away.

Respect. Hope he's ok.

[–]KUSH_DID_420- 191 ポイント192 ポイント  (1子コメント)

yeah he was a good one, no stupid shit behind the camera, very close to everything. I think he likely had his phone stolen, idk what's going on, maybe the cops shut the streams to move in? or maybe the thugs stole them and are burning shit, its only like 9:45pm Pt

[–]Falafalfeelings 1796 ポイント1797 ポイント  (85子コメント)

Protests don't usually involve attempted murders

[–]miked983 1106 ポイント1107 ポイント  (43子コメント)

Looks like the "protesters" were "protesting" someone with blunt objects and may have protested him to death.


[–]BIG_YETI_FOR_YOU 502 ポイント503 ポイント  (8子コメント)

"People don't want their faces on film"

People also don't want their faces to experience fists and blunt objects...

[–]InSOmnlaC 130 ポイント131 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Fucking animals. Dude's name and pictures are everywhere. He's gonna have a rough day tomorrow.

[–]redstar1870 2230 ポイント2231 ポイント  (277子コメント)

So are the cops really allowing them to destroy their own city?

[–]t1tanium 1300 ポイント1301 ポイント  (175子コメント)

Seems like it. I've been watching for at least 30 minutes as banks and businesses are destroyed. All without one cop being seen.

[–]GodOfDumbness 368 ポイント369 ポイント  (63子コメント)

I frankly don't understand why no one is there! Like, someone must have called 911 when the first guy got beat into the ground. Why is there no ambulance? People literally could be dying and there is no response. wtf?

EDIT: To clarify, I am asking why there are no emergency services arriving. I understand that EMS do not go to actively violent areas but it still begs the question: Why did EMS not arrive with a police escort?

[–]BIG_YETI_FOR_YOU 326 ポイント327 ポイント  (41子コメント)

Paramedics operate taking their health and well-being into consideration first, and wont be allowed to respond in situations like this.

[–]Sawses 117 ポイント118 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Can confirm, am certified EMT-B. That's beaten into your head--if nobody else comes home, you do. No matter whether it's a cop, fireman, drug dealer or murderer, you do everything in your power to save them and get them to a medical facility, but not only are you not obligated to risk your own welfare, you're ordered not to.

[–]ophelia27 221 ポイント222 ポイント  (13子コメント)

Someone else wrote that the Berkeley police isn't large enough of a force to handle all the rioters and that the mayor is agenda-driven and possibly told the police to stand down.

[–]applextrent 242 ポイント243 ポイント  (13子コメント)

Apparently the mayor told the police to stand down and let the riot continue for over 3.5 hours.

[–]Oldfatsad 609 ポイント610 ポイント  (22子コメント)

TIL Berkeley has no effective police force.

[–]bigcracker 2891 ポイント2892 ポイント  (279子コメント)

Yes, Spraying pepper spray in a woman's face while doing a interview with the news is protesting.. https://mobile.twitter.com/janeygak/status/826998516144697344

[–]cumfreak 1303 ポイント1304 ポイント  (180子コメント)

Damaging the property of Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase, and Starbucks is also protesting. https://twitter.com/shane_bauer/status/827022173386649600

[–]onlyIIgenders 87 ポイント88 ポイント  (6子コメント)

that guy probably walked in the womans warch couple a days earlier... "love trumps hate" you know

[–]motorik 2831 ポイント2832 ポイント  (229子コメント)

As a Berkeley homeowner, my #1 goal for 2017 is getting my family the fuck out of Berkeley.

"Berkeley citizens are up in arms about a proposal by their Police Department to buy two German shepherd patrol dogs because they say the animals could be used to intimidate low-income people and racial minorities."


[–]endyn 2074 ポイント2075 ポイント  (89子コメント)

Why do we still call them "protesters"? That was a full scale riot.

[–]idiotsloveboxes 406 ポイント407 ポイント  (27子コメント)

When something gets set on fire it's a riot, not a protest.

[–]samanwilson 4961 ポイント4962 ポイント  (504子コメント)

For the people that have never gone to Berkeley:

There's a really big anarchist group in the Berkeley/Oakland area. Whenever there is a protest (literally anything) they show up dressed all in black with their faces covered and clubs and just break shit. Literally there's a Wells Fargo across campus that gets all its windows smashed several times a year. This sort of rioting isn't unique to Milo or Trump, most people that have been to the school in the past 15 years will have experienced something like this at least once.

[–]dmpastuf 1334 ポイント1335 ポイント  (119子コメント)

Sounds like someone should install some 4 inch think plexiglass instead of regular Windows this time around.
That is unless it's all a conspiracy for Big Glass

[–]iuhiys 822 ポイント823 ポイント  (78子コメント)

sounds like cops should do their fucking jobs and be ready to arrest rioters when they know a protest is planned

[–]GonnaVote5 454 ポイント455 ポイント  (31子コメント)

Mayor told them to stand down and let the "protesters" be

[–]RatCoward 1976 ポイント1977 ポイント  (55子コメント)

Oakland area.

Whenever there is a protest (literally anything) they show up dressed all in black worth their faces covered and clubs and just break shit.

So... Raiders fans?

Edit: Hey thanks for the gold, this is my first gilded comment!

[–]OrcaGlass 592 ポイント593 ポイント  (70子コメント)

Yup, often enough they're not even students. They travel around the area and fuck up stuff wherever the perceived "fascist" goes.

Source: go here

[–]Russian_upvote_bot 265 ポイント266 ポイント  (57子コメント)

It seems like they have a whole infrastructure worked out. They advertise Signal (encrypted texting app), stop people from filming, and are all similarly dressed/armed. It's like an organized incitement force.

[–]x2Infinity 137 ポイント138 ポイント  (20子コメント)

It's like an organized incitement force.

They are. Compare these guys to the G20 rioters in Toronto. Same style, same outfits.

[–]johnny_yogurt 397 ポイント398 ポイント  (9子コメント)

if by protest you mean riot where they beat a man to death with shovels, sure.

[–]360-No-Stump[🍰] 4059 ポイント4060 ポイント  (1700子コメント)

This is my comment from a previous thread that got removed for an incorrect title.

In the streams I'm currently watching, protesters are attacking Trump supporters, windows are getting smashed, and fires are being set. Police have declared the protests an unlawful assembly and the university has told students to shelter in place.

Police in riot gear are now firing tear gas and escorting someone who appears to be wounded.

EDIT: Here's a photo from the UC Berkeley twitter account

EDIT2: Here's a video of people yelling "beat his ass!" while masked antifa attack a motionless Trump supporter, hitting him with sticks.

EDIT3: Here's the twitter account of the UC Berkeley police. If you are on campus, you should leave the area if possible.

EDIT4: Protesters have unfurled banners reading "This is War" and "Become Ungovernable"

EDIT5: Here's a video of a woman in a Trump hat getting peppersprayed while she gives a TV interview

EDIT6: Here's a video of masked protesters attacking ATMs at a Bank of America.

EDIT7: It looks like rioters have gained entry to several businesses in the area (including Starbucks, Chase Bank, and Wells Fargo). Streamers are reporting looting.

EDIT8: UC Berkeley police report that the protesters are heading back to campus. They advise to "stay indoors and away from windows."

EDIT9: Here's a video of a Starbucks being looted. This is one of the businesses mentioned in EDIT #7.

[–]LA_SoxFan 1213 ポイント1214 ポイント  (18子コメント)

props to the ones that are here doing it non-violently

Gets sprayed in face

[–]Redkurtain 163 ポイント164 ポイント  (8子コメント)

Well she was obviously a Nazi and lately we've all been told it's okay that violence against those with opposing beliefs is "A-okay"


[–]Lpg986 1077 ポイント1078 ポイント  (403子コメント)

Yea in all of the video I never saw one cop. They were playing music and dancing as people were being bear and shit was on fire.

[–]GoblinGimp69 247 ポイント248 ポイント  (6子コメント)

It's ironic that the University imposed a last-minute security fee of $6500 on the students who organised the event (a tactic used by many Universities to drop speakers they don't like) and they still ended up being violently attacked.

[–]stationhollow 193 ポイント194 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I would demand my money back. That the money was paid for security to ensure the event went without issue that caused it to be canceled. They failed to achieve that goal. The speech didn't happen.

[–]360-No-Stump[🍰] 409 ポイント410 ポイント  (16子コメント)

On one stream, I saw a group of police escort someone into a building. The person appeared to be wounded. That was quite a while ago.

I don't remember seeing any arrests on any of these streams.

[–]N0w0rNever 179 ポイント180 ポイント  (13子コメント)

They actually moved to the 2nd floor and let the violent riots happen down below. Then after all the windows were smashed the mob moved further to attack people all over the stret no police anywhere.

[–]Ducttapehamster 752 ポイント753 ポイント  (327子コメント)

Milo was at university of New Mexico last Friday. One of the policemen I asked said that there was between 60 and 100 state police on top of riot police, local, and university. Someone tried to start shit and we're taken the fuck down by the riot police, while it might have cost a hell of a lot in overtime no one was hurt and the even went on generally peacefully. Why did this event not have this or were the police just overwhelmed?

[–]aioncan 1083 ポイント1084 ポイント  (269子コメント)

Mayor told police to stand down

[–]LexigntonSteele 974 ポイント975 ポイント  (78子コメント)

The mayor posted this 9 hours ago. https://twitter.com/JesseArreguin/status/826958754360877057 Alsoo 3/4 of his tweets are anti-trump. Clearly it means a lot to the mayor to not let an pro -Trump figure make a speech in his town . Even if it means telling the police to stand down & letting rioters vandalize his town.
He's not acting like a mayor but an activist.

[–]azriel777 165 ポイント166 ポイント  (1子コメント)

The victims should sue the fuck out of that asshole.

[–]MisoCorny 338 ポイント339 ポイント  (8子コメント)

Fuck. THAT guy.

What the hell are politicians not protecting their businesses and people? I hope the businesses vandalized sue the city.

[–]Extender_Myths 491 ポイント492 ポイント  (145子コメント)

Really? These kids should be in jail bbuy the authority figures who allow this to go on should be forced to resign. Also wtf is with calling rioters "protesters"?

[–]Llisd 593 ポイント594 ポイント  (58子コメント)

Berkeley dude. I live 15 miles away consider myself pretty damn Liberal. But fuck Berkeley is just another level of complete insanity. If people don't agree with your actions or ideas they will force their own upon you. A couple days ago some lady grabbed a cigarette from my friend's hand and put it out and then berated him for smoking in Berkeley. You couldn't have just asked him to put it out? For fuck sakes.

[–]dibalh 166 ポイント167 ポイント  (3子コメント)

A few years ago, I was talking to a union leader of a sister local that represented employees at Berkeley. Apparently, the students at Berkeley thought the union was too conservative and was usurped by the student Communist party. Yeah, a union of academics was too conservative for Berkeley.

[–]CadetPeepers 125 ポイント126 ポイント  (36子コメント)

Mayor's comment prior to this whole thing: https://twitter.com/JesseArreguin/status/826958754360877057

[–]MrRedTRex 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Fuck this guy. His job requires protecting the people of his town, does it not? His personal political agenda shouldn't get in the way of that. He should be forced to resign, and if someone died because of his decision to have his police force stand down, he should be indicted.

[–]5panks 296 ポイント297 ポイント  (14子コメント)

Mayor told the police to stand down because he is pushing a political agenda. The police even labeled it an unlawful assembly, but the Mayor isn't necessarily against what they're protesting about and feels that more national coverage will swing his way if he lets them riot and destroy property.

[–]PixelBlock 777 ポイント778 ポイント  (241子コメント)

Why are these people so desperate to give Milo ammunition?

[–]Couldnt_think_of_a 531 ポイント532 ポイント  (222子コメント)

Webm of the cameraguy being intimidated out of filming.

EDIT: Horizontal video of the assault finally. Not sure it's as long as the sideways one so leaving that up too.

Video of the car being attacked and driving off.

[–]YourFriendlyMerchant 723 ポイント724 ポイント  (192子コメント)

Look at that little pussy screaming "beat his ass!" while a kid gets jumped by 30 people. For fucking shame.

[–]Shift94 831 ポイント832 ポイント  (149子コメント)

The car video was even more pathetic. Antifa black bloc protesters armed with bats, wood poles and clubs screaming and ganging up on the guy and then crying foul when he drives the fuck out of there. Yeah, i'm sure he should have stuck around to get his car smashed to bits and his head kicked in by an angry mob. Anyone remember the LA Riots where Reginald Denny was pulled from his truck and beaten to the point where he became permanently disabled?

The violent protestors crying about Milo being a fascist ought to take a long look in the mirror. The hysterical narrative and tactics being deployed to suppress peaceful right-leaning speakers on campuses are absolutely abhorrent.

[–]Extender_Myths 132 ポイント133 ポイント  (83子コメント)

Who are these antifa bloc people? Never heard of them but everyone in this thread is mentioning them.

[–]Shift94 316 ポイント317 ポイント  (47子コメント)


Left-wing anarchists that vandalize property and often like to gang up on or sucker punch people they label as "Nazis" or "fascists".

[–]3uropaUniversalis 543 ポイント544 ポイント  (35子コメント)

Nothing says anti fascism like bludgeoning people to death to silence them

[–]bobman02 411 ポイント412 ポイント  (100子コメント)


More videos for the video god

Edit-another clip of troubled youths expressing their discomfort over Milo


Edit 2-Hit in the head with a bike chain edition


[–]Thrilho101 371 ポイント372 ポイント  (55子コメント)

Man beating someone who's already knocked out is pretty low.

[–]ElectricDruid 206 ポイント207 ポイント  (11子コメント)

IIRC in some states hitting someone in the head while they are on the ground is enough for an attempted murder charge.

[–]Poem_for_your_balls 118 ポイント119 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Uhh... as it fucking should be? Goddamn... these people don't realize how much they're contradicting themselves by doing shit like this. So afraid of someone speaking in which they don't agree with politically that they resort to attempted murder.

[–]Lifeform604 470 ポイント471 ポイント  (15子コメント)

Even for CNN that is a pathetically biased headline! They won't call them riots even thought the article grudgingly admits to mass violence and property damage, and the pictures show arson.

What would their headline be for a robbery where the victim is beaten to death? "Man dies after losing property dispute."?

[–]KUSH_DID_420- 772 ポイント773 ポイント  (78子コメント)

No cops whatsoever. There goes another bank

[–]davidg1996 196 ポイント197 ポイント  (43子コメント)

I just watched 20 men with steel pipes beat a Trump supporter unconscious, pummel him into the road with shovels, and continue to beat what looks like his corpse into a bloody pulp https://i.redditmedia.com/Tr5HvR52TusHBrKZlthFYvNrFUv8oxPSjJxSn0RhFu8.png?w=914&s=d8f0d97e4cea74aa230d1cf0a09bfdbb

I really don't know what else to say honestly..,

[–]puc19 92 ポイント93 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think you just watched someone get murdered on live stream.

[–]msc11 54 ポイント55 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Holy..... if that picture is legitimate there is no way that individual is alive.

[–]kyr0thegreat 591 ポイント592 ポイント  (67子コメント)

I live in Berkeley, and they just destroyed some of our banks near me, like Wells Fargo and Bank of America. Fuck these agitators, and fuck people condoning them.

[–]fugee99 2119 ポイント2120 ポイント  (408子コメント)

The only reason I've ever heard this guy's name is because of these protesters. He should put them on the payroll.

[–]Deedge111 989 ポイント990 ポイント  (150子コメント)

Exactly. He is all over network news and had 15 min on Fox tonight. He could have not asked for anything better. On top of that, they are making his points for him by doing this!

[–]Dominus_Vobiscum2112 737 ポイント738 ポイント  (76子コメント)

In Milo's defense, the protestors are proving his point like a human PowerPoint presentation. This is exactly what he talks about.

[–]moal09 78 ポイント79 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Reminds me of when radical muslims threatened to kill that Dutch cartoonist for saying they were violent.

[–]ForPortal 67 ポイント68 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Milo doesn't use PowerPoint slides, he just opens and closes the blinds at appropriate moments.

[–]Dilski 248 ポイント249 ポイント  (10子コメント)

Listening to the fox reporter blitz go through Milo's points must of been like audible caramel for him.

[–]ns156 60 ポイント61 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I actually saw this link at the top of Reddit and thought "Who the fuck is Milo Younipppasaohsisis?"

I wouldn't have known anything about him or his message if people hadn't brought attention to it by rioting.

[–]Joshua102097 197 ポイント198 ポイント  (14子コメント)

For being anti-fascist, they're acting pretty fucking fascist.

[–]supperden 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Antifa is just a front for who they really are and what they support.

They're really a anarchist group, have been as long as its existed.

[–]PM_UR_ARMPITS 487 ポイント488 ポイント  (110子コメント)

And now they destroying another bank and tried to burn it down.

[–]Lord_Feltchley 553 ポイント554 ポイント  (60子コメント)

There are reports that Black Bloc killed someone with a shovel tonight. If this is true they need to be labeled a terrorist organization and dealt with accordingly.

[–]welfarecuban 413 ポイント414 ポイント  (36子コメント)

If that's the case, the Berkeley police and city officials themselves may need to be investigated by Jeff Sessions and the Department of Justice for potential civil rights violations, if there actually was any sort of "stand down" order which had the effect of enabling the suppression of 1st amendment free speech.

In other words, use civil rights-era anti-intimidation laws against agencies like Berkeley Police, the mayor's office, etc.

[–]lucas124578 59 ポイント60 ポイント  (2子コメント)

What about my rights of not getting my shit destroyed by random people and if they do so, they won't get away to do it to another?

[–]Dicklongflopx 75 ポイント76 ポイント  (19子コメント)

What's the chance the ACLU. Takes the case

[–]Forseti5 3800 ポイント3801 ポイント  (336子コメント)

You mean riots, not protests CNN.

[–]bagy661 1453 ポイント1454 ポイント  (218子コメント)

Asian-American graduate student at UC Berkeley here. Milo was visiting campus? Nobody I know knew that. I love how UCLA(my undergrad alma mater) and Cal are 30~40% Asian-American but 99% of the student drama at these two campuses involves no Asians at all.

[–]Regiabaretania 2092 ポイント2093 ポイント  (62子コメント)

Because "Hey3 ! This is library."

[–]bruppa 650 ポイント651 ポイント  (20子コメント)

That guy fucking rules

[–]pgausten 60 ポイント61 ポイント  (0子コメント)

That man is a god.

[–]ninjaredpanda123 389 ポイント390 ポイント  (50子コメント)

Same here! Half-Asian undergrad. I didn't even realize he was speaking today until one of my professors warned us to "attend the protest at your own risk". Maybe it's because the stem people are less concerned with politics, but I hadn't heard anything about Milo or any protests until today.

[–]vhiran 146 ポイント147 ポイント  (15子コメント)

it's because the stem people are less concerned with politics

My experience agrees.

[–]burn_reddit_burn 289 ポイント290 ポイント  (35子コメント)

I wish OP hadn't used them. On TV they were basically blaming Milo for the rioting. Totally pathetic

[–]Bernie_Bro666 365 ポイント366 ポイント  (28子コメント)

I don't think "protest" is the appropriate word when people are being beaten to death. Maybe riot would be more suitable.

[–]StarDestinyGuy 528 ポイント529 ポイント  (82子コメント)

Milo is offensive, politically incorrect, and they disagree with what he says - they're protesting because of all of that, right?

So the response to all of that is to start fires, physically assault people, and destroy property?

These are terrifying times we're living in. These people are fucked up beyond words.

[–]OdinSQL 133 ポイント134 ポイント  (0子コメント)

ter·ror·ism : the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

[–]CraftZ49 9287 ポイント9288 ポイント x2 (3029子コメント)

Normally I can understand people claiming it's actual protests and not riots.

No. This was a riot.

EDIT: It's been brought to my attention that most of the violence came from a particular group of masked people looking to take advantage of the situation. I encourage people to read down this comment thread for more information.

Regardless however, it is inexcusable behavior.

[–]eletheros 1258 ポイント1259 ポイント  (669子コメント)

One guy had the audacity to go on national video news and claim "it's only property damage, not violence"

Not that it matters. Berkeley city / Alameda county DAs always drop charges associated with rioting.

[–]FishAndRiceKeks 328 ポイント329 ポイント  (18子コメント)

There were a fair few bloodied people on the stream I was watching and one part where a man was chased through the crowd with people grabbing his shirt as well as a girl in a "Make America Great Again" hat giving an interview in front of a Channel 7 news camera (and at least one other angle) who had somebody walk up and pepper spray her in the face for no reason. There was definitely violence.

[–]MissType 31 ポイント32 ポイント  (0子コメント)

That was right after she'd praised non-violent protesters. They're doing their cause no favours.

[–]stationhollow 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Even better. He hat said "Make Bitcoin Great Again"

[–]meep6969 466 ポイント467 ポイント  (191子コメント)

These rioters we're attacking people with shovels, pretty sure one guy died.

[–]Lpg986 256 ポイント257 ポイント  (64子コメント)

The guy that wasn't moving and got his head bashed by a shovel/metal pole?

[–]FishAndRiceKeks 93 ポイント94 ポイント  (20子コメント)

Was that the guy the police carried in to the building?

[–]TooManyNerves11 197 ポイント198 ポイント  (15子コメント)

No, that was a small Asian kid who was beat up for wearing a MAGA hat. I was next to him when he was assaulted, and called 911 for him.

[–]icanhazrobot 360 ポイント361 ポイント  (109子コメント)

They were sucker punching people, attacking people with poles, attacking women, threatening people for filming, attacking people with cameras

[–]throwawaybotterx 606 ポイント607 ポイント  (45子コメント)

Looks like a full 8 years with Trump at this rate

[–]Hasse-b 73 ポイント74 ポイント  (5子コメント)

"Can't believe you voted Trump he's fascist!"

The continue to beat some fascism into people using fascist methods. Stay classy idiots.

[–]HellaBrainCells 402 ポイント403 ポイント  (53子コメント)

Why is everyone either a liberal or a conservative? What the fuck is wrong with people? Most people are not identified and don't want to identify with either group. Get the fuck over your little skirmish boners and realize that people are fucking individuals who have varying opinions about a vast number of subjects. The pigeonholing bullshit is ridiculous and the polarization of America is being pushed by complete morons. Can we just build a wall around all the radically minded individuals who lack critical thinking skills?

[–]bbrown3979 57 ポイント58 ポイント  (10子コメント)

As someone who identifies as an American I wholeheartedly back this. I dont care what your beliefs are, if youre getting physically attacked for them I'm jumping in too.

[–]AManTiredandWeary 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (10子コメント)

Likewise. This is the danger of the disintegration of institutions. Ideologues of all sorts want to step into the vacuum and offer a way out. The more and more unhinged the federal government becomes, the worse wealth inequality becomes, the more the Democratic party refuses to reform. I fear things will get far worse before they get better and a lot of innocent people are going to get hurt beyond what already has. All so a bunch of fanatics can be legends in their own minds.

[–]HellaBrainCells 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (7子コメント)

Fanatics are always legends in their own minds. It's the heart of half of the political subs on Reddit. I cannot stand it. I don't see how people try to pass hate as actual intuitive thought.

[–]NervousJ 47 ポイント48 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I think at the point where banks, Starbucks, and people with dissenting opinions started getting smashed with pipes and bats, it stopped being a "protest" and started being a "riot".

[–]ForPortal 137 ポイント138 ポイント  (1子コメント)

"Riots". The word you are looking for is "riots," CNN. You fucking hacks.

[–]sjs31 99 ポイント100 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Violent riots, not protests.

[–]Catacomb82 1840 ポイント1841 ポイント  (314子コメント)

I'm a student there. Tonight was bullshit. I have no respect for these so called "protesters". They're the reason some people view liberals as crazy nut-jobs who hate free speech.

[–]twominitsturkish 695 ポイント696 ポイント  (163子コメント)

Were most of the "protestors" even affiliated with the university? I feel like these Black Flag people roam around the West Coast trying to find an excuse to riot, burn shit, and assault people.

[–]DoctorDevil 482 ポイント483 ポイント  (108子コメント)

From my understanding the protest was peaceful until it got dark then a bunch of people wearing black showed up and started breaking shit and starting fires. Thats what i heard on the radio but idk

[–]iloveyoucalifornia 269 ポイント270 ポイント  (80子コメント)

That's what I heard from people who were there. It's agonizing, because people wanted things to be really positive, and instead this is what we got. What a fucking waste.

[–]fantod_ 410 ポイント411 ポイント  (75子コメント)

And now the entire student population who peacefully protested gets blamed as a collective. Great.

[–]D34THST4R 71 ポイント72 ポイント  (6子コメント)

You're right and they've been doing that for a long time.

[–]toomuchdota 66 ポイント67 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is a disgraceful, shameful and disgusting moment in US history, no matter what your political opinions are. Please do not take away our free speech.

[–]Roneci 198 ポイント199 ポイント  (31子コメント)

So, due to the Streisand effect, I ended up watching a number of Milo speeches, including his most controversial ones. Frankly? I don't see the radical nazi figurehead everyone says he is -- these speeches have the severity of medium intensity stand-up comedy.

People just want to justify rioting and violence, it's pretty telling.

[–]yfwdbwdso 315 ポイント316 ポイント  (29子コメント)

"Free speech only if it's what I believe in."

As a Bay Area resident I'm not at all surprised, this whole area has gone off the deep end politically.

[–]A-17 131 ポイント132 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Call it what it is, it is a violent riot, not a protest.

[–]Trussed_Up 5500 ポイント5501 ポイント  (821子コメント)

"Protest" doesn't cover it. This was a riot.

There looks to be serious property damage, several explosions can be heard, a truck looks like it was lit on fire, buildings were defaced, a reporter for CNN was endangered, and that's just the stuff I saw perusing the situation.

I too find Yiannopolous distasteful. I think he's much more of a troll than an honest advocate for any particular philosophy.

Know what my solution is?

I don't go to see his events. Wild I know. But so far I have never been 'triggered' by what he has to say, because after listening enough to understand what he's about, I don't bother with him.

These incredibly obtuse rioters are little fascists in the making. Perfectly willing to not allow people to even hear different opinions.

Bunch of weeny little thugs.

[–]emperri 982 ポイント983 ポイント  (178子コメント)

Continues to be a riot. It hasn't stopped.

[–]TheHobbyist94 399 ポイント400 ポイント  (176子コメント)

They've moved on to downtown now. This guy is embedded in the group now, as they vandalize the shit out of the local businesses.

[–]Lpg986 346 ポイント347 ポイント  (153子コメント)

Why are they allowed to continue?

[–]TheHobbyist94 360 ポイント361 ポイント  (66子コメント)

I have honestly no idea. I'm expecting the police to step in any day now, at least I hope so.

[–]jakefromstatefarm10 77 ポイント78 ポイント  (1子コメント)

LOL, the government officials in California telling the police to stop something they want to happen? Good luck. They've been given stand down orders.

[–]ImagineAllTheKarma 336 ポイント337 ポイント  (200子コメント)

Source is twitter so take it with a grain of salt but police are saying someone was pulled from their car and beaten

[–]Forseti5 539 ポイント540 ポイント  (155子コメント)

There are tons of videos of rioters attacking people at Berkeley up already. Keep in kind these are just some of the ones that have been caught on video and uploaded so far. This is still ongoing.

Let's see attacking multiple people including beating an already unconscious man with a club. https://sendvid.com/xm1k6s4a

Oh look another attack including multiple people hitting a guy in the head with flag poles/ sticks. https://mobile.twitter.com/OldRowOfficial/status/826993437102710784

young woman bashed in the head with pole and then maced. https://mobile.twitter.com/almostjingo/status/827009436749164544

Man smashed in the head with bike lock and then attacked by mob with poles. https://mobile.twitter.com/dancalbear/status/827012870785282048

[–]FailureToExecute 101 ポイント102 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This young woman appears to have been peppersprayed by a member of the crowd while she was being interviewed about why she was attending Milo's event.


[–]happyphilter 806 ポイント807 ポイント  (105子コメント)


Trump supporter beaten by Antifa:


There was a couple other guys who got beat too, one unconscious. you can see it on this guys periscope at 58 minutes:


Here is a Trump girl getting pepper sprayed for no reason: https://twitter.com/JxhnBinder/status/827002578462470144

Girl was beaten/kicked while on the ground and then got her hat stole. They burned it later:


[–]nite_ 434 ポイント435 ポイント  (45子コメント)

Here is a reply someone tweeted @YoungDems4Trump

@YoungDems4Trump It was a guy NOT a "young girl" #alternativefactsarenotfacts

Jesus Christ... even if it was a guy or not how in the fuck can you be okay with them breaking someone's ribs and stealing their property only to also destroy it?

I myself used to be pretty liberal, but I'm more moderate these days leaning right since November. I even voted Bernie for primaries!

[–]SunriseSurprise 212 ポイント213 ポイント  (5子コメント)

He's a young white man, so it's okay to almost kill him because his privilege will magically heal him.

[–]Remingtonh 188 ポイント189 ポイント  (15子コメント)

Well looks like 2018 and 2020 GOP victories are going to be a walk in the park.

[–]GroundhogExpert 161 ポイント162 ポイント  (16子コメント)

So I normally hate it when some race-baiter tries to say black people are always portrayed as this when white people always get the nicer description. These fuckheads were rioting. Left-wing, white, who gives a fuck, this was violence and property destruction. Milo didn't cancel because he learned some people don't care for his political positions. He was forced to leave for safety reasons.

[–]CloudSmith 98 ポイント99 ポイント  (2子コメント)

A violent protester, CNN, is called a RIOTER.