Thread here:
Some of the deleted comments:
"Meanwhile me, an engineer that basically lives on the Northside of campus, had no idea this was going on until about 2 hours in........"
"Riots* they're fucking Riots. "
"This whole country needs to go to anger management."
"These are students a a high ranking university? They act like Jerry Springer guests"
"Doesn't using violence against a provocateur like Milo just prove his point? I mean can't they just ignore his speeches instead of destroying public property and setting random things on fire? "
"What is the world coming to? I thought I'd get pissed off, but it just makes me sad that people act this way. They need to evaluate their behavior and learn to be decent people. :'("
"Yeah because people I disagree with are "nazis" or "fascists" so I have to silence them with violence.
Forget countering arguments with facts or actually having discussions in the free market of ideas."
"These people are the reason Trump was elected. They have driven so many people from the middle, to the right. The Democratic Party needs to disassociate with the free speech crushing, victim culture, that surrounds the liberal party."
"This. I'm a dirtbag from T_D and I welcome you to protest peacefully, that's cool but damn people, smashing everything where you have to live is not the answer!"
"I don't agree with Milo's Yiannopolos and the completely unprofessional way he displays his opinions, but this kind of behavior is disgusting and needs to be identified as exactly what it really is, a fucking riot. People are getting assaulted simply because they have different beliefs and that's not ok."
"Stop referring to these savages as protestors. They are rioters. "
"I guess we'll just have to wait for the facts to come out. I'm sure they'll be more specifics on the origin of the violence over the coming days."
"Why is everyone either a liberal or a conservative? What the fuck is wrong with people? Most people are not identified and don't want to identify with either group. Get the fuck over your little skirmish boners and realize that people are fucking individuals who have varying opinions about a vast number of subjects. The pigeonholing bullshit is ridiculous and the polarization of America is being pushed by complete morons. Can we just build a wall around all the radically minded individuals who lack critical thinking skills? "
"These anarchists contribute nothing to society. They're such fucking scum. These people are failures at life... They don't support anything, they just found a reason to take their frustrations out on property and people, like most "anarchists". Primitive shit, yo"
"Should I feel uniformed for not knowing who this is?"
"I dont agree with Milo's views, but a healthy society absolutely needs people like him. Tolerance is the prerequisite for peace and respect."
"There was walls spray painted with 'kill trump'
Like him or hate him they're advocating for the assassination of the fucking president."
This is just a small sample, I don't have time to go through all of them, but it's just ridiculous. These are all mostly, if not completely innocuous. A good number of them are a model of rational level-headedness. Disappointing.