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submitted by akc_1993
I'm not sure if I've come to the right place to seek advice for this particular issue, but maybe there are some women here who have been in a similar position in the past.
I'm 22 and I graduated from a good public university last May with a degree in Global Health and Medical Anthropology. I didn't have a job lined up upon graduation and I spent almost my entire summer stressing about it. I wasn't yet ready to leave my college town (it has a lot to offer) and eventually I landed on a full-time job working in fundraising (development) for the university.
Fast forward to now - I've been working this job for about 7 months, but I'm miserable. At first it was exciting, then it just became something that was bearable, now I absolutely loathe it. I'm the youngest one so I don't have any friends there, and the job is primarily just data entry and I find zero purpose in my daily work. It's not stressful and I'm getting an okay entry level salary (around 37k + benefits) but I'm only 22, I feel like I should be challenging myself.
So I really, really, really want to quit. The issue is that I have no back up plan. Call me a privileged millennial, but no part of me wants to be working a full time job yet if that's inevitably what I'm going to end up doing for the rest of my life anyway. I sort of want to do something non-traditional. I'm still trying to figure out what it is that I truly want to do, and I'm not going to do that by staying at this job.
Is it horrible if I give up this job to scale it back and maybe work part-time while volunteering? I think I'm interested in perhaps working in the healthcare field in some capacity, so I was thinking about volunteering at the university hospital.
I was also considering doing this year-long english teaching program abroad that one of my friends is currently doing. I mean, this seems like a pretty ideal time to do something like that.
But I don't know. Will I have a tough time finding another job if I straight up quit this and just try to find my way? I guess I should note that I'm living at home right now so I'm not paying rent. But if I were to quit this job in a couple months I'd have around $5-6k saved up. Plus my mom is willing to help me out.
I'm also thinking about going back to school..... I really love being in an academic environment and I want to still be learning, not doing some menial data entry at a job I don't care about. The problem is I'm not sure exactly what type of grad program I'm interested in.
Clearly I'm all over the place right now. But I just don't know what to do. I'm so unhappy right now. I only have a couple friends left here, and most of them will either be graduating from their grad programs or moving elsewhere for work in the next couple of months, so I have to find some way to make new friends (which is why I wanted to do a grad program partially).
Essentially, I can't find meaning anywhere in my life right now. I don't know what to do.
If you can give me any advice, I'd be incredibly appreciative.
all 5 comments
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[–]commander_nice 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
I can't offer any advice for your particular situation. Just remember that life is an adventure. My family would often go on road trips when I was a kid and, while we would make plans ahead of time, sometimes we had to improvise. Maybe we would have a problem in navigation for example and have to take a road not on the map. Our motto was tread proudly into the unknown because it's the unexpected turns that make the journey worthwhile.
[–]badass over herelocalgyro 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
You're 22. It's normal for you to have a job you hate and want better, and not to know exactly what that is. Trying out different things and dropping them when you decide they're not for you is exactly what you should be doing.
[–]Kaloa123 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Working full time is what I've been doing since I turned 18. I'm 22 as well. I finally found a job that I don't want to kill myself from and it has quite a bit of down time but I understand being miserable completely. I've had so many jobs. The only reason I love this one is because I prefer solitude and the people I do work with on occasion are awesome. You may just need a change in jobs with more lively people.
But if you want to go to school again, do it. Focus on something you thoroughly enjoy. If you don't have many responsibilities that require you to work full time, don't do it yet. Focus on you. Maybe get a degree to work in an academic setting even if you enjoy it?
Also I hear teaching abroad or even volunteering is a great experience. I've heard wonderful things about Thailand in particular. Some people have posted their stories of actually moving to Thailand and loving it. Not that you'll be like that, but you never know.
I even know some people who have saved up a few grand and spent a year traveling the country in a bus before settling down with a full time job.
Just don't give up and keep looking for what you enjoy is all I can say. You are in control!
[–]meow1990 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Ugh, that was a stressful time for me and a few friends. Quarter life crisis. I think you need to make moves away from this job that you hate - whether it be scaling back and volunteering part time or going to teach English abroad. You don't want to get stuck in a rut in a position you hate. I went through the same thing and saved up a bit, quit, and toured through Asia before heading to grad school. Look into your options, talk to people in both of those fields to clear up any questions. Good luck!
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