So I notice that there have been a few threads on the "dangers" of lifting where OP discourages people from lifting. I wanted to add another thread that puts a new spin on this.
tl;dr Nothing wrong with lifting if its done properly and balanced with other forms of exercise. But some red-pillers don't lift properly and don't do other exercises.
First of all, there's nothing wrong with lifting or resistance training if done properly. I've personally had great benefits from doing resistance training (rather than traditional weights I use kettle bells, and tire-flips, and clubbells).
That being said, lots of "Men's" Magazines always have some model on their cover and always advertise some article about building bigger arms, getting 6-pack abs, or building up one's chest or rarely getting bigger shoulders.
I don't EVER recall seeing these "main-stream" magazines advertise an article about building bigger calves, getting a stronger lower back, increasing joint mobility, gaining endurance, improving one's balance. It's because these magazines focus on aspects that are aesthetically pleasing to females rather than actually focusing on building a sturdy functional physique.
I'll add a caveat to the "don't lift" attitude: Don't lift for the sake of "pleasing" a female or impressing some shallow "dude-bro" man. Instead lift for your own health and functionality.
Women and "dude-bros" don't usually pay attention to a man's legs or lower back even though those muscle groups generate the most lifting power. They don't pay attention to whether his muscles are flexible or joints are mobile, even though mobility and flexibility hallmarks of a good musculoskeletal system. Often they don't understand the concept of VO2-max or the importance of balance.
Some red-pillers focus their lifting on upper-body muscles that they see in the mirror (chest, shoulders, arms), consume excess protein, and don't bother with endurance/mobility/balance training. They do this for the aforementioned reasons and this kind of approach actually does have consequences. Don't be one of those guys. Just my $0.02.
[–]Sol_Install [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)