Decades of research on a novel project to replace the inefficient Piston Engines (Diesel, 4-Stroke, 2-Stroke, etc) and to incorporate all desirable features identified by modern technology produced a design that was granted a US Patent # US 8,056,527.
All Piston Engines and most of the Rotary type use different versions of the same basic mechanism to compress air, necessary to burn the combustible and to extract power from the expanding burnt mixture.
The motion (stroke) to compress air is equal to the stroke to produce power. That means that a 4-stroke engine having a compression ratio (CR) of 8 to 1 will generate 120 PSI at top dead center and 800 PSI after ignition, but can only use pressure to generate power down to 100 PSI, for the Expansion stroke is equal to the Compression stroke.
That means that hot gases are discharged into the atmosphere at 100 PSI. There is a lot of energy left. How much? Enough to power every air tool in a shop or industry! Think of the pollution it generates, specially in stop & go traffic conditions.
Our engine has independent mechanisms for compressing air and generating power, thus doing away with all problems of Piston Engines.
Here are some of the features of the LUCAS ENGINE:
1) High Torque. As much as six (6) times that of an equivalent 4cyl 4-stroke conventional engine.
2) Variable Compression Ratio. Compresses just the amount of air necessary to completely burn the fuel. No wasted energy.
3) Near ideal Air/Fuel ratio burns clean through all speeds.
4) It expands the burnt mixture all the way to atmosphere. Highly efficient. Produces more power with the same fuel used.
5) It develops more or less power to match demand by varying the number of explosions per cycle, eliminating the need for a GEARBOX.
6) It reduces emissions throughout the operating range, but specially in the idling mode. The reduction there can reach 97.5%.
7) It produces minimal quantities of Nitrous Oxides (NOx) because it operates with near ideal Air/Fuel conditions even during idling.
8) It is cheaper to make because it has less and simpler parts.
9) It is much lighter than a comparable engine and power train. Remember: it does not needs a GEARBOX.
10) Less weight also improves economy, for less power is needed to operate a lighter car.
Risks and challenges
A Project such as this needs a Fully Working Prototype.
Industry - specially the Automotive - has to see and experiment with it before it embraces this technology.
The project is now stopped for lack of funds. I used-up my savings building the first Prototype. Certainly, there are constructive details that need to be ironed out but no major technical challenges remain.
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