FAQ: Inequality
(by /u/ponderay)
In the last 30 years most countries across the world have seen an increase in inequality. While the causes and consequences are still an ongoing area of research, the fact that inequality has been increasing is widely accepted across the economics discipline. Inequality caused by growing wealth shares in the one percent is the most visible part of this story, but inequality has also been increasing in the lower part of the distribution due to a raising returns to education.
What type of inequality are economists worried about? Ultimately economists are concerned about inequality in well-being, but well-being not easily quantifiable. Perhaps the next best we could do would be to try and proxy well-being with consumption. But direct data on consumption is hard to find, and thus many researchers focus on income inequality as a proxy for consumption. In addition, since wealth can be converted into income researchers have also studied trends in wealth inequality. Even direct data about income and wealth shares are difficult to obtain. Piketty and Saez along with other economists such as Attkinson and Zucman have only relatively recently constructed good income data from IRS records.
The main measure of inequality is the Gini coefficient. Higher measures of the Gini coefficient indicate higher levels of inequality. In the US the Gini coefficient has consistently increased since 1970. Another common measure of inequality often seen in the media and the literature is the share of income or wealth that goes to the top of the income distribution. This is an imperfect measure of inequality relative to the Gini coefficient as it does not capture income dynamics in the lower part of the distribution. However, top income and wealth shares are sufficient to show the increase in inequality due that comes from disproportionate gains to the top of the income distribution. The top 1% and .01% saw their relative share of income fall after the World Wars and the great depression, but then begin to climb in the 1970's as seen in this figure from Piketty,Saez's 2014 paper in Science. This trend is global but is particularly large in the United States as shown by this figure taken from Jones Kim(2015).
Top one percent inequality has increased to pre-war levels but the sources of income for the top 1 percent have changed. Prior to the world wars and the great depression most income in the top 0.1 percent was from capital, such as returns on inheritances. However capital income declined substantially following the destruction of the world wars and the income share to the top 1 percent fell. As income shares rose in the latter part of the 20th century the sources of income changed. The new increase in wealth shares where driven by increases in labor, and business income in addition to sharp increases in capital gains income from a growing financial sector.
How Does The Minneapolis Federal Reserve Working Paper Everyone Talks About Fit into this Story?
The Minneapolis Federal Reserve working paper Where Has All the Income Gone is frequently brought up in inequality discussions. It is often used to justify claims that it does not support. The Minneapolis Fed paper explains the difference between flat growth for the median household in the U.S. census and the GDP per capita figures implied by the BEA. Differences in choice of price indexes, household composition and non wage compensation explain some of the difference between the two series. But the Minneapolis Fed paper does not contradict the inequality findings described above. As stated in the paper:
The remaining difference between the 44 percent to 62 percent increase in median household incomes and the 80 percent increase in BEA personal income per person appears to be largely attributable to an increase in income inequality. The findings in this article are consistent with recent research showing that the largest income increases occurred at the top end of the income distribution. However, the findings here are not consistent with the view that the incomes of middle American households stagnated over the past 30 years. Income for most middle American households increased substantially.
Skill Biased Technological Change
It is common social knowledge now that an education is more important than ever before, that the path to a good job is getting a college education. Is this true and if so, does it impact income inequality? In particular, thinking about the increase to return on education is helpful in understanding why the upper middle class has pulled away from the lower classes. A good start to this discussion is to just look at how the return to education has changed over time in the United States. To quote Autor, 2014
The earnings gap between the median college-educated and median high school educated among U.S. males working full-time in year-round jobs was $17,411 in 1979, measured in constant 2012 dollars. Thirty-three years later, in 2012, this gap had risen to $34,969, almost exactly double its 1979 level.
(The gap between) a college educated two-earner husband-wife family and a high school educated two-earner husband-wife family rose by $27,951 between 1979 and 2012 (from $30,298 to $58,249). This increase in the earnings gap between the typical college-educated and high school educated household earnings levels is four times as large as the redistribution that has notionally occurred from the bottom 99% to the top 1% of households.
Additional evidence for the impact of college education can be found by broadening the 'top bracket' beyond the top 1%. If college education suddenly became more valuable, that would explain the rise of the upper middle class relative to everyone else (the difference between the top 10% vs the bottom 90%). Again, Autor looks at this ratio in working men across different westernized countries
Although the 90/10 earnings ratio differed greatly across countries at the earliest date of the sample from a low of 2.0 in Sweden to a high of 3.6 in the United States this earnings ratio increased substantially in all but one of them (France) over the next 30 years, growing by at least 25 percentage points in 10 countries, by at least 50 percentage points in 8 countries, and by more than 100 percentage points in three countries (NewZealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States).
This shows a clear trend across nearly all countries. The gap between the top 10% and the bottom 90% has increased worldwide, suggesting there is a common factor between countries. Autor also notes that estimates for how much of this gap can be explained by education vary between 55% to 70%.
Next Autor looks at the returns to cognitive skills, to see if education works as a good proxy for cognitive skills, or if it the benefits are due to credentials or signalling. Using the International Assessment of Adult Competencies to measure cognitive skills across multiple countries, the average increase of cognitive skills by one standard deviation increased earnings by 18%, with the US having a return of 28%, the highest surveyed. While this does not explain why the premium has risen, it does suggest that cognitive skills play a very important role in why the education wage premium has risen.
What could be driving this increase in skill premium and thus education premium? Technological change is one potential answer. Technological change reduces demand for some workers while increasing demand for others. For example, blue collar workers may see their job automated, while programmers are needed more than ever.
The college wage premium can be thought of as a contest between growing demand for workers due to technology and growing supply of workers via the education system. If demand for workers outpaces the supply of workers created by the education system, we can expect the premium to rise. Empirically, Autor tells us
In 1940, only 6% of Americans had completed a 4-year college degree. From the end of the Second World War to the early 1980s, however, the ranks of college-educated workers rose robustly and steadily, with a cohort of workers entering the labor market boasting a proportionately higher rate of college education than the cohort that preceded it.
But later appeared to slow
From 1963 through 1982, the fraction of all U.S. hours worked that were supplied by college graduates rose by almost 1 percentage point per year, a remarkably rapid gain. After 1982, however, the rate of intercohort increase fell by almost half from 0.87 percentage points to 0.47 percentage points per year And did not begin to rebound until 2004, nearly two decades later.
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