FAQ: Free Trade
(by /u/say_wot_again)
Free trade, a set of policies that allow goods (and possibly capital) to flow between countries relatively unencumbered by tariffs or onerous regulations, is one of the areas with the strongest consensus among economists. And yet it's a very frequent punching bag, with politicians on both sides of the aisle blaming free trade, disadvantageous trade deals, and competition from developing nations for American uncompetitiveness, a decline in jobs, and a general immiseration of the middle class. In this section we'll try to address some of the frequent misconceptions about free trade and reconcile the consensus of economists with the rhetoric of politicians.
Why do economists seem to love free trade so much?
The idea underlying the economic consensus on free trade is that of comparative advantage. This is a point that rarely makes its way into the popular discourse, so it warrants some explanation.
What is comparative advantage?
In short, each country will have certain things that it's relatively good at and others that it's relatively bad at; by making things it's good at (i.e. the products in which it has a comparative advantage) and selling those to buy things it's bad at, the country can become far richer than if it tried to produce everything domestically. Very often in the press, this concept is confused with absolute advantage, namely which countries are straight up better at things. And sometimes, the two match up. No matter how much money or manpower you throw at the problem, you will never be able to grow coffee in Ireland; in this case, Ireland has both an absolute disadvantage at coffee growing (countries with the ability to grow coffee are better at growing coffee than Ireland is) and a comparative disadvantage at it (Ireland is better at nearly everything else than it is at coffee growing). But that needn't be the case - indeed, a country can be strictly worse at producing literally anything than another country is and still have relevant comparative advantages that allow both countries to gain from trade.
To illustrate this, let's build a simple little toy model. Let's take two people, LeBron James and you. Unless you're Steph or Westbrook, LeBron is better at playing basketball than you are. And for the sake of argument, let's assume that he's better at mowing his lawn than you are (maybe he's physically able to get around the lawn quicker?). In particular, let's suppose that LeBron can create $475,000 of value per hour (his current salary per 60 minutes of game time, regular season only) while he's playing basketball and $2,000 of value per hour while he's mowing the lawn (he's REALLY fast). Meanwhile, you can produce a whopping $1 of value per hour while playing basketball, but you can produce a respectable $20 of value per hour mowing the lawn. LeBron is 475,000 times better than you at playing basketball, and he's even 100 times better than you at lawn mowing. He has an absolute advantage in everything; you have it in nothing. So should LeBron, the better lawn mower, also be mowing everyone's lawns? Nope. If he were to split his time 50-50 between playing basketball and mowing lawns, he'd wind up creating 475,000 * 12 + 2,000 * 12 = $5,724,000 of value per 24 hours. Quite a lot. But what if he spends all his time playing basketball and instead relies on you to mow everyone's lawn? Now he's creating 475,000 * 24 = $11,400,000 of value per 24 hours. You spend all your time mowing lawns, so you produce 20 * 24 = $480 of value per 24 hours; its' a pittance compared to what LeBron produces, but nonetheless trading basketball for lawn moving with you and focusing only on what he has a comparative advantage in rather than everything that he had an absolute advantage in has allowed you two to create more value than you could have otherwise and made you both better off.
Real world examples
Of course, that LeBron lawn mowing example is awfully silly and contrived. Don't we have any real world examples of this phenomenon to go off? As a matter of fact, yes we do. We can broadly think of the economy as relying on four major factors of production: land, capital, mental labor, and physical labor.1 The US has the first three in abundance, but we have less (and more expensive) physical labor. Thus, our comparative advantage will lie in things that mostly require capital, land, or mental labor to produce since we have those in relative abundance, and we'll have a comparative disadvantge in things that require lots of physical labor. As a result, we export things like food (which takes lots of land and capital), highly automated high end manufacturing like airplanes or computer chips (which require lots of capital, and some mental labor to design the components and engineer the robots), and white collar services and intellectual property (which require mental labor uber alles), but we import consumer goods since those mostly require lots of physical labor. Instead, we import those from developing nations, which have relatively small amounts of educated mental labor and capital but lots of physical labor.
Economists have extensively researched the impact of trade on growth and real incomes worldwide. The data shows that increased trade has a large, robust impact on real income growth, and this result has been verified many times
What about trade deficits? Aren't those unsustainable and hurt the economy?
One frequent attack on free trade is that it enables large trade deficits and the deleterious effects they bring. National Trade Council head Peter Navarro, for instance, has asserted that "when net exports are negative, that is, when a country runs a trade deficit by importing more than it exports, this subtracts from growth." This statement comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of how GDP is calculated. GDP can be represented by a simple equation of GDP = Consumption + Investment + Government spending + Exports - Imports (sometimes exports - imports is written as Net Exports). GDP = C + I + G +NX. From a naive mathematical perspective, imports must harm GDP since they are subtracted. But the only reason we subtract imports is that all imports are consumed (C), invested (I), were purchased by the government (G) or exported back out (E). Imports have no net effect on GDP - they increase C, I, G or E and then are subtracted back out. Fewer imports would mean that the 'minus imports' portion of the equation gets smaller, but also that the associated consumption/investment/etc gets smaller.
Imports are perfectly fine in their own right. They provide goods that people demand. And they can even serve as key complements of production, allowing domestic firms and manufacturers to be more efficient. For example, the iPhone is a product that is designed in America, sources its components from around the world (including America, South Korea, and China), and is then assembled in China before being sold worldwide. Although the finished iPhone is technically an import from China, housing that step of the supply chain in China serves mostly to allow the domestic company behind the iPhone, Apple, to be more efficient and have greater latitude to do in-house and in the US the tasks most efficiently done here.
More generally, the flip side of net imports is capital inflow. By sheer accounting identity, any country running a trade deficit is also attracting savings and capital from abroad, and any country that is running a trade surplus must be investing in the rest of the world (a more complete explanation can be found here). That influx of savings reduces interest rates, which makes it easier for people to borrow money to buy houses, invest in capital to start or grow their business, etc. and gives the economy a short term boost2. And the capital formation allowed by this investment, in turn, raises the productive capacity of the economy in the long run, making the country even richer.
Okay, but there are some people who lose from free trade, right?
Think back to the way we thought of the US economy in the Real world examples section, with production relying on four major factors of land, capital, mental labor, and physical labor. As the US opened up to trade, it began exporting things in which it had a comparative advantage, namely things requiring lots of land, capital, or mental labor. This benefited the people owning those factors, like farmers, investors, and white collar workers, by giving them a global market for what they had to offer. And the US also began importing things in which it had a comparative disadvantge, i.e. things requiring lots of physical labor. This benefited consumers and the country as a whole by allowing the US to focus on things it could produce efficiently and import other things very cheaply. But it also hurt those people whose primary means of contributing to the economy was by offering their manual labor - they now had to compete with imports from developing countries that could offer manual labor much more cheaply. And so free trade, despite making the country as a whole better off, wound up lowering the incomes of people who mostly provided manual labor, blue collar workers.
In principle, it should be possible to avoid any negative effects whatsoever. After all, the monetary benefits to the country outweighted the costs. The government could tax the capital owners and white collar workers who reaped the bulk of free trade's benefits, use the revenue to restore the incomes of blue collar workers and provide them with the training and opportunities required to get jobs in the sorts of fields America has a comparative advantage in, and wind up having left nobody worse off than before. And indeed, there have been some attempts to do so; in adddition to the standard channels of redistribution like welfare, unemployment insurance, or the Earned Income Tax Credit, there is also Trade Adjustment Assistance, which is targeted specifically at helping those negatively affected by trade and globalization retrain and find new jobs. However, the usual channels of redistribution typically only kick in under dire circumstances of unemployment or near-poverty, and Trade Adjustment Assistance has, in practice, been rather fangless. So those who lost out from free trade have largely been left on their own to deal with any losses themselves.
And unfortunately, they have suffered losses. A recent paper (ungated version here) examined the effects of China joining the World Trade Organization on the American economy. As per the general consensus, it found that this "China Shock" had no net negative effects; unemployment and real incomes nationwide were not harmed. However, there were much larger losses concentrated in counties heavily dependent on manufacturing. In those places, unemployment did rise, incomes did fall, and even after 20 years the process of adjustment remained slow and painful. None of this detracts from the overall theme that trade is a net good and helps the country overall. Indeed, the paper's authors were rather vociferous proponents of the failed TPP deal. However, it does illustrate the fact that free trade does have costs as well as benefits, and that policy has to be well designed to manage those costs and provide new opportunities for those left behind.
Extra reading
In addition to the various posts referenced in the text of this FAQ, curious readers who want to understand more about trade might want to read the following:
NAFTA and other trade deals have not gutted American manufacturing — period. A defense of the general principle of free trade, a look at how small the impacts of NAFTA and the WTO really were on American manufacturing as a whole, and some critique of the redistributive failings of US trade policy.
Ricardo's Difficult Idea. Goes over the basic idea behind comparative advantage, why it can be hard to understand from an outsider's perspective, and why a fair number of people instinctively push back against it.
What Do Undergrads Need to Know About Trade. A high level summary of the basic points of trade.
In Praise of Cheap Labor. Examines free trade and sweatshops not from the perspective of what's good for Americans but what's good for those in developing countries, and argues that much of the moral outrage over "exploitative" sweatshops fails to consider the actual alternatives available and substitutes a visible bad situation from an invisible worse one.
The Heckscher-Ohlin model. A workhorse model of international trade that examines how comparative advantage can arise by different countries having different ratios of key factors of production, like capital or labor. The first paragraph of the section on Real world examples relied heavily on this model and one of its key implications, the Heckscher-Ohlin theorem, and the section on the people who do lose out from free trade relied heavily on the mdoel and another of its key implications, the Stolper-Samuelson theorem.
Usually you'd see physical and mental labor be called low-skilled and high-skilled labor, respectively. I'm going to try to avoid that terminology here as it seems unnecessarily condescending, but if you've taken a trade course or read many economic blogs, those would be the terms they likely used.
Note that when interest rates are at zero, as they are right now, this process can work a little differently. Since interest rates are already as low as they can go, there are more people trying to save in the country than trying to invest in new capital, so the extra savings brought in by the trade deficit have much more muted effects on capital formation. See here for more.
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