After Le Pen, another European extremist movement cozies up to POTUS. FPO also directly, openly funded by Kremlin. …
Take them, their agenda seriously and proceed accordingly. Don't *assume* institutions, norms will prevail. Defend constitutional govt. /End
@JasminMuj@sarahkendzior Fyi, I kept losing track of one or the other Trump/Bannon quotes, so I put them together here. Feel free to -
@pauligirll@sarahkendzior@JasminMuj As things are, ppl in the US esp. Trump voters don't value what they have. They bitch and moan /1 -
@pauligirll@sarahkendzior@JasminMuj but if you burn it all down like Bannon/Trump say. Then Trump voters go back to wanting things again/2 -
@30de2e4d6c4f416@pauligirll@sarahkendzior@JasminMuj And that restores the demand supply curve. Not sure of all Trump Voters want it but/3 -
@pauligirll@sarahkendzior@JasminMuj they voted to get it. Never thot I would see a US GOP influencer say he was Leninist./4 end -
@30de2e4d6c4f416@sarahkendzior@JasminMuj I see that there can be value in letting *small* broken things break all the way. A nation?- NO.
@JasminMuj@sarahkendzior Chaos provide dictators with 'opportunities'; 1934 Night of the Long Knives, 1999 Moscow apartment bombings. -
@rodswift2@JasminMuj@sarahkendzior YES,it's chaos, fear, removal of free speech,spread of lies/rumors, pitting groups against ea other.. -
SIMPLIFIED ALL has happened OR is happening At LIGHTENING speed Some need ?VISUALS? - さらに表示
@JasminMuj@sarahkendzior but we are the majority and we organize against the chaos. Most ppl want stability no matter what, thats a FACT. -
@JasminMuj@TomWellborn@sarahkendzior In chaos, they can steal. Undermine the norms; create crises; distractions; designed to be chaotic. -
@JasminMuj@sarahkendzior And the economic anxiety that a 20%tax on fruits/vegs from 'walled" Mexico will stoke embers of chaos in Mclass. -
@JasminMuj@sarahkendzior but you have to admit the lefts crazy policy's are the reason why they are now gaining power